The Necromancer

The Necromancer is an arcane spell caster who traffics in death. From killing their opponents with wasting diseases or stealing their life force (and possibly thereby restoring their own) to commanding spirits from beyond the grave, a necromancer gains access to many potent death magics through the study of their foul art.

Like the witch, Necromancers typically serve one of the dark Gods or a Demon/Devil Lord or Prince in exchange for spells, knowledge, and assistance. The Necromancer gains his/her powers by making a pact with the Dark God, Demon/Devil Lord or Prince. The pact is exactly like the witch's selling of body and soul (see below). They can call upon lesser demons/devils as servants and allies, and at higher levels can deal with greater demons and devils. Their studies delve into the black arts and give them skills and knowledge in alchemy, necromancy and demon/devil lore. They are an evil class of spell caster, whose primary interests are in death, and the fearsome powers of the nether realms. They spent much of their time in graveyards, burial grounds and catacombs.

Because of their intimate association with the forces of darkness, necromancers gain the ability to radiate a strong aura of evil and death and fear. All but the most vicious of animals will recoil at the scent of a necromancer while radiating this aura, and few living creatures will willingly associate with these spell casters. The training of a necromancer is filled with the study of the dead and dying. True mastery cannot be achieved without seeing the suffering caused by their various spells and potions. The horrid nature of their studies allows necromancers to develop several unusual abilities, attributes and characteristics.

Necromancers, for the most part, cannot be brought back to life if they are slain, they will always return to unlife on the 13th day after their death as one of the following:

  1. Skeleton
  2. Barrow Wight
  3. Ghost
  4. Zombie
  5. Mummy
  6. Spectre
  7. Ghoul
  8. Vampire
  9. Lich
  10. Phantom
  11. Demon
  12. Devil

They will return possessing the full intelligence, memories and skills they had when alive, but will be unable to advance in level or experience until the person or persons responsible for the necromancers death are slain. The only way to prevent the necromancer from coming back in this fashion is to preform an exorcism upon the necromancer's dead body immediately following his/her demise (one attempt only) and then decapitating the body. If the Necromancer is slain once again in it's new form it is destroyed and can not come alive again in any form. The New Forms are vulnerable to those listed for that type undead creature.

The Pact: Selling of body and soul. This pact binds the maker to a one hundred percent commitment to his supernatural master and to a life dedicated to pure evil. All the conditions are the same as the Witches 40 years of loyal servitude, only the deal is more encompassing. During the course of his existence, the pact maker is called upon to establish a church or cult in the name of his master, actively solicit followers, bear or father a child or children in the name of the master, and turning them to evil. In addition, the character must destroy any foe the master identifies (not necessarily high level), smite any enemies that become known to him, avenge the master and his minions, oppose the forces of good/light and order, and obey all demands made by his/her master, including suicide.

The bonus Power of the Pact.

The pact maker can select any of the three gifts previously described and selects one of the following. This is a one time only bonus or ability, all effects are permanent.

  1. Heal self. Bio-regenerates 4D6 hit points at will, but is limited to four times per day (24 hour period).
  2. Summon lesser demons or lesser supernatural beings. Can summon 1D4 lesser demon/supernatural beings, but is possible only through a link with a greater familiar. Can be attempted only once every 12 hours, with a 40% chance of success. Five minutes (minimum) of meditation and prayer are required.
  3. Command dead: Animate & control 2D6 dead, also able to turn dead (2D6). Functions like the magic spells of the same names.
  4. Command rats: Summon and control 2D6 rats per level of the witch. Rats will obey all simple commands. Similar to the summon animal spell.
  5. Invulnerable to fire: Impervious to all fires, even magic (and mega-damage); no damage.
  6. Invulnerable to poison: No type of poison/toxin can hurt or affect the witch, except magic, but even then the character is +2 to save.
  7. Skill bonus: +5% on all skills.
  8. Telekinesis: Same as the super psionic power


A Necromancer can be of any Evil alignment. Most tend to be Diabolic.


Any but prefer lighter types; Leather through chain.


Standard is typically a Staff, Sword, Scimitar or Scythe.


+1 to save vs. magics of all kinds (in addition to P.E. bonuses), +6 to save vs horror factor

Necromancer Abilities

Necromancers have the following abilities/bonuses:

  1. Turn Undead: Necromancers can gain control over Undead by using a version of the clericalturning ability. Undead creatures who are successfully turned will obey commands from thenecromancer until destroyed, released, or turned by another spell caster. In addition, once a month there is a 25+5%/level chance that 1d4 undead creatures will seek out the necromancer and follow him/her.
  2. Can speak the language of Demons and Devils and can speak with the Undead.
  3. Can sense the presence of Demons, Devils, and the Undead in a 100 ft. rad.
  4. Invisibility to Undead: A necromancer may become invisible to undead creatures at will. This supernatural ability acts as the invisibility to undead spell, except that the necromancer may make only himself invisible. It takes one melee for the necromancer to activate this ability and it remains active until the necromancer allows it to drop
  5. Healing touch. This ability is similar to the priest's healing touch, except it will only healUndead, demons, and devils. If the necromancer touches a living creature, the touch causesdamage. If the necromancer kills by using this touch, the victim becomes an Undead creature.
  6. Necromancers, due to their studies of death and the spirit world, are immune to fear spells ,charm spells and sleep spells. Furthermore they have a +1 to all saving throws and a +6 vs horror factor.
  7. Necromancers are able to read magical writings, mystic symbols and runes as a Diabolist.
  8. Clerical Abilities: Animate/Command Dead, Curse, exorcism.
  9. Once per month, on the full moon, the necromancer may attempt to summon an Undead,demon or devil of greater type. The necromancer will be able to request the summoned creature to aid or serve the necromancer. After 3 months the creature will request release.Only the necromancer can release it from service. If refused release, the summoned creature will enter a mental battle with the necromancer to try to force his release (The creature must roll greater than the necromancer's M.E. 3 out of 5 times on a D20). If the creature fails the mental battle it remains in the necromancer's service for an additional 6months. If however, the creature succeeds it will grow hostile and angry , usually resulting in the necromancers death. While in service the summoned creature will obey only the necromancer and will follow his/her commands without question. To preform the summons the focus must be present as a point of concentration and the mystic symbol appropriate for the creature to be summoned must be scrawled on the floor. Beneath the symbol the specific type of creature must be named in the blood of either a sacrifice or that of the necromancer. 1 hour of chanting and concentration are required.Success Ratio:
    Lesser Undead: 20%/Level
    Greater Undead: 10%/Level
    Lesser Demon: 15%/Level
    Greater Demon: 7%/Level
    Lesser Devil: 15%/Level
    Greater Devil: 7%/Level
  10. Lesser Undead, Demons and Devils must fail a saving throw of 8 to attack a Necromancer.Greater Undead, Demons and Devils must fail saves as follows:
    Necromancer's Save at Level
    1. 20
    2. 15
    3. 14
    4. 13
    5. 12
    6. 11
    7. 10
    8. 9
    9. 8
  11. At 2nd level the Necromancer is Granted a special power by his/her Master/Deity:
    1. Animal Form- enables the necromancer to adopt a chosen animal form as if transformed by a metamorphosis spell. The change takes 1 melee andincludes all of the necromancers possessions.
    2. Command Rats- Summon and command 2-12 rats /level of the necromancer. The rats will obey all simple commands.
    3. Augmented Hit Points- The Necromancer receives 2 extra H.P./level. In addition thenecromancer does not fall unconscious at 0 H.P. but canremain functional until negative P.E.
    4. Augmented Spellcasting- The necromancer is able to cast 1 extra spell/level.
    5. Invulnerable to Poison- No type of poison can hurt or effect the Necromancer.
    6. Chilling Touch- The Necromancer's touch temporarily paralyses it's victim. 1-4 melees
    7. Invulnerable to Fire- Normal and Magic fire will do no damage to the Necromancer.
    8. Enhanced Vision- Gives the Necromancer Night Vision of 300 ft. and one of thefollowing every 4 levels:
      • Detect Magic
      • See Invisible
      • Aura of Truth
      • See Aura
      • Presence sense
      • X-ray vision
    9. Fear Aura- The Necromancer can surround him/herself with an aura of fear.Characters lower than 5th level must make a save vs. spell or run away in terror.
    10. Food Corruption- 3 times a day the Necromancer can exude a magical poisonousradiance that taints nearby food and drink. Eating or drinking thefood will cause death if save is not made or 4-24 points of damage if save is made.
    11. Magic Resistance- The necromancer gains a slight resistance to all forms of magic.Base 10%+2%/level
    12. Regeneration- The Necromancer is able to regenerate 2 H.P./melee. Furthermore, thenecromancer will continue to regenerate even after death regardless ofhow he was killed and how the body was destroyed.
    13. Scabrous Touch- With the touch of the necromancer's hand s/he can inflict a victimwith a fatal disease. that can only be cured by a high level priest orpaladin (9th or higher). The disease will be highly contagious andfatal within 6 months of contracting it.
    14. Shadow Form- Same as Shadow walk/meld spell except able to do so at will (seePalladium Rule book pg. 69(first edition) for details.).
    15. Skull Scry- This ability enables the necromancer to see and hear activity through anyskull up to 1 mile/level away so long as the necromancer is familiar withthe area being scried.
    16. Evil Eye - Same as the Psionic discipline except the necromancer can do this atwill without the cost of I.S.P. (see Palladium Rule book pg. 130 (first Edition)fordetails.).
    17. Telekinesis- The necromancer is able to lift/move up to 500 lbs through mentalmanipulation.
    18. Unholy Blessing- The necromancer receives a +2 bonus to Strike, Parry, Dodge,damage and all saving throws.
    19. Unnatural Ability Scores- The necromancer may add 1-4 points to each of his/herattribute scores.
    20. 10% bonus to all elective and Secondary Skills.
  12. At 3rd level the Necromancer is able to identify potions dealing with Undead, demons anddevils by tasting a single drop. The Necromancer is also able to create certain alchemicalmixtures that will reproduce spell affects. The Necromancer must be able to cast the spellbeing copied.
  13. At 4th level the Necromancer is able to summon a Lesser Demon/Devil to serve as a familiar(see Palladium Rule book pg. 101(first edition)Witch's Greater Familiar for details.).
  14. At 5th level the Necromancer is able to create 1-4 lesser Undead/week without the use ofspell or clerical ability.
  15. At 9th Lvl. the Necromancer becomes immune to the draining effects of Undead and Darklife but still takes the normal amount of damage for these attacks. Also there is a20%+5% (starting at 9th)/level chance that a lesser devil/demon will seek out and offerservice to the necromancer. Likewise there is a 10%+5% (starting at 9th)/level chance that a Greater Devil/Demon will seek out and offer service to the necromancer.
  16. At 13th level the Necromancer becomes a priest of the dead and may then erect an accursedtemple with in an abandoned crypt or mausoleum. At this time various types of Undead,demon or devil will be drawn to it at a rate of 1/night until 13 have arrived. They will remain to serve the temple until released, destroyed or until the death of the necromancer.Evil humanoid and evil Non-humanoid will also be drawn to the temple.


Necromancers, due to the vile nature of their studies and the twisted relationships with the undead and Demons and the like, often become deranged with the passage of time. Toll once on the following table at levels 4, 8, 10, 12, and 15.

% RollResult
01-50No Insanity
51-65Random Affective Disorder
66-80Random Phobia
81-95Random Obsession
96-00Random Insanity

Spell Knowledge

The necromancer starts off initially with 12 spells selected from the first level necromancy spell list. Additional spells and rituals related to necromancy can be learned or purchased at any time regardless of the character's level. Furthermore, the necromancer can learn typical wizard spells in the same way a wizard does.

The Focus

The Necromancer must create a focus tool for use in spell work and sacrifice. The focus isgenerally made out of either a silver dagger or sword. The focus is enchanted and sanctifiedwith unholy water and blood. It is linked specifically to the necromancer and can be used onlyby him/her.

The Necromancer O.C.C

Alignment: Any evil, but most tend to be Diabolic
Attribute Requirements: I.Q.- 12, M.E.- 13, P.E.-12
Gender: Male or Female
Race: Any
O.C.C. Skills:

    Literacy: Native (+40%)
    Lore: Demons/Devil (+30%)
    Lore: Undead/Darklife (+30%)
    Medical Doctor (+15%)
    Holistic Medicine (+10%)
    Lore: Religion (+10%)
    Language: Native (98%) and 2 others of choice (+30%)
    Hand to Hand Combat: Basic
    Spell Casting
    Magic Combat

O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose 8 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2.
    Communications: Any (+5%)
    Domestic: Any (+5%)
    Espionage: Forgery, Escape Artist, and Intelligence only (+5%)
    Horsemanship: General and Exotic Only.
    Labour: Any
    Medical: Any
    Military: None
    Naval Skills: Any
    Performing Arts: Any
    Physical: Any
    Rogue: Any
    Science: Any (+10%)
    Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+10%)
    Weapon Proficiencies: Any except Large Axes, pole Arms and Lance.
    Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Magic Combat:
LevelMagic CombatSpell Use/levelExperience
1+1 vs. Spell/Essence Drain 50-1,666
2+1 vs. Circles/Wards71,667-3,666
3+1 Spell Strength 93,667-8,666
42 Spell Att/Melee 11 8,667-16,666
5Recognize Enchantment 36%1316,667-25,666
6Recognize Magic Items 20% 1525,667-36,666
7+2 vs. Spell/Essence Drain17 36,667-56,666
8+2 Spell Strength 1956,667-86,666
9Recognize Magic Items 40%21 86,667-111,666
10Recognize Enchantment 56%23 111,667-135,666
11+2 vs. Circle/Wards 25 135,667-166,666
12+3 Spell Strength 27 166,667-216,666
13+3 vs. Spell31216,667-266,666
14Recognize Magic Items 60%35266,667-316,666
15+3 vs. Circle/Wards39316,667-386,666

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