The Summoner

"Cackling with glee as the villagers fled from his terrifying servants, Marxtellan the Mad commanded his ghouls and lemure to hold down the town's priest. He then drew forth his sickle and grabbed the holy man by the hair. He savagely cut the hair away, taking some of the priest's scalp and washing blood down his face. The blood blinded the priest, as he screamed in anguish. This was only the beginning of the holy man's torment before Marxtellan's infernal allies would claim his soul."

It is said that Woe shall come to him who calls upon the darkness or demonic host without the protection of the mystic circle, for those who answer shall feast on thy bones. Some face such damnation willingly. Seeking to control the awesome might of the infernal legions and twist the very powers of Hell to their whims, these blasphemous spellcasters jeopardize their immortal souls for mastery over devilkind. These Masters of Summoning Magics can call upon the human and inhuman, the light and the dark with impunity, if the circle be made of proper construction. The Summoner, also known as the Thaumaturge or Mad Mage commands forces that few men dare to look upon.

While it is true that those who already worship evil forces might come to control these profane powers and through their vile faiths, sinister arcanists too might learn the names, signs, and incantations to bind devils from heretical tomes and communion with the damned. However, they do not compare to those who tread the path of the Summoner. The Summoner can literally enslave the forces of Hell and turn them towards their goals. Yet, they must never forget their own frailties and must ever be wary of the whispers and honey coated words that shall come from the mouths of those things which are summoned. For they have no liking for this world and loathe to call any man their master.

"Learn from the Elf and the Dwarf, for woe to he who loses his mooring and comes to see little difference betwixt light and dark, the sweet and the bitter, good and evil. Lost is he who becomes obsessed with his own dreams and desires to the point that nothing else matters. For regardless of whatever grim path leads spellcasters to seek power over the Demonic, their destination is nearly always the same, an eternity of damnation in the depths of Hell." There is no doubt that with knowledge comes power, but corruption and madness are often its bosom companions.

While it is true that the Summoner can call forth beings of good with the same ease as those of darkness, they tend to be without compassion and without compassion, without restraint, without regard for life, He Who Summons embraces insanity, cruelty and the devouring darkness. And once lost, he is no different than the vile monsters at his command.

"I call upon the forces that be. Magic, the four elements, animals, men and the insects that crawl on the ground are all mine to command. Should I fear such power? I think not. Mine is a curious mind, so I reach out for answers and welcome the knowledge and the power that comes to me. Should others fear me? Only if they fear the knowledge and power at my command and many do. Is it forbidden power? Dangerous forces? No different or dangerous than any other, I suppose. I simply command a power not understood by most, and it is the sad history of this world that what its people do not understand, they destroy. No. I am not a coward, nor a destroyer. I am an explorer. My quest is knowledge and the power that comes with it. If people fear that, so be it. If people fear me, so be it — although they have nothing to fear lest they mean me harm. If I am attacked, should I not defend myself? If a thief comes in the night, should I not protect my possessions? Madness? Do I sound mad? With knowledge comes enlightenment. Truths which may sound strange or forbidding. To those who do not have the eyes to see, or the ears to hear, such enlightenment may seem like the stuff of madness. Can I help it if feeble minds dare not to think? Am I to suffer because their narrow minds cling to the comforting darkness of ignorance? It is the fool who hides his eyes from the light. And it is the fool, the blind, frightened fool who kills the lightbringer. That is what you do this day." The final words of Marxtellan the Mad, Summoner; beheaded for countless crimes against humanity.

Without a doubt, the Summoner is a definite departure from the traditional spell casting mage. It can provide players with new challenges and flexibility in role-playing a practitioner of magic. Summoners have a basic knowledge of magic symbols, ritual spell casting and are masters of circle magic, though not to the expertise of the Diabolist.

The Summoner is the infamous "mad mage" who dares to call on supernatural monsters and elemental forces to try to control and command them. These power-hungry men and women dare to open dimensional portals to explore other worlds and enslave alien beings and supernatural creatures. The Thaumaturge is the most feared of all the men of magic, because most are willing to sacrifice anything to attain their goals. To that end, most will subject themselves to personal sacrifice, suffering and madness to command the malevolent forces made available to them through the secrets of circle magic. Many Summoners start their career full of dreams and good intentions, confident that they will not succumb to the dark forces at their command and which whispers in their ear. Most are slowly corrupted until they are as evil or self-serving as the inhuman beings they try to command. It is only the most foolish, arrogant and self-righteous Thaumaturge who convince themselves that they are safe from the evil that walks in their shadow, for he who consorts with demons, the supernatural, and creatures of magic will eventually fall victim to them in one way or another.

Summoners & the Dilemma of Alignments

A Summoner character may start with any alignment but the foul nature of the circle making, its components and the sacrifices needed to activate them usually limit the alignments to selfish and evil. Those who try to maintain a good or even an unprincipled alignment must forbid themselves from ever using certain circles, which severely limits the scope of their potential power, thus soon casting aside principles for power, good for evil and morality for corruption.

The tiny handful of good Summoners only use protection circles and those that do not enslave or harm others. They will they engage in the blood sacrifice of sentient beings or consort with demonic supernatural forces for fear that it will lead to their corruption (which it usually does). Any pacts will be made with creatures of the light. And as such they will not have as much power. A situation few Summoners can stomach and as such very few remain uncorrupted (50% +10% per level chance of slipping to selfish, then evil starting at 2nd level). Once this occurs the Summoner falls down the Dark Path, The pacts the summoner has made with lesser creatures and beings of good have their limitations and eventually the summoner find their gifts lacking, leaving the summoner's lust for power to drive the summoner to find darker entities to take as allies. At this point, the summoner choose to focus his studies on either the summoning of ephemeral undead and demons or corporeal unlife and devils.

Summoners of selfish and evil alignments are experts at justifying their wicked and self-serving ways. Most adopt the philosophy of "the ends justify the means." and they begin following the Dark Path immediately in an attempt to gain as much power as they can. They are not typical mages or priests and devote themselves not to study or prayer, only to finding and taking the fastest pursuits to power through dark pacts with evil creatures hungering for the foolish souls of bargainers. These greedy and despicable Mages, wager everything to make fell bargains, with not just one creature from beyond the Material Plane but many entities calling on the malevolent powers of the Abyss or Hell to do their bidding.

All dark arts are the purview of such Summoners and there is no depth to which they will not sink as they seek to conjure ever more powerful allies. The compacts one must strike in order to summon evil entities with a whim are dire indeed however, and the further along the corrupted path one travels the greater they find the demands of their other-worldly partners.

Dark Paths:

  • Demonic Dark Path The summoner's research into the entities of the beyond led the summoner to the denizens of the Abyss, forging a pact with evil as rife with chaos as malevolence. As though the summoner were one among them, the summoner can call on demons to grant the summoner aid, slay the summoner's enemies, and obey the summoner's every command. At 8th level the summoner's unholy familiar becomes a greater demon familiar. It gains resistance to cold, fire, lightning, and truesight to a range of 2 feet per Summoner's level (round down to the nearest multiple of 5 feet). The summoner learns Abyssal and how to summon demons to do the summoner's bidding. At 8th, 9th, 12th, 15th level the summoner can summon more potent demons/Undead to serve as the summoner's Servant.
    • 8th level. Lesser demons: dretch, Shadow, quasit, specter
    • 9th level. Moderate Demons: ghast, imp-erosi, coloxus, will-o-wisp, wight
    • 12th level. Dire demons: ghost, incubus/succubus
    • 15th level. Greater demons: abrikandilu , wraith
  • Devilish Dark Path The summoner sought out the devils in Hell in the summoner's pursuit to power. The summoner's agreement with infernal creatures allow the summoner to call on them to do battle, practice guile, and otherwise serve the summoner. At 8th level the summoner's Unholy Familiar becomes a greater devil familiar. It gains resistance to cold, resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t silvered, immunity to fire damage, and blindsight to a range of 5 feet per two Summoner levels. The summoner learn Infernal and how to summon devils to do the summoner's bidding. At 8th, 9th, 12th, 15th level the summoner can summon more potent devils/undead to serve as the summoner's Servants.
    • 8th level. Lesser devils: lemure, warhorse skeleton, ghoul, imp
    • 9th level. Moderate devils: minotaur skeleton, ogre zombie, bearded devil, cambion
    • 12th level. Dire devils: accuser devil, contract devil
    • 15th level. Greater devils: barbed devil, vampire spawn

    Forbidden Secrets

    The path of the Summoner is rarely lauded or promoted within society and the very nature of their art requires one to have a taste for taboo knowledge. Only the strong of will and spirit can endure the trials required to learn the secrets of Summoning, and though master summoners frequently take on many apprentices most of these deluded fools are merely pawns used for sacrifice. Devious, foul, and wily as they are, Summoners are ever keen to acquire relics, tokens of power, or forbidden lore whenever the opportunity arises, and they can be trusted to do whatever they must in their relentless pursuits.

    Unyielding Avarice and Greed is what inspires most Summoners to take up the darkest arts of conjuration, but they are never sated, the need for more power and wealth drives them ever forward the further they fall toward depravity in a vicious cycle that ends in eternal torment. The aid of demons and devils does not come without a cost however, and either divine relics, great treasures, or the souls of the living must be sacrificed for Summoners to forge new unholy alliances.

    Creating a Summoner

    The first thing to decide when making a Summoner are the circumstances that led your character to seek out unholy alliances:

    • are they destined to bring balance to the forces of good and evil
    • driven to do whatever they must to become rich
    • tricked to stray into the depths of depravity?
    • Have they any remorse for the horrendous acts they perform in exchange for power?
    • While your Summoner is undoubtedly evil, is there any good still within the corruption overtaking their soul?
    • Are they totally consumed with achieving their goals and willing to go to any lengths to do so?
    • Does your character impose their will on lawful servants, or are they an enslaver of chaotic entities, or devoted only to their goals and working with whatever allies they can conjure?
    • Do they seek to inspire fear or attempt to blend in with the sheep of society?
    • Perhaps most importantly, how will they save their soul from the end of their bargains with the powerful creatures that act as their lackeys, or have they fallen too far to care?

    Summoner O.C.C. Knowledge & Abilities

    1. Understands, creates and uses all types of circles:

      The Summoner is an expert in circle magic and knows all protection and summoning circles. However, the Summoner can not use power circles.

    2. Power Words

      Power words are the basis behind all areas of magic study, whether they are weaved into a spoken incantation or used to activate a ward or circle. Only creatures of magic, gods, and other supernatural beings may possess innate magic powers, often in addition to the study of one or more of the mystic arts. When a power word is spoken, there is an invisible ripple of magic energy that transcends both space and time, allowing the person invoking the power word to tap directly into mystic energies. Where the magic energy that permeates from ley lines and emanates from most living beings originates, or why the speaking of a mere word (combined with force of will) enables the speaker to draw upon and direct the energy, is a mystery to even the most powerful wizards and oldest gods. If any being holds the answers, it is the Old Ones. Most practitioners of magic simply accept that it is true and use the energy as they see fit.

      Those who oppose the practice of magic claim therein lies the danger: for no one knows what mysterious forces are put into action each time a spell is cast, or a ward activated. Is it harmless energy, does every use of magic contribute to some unforeseen force, building toward a disastrous chain reaction that could destroy the entire world? Some fear that magic energy is drawn from the slumbering Old Ones, and that the use of magic will one day awaken them from their enchanted sleep, signaling the world's end. If true (most practitioners of magic insist otherwise), then all sorcerers are the unwitting agents of Armageddon, for the Old Ones are the embodiment of all that is evil. Despite the fears harbored by some, magic proliferates in the world.

      Power words are a guarded secret known only to practitioners of magic (see each specific magic O.C.C. to determine the full range of the mage's knowledge, and each specific ward description for the proper power word that activates it). Only the Diabolist and Summoner know all (known) power words but the summoner can not use them to activate wards but does use them as components of their rituals and circle magic.

      A summoner will not reveal power words to other people, including other magic O.C.C.s, and may even hesitate to teach them to an apprentice. Much like the wizard, summoners rarely preserve their secrets of magic in writing, it would be too easy for someone to steal. Although a summoner often keeps journals written in codes and full of enigmatic symbols and annotations, power words are not among them. Likewise, important notes and data are often written in code or combined with symbols that reveal little to those uneducated in the study of such things.


      Simple Words

      • Acba: Invokes power/mystic energy.
      • Keron: Devil lord (?), symbolizes evil and darkness.
      • Pein: Demon lord (?), symbolizes evil and darkness.
      • Yin: A linking word like "and," "or" "also."

      Elemental Words of Power

      • Ariel-Rapere-kyn: earth
      • Cherubot-kyn: air
      • Seraph-mytyn: fire
      • Tharsis-mycn: water

      Power Words of Force

      • Agu: An Old One; the word symbolizes life, birth, and rebirth.
      • Erva: An Old One; symbolizes death and darkness.
      • Kym-nark-mar: A dragon; symbolizes wisdom, power, and strength.
      • Lictalon: An Elven wizard; symbolizes duality and knowledge.
      • Lo-kum: An angel; symbolizes transition, dimensions, and change.
      • Netosa: An Old One; symbolizes suffering, undead, and eternity.
      • Tao-bo: An angel; symbolizes love, peace, and serenity.
      • Tarm-kin-toe: An Old One; symbolizes pain, hate, and treachery.
      • Xy: The Great Old One! The word symbolizes power incarnate.
      • Ya-ahk-met: An Old One; symbolizes power and light.
      • Ya-blik: An Old One; symbolizes fear, betrayal, and pestilence.
    3. Pacts:

      Summoners are not warlocks, groveling before supreme powers in exchange for their sorcerous table scraps. No, they seek even greater power. Using their own souls as collateral, they weave intricate political webs, bargaining, trading, and lying their way to power with not just one supernatural horror, but many. Any and all dark arts are the purview of diabolists and there is no depth to which they will not sink as they seek to bind ever more powerful allies to their will. The deals one must strike in order to summon evil entities with a whim are dire indeed however, and the further a diabolist travels along the corrupted path, the more they imperil their immortal soul. Greed inspires most Summoners to practice their dark conjurations, but they are never sated. The need for ever greater wealth and power drives them further into depravity. This cycle of damnation never ends, even after death. The cost of the contracts a Summoner draws to bind their fiends costs a Summoner dearly in the end; divine relics, great treasures, or the souls of the living must be sacrificed in order for a Summoner to forge even darker alliances still. A summoner forms his first Pact at level 1 and as a result gains the following abilities as they continue down their chosen path.

      • Planar Touch: Starting at 1st level, the pacts the summoner has garnered, give the summoner a measure of power that lets the summoner manifest energy antithetical to life. As an action, the summoner may make a melee attack, dealing 1d8 damage to a living creature on a hit. If the summoner kill a creature using Planar Touch, the summoner gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the damage the summoner dealt with the killing blow. These temporary hit points stack and the summoner may gain a maximum number of temporary hit points this way equal to twice the Summoner's level. At 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level this feature increases by 1d8.
      • Demonic Resistance: Beginning at 2nd level, the summoner gain resistance to poison damage and advantage on saving throws to resist being poisoned.
      • Unholy Familiar: Beginning at 3rd level, the summoner gain's an Imp or Quasit as a familiar. It gains darkvision 60 ft., resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons, immunity to necrotic and poison damage, and immunity to the following conditions: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned.
      • Ability Score Improvement: When the summoner reaches 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 15th the summoner can increase one ability score of the summoner's choice by 2, or the summoner can increase two ability scores of the summoner's choice by 1. As normal, the summoner can’t increase an ability score above Racial Maximum using this feature.
      • Telepathic: Starting at 5th level, the summoner gain telepathy to a range of 30 feet and darkvision 60 feet. When using telepathy with the summoner's familiar, the range increases to 60 feet.
      • Banisher: Starting at 7th level the summoner can cast banishment or hallow.
      • Demonic Blood: At 10th level, the summoner gain immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition.
      • Scion of Evil: Starting at 13th level, the summoner gain advantage on saving throws made to resist the spells and effects of undead. The summoner also gain advantage to saving throws made to the spells and effects of the type of fiends the summoner can summon via the summoner's Dark Path
      • At 15th level if the Summoner has been fortunate to live this long he is marked for Death by his Patron as a reward for his faithfulness. Upon death, the Summoner is reborn either as a minor or greater Demon or Devil dependent on its Dark Path and it's patrons wishes (The more faithful the summoner was to the Patron the higher the reward). The newborn fiend retains all it's memories from it's past life and is well prepared to raise in the ranks of the Demon and Devil planes of existance.
    4. Mystic Symbology:

      The Summoner studies magic symbols and their meanings, particularly as they apply to circle making. They include mystic symbols (not to be confused with ward symbols), swords, arrows, animals, stones, and colors. Mystic symbols are particularly significant as they are key components in the creation of circle magic. See the illustrations of the symbols in the magic section. Base Skill: 88% +1% per level of experience. The Summoner's knowledge of circles does not include wards and runes. Runes are little more than unintelligible carvings of a forgotten, archaic language. He is familiar with the history and lore concerning them, the concepts behind them and is familiar enough to recognize a suspected ward or rune when he sees one but doesn't know enough to read them. Nor can the character tell if a ward is energized or how to create, energize, or use them. Base Skill: 15% +5% per level of experience. See ward descriptions and illustrations in the magic section.

    5. Recognize Enchantment:

      The Summoner is astute at recognizing the influence of magic, psionics and drugs that charm, hypnotizes, mesmerizes, daze or otherwise causes mind control, including trances, domination, and compulsion. This ability also includes identifying magic sickness, curses, the effects of faerie food and faerie magic, and supernatural or magic possession. Illusions, metamorphosis, and other types of shape-changing do not count as enchantment. Base Skill: 40% +5% per level of experience.

    6. Recognize Magic:

      The mage has a certain percentage chance to recognize a magic item by shape, inscription, magic symbols or intuitive gut feeling. It is important to understand that while the character may know something has magical properties, he does not know what powers the item may have or how to use them, unless it is written in mystic symbols. Base Skill: 20% +5% per level of experience (+10% if magic symbols are involved).

    7. Recognize Rune Etches:

      The mage has a certain percentage chance to recognize a Rune Etch by shape or intuitive gut feeling. It is important to understand that while the character may know something is a rune etch, he does not know what powers the etch may have or how to use them. Base Skill: 10% +5% per level of experience.

    8. Magic Bonuses:

      +1 to save vs magic at levels four, eight, and twelve; +2 to save vs horror factor at levels two, four, seven and ten, and is +3 to save vs possession and mind control of all kinds. Circle Strength: The base save against magic circles (ritual magic) is 16. The Summoner can add +1 to his circle strength at levels seven and fourteen.

    9. P.P.E.:

      All practitioners of magic are living batteries of mystic energy. The character draws from this energy to create and use magic circles. Permanent P.P.E. Base: 3D6x10 plus the P.E. attribute number. Add 2D6 P.P.E. per each level of experience, starting at level one. The Summoner can also draw on P.P.E. from ley lines, nexus points, blood sacrifices and other people whenever they are available. See the Magic section for details. To empowered circles with magic, the proper power words must be spoken and sufficient P.P.E. points expended. Because most circles re quire high amounts of P.P.E., the Summoner must often make his circles at or near ley lines and nexus points or use blood sacrifices. The problem often becomes that the creature being sacrificed must have a great deal of P.P.E., such as a supernatural being or creature of magic. Remember, the P.P.E. momentarily doubles at the moment of death, so a creature with 30 P.P.E. will have 60 at the moment of death. Common Creatures with high P.P.E. used for blood sacrifice include:

      • Catoblepas (1D4x10 P.P.E.)
      • Chimera (3D4x10)
      • Gryphon (1D6x10)
      • Cockatrice (5D6x10 P.P.E.)
      • Drakin (1D4x10)
      • Dragon Wolf (2D4x10)
      • Emirin (1D4x10)
      • Faerie folk (Varies per type but usually around 4D6x10 P.P.E.)
      • Loogaroo (1D4x10 plus those gained from a magic O.C.C.)
      • Maxpary (1D4x10)
      • Pegasus (2D4x10)
      • Sphinx (3D4x10 plus P.P.E. gained from a pursuit of a magic O.C.C.)
      • Sun Devil (2D4x10)
      • Unicorn (4D6x10 P.P.E.)
      • Wing Tips (1D4x10)
      • Dragon hatchling (Varies)
      • Ki-lin (Varies)
      • Lesser Demons (Varies)
      • Other Practitioners of Magic (Varies)
    10. Spell Magic / Scrolls:

      Summoners cannot learn spell magic except for that directly related to summoning, and these spells are always in the form of extensive rituals, but they can read most scrolls though can not convert them.

    11. Summoners & Armor:

      Most Summoners and other practitioners of magic tend to prefer leather armour because it offers excellent maneuverability, stealth (no jingling or clunking of metal parts) and because it is more comfortable. Unlike the men of arms, the Summoner is not trained in the use of the heavy types of armour, which are heavy, cumbersome and confining. Of course, a Summoner may elect to use/wear any type of armor he or she desires, but with the usual encumbrance penalties: -15% to prowl and -20% to climb/scale walls or swim in full splint or plate armor. -10% to prowl, swim or climb in chain or scale mail, and -5% in studded leather.Consequently, most practitioners of magic prefer to wear leather armour or better yet, magic body armour, charms and talismans. In addition, there are a number of magic spells that can provide excellent protection, such as the Armour of Ithan, invulnerability, impervious to fire, and others.

    12. Religious Affiliations:

      Most Summoners lean toward the Gods of Darkness, particularly the Gods of Taut, demon and devil lords, as well as the Old Ones. Consequently, they may be members (or leaders) of a religion, sect, cult, or church dedicated to a god or pantheon of darkness. However, this affiliation and service to an evil religious group does not classify the Summoner as a member of the clergy nor a split class of Priest and Summoner. Most join such organizations only if it serves their purpose (typically attaining knowledge, power, wealth or revenge) or if the character was a fanatical follower before pursuing a career as a Summoner and maintains those roots.

    13. No Spell Abilities - A note to players:

      The Summoner cannot cast Magical spells like that of Wizards because it is not their area of mystic study or mastery. These practitioners of magic derive their power from the ancient, sometimes forbidden knowledge of Magic Circles and Symbols and Rituals and Pacts. This type of magic requires dedication, preparation of components and often, lengthy and complicated ceremonies (which also makes the base saving throw higher than spells). Players will have to orient themselves to a character who is a schemer who must plan and manipulate things rather than call upon instant magic like spell casters.

    Summoner O.C.C.

    Alignment: Any, but often unprincipled, anarchist or evil.

    Attribute requirements: I.Q. 10, M.E. 14 or higher. A high M.A., P.E. and P.B. can also be helpful.

    O.C.C. Skills:

    • Lore: Dimensional Planes (+10%)
    • Lore: Magic (+15%)
    • Lore: Rituals (+20%)
    • Gemology (+15%)
    • History (+15%)
    • Languages: Native Tongue at 98% plus two of choice (+20% each)
    • Literacy (+20%)
    • Lore: Demons & Devils (+20%)
    • Lore: Monsters & Creatures (+20%)
    • Mathematics: Basic (+20%)
    • W.P.: Two of choice. Hand to hand: basic can be selected at the cost of one "other" skill, or hand to hand: expert for the cost of two "other" skills. Martial arts and assassin are not available to this O.C.C.

    O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose 8 other skills at level 1 , plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

    • Communications: Any (+10%)
    • Domestic: Any (+5%)
    • Espionage: Any.
    • Horsemanship: General or Exotic Only.
    • Labour: Any
    • Magical/Religious: Any (+10%)
    • Medical: Any (+15%)
    • Military: Any
    • Naval: Any
    • Performing Arts: Any (+10%)
    • Physical: Any, except Acrobatics, Gymnastics & Wrestling.
    • Rogue: Any
    • Science: Any (+10%)
    • Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+15%)
    • Weapon Proficiencies: Any, except Large Axes, Pole Arms and Lance.
    • Wilderness: Land Navigation and Wilderness Survival only.

    Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

    Starting Equipment: a dagger, sickle, light crossbow and 20 bolts, arcane focus or holy symbol, priest's pack or scholar's pack, 2 sets of clothing, a robe or cloak with a hood, boots, a pair of soft leather gloves, belt, bedroll, a medium-sized to large purse/satchel, four small sacks, two medium sacks, one large sack, a water skin, a 100 page notebook, three crow quill pens, two bottles of ink (each may be a different color), 1D4 sticks of graphite, 1D4 sticks of chalk, 1D4 candles, a small mirror, silver cross (may be worn on a chain around the neck), 1D4 cloves of garlic, 1D4+1 wood stakes, two iron spikes, a hammer or mallet, and a tinder box.

    Armour: Starts with soft leather (A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20).

    Weapons: A silver coated dagger or short sword and two weapons of choice. All are basic S.D.C. weapons of good quality.

    Money: The character starts with 140 in gold. Additional money will come from payment for services rendered and/or the acquisition of booty. Summoners are generally feared and avoided. However, their services and powers are sometimes sought by royalty, the military, merchants and the wealthy.

    Note: If allowed by the G.M., the player may try to summon and control one lesser demon or devil as his slave and servant, but only if the player character has an anarchist or evil alignment. See summoning circles and the battle of wills

    Summoner Experiance Table

    10,000 - 2,300
    22,301 - 4,600
    34,601 - 9,200
    49,201 - 17,000
    517,001 - 28,000
    628,001 - 36,000
    736,001 - 51,000
    851,001 - 73,000
    973,001 - 98,000
    1098,001 - 139,000
    11139,001 - 189,000
    12189,001 - 239,000
    13239,001 - 289,000
    14289,001 - 349,000
    15349,001 - 409,000

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