The Guard/Justicar

Guardsmen are professional fighters who are part of a City’s military force. Being the instruments of defense, the majority of their skills and training are directed toward developing weapon proficiencies, hand to hand combat, scaling walls, defending from siege to fortified strongholds, military procedure and operating as part of a combat group. They serve as well, as Law bringers, and have the full authority of the City when dealing out Justice they serving as a police force with the city Lord as Judges.

Hand to hand training focuses on inflicting lethal damage to one's opponent as quickly and accurately as possible. Attacks are frequently aimed at where they 'll do the most harm in an attempt to quickly kill, cripple or incapacitate an opponent, so the guard can move forward and engage his next target, one does not have to kill every opponent to win a battle. Likewise, guards are taught to fight toward a specific objective. This is typically the Capturing or killing criminals and threats to the city.

Guard life can be restrictive, repetitive, and petty. The guard is required to account for his actions, obey orders, and show respect toward his superiors. Typically, the guard cannot pick or decline an assignment, or the location where he is to be stationed. Nor can he pick his commanding officer or fellow teammates. He is told what to do, how to do it, and where to go. He must obey orders; his superiors and he law or be punished or dismissed. Punishment can include reduction in rank and responsibilities, assignment to the worst (or most dangerous) posts and missions, imprisonment, execution, and/or discharge from service. The guard is expected to obey orders without question or hesitation and follow the chain of command. The soldier is usually under the direct command of a squad, often a knight or an experienced field soldier. The squad leader (and those under his charge) answers the watch commander, and all other officers of superior rank. The ultimate Commander and Chief of such troops will be the guard Captain and city government.

Guard Structure

  • Squad: A small unit consisting of ten to eleven guards, normally led by a Squad Leader or Sergeant of the Guard.
  • Watch. A Watch is composed of four squads: three weapons squads and one Archer squads, normally armed with Long bows or manning Ballista or other siege weapons. Lieutenants lead most Watches, and the second-in-command is a Watch Sergeant.
  • Regiment. The regiment is a specifically used by Cavalry. It is an operational unit, comprised of 3-5 squads.
  • Garrison. A garrison is comprised of three to six Watches, a combat support Squad, and a headquarters Squad. garrisons Are lead by the Captain of the Guard.

The Guard player character will serve a particular Lord, City, or Master to whom he has pledged an oath of loyalty and allegiance. Most guards are patriots, loyal to Lord and city, and gladly serve to protect their homeland and defend the honor of their Lord. Under the best circumstances, the guard serves a lord or master who is just and noble; a supreme leader who cares about his troops and subjects. Unfortunately, all too often the soldier is little more than a pawn or cannon fodder with whom the lord or master has little compas¬sion. Guards are often a means to an end, whether it be a show of power, intimidation, peacekeeping, or conquest. Thus, it is the ruler of the city who will determine the duties and goals of his guardsmen and all who serve in it.

An Guard garrison may be committed to the defense of a City, its borders, people, property, holdings, and honor from a military campaign of conquest and expansion. The troops may be located in their City or patrolling the surrounding lands. In both cases, assignments may include reconnaissance, infiltration and spying, exploration, investigation, communications (message delivery), seek and destroy missions, sabotage, defending strategic positions, maintaining outposts, keeping the peace, supervising slave operations, protecting supply lines, and so on. Assignments which afford the most freedom and informalities are reconnaissance patrols, espionage missions (seek and destroy, sabotage, spying, etc.) and law enforcement. In many cases, the city, outpost, or surrounding territory is under marshal law, so the guards are the law. Guidance from a strong commander can mean a strong, disciplined, organized, and well behaved troops who enjoy extra personal freedoms for their cooperation and dedication. Under weak or corrupt leadership, a garrison might become sloppy and careless, or corrupt, and exert little effort to enforce the law or their duty. Others can become petty tyrants that exploit and abuse the people they are assigned to protect. Such garrisons as the latter may consider themselves to be "above the law" and may engage in acts of brutality and cruelty. garrisons in remote regions and hostile zones can often escape with such reprehensible behavior for months, even years.

G.M. Note: Player characters can be associated with a garrison and included in a city based game campaign by having them hired as Guards, scouts, mercenaries, advisors, assistants, and laborers: including cooks, repair men, healers, translators, etc. These characters would be given a small but reasonable pay, along with food, water, and a place to sleep. The advantages of being a guard In addition to getting basic training, being outfitted with basic equipment, and food in the belly, the guard is given a modest salary, job security, opportunity for advancement, respect (in some cases fear), power and glory. Furthermore, the character has access to other resources and, theoretically, the guard can count on the support of the city and the rest of the garrison, as well as have the blessings of the Church of the Realm and the respect this all brings with it.

Enlistment: Guards usually sign up for a minimum5 year period of enlistment, but many cities require terms of 10-20 years. Reenlistment is usually for a 5 year period. Conditions for discharge include poor behavior, lack of obedience, and injury (sorry, no V.A. benefits; if you cannot fight in the near future, you are discharged and on your own). Mercenary fighters may also be hired to bolster the number of men in a garrison. They are obligated to abide by all city rules, laws, and authority. Room and board is provided under the terms of Mercenary enlistment, with a salary of 150-200 gold a month, plus bonuses for special assignments. are often given 10% to 20% of the booty if any is to be had as well. The employment of mercenary forces may be from specific job to job, or for a period of 3-6 months. Mercs must provide their own equipment.

The Guard/Justicar O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: I.Q.: 9, P.S.: 12, P.P.: 12, P.E.: 12
Alignment: Any, but typically Principled or Aberrant
Gender: Male or Female
Race: Any

O.C.C. Skills:

  • Language: Native tongue at 98%
  • Diplomacy (+10%)
  • Heraldry
  • Court Etiquette
  • Military Etiquette
  • Law (+10%)
  • Interrogation (+10%)
  • Lie Detection (+5%)
  • Surveillance (+5%)
  • Horsemanship: General
  • Land Navigation (+10%)
  • W.P. 2 of choice
  • W.P. Spear
  • W.P. Unarmed
  • W.P. Sword
  • Hand to Hand: Basic(Hand to hand: basic can be changed to hand to hand: expert for the cost of one "other" skill, or martial arts (or assassin, if evil) for the cost of two "other" skill selections.)

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 6 other skills at level one, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

  • Communications: Any (+7%)
  • Domestic: Any (+5%)
  • Espionage: Any (+5%)
  • Horsemanship: General or Exotic only (+5%)
  • Labour: Any
  • Medical: First Aid only (+5%)
  • Military: Any (+15%)
  • Naval Skills: Any (+15%)
  • Performing Arts: Any (+5%)
  • Physical: Any (+5% Where Applicable)
  • Rogue: Any
  • Science: Math only.
  • Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+10%)
  • Weapon Proficiencies: Any
  • Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start atLvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Starting Equipment: Backpack, Belt with 2 Pouches, Boots, two sets of Clothing, a Uniform, Cape or Cloak, Grooming Utensils, Dwelling or Barracks, Tinder Box, 2 Large Sacks, 2 Small Sacks, Horse, Tack and Barding if part of the cavalry, Any other equipment can be bought at the guard’s expense.

Armour: Studded Leather, Chain mail, Plate and Chain or Plate dependent on the wealth of the city or the rank of the Guard

Weapons: Starts with a Spear, Sword or Bow, Weapons to match W.P.s (excellent quality).

Money: At 1st level begins with 5d6 x 10 gp, which can be used immediately to purchase more equipment or saved. Additional money will come from payment for jobs.

Experiance Table:

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