The Knight

Only the finest of Warriors are chosen as knights, the elite defenders of all that is good and chivilrous. Resplendent in shining plate armour, mounted on proud, barded steeds, and armed with gleaming lances and sharp swords, the knights are hardy warriors, each worth a dozen ordinary fighters.

Knights, like soldiers, are trained in the arts of warfare and are very direct and deadly combatants. They are in fact, highly trained versitile warriors, both educated and lethal. Although a knight may be Responsible to a soveriegn lord, he can also be sworn to a knights order or even be a free agent, wandering the territory, enforcing laws, righting wrongs, and protecting the weak and innocent, as well as those under his charge.

Approximately 70% of all knights are of noble or royal heritage. As the sons and daughters of aristocracy, these lords and ladies have the benefit of wealth, higher learning, and social or political clout. This birthright makes them eligible for knighthood at an early age. However, 30%, are ordinary folk, often born of peasent stock. They have become knights as a direct result of acts of patriotism, heroism, courage, valour, and honour in defending king or country.Alignments and Knights: A Knight can be of any alignment; Good, Selfish or Evil. Being a knight is not indicative of the man's character. Thus, we have the good honourable, chivalric knight and foul, wicked, evil knight.

Armour: Prefer Heavy types; Chain through Plate, usually needing maximum physical protection for combatsituations.

Weapons: Standard issue is typically a Lance, Dagger, Sword or Weapon of choice. They may purchase any other weapons at their own expense.

Other Equipment: Standard starting equipment includes: Shield of choice marked with the Knight's Heraldry, Backpack, Belt with 2 Pouches, Boots, 2 sets of Clothing, a Robe, Cape or Cloak, Grooming Utensils,Holy symbol, Bed Roll, Tinder Box, 2 Large Sacks, 2 Small Sacks, Horse, Tack and Barding. Anyother equipment can be bought at the knight's expense.

Special Knight Training & Mastery

  1. The Way of the Horse: Horsemanship: Knight, see that skill description for full details regarding thecharacter's riding prowess, combat bonuses while on horseback, and knowledge about horses. Knights areexcellent horsemen, able to make jumps, perform tricks and make special manoeuver on horseback even in fullplate armour.
  2. The Way of the Lance: The Knight is skilled in the use of the Lance as a weapon in combat and fortournaments. The character gets the equivalent of W.P. Lance with the following abilities and bonuses: The roll of a natural 19 or 20 (unmodified die roll) means the lance strike inflicts triple damage (instead of double;an otherwise successful strike does normal damage, including bonuses for being on horseback) or the strikeunseats his opponent. The player must announce his character's intention as to whether he intends to inflictdamage or unseat his opponent.

    Opponents unseated from horseback suffer 1d6 damage from the lance, are knocked off their horse and takean additional 1d6 damage unless they successfully roll with fall/impact. The fallen rider also loses initiativeand one melee action/attack. An opponent who is not on horseback, but standing on the ground can be knockedoff his feet and on his backside with the same result, except no additional damage from the fall.

    In the alternative, the knight can try to disarm an opponent with the lance. Roll to strike as usual, but if thedefender fails to parry or dodge, the knight successfully strikes him in such a way that he drops his weapon orshield. The player must announce his character's intension to disarm his opponent and make a called shotindicating what item he is trying to knock out of the opponents hands. This attack can also be used to knock offany hat or helmet that isn't bolted directly to the body armour. This attack is often used by knights for fun andgames, as a warning, or an attempt to frighten away or discourage an opponent rather than engage in a battle tothe death.

    An opponent may also be unseated or disarmed with a modified strike roll (all bonuses included) that is 19,20 or greater.

  3. Other O.C.C. Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +1 to pull punch, 25 S.D.C., and +1 to save vs. Horror factor atlevels 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
  4. Knight Family Background: The Knight is a warrior with unsurpassed skills in hand to hand combat. In addition to their fighting skills they are also required to learn domestic related skills. The worth of a warrior is measured not only by his fighting ability but also by his skills in the gentler arts. Note: Make a random roll (fun) or select one of the following. Then select corresponding skills as described in the next table.
      01-10 Old nobility; a member of the ruling class dating back 1D6x100 years. The family is well known and is either a major politicalforce or a major landowner.
      11-15 A member of an old and respected family with a long line ofvaliant knights, warriors and noble patriots. Minor landowners with afarming or military background.
      16-20 A member of new nobility and wealthy landowners with abackground in farming and raising cattle. This family is quickly makinga name for itself.
      21-25 A member of a noble family and minor landowners with abackground in farming.
      26-40 A mere peasant (farmer or laborer) who took up arms andproved to have the soul of a warrior born. Family is considered noblefarmers who have earned a tiny portion of land. This ignoble knightmay be looked down upon by arrogant aristocrats, while others lookupon him with great respect because he is living proof that nobility and honor are not a birthright but a virtue that can be acquired from any station in life.
      41-47 A member of an old family of noble lineage with a military background.
      48-54 A member of an old family of noble lineage with a scholastic background; teachers, scholars, historians, arts and entertainment, etc.
      55-62 A member of the new nobility with a background as a businessowner.
      63-69 A member of the new nobility with a political background;wealthy landowners.
      70-77 A member of the new nobility with a strong religious background;priests, monks and champions of light associated with gods,clergy or religious organizations are part of the family. May be an ardentfollower of Dragonwright (or other religion or god).
      78-84 A member of an old family with a background in science and/or magic.
      85-00 A new knight! A warrior who has risen through the ranks toprove himself a noble and honorable warrior from humble beginnings. Family background includes farmers, fishermen, trappers, laborers, or craftsmen.

    Family Skills: Note: Select three skills from the categories listed, in addition to O.C.C. skills; all get a +10% bonus.

      Old nobility/ruling class/administrators: Make selections from communications, military and/or technical categories.
      Minor landowner, farmer, laborer, peasant: Make selectionsfrom wilderness or physical categories, or may select botany and twoskills from the previously listed categories.
      Wealthy landowner and farmer or breeder of livestock: Make selections from math and botany from the science category and/or anyfrom the technical or domestic categories.
      Military: Make selections from the espionage and/or military categories.
      Scholar/teacher/historian: Make selections from the science ortechnical skill categories.
      Business Owner: Make selections from the technical and/or domesticcategories.
      Politics: Make selections from the communications and/or the domesticcategories.
      Religious: Make selections from lore, language, and literacy, skills under the technical skill category and/or any from the science category.
      Science/Magic: Make selections from the science and/or medicalcategories.
      New knight: Make selections from the rogue, physical or weapon proficiency categories.
  5. The knight acquires a squire to his service starting at 4th level. Additional squires may be aquired at every other level.

Knights and the Code of Chivilry

A Knight is sworn to valour, both in intent and deed:

    He avenges the wrong
    He defends the weak and innocent
    He fights with honour
    He never abandons a friend ally, or noble cause.

A Knight's heart knows only virtue and honour:
    He always keeps his word of honour
    He always maintains his principles
    He never betrays a confidence or comrade
    He avoids deception
    He respects life
    His blade defends the helpless
    His might upholds the weak
    His words speak only truth
    His wrath undoes the wicked
    He lives his life so that it is worthy of respect and honour

A Knight is sworn to fair play:
    He will never attack an unarmed foe
    He will never charge an unhorsed opponent
    He will never attack from behind
    He will avoid cheating
    He will avoid torture

A Knight is sworn to nobility:
    He exhibits self discipline
    He shows respect to authority
    He obeys the law
    He administers justice
    He administers mercy
    He protects the innocent
    He respects women

A Knight is sworn to courtesy:
    He exhibits manners
    He is polite and attentive
    He is respectful of host, authority and women

A Knight is sworn to loyalty to his Gods, Sovereign, Kingdom, and the Codes of Chivalry.

The Knight O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: I.Q.: 7, P.S.: 10, P.P.: 12, P.E.:10
Alignment: Any, but usually good
Gender: Male or Female
Race: Any
O.C.C. Skills:

    Dance (+15%)
    Heraldry (+15%)
    Horsemanship: Knight
    Land Navigation (+10%)
    Languages: Two of Choice (+15%)
    Literacy: One Language of choice (+20%)
    Military Etiquette (+15%)
    Armourer (+5%)
    Hand to Hand: Knight
    W.P. Lance
    W.P. Large Shield
    W.P. Two of Choice

O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose 2 other skills form the Military skill category , 2 from Communications skill category, and 4 other skills at level 1 , plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start atLvl. one proficiency.

    Communications: Any
    Domestic: Any
    Espionage: Any
    Horsemanship: Exotic Only.(+5%)
    Labour: Any
    Medical: First Aid Only.
    Military: Any (+15%)
    Naval Skills: Any
    Preforming Arts: Any
    Physical: Any
    Rogue: None
    Science: Any
    Scholar/Technical: Any
    Weapon Proficiencies: Any
    Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start atLvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Experiance and Combat Table:
LevelExperianceHand to Hand: Knight
10-2,2002 Attacks per Melee, +3roll
22,201-4,400+2 to damage
34,401-8,800+3 parry/dodge
48,801-16,500+4 Damage
516,501-25,0004 Attacks per Melee
625,001-35,000 Kick Attack: 1-6 damage
735,001-50,000Critical Strike: 17 to 20
850,001-71,000+6 Damage
971,001-96,5005 Attacks per Melee
1096,501-135,500 Stun: 18 or 20
11135,501-180,500+5 to Parry/Dodge
12180,501-230,500+4 to Strike
13230,5001-280,5006 Attacks per Melee
14280,501-335,500Disarm: 18-20
15335,501-400,500Death blow: Natural 20

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