The Paladin

Paladins are holy fighters or religious knights that act as the fighting arm of the gods. They can be of any alignment just as a god can be of any alignment. They are among the greatest fighting men alive, trained to be the quickest and deadliest of warriors. Paladins are fighting machines, fluent in several weapon proficiencies, combat skills, and exquisite equestrian skills, as well as being Priests. In addition to their fighting abilities they are granted special abilities and magic by the gods that they serve. Like knights, they are often of noble birth and are usually educated.

Paladin is the highest rank of men of arms and are themselves knights. As such, they live by the code and are affected by all the conditions and limitations implied by their god. They prefer heavy armour types, powerful weapons of any kind and, like knights, are seldom without a mount.

Alignments and Paladins
As stated, A paladin can be of any alignment; Good, Selfish or Evil. Being a Paladin is not indicative of the man's character, it depends on the Gods served. Thus, we have the good honourable, chivalric paladin and foul, wicked, evil paladin (or anti-paladin). The same conditions found with knights and alignments and the laws of chivalry apply exactly the same to paladins.

Prefer Heavy types; Chain through Plate, usually needing maximum physical protection for combat situations.

Standard issue is typically a Lance, Dagger, Sword or Weapon of choice. They may purchase any other weapons at their own expense.

Other Equipment
Standard starting equipment includes: Shield of choice marked with the churches holy symbol, Back pack, Belt with 2 Pouches, Boots, 2 sets of Clothing, a Robe, Cape or Cloak, Grooming Utensils, Holy symbol, Bed Roll, Tinder Box, 2 Large Sacks, 2 Small Sacks, Holy Water, Horse, Tack and Barding. Any other equipment can be bought at the paladins expense.

Paladin Abilities

Paladins have the following abilities/bonuses:

  1. Divine Sense: The presence of strong evil registers on the paladin's senses like a noxious odor, and powerful good rings like heavenly music in his ears (or opposite if of Evil alignment). Detect Good/Evil 100' rad. as often as desired, but only when the paladin is concentrating on it. Until the end of the next turn, the paladin knows the location of any celestial, fiend, or undead within the radius so long as it is not behind total cover, other wise he can sence it but not know where it eminates from. Further he will know the type (celestial, fiend, or undead) of any being whose presence he senses, but not its identity. Within the same radius, he also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated, as with the hallow spell.
  2. +1 to saving throws/3 levels of the paladin.
  3. Immune to all disease.
  4. Lay on Hands: The Paladin's blessed touch can heal wounds. The paladin has a pool of healing power that replenishes when a long rest is completed(8 hours minimum). With that pool, the paladin can restore a total number of hit dice (a hit dice is 8 hp) equal to his level x 10. As an action, he can touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of hit dice to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in the pool (Treat as Harming touch against enemies of the church). Example: A 4th level Paladin would have a pool of 40 Hit dice he could heal which means he could heal 20 people 16 hp each{20x(2x8)}, 40 people 8 hp each {40x(1x8)} or any combination up to 40 hit dice (320 hp).
  5. Cure disease 1/week levels 1-5, 2/ week levels 6-10, or 3/week levels 11-15 (or cause disease in the case of Paladin of Dark).
  6. Perpetual emanation of protection from evil 10' rad (or good if a Paladin of Dark) around the paladin.
  7. Clerical Abilities: Special Prayers as Priest of same level(see priest occ for descriptions)
  8. At 2nd Level the Paladin receives a minor Holy weapon. (+3 S/P/D, 2-12 S.D.C., Circle of Protection, Curse/Remove Curse)
  9. At 4th level the paladin can summon a special war steed. The beast is intelligent and will bond to the paladin as if it were a familiar. The stead can be any type of creature and sometimes a mythical creature, such as a unicorn, or Pegasus (Game Master's discretion).
  10. At 5th Lvl. the Paladin swears the Oath that binds him as a paladin forever. Up to this time the Paladin has been in a preparatory stage, committed to the path but not yet sworn to it. Each Divine Oath has a list of associated spell like abilities as well as the ability to Channel Divinity which is divine energy used to fuel magical effects. Each Channel Divinity option provided by the chosen Oath explains how to use it. When Channel Divinity is used, the paladin chooses which option to use.The paladin must then finish a short or long rest to use Channel Divinity again. Some Channel Divinity effects require saving throws. If an Oath is not sworn the Paladin remains at 4th level in paladin abilities, becomes known as a Holy Knight and all further progression is as OCC Knight. The Paladin may choose to swear the oath at a later date but there is a 30% chance it will not be accepted by the god. In addition, if the Oath is sworn by the Paladin, he will gain the ability to cast Divine spell magic and may choose speels from the Paladin Spell list.
  11. At 6th Lvl. the paladin trades in the minor holy weapon for a major Holy weapon. (+5 S/P/D, 4-24 S.D.C. (+10 damage vs enemies of the church)), Circle of Protection, Curse/Remove Curse, Dispel Magic, Turn 4-24 dead, or by the churches discretion).
  12. at 10th lvl the paladin radiates an Aura of Courage: The paladin or a friendly creature within 10 feet of the paladin can't be Frightened while the paladin is conscious.At 16th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
  13. At 12th lvl the paladin radiates an Aura of Protection: whenever the paladin or a friendly creature within 10 feet of the paladin must make a saving throw, they creature gains a bonus to the saving throw equal to the paladin's P.E. Bonus (with a minimum bonus of +1). The Paladin must be conscious to grant this bonus. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
  14. Beginning at the 14th level, The Paladin can use the Cleansing Touch by laying on hands to negate a hostile spell that has been cast on the paladin or an ally.

Special Paladin Training & Mastery

    The Way of the Horse

    Horsemanship Paladin, see that skill description for full details regarding the character's riding prowess, combat bonuses while on horseback, and knowledge about horses. Paladins are excellent horsemen, able to make jumps, perform tricks and make special manoeuver on horse back even in full plate armour.

    The Way of the Lance

    The Paladin is skilled in the use of the Lance as a weapon in combat and for tournaments. The character gets the equivalent of W.P. Lance with the following abilities and bonuses: The roll of a natural 19 or 20 (unmodified die roll) means the lance strike inflicts triple damage (instead of double; an otherwise successful strike does normal damage, including bonuses for being on horse back) or the strike unseats his opponent. The player must announce his character's intention as to whether he intends to inflict damage or unseat his opponent.

    Opponents unseated from horse back suffer 1d6 damage from the lance, are knocked off their horse and take an additional 1d6 damage unless they successfully roll with fall/impact. The fallen rider also loses initiative and one melee action/attack. An opponent who is not on horse back, but standing on the ground can be knocked off his feet and on his back side with the same result, except no additional damage from the fall.

    In the alternative, the paladin can try to disarm an opponent with the lance. Roll to strike as usual, but if the defender fails to parry or dodge, the paladin successfully strikes him in such a way that he drops his weapon or shield. The player must announce his character's intension to disarm his opponent and make a called shot indicating what item he is trying to knock out of the opponents hands. This attack can also be used to knock off any hat or helmet that isn't bolted directly to the body armour. This attack is often used by paladins for fun and games, as a warning, or an attempt to frighten away or discourage an opponent rather than engage in a battle to the death.

    An opponent may also be unseated or disarmed with a modified strike roll (all bonuses included) that is 19, 20 or greater.

    The Paladin's Supernatural Foe Death Blow (special)

    The warrior can focus his inner spirit to attack supernatural foes and creatures of magic. When used against supernatural opponents, the attack automatically penetrates the creature's natural armour rating (A.R.) and inflicts full damage. The character can inflict damage with a punch, kick, or hand held weapon like a sword, axe, spear, club, etc., and does full damage plus P.S.bonus, even if the creature is usually impervious to normal weapons. Creatures impervious to normal weapons and which are only affected by magic or magic weapons will suffer only half damage from the paladin's death blow. Full damage if he is using magic or holy weapons. Even vampires and other creatures only affected by silver will suffer half damage from the attack; full damage if he using a silver weapon.

    This attack is so devastating to the creature's body that it cannot bio-regenerate injury from the death blow for 1d4 hours. This makes the attack especially deadly to supernatural and magical beings.


    1. In addition to being limited to the above paladin and monk O.C.C.s, the character must be pure of spirit and intent. This means that there can be no possibility of regret when this spiritual inner strength is used. It cannot be used in anger, fear or for revenge, even if the character wants to.
    2. Counts as two melee attacks/actions.
    3. Limited to supernatural beings and creatures of magic. The death blow attack is not applicable against body armour, Inanimate Structures, or ordinary human beings, any Mortal, or any normal S.D.C./Hit Point creature.
    4. The Death Blow is not applicable to the bow and arrow or other projectile weapons.

    Other O.C.C. Bonuses

    +2 on initiative, +1 to pull punch, 25 S.D.C., and +1 to save vs. Horror factor at levels 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.

    Palladin Family Background

    The Palladin is a warrior with unsurpassed skills in hand to hand combat. In addition to their fighting skills they are also required to learn domestic related skills. The worth of a warrior is measured not only by his fighting ability but also by his skills in the gentler arts. Note: Make a random roll (fun) or select one of the following. Then select corresponding skills as described in the next table.
      01-10 Old nobility; a member of the ruling class dating back 1D6x100 years. The family is well known and is either a major political force or a major land owner.
      11-15 A member of an old and respected family with a long line of valiant knights, warriors and noble patriots. Minor landowners with a farming or military background.
      16-20 A member of new nobility and wealthy land owners with a background in farming and raising cattle. This family is quickly making a name for itself.
      21-25 A member of a noble family and minor land owners with a background in farming.
      26-40 A mere peasant (farmer or laborer) who took up arms and proved to have the soul of a warrior born. Family is considered noble farmers who have earned a tiny portion of land. This ignoble knight may be looked down upon by arrogant aristocrats, while others look upon him with great respect because he is living proof that nobility and honor are not a birthright but a virtue that can be acquired from any station in life.
      41-47 A member of an old family of noble lineage with a military background.
      48-54 A member of an old family of noble lineage with a scholastic background; teachers, scholars, historians, arts and entertainment, etc.
      55-62 A member of the new nobility with a background as a business owner.
      63-69 A member of the new nobility with a political background; wealthy land owners.
      70-77 A member of the new nobility with a strong religious background; priests, monks and champions of light associated with gods, clergy or religious organizations are part of the family. May be an ardent follower of Dragonwright (or other religion or god).
      78-84 A member of an old family with a background in science and/or magic.
      85-00 A new knight! A warrior who has risen through the ranks to prove himself a noble and honorable warrior from humble beginnings. Family background includes farmers, fishermen, trappers, laborers, or craftsmen.

    Family Skills: Note: Select three skills from the categories listed, in addition to O.C.C. skills; all get a +10% bonus.

      Old nobility/ruling class/administrators: Make selections from communications, military and/or technical categories.
      Minor land owner, farmer, laborer, peasant: Make selections from wilderness or physical categories, or may select botany and two skills from the previously listed categories.
      Wealthy landowner and farmer or breeder of livestock: Make selections from math and botany from the science category and/or any from the technical or domestic categories.
      Military: Make selections from the espionage and/or military categories.
      Scholar/teacher/historian: Make selections from the science or technical skill categories.
      Business Owner: Make selections from the technical and/or domestic categories.
      Politics: Make selections from the communications and/or the domestic categories.
      Religious: Make selections from lore, language, and literacy, skills under the technical skill category and/or any from the science category.
      Science/Magic: Make selections from the science and/or medical categories.
      New knight: Make selections from the rogue, physical or weapon proficiency categories.

Salary and Booty

The sponsoring religion provides the individual with lodging, food, clothing, religious counselling, medical care and whatever other resources needed by the paladin. When on the road, the paladin is given a modest salary to pay for the basic food and expenses. It is common practice for paladins to stay at holdings and inns for no charge.

For the most part, any booty or treasure found is given to the church. The paladin may keep enough to cover expenses, or if a magic item is found s/he may make use of it (unless strictly forbidden by the church) until a temple or high priest of the religion can be found to turn it over to.

The Paladin O.C.C.

Alignment: They must match that of the God worshipped.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q.- 10, P.S.- 12, P.P.- 12, P.E.- 10
Gender: Depending on the religion. Male or Female are usually allowed.
Race: Usually any, but depends on the religion.
O.C.C. Skills:

  • Dance (+10%)
  • Heraldry (+20%)
  • Horsemanship: Paladin
  • Land Navigation (+10%)
  • Mathematics: Basic (+15%)
  • W.P. Shield
  • W.P. Lance
  • W.P. Two of Choice.
  • Lore: Religion (+30%)
  • Forced March
  • Languages: Native tongue at 98% plus two of choice (+15% each)
  • Literacy: One Language of choice (usually native or Elven) (+20%)
  • Hand to Hand: Paladin of Light for good, or Hand to Hand: Paladins of Dark, for evil or Hand to Hand: Paladins of Neutral for neutral Paladins.

O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose 2 other skills form the communications skill category and five other skills at level 1 , plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.
  • Communications: Any (+10%)
  • Domestic: Any
  • Espionage:Any (+5%)
  • Horsemanship: Exotic Only.(+5%)
  • Labour: Any
  • Magical/Religious: Any (+10%)
  • Medical: First Aid Only.
  • Military: Any (+10%)
  • Naval: Any
  • Performing Arts: Any
  • Physical: Any
  • Rogue: Varies with Pantheon/God Selected.
  • Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+10%)
  • Science: Math Only (+10%)
  • Weapon Proficiency: Any
  • Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Combat and Experiance:
LVLEXP Hand to Hand: Paladin of Good Hand to Hand: Paladin of NeutralityHand to Hand : Paladin of EvilMagic CombatSpells/Day
010-2,400Two attacks per melee round. +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact, and +3 to pull punchStarts with one attack per melee round, +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact, and +3 to pull punchStarts with one attack per melee round and +2 to strike.+1 vs. Spell MagicN/A
022,401-4,800+3 to parry and dodge,+2 to strike, and disarmTwo additional attacks per melee round, +1 to parry and dodge and +1 to strike, and disarmTwo additional attacks per melee round+1 vs. Circle/WardsN/A
034,801-9,600Kick attacks: Karate style kick (does 2D4 damage) and any four of choice, except jump kicks.Kick attacks: Karate style kick (does 2D4 damage) and any two of choice, except jump kicks.+3 to roll with punch/fall/impact and +3 to pull punch.Recog Enchantment 30%N/A
049,601-17,000One additional attack per melee round.One additional attack per melee round.+4 to damage and disarm+1 vs. Awe/Horror FactorN/A
0517,001-25,000Jump kicks (all).+4 to damage and disarmOne additional attack per melee round.+2 vs. Spell Magic2
0625,001-35,000Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.+3 to parry and dodge, and body flip/throw+3 to parry and dodge, and body flip/throw+2 vs. Circles/Wards3
0735,001-50,000One additional attack per melee round, Paired weapons.Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.Knockout/stun on an unmodified roll of 17-20.Sense Magic 50%4
0850,001-70,000Leap attack (critical strike).One additional attack per melee round, +1 on initiative.One additional attack per melee round, Paired weapons.+2 Spell Strength6
0970,001-95,000Body throw/flip and +1 on initiative.Paired weapons.Kick attacks: Karate style kick (does 2D4 damage) and any two of choice, except jump kicks.Recog Enchantment 50%8
1095,001-125,000One additional attack per melee.Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19 or 20.Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19 or 20.+2 vs. Awe/Horror Factor10
11125,001-160,000An additional +4 to damage.An additional +4 to damage.An additional +2 to strike.2 Spell Att/Melee12
12160,001-200,000An additional +2 to parry and dodge.One additional attack per melee.Death Blow on a roll of a natural roll of 18, 19, or 20 (if desired).+3 vs. Spell Magic14
13200,001-245,000Knockout/stun on an unmodified roll of 18, 19, or 20.An additional +2 to strike.One additional attack per melee round.+3 vs. Circle/Wards16
14245,001-295,000One additional attack per melee round.Death Blow on a roll of a natural 20 (if desired).An additional +4 to damage.Sense Magic 65%18
15295,001-350,000Death Blow on a roll of a natural 20 (if desired).An additional +4 to damage and +1 on initiative.An additional +2 to strike.Immune to Curse20
16350,001-410,000An additional +2 to strike, and disarmOne additional attack per melee round.Disarm on a roll of a natural roll of 18, 19, or 20 (if desired).+3 Spell Strength22
17410,001-475,000One additional attack per melee round and +1 on initiative.Disarm on a roll of a natural roll of 18, 19, or 20 (if desired).One additional attack per melee round.+3 vs. Awe/Horror Factor24
18475,001-545,000Disarm on a roll of a natural roll of 18, 19, or 20 (if desired).An additional +2 to parry and dodgeAn additional +3 to parry and dodgeRecog Enchantment 65%26
19545,001-620,000An additional +3 to roll with punch/fall/impactAn additional +2 to strike.An additional +2 to strike.+4 vs. Spell Magic28
20620,001-700,000One additional attack per melee.One additional attack per melee round.An additional +3 to pull punch+4 vs. Circle/Wards30
21700,001-785,000An additional +3 to pull punchAn additional +3 to pull punchOne additional attack per melee round.Sense Magic 80%32
22785,001-875,000An additional +2 to parry and dodge.An additional +1 on initiative.An additional +4 to damage.+4 Spell Strength34
23875,001-970,000An additional +2 to strike, and disarmAn additional +4 to damage.An additional +2 to strike.+4 vs. Awe/Horror Factor36
24970,001-1,070,000One additional attack per melee.One additional attack per melee round.One additional attack per melee round.Recog Enchantment 80%38
251,070,001-1,175,000An additional +1 on initiative. An additional + 1 to strikeAn additional +3 to pull punch+4 vs. Spell Magic40
261,175,001-1,285,000An additional +2 to parry and dodge.An additional +3 to pull punchOne additional attack per melee round.+4 vs. Circle/Wards42
271,285,001-1,400,000An additional +4 to damage.An additional +2 to parry and dodgeAn additional +2 to strike.Sense Magic 80%44
281,400,001-1,520,000Death Blow on a roll of a natural roll of 18, 19, or 20 (if desired).One additional attack per melee round.An additional +4 to damage.+4 Spell Strength46
291,520,001-1,645,000One additional attack per melee. An additional +1 on initiative.An additional +3 to parry and dodge+4 vs. Awe/Horror Factor48
301,645,001-1,775,000An additional +1 on initiative, +2 to strikeAn additional +1 to strikeOne additional attack per melee round.Recog Enchantment 80%50