The Soldier/Imperial Soldier/Imperial Janissary/Sapper


Soldiers are professional fighters who are part of a large military force. Being the instruments of war (defensive or offensive), the majority of their skills and training are directed toward developing weapon proficiencies, hand to hand combat, scaling walls, laying siege to fortified strongholds, military procedure and operating as part of a combat group.

Hand to hand training focuses on inflicting lethal damage to one's opponent as quickly and accurately as possible. Attacks are frequently aimed at where they 'll do the most harm in an attempt to quickly kill, cripple or incapacitate an opponent, so the soldier can move forward and engage his next target, one does not have to kill every opponent to win a battle. Likewise, soldiers are taught to fight toward a specific objective. This is typically a position/location of strategic advantage or importance, as well as an opportunity to target and eliminate enemy commanding officers. Capturing or killing an enemy army's leader(s) will usually cause the troops to become confused, break ranks, and lose their will to fight.

Military life can be restrictive, repetitive and petty. The soldier is required to account for his actions, obey orders, and show respect toward his military superiors. Typically, the soldier cannot pick or decline an assignment, or the location where he is to be stationed. Nor can he pick his commanding officer or fellow teammates. He is told what to do, how to do it, and where to go. He must obey orders, his superiors and military law or be punished. Punishment can include reduction in rank and responsibilities, assignment to the worst (or most dangerous) posts and missions, imprisonment, execution, and/or dishonorable discharge from service. The soldier is expected to obey orders without question or hesitation and follow the chain of command. The soldier is usually under the direct command of a squad or platoon leader, often a knight or an experienced field soldier. The squad leader (and those under his charge) answers to his company commander, and all other officers of superior rank. The ultimate Commander and Chief of such troops will be the King, Chieftain, High Council, or other head of State. In many instances, wealthy nobles, royalty, merchants and powerful practitioners of magic may also build, supply and command small armies; this is especially true of royalty (Barons, Dukes, etc.). It is the king, kingdom or other power who has commissioned the army who is responsible for training the troops, keeping them supplied and well maintained.

Military Force Structure

  • Squad: A small military unit consisting of ten to eleven soldiers, normally led by a sergeant.
  • Platoon. A platoon is four squads: generally three Archer squads and one weapons squad, normally armed with Long bows and Balista. Lieutenants lead most platoons, and the second-in-command is generally a sergeant.
  • Company. Company-sized units, 130 to 150 soldiers, are normally commanded by captains. They consist of four platoons, usually of the same type, a headquarters unit, and some logistical capabilities. Companies are the basic elements of all battalions. Cavalry units refer to this unit level as a troop.
  • Battalion. A battalion, usually about 400-strong, is comprised of three Archer companies, a combat support company, and a headquarters company. Battalions often blend companies with different fighting specialties to take on tasks no existing unit is properly configured to tackle. Battalions normally fight enemy forces they can see and engage. This is defined as an area extending from less than 100 yards in forests, urban areas, and other close terrain out to about two to three miles from the battle zone
  • Regiment. The regiment is a specificaly used by Cavalry. It is an operational unit, comprised of five battalions, about 2,000 strong.
  • Brigade. Traditionally, the brigade provides mobility, counter-mobility and survivability, topographic engineering, and general engineering support to the largest unit, the corps, and augments the corps’ various divisions. Brigades can range from 3,000 to 5,000 troops, generally three-plus battalions, led by a colonel.
  • Division. Divisions perform major tactical operations for the corps and can conduct sustained battles and engagements. One division is made up of at least three maneuver brigades with between 10,000 and 20,000 soldiers, depending on the national army involved. Divisions are normally commanded by generals and tend to be on the lighter side of the headcount. Divisions can have specialties such as light infantry, Heavy Infantry, Cavalry. In different countries, division sizes vary widely. The Harakian division, commanded by a General, generally is comprised of three brigades with a mix of infantry and cavalry. Dhelcrist force structure generally favored much larger formations of 12,000 plus, and in Amrenicea’s military, up to 25,000.
  • Corps. The corps is the largest tactical unit in the Army. The corps is responsible for translating strategic objectives into tactical orders. It synchronizes tactical operations, and actions of their combat support, bringing together these operations on the battlefield. Each corps has between two and five divisions, and specialized brigades depending on the mission.

    The soldier player character will serve a particular King, Kingdom, country, or organization, to whom he has pledged an oath of loyalty and allegiance. Most soldiers are patriots, loyal to king and country, and gladly serve to protect their homeland and defend the honor of their king. Under the best circumstances, the soldier serves a king or master who is just and noble; a supreme leader who cares about his troops and subjects. Unfortunately, all too often the soldier is little more than a pawn or cannon fodder with whom the king or master has little compas­sion. Soldiers and war are often a means to an end, whether it be a show of power, intimidation, peacekeeping or conquest. Thus, it is the ruler of the land who will determine the duties and goals of his army and all who serve in it.

    The Soldier player character will serve a particular King, Kingdom, or Organization, to whom he has pledged an oath of loyalty and allegiance. Most soldiers are patriots, loyal to King and Kingdom, and gladly serve to protect their homeland and defend the honor of their king. Under the best circumstances, the soldier serves a king or master who is just and noble; a supreme leader who cares about his troops and subjects. Unfortunately, all too often the soldier is little more than a pawn or cannon fodder with whom the king or master has little compassion. Soldiers and war are often a means to an end, whether it be a show of power, intimidation, peacekeeping or conquest. Thus, it is the ruler of the land who will determine the duties and goals of his army and all who serve in it.

    An army may be committed to the defense of a kingdom, its borders, people, property, holdings/outposts, crown and honor, or aggression, in which case the soldiers are part of a military campaign of conquest and expansion. The troops may be located in their homeland or sent on campaigns in distant lands. In both cases, military assignments may include reconnaissance, infiltration and spying, exploration, investigation, communications (message delivery), seek and destroy missions, sabotage, defending strategic positions, maintaining outposts, keeping the peace, supervising slave operations, protecting supply lines, and so on.

    Assignments which afford the most freedom and informalities are reconnaissance patrols, espionage missions (seek and destroy, sabotage, spying, etc.), law enforcement, and duty at border towns in the wilderness. Outposts in remote regions often require a journey that spans weeks or even months of travel over hostile enemy territory, so communication is minimal and the troops are expected to be self-sufficient. These posts are usually more relaxed and informal because they are far away from the prying eyes of a high command, kings, nobility, and even the average civilian. Furthermore, many are regarded as low priority, or in so hostile a situation that normal protocol is not expected or overlooked. In many cases, the town, outpost, or surrounding territory is under marshal law, so the soldiers are the law. Guidance from a strong commander can mean a strong, disciplined, organized and well behaved armed force whose troops enjoy extra personal freedoms for their cooperation and dedication. Under weak or corrupt leadership, a garrison might become sloppy and careless, or corrupt, and exert little effort to enforce the law or their duty. Others can become petty tyrants that exploit and abuse the people they are assigned to protect. Such outposts as the latter may consider themselves to be "above the law" and may engage in acts of brutality and cruelty. Outposts in remote regions and hostile war zones can often escape with such reprehensible behavior for months, even years.

    G.M. Note: Non-military player characters can be associated with an army and included in a military based game campaign by having them hired as freelance military scouts, mercenaries, advisors, assistants and laborers: including cooks, repair men, healers, translators, etc. These characters would be given a small but reasonable pay, along with food, water and a place to sleep. The advantages of being a soldier In addition to getting basic military training, being outfitted with basic equipment, and food in the belly, the soldier is given a modest salary, job security, opportunity for advancement, respect (in some cases fear), power and glory. Furthermore, the character has access to military bases, other resources and, theoretically, the soldier can count on the support of the kingdom and the rest of the military, as well as have the blessings of the Church of the Realm and the respect this all brings with it.

    Enlistment: Soldiers usually sign up for a minimum two year period of enlistment, but many kingdoms require terms of 4-6 years. Reenlistment is usually for a 2-4 year period. Conditions for discharge include poor behavior, lack of obedience, and injury (sorry, no V.A. benefits; if you can't fight in the near future, you're discharged and on your own).

    Mercenary fighters may also be hired to bolster the number of men in a garrison, or in a battle situation. They are obligated to abide by all military rules, laws, and authority. Room and board is provided under the terms of Mercenary enlistment, with a salary of 150-200 gold a month, plus bonuses for special assignments. Mercenary companies and armies are often given 10% to 20% of the booty as well. The employment of mercenary forces may be from specific job to job, or for a period of 3-6 months. Mercs must provide their own equipment.

    Imperial Soldiers

    The Imperial Soldier player character will serve a particular Emporer, Empire, or Organization, to whom he has pledged an oath of loyalty and allegiance. Most Imperial Soldiers are patriots, loyal to Emporer and Empire, and gladly serve to protect their homeland and defend the honor of their Emporer. Under the best circumstances, the soldier serves a Emporer or Master who is just and noble; a supreme leader who cares about his troops and subjects. Unfortunately, all too often the soldier is little more than a pawn or cannon fodder with whom the Emporer or Master has little compassion. Imperial Soldiers and war are often a means to an end, whether it be a show of power, intimidation, peacekeeping or conquest. Thus, it is the ruler of the land who will determine the duties and goals of his army and all who serve in it.

    Imperial Soldiers are, far and away, an Empire's strongest, single military entity. Over 500,000 troops serving in the Imperial Army is not unheard of. That's a LOT of soldiers in Palladium terms. Plus an Empire can assemble another 250,000-500,000 reservists and militia men in a matter of a week (100,000 in 24 hours). And this does not include the Regional Armies, roughly another 300,000 to 500,000 troops. Not all of these troops are concentrated in one place, however. To make Their presence felt throughout an Empire, Emperors often build Imperial garrisons in every region of their realm so troops can keep an eye on things, keep a strong line of communication with regional governments and respond quickly to trouble. These garrisons can also provide local armies with reinforcements and/or leadership in the event of a foreign invasion or other major crisis.

    A typical Imperial garrison is 1,500 soldiers, 500 craftsmen and 250 other servants. Of the combat soldiers mentioned, roughly 750 are infantry, 300 are cavalry, 300 archers, and the remaining 150 are combat engineers who run and maintain the garrison's siege weaponry and/or communications. Most garrisons also tend to have between 10 and 20 men of magic (1D4+3 level experience); Wizards and Warlocks are most common. Summoners can be a big part of Imperial Militaries, but tend to be widely discouraged since the end of the Elf Dwarf wars, as people remember the horrors summoned .

    The garrison buildings themselves are extremely sturdy and easily-defended fortresses. Major cities and trouble zones may see two or three times this number of soldiers, sometimes more. The bulk of these are troops provided by the Regional Governments. Many of which are volunteers, though Drafts are quite common. Imperial troops receive additional training then soldiers of small kingdoms and tend to be organized, well-equipped, disciplined and loyal. However, the majority are relatively inexperienced (not including the Janissary force, 43% are 1st and 2nd level, 30% 3rd level, 20% 4th level and only 7% are 5th level and higher).


    Within most Imperial Armies is an elite corps of crack troops known as the Janissaries. These shock troopers are experienced veterans from Regional Armies and warriors from throughout the Empire who have proven themselves to be loyal and courageous. The Janissaries receive the very best equipment and training that money can buy. Superior crafted dwarven weapons and armor, the absolute finest war horses, Magical javelins and arrows, and even distribution of minor magic items. Moreover, they have the most actual combat experience; average level of experience is 5th to 8th (1D4+4) level.

    Janissary units are like Special Forces who can take on the most difficult challenges and still walk. Of the troops in the Imperial Army, perhaps 1/18th are elite members of the Janissary Corps, the best of the best and all (well 98%) are completely loyal to their respective Emperor and the nation. No fewer than 70,000 of these "elite" are garrisoned in and around an Imperial City. Some Janissaries serve among normal Imperial troops as special advisors, combat officers or Platoon or Squad Leaders of special teams and strike forces. As a fighting force, the Janissaries truly are impressive to behold. Janissaries are known as absolutely fearless and merciless opponents who would rather die than accept defeat.

    Of course, this reputation spawns some outlandish stories, like Janissaries eating the flesh of their fallen opponents and consorting with demonic powers, which of course are not true (well in most cases). Janissaries are above such vulgar behavior and tend to avoid atrocities. Nonetheless, they rather enjoy their fearsome and frightening reputation. Less disciplined opponents, especially ore and goblin units, will often break and run when they realize they are facing the elite Janissaries.

    G.M. note: Most (not all) opponents will regard a group of Janissaries of equal size to 50% smaller than their group to be so unnerving as to give the Janissary force a collective Horror Factor of 12! If the battle goes against the opposing force, they are much more likely to break ranks and retreat.

    Military Force Structure

    • Squad: A small military unit consisting of ten to eleven soldiers, normally led by a sergeant.
    • Platoon. A platoon is four squads: generally three Archer squads and one weapons squad, normally armed with Long bows and Balista. Lieutenants lead most platoons, and the second-in-command is generally a sergeant.
    • Company. Company-sized units, 130 to 150 soldiers, are normally commanded by captains. They consist of four platoons, usually of the same type, a headquarters unit, and some logistical capabilities. Companies are the basic elements of all battalions. Cavalry units refer to this unit level as a troop.
    • Battalion. A battalion, usually about 400-strong, is comprised of three Archer companies, a combat support company, and a headquarters company. Battalions often blend companies with different fighting specialties to take on tasks no existing unit is properly configured to tackle. Battalions normally fight enemy forces they can see and engage. This is defined as an area extending from less than 100 yards in forests, urban areas, and other close terrain out to about two to three miles from the battle zone
    • Regiment. The regiment is a specificaly used by Cavalry. It is an operational unit, comprised of five battalions, about 2,000 strong.
    • Brigade. Traditionally, the brigade provides mobility, counter-mobility and survivability, topographic engineering, and general engineering support to the largest unit, the corps, and augments the corps’ various divisions. Brigades can range from 3,000 to 5,000 troops, generally three-plus battalions, led by a colonel.
    • Division. Divisions perform major tactical operations for the corps and can conduct sustained battles and engagements. One division is made up of at least three maneuver brigades with between 10,000 and 20,000 soldiers, depending on the national army involved. Divisions are normally commanded by generals and tend to be on the lighter side of the headcount. Divisions can have specialties such as light infantry, Heavy Infantry, Cavalry. In different countries, division sizes vary widely. The Harakian division, commanded by a General, generally is comprised of three brigades with a mix of infantry and cavalry. Dhelcrist force structure generally favored much larger formations of 12,000 plus, and in Amrenicea’s military, up to 25,000.
    • Corps. The corps is the largest tactical unit in the Army. The corps is responsible for translating strategic objectives into tactical orders. It synchronizes tactical operations, and actions of their combat support, bringing together these operations on the battlefield. Each corps has between two and five divisions, and specialized brigades depending on the mission.

      Soldier and Imperial Soldier Ranks:

      • Private (lst-3rd level)
      • Corporal (2nd-3rd level)
      • Sergeant (4th level)
      • Lieutenant (5th or 6th level)
      • Captain (7th or 8th level)
      • Major (8th or 9th level)
      • Colonel (8th-10th level)
      • General (10th level and higher).

      Jannisary Ranks:

      • Private (1-3rd level)
      • 1st Echelon (4th-7th level)
      • 2nd Echelon (7th-10th level)
      • 3rd Echelon (9th and up)
      • Commander (9th and up)
      • General (10th and up).

    The rank of a soldier is dependent on more than just experience. The level of experience in the parentheses is the common level one must be to attain that rank. However, exceptional ability and bravery can see characters promoted sooner, just as lack of initiative, poor performance, cowardice, and behavior unbefitting an officer (or soldier) can keep a warrior at the rank of Private, Corporal or Sergeant regardless of his experience level.


    A Dwarf Soldier charges forward toward the army of ghouls. In his hand is a small pipe, capped and sealed tightly at the ends. He throws it and it explodes on impact, setting fire to the creatures closest to the blast and tending the flesh of the others in a deadly cloud of shrapnel.

    A Human SOldier crouches before a locked dour and produces a bit of grey putty and a fuse from her pouch. She inserts the putty into the lock, attaches the fuse and lights it, After a moment there is an audible crack as a small, focused explosion destroys the locking mechanism from the inside

    Sappers are members of the Military who posses expert knowledge of a magical incendiary substance called "sap powder”, which they use ta create various explosive devices, Over time, sappers have applied their talents to mining, demolition, Breaching fortifications, and even the occasional assassination. Wherever objects are exploding you will likely find a sapper.


    Sap powder can be dissolved in liquid or combined with other dry solids to create powerful incendiary effects. The ingredients and rituals used in the creation of this magical substance are a highly guarded secret. Known only to a few Alchemists in the upper echelons the Military. As a result, average sappers must rely on their proficiency with a pre-assembled Sapper's Kit containing this powder in order to create their explosives

    Armour: Light armour, medium armour. heavy armour, shields

    Weapons: Clubs, daggers, hand axes, hammers, darts, crossbows, battleaxes, Morningstars, Warhammers.

    Tools: Sapper's Kit. This kit allows the sapper to Forge focus charges. A focus charge is comprised of a short fuse attached to a bit of mouldable putty made from Sap Powder mixed with clay so that it can be squeezed into small holes . It takes a full minute to prepare a focus charge, 10 seconds for the fuse to burn before the charge detonates. Several may be placed in a single area to increase the damage when the charge goes off.

    The Soldier/Imperial Soldier/Janissary/Sapper O.C.C.

    Attribute Requirements:

    • Typical Soldier: P.S. 10, P.E. 8 or higher, and a desire to fight.
    • Imperial Soldier: I.Q. 8, P.S. 10, P.E. 9 or higher, and a desire to fight and/or serve their Empire.
    • Imperial Janissary: I.Q. 10, P.S. 12, P.E. 10 or higher, and a fierce loyalty and desire to serve their Empire.

    • Typical Soldier: Any
    • Imperial Soldier: Any, but a common breakdown is 35% Aberrant, 20% Principled, 10% Scrupulous, 10% Unprincipled, 12% Anarchist, 8% Miscreant, 5% Diabolic.
    • Imperial Janissary: Any, but a common breakdown is 45% Aberrant, 15% Principled, 8% Scrupulous, 5% Unprincipled, 10% Anarchist, 10 Miscreant, 7% Diabolic.

    Gender: Male or Female
    Race: Any except Elves eho have their own Soldier OCC
    O.C.C. Bonus:
    • Typical Soldier: +1 to pull punch, and + 1 to save vs horror factor at levels 1,3,7, l0 and 13. These are in addition to Hand to Hand and other skill and attribute bonuses
    • Imperial Soldier: +1 to save vs Horror Factor at levels 2,4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14; plus +2 on initiative and +1 to strike. These are in addition to Hand to Hand and other skill and attribute bonuses
    • Imperial Janissary: +1 to save vs Horror Factor at levels 2,4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13 and 15; plus +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, and +1 attack per melee round. These are in addition to Hand to Hand and other skill and attribute bonuses

    O.C.C. Skills:
    • Typical Soldier:
      • Climb/Scale Walls (+5%)
      • Forced March
      • Languages: Native Tongue at 98%
      • Military Etiquette (+20%)
      • Wilderness Survival
      • W.P. Shield
      • W.P. Sword
      • W.P. Spear
      • W.P. Two of choice
      • Hand to Hand: Expert (Hand to Hand: Expert can be changed to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts for the cost of one "other" skill, or to Assassin (if evil) for the cost of two "other" skills.)
    • Imperial Soldier:
      • Climb/Scale Walls (+10%)
      • Running
      • Swimming
      • Forced March
      • Body Building & Weight Lifting
      • Languages: Native Tongue at 98% plus one of choice (+10%)
      • Military Etiquette (+20%)
      • Wilderness Survival (+5%)
      • W.P. Shield
      • W.P. Knife or Sword (pick one)
      • W.P. Spear or Pole Arm (pick one)
      • W.P. one of choice
      • Hand to Hand: Basic; this can be changed to Hand to Hand: Expert for the cost of one "other" skill, or to Martial Arts or Assassin (if evil) for the cost of two "other" skills
    • Imperial Janissary:
      • Climb/Scale Walls (+10%)
      • Running
      • Swimming
      • Forced March
      • Body Building & Weight Lifting
      • Basic Math (+15%)
      • Languages: Native Tongue at 98% plus one of choice(+10%)
      • Military Etiquette (+30%)
      • Intelligence (+15%)
      • Land Navigation (+10%)
      • Wilderness Survival (+10%)
      • W.P. Shield
      • W.P. Sword
      • W.P. Three of choice.
      • Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (or Assassin if evil).
  • Imperial Soldier:
    • Climb/Scale Walls (+10%)
    • Running
    • Swimming
    • Forced March
    • Languages: Native Tongue at 98%
    • Detect Concealment/Traps (+5%)
    • Sapping (+25%)
    • Siege Engineer (+20%)
    • Disarm/Set Traps (+5%)
    • Military Etiquette (+20%)
    • Wilderness Survival (+5%)
    • Fortifications (+10%)
    • W.P. one of choice
    • Hand to Hand: Basic

    O.C.C. Related Skills: Select three additional skills from the category of Military or Espionage, and seven other skills of choice at level one, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Level. One proficiency

      Communications: Sign language only (+5%)
      Domestic: Any
      Espionage: Any (+5%)
      Horsemanship: General or Exotic only (+5%)
      Labour: Any
      Medical: First Aid only (+5%)
      Military: Any (+10%)
      Naval: Any
      Performing Arts: Any
      Physical: Any, except Acrobatics
      Rogue: None
      Science: Mathematics only
      Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+5%)
      Weapon Proficiencies: Any
      Wilderness: Carpentry, Land Navigation & Wilderness Survival

    Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Level. One proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

    Starting Equipment:

    • Typical Soldiers and Imperial Soldiers: All Soldiers Start with a small shield, a dagger, Longsword and two weapons of choice; all are basic S.D.C. weapons of good quality, Backpack, sacks, bedroll, and other equipment is provided as necessary. In addition, foot soldiers carry a large shield and a pike or pole-arm of choice. Cavalrymen carry a small shield, short sword and a war hammer. Archers carry a crossbow and 30 bolts, plus a dagger (elite companies of Long Bowmen are also used). If nessesary Leather or Plate Barding and a horse.
    • Imperial Janissary: Backpack, sacks, bedroll, and other equipment is provided as necessary. Likewise, additional or special weapons, magic items, equipment, disguises, and riding animals may be supplied depending on the assignment and circumstances. All Janissaries carry Superior Quality longswords (2D6+4 damage, +1 to strike), knives (1D6+4 damage, +1 to strike) and large shields, plus three weapons that match their W.P.s When fighting with sword and shield, Janissaries love to use their shields as bashing weapons, the Janissary shield is specially designed to do extra damage, and inflicts 2D6+3 per strike, but you need a P.S. of at least 20 to wield one efficiently, otherwise -2 to strike.If nessesary Leather or Plate Barding and a horse.
    • Sapper: Starts with the following equipment, in addition to the typical Soldiers equipment the sapper has a Sapper's Kit and 3 premade Vollokoff Alchemical Explosives. A pick, a shovel, head lantern.

    Armour: Typical Soldiers Starts with a suit of chain mail (A.R. 14, S.D.C. 44), or studded leather (A.R. 13, 38 S.D.C.); player's choice: Imperial Soldiers all wear full suits of chain mail (A.R. 14, S.D.C. 44); officers, double mail or scale mail (A.R. 15 S.D.C. 55). Imperial Janissaries usually have a choice between a full suit of scale, splint or plate and chain body armor (most wear plate and chain: A.R. 15, S.D.C. 100). Janissary commanders wear full suits of plate mail (A.R. 17, S.D.C. 160).

    Weapons: Special or magic weapons may be assigned for special missions. Officers will have one superior weapon (+2 to parry and +4 to damage, or a minor holy weapon), one additional weapon of choice,

    Soldiers and buying additional weapons & equipment: Most armies allow the soldier the option of purchasing his own special or superior weapons and armour, provided he returns his military issue equipment to the supply officer and gets permission to make such purchases (usually granted). Almost all towns and cities (even bor­der towns) will have special shops, weapon smiths, and armourers who are subcontracted by the military to provide arms and armour to their soldiers at a 25% discount.

    Magic Items: Usually reserved for officers and special operations. Captains and higher often possess one magic weapon and one to a few minor items (like a potion or scroll)

    Money and other equipment: Soldiers generally don't carry cash while on duty. When in the field, they carry all of their gear back in overstuffed backpacks containing all field equipment, food, clothes, and other military supplies, such as torches, rope, iron spikes, tinderboxes, etc. Imperial soldiers get paid twice as much as soldiers in most other armies. Unlike grunts, Janissaries often travel light so they can move quickly once they hit hot zones. When Janissaries go on the march, they bring support trains with them consisting of carts and pack animals to carry their supplies and extra equipment.

    • Typical soldier:
        100-150 gold a month
      • Sapper: 300 to 600 gold a month.
      • Border soldier: 160-200 gold a month.
      • Special Forces: 300 to 600 gold a month.
      • Cavalry (usually knights, nobles & officers): 500-800 gold a month.
      • Archers: 400-600 gold a month.
      • Officers of low Rank: An additional 900 to 1200 gold a month.
      • Officers of high Rank: An additional 1000 to 1600 gold a month.
    • Imperial Soldier:
        200-300 gold a month
      • Border soldier: 320-400 gold a month.
      • Special Forces: 600 to 1200 gold a month.
      • Cavalry (usually knights, nobles & officers): 1000-1600 gold a month.
      • Archers: 800-1200 gold a month.
      • Officers of low Rank: An additional 1800 to 2400 gold a month.
      • Officers of high Rank: An additional 2000 to 3200 gold a month.
    • Imperial Janissary:
        300-450 gold a month
      • Border soldier: 480-600 gold a month.
      • Special Forces: 900 to 1800 gold a month.
      • Cavalry (usually knights, nobles & officers): 1500-2400 gold a month.
      • Archers: 1200-1800 gold a month.
      • Officers of low Rank: An additional 2700 to 3600 gold a month.
      • Officers of high Rank: An additional 3000 to 4800 gold a month.

    Starts with
    • Typical Soldier: 200 gold
    • Imperial Soldier: 400 gold
    • Imperial Janissary: 600 gold

    Experiance Table:


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