Oath of the Bone

Bone knights are sworn to the forces of darkness and necromancy, agents of evil and vile Gods, who fight along side undead legions to reap death and destruction to all who dare oppose them. During times of War, they control legions of undead raised to cause chaos and mayhem. In times of peace they go forth, raiding and slaughtering, trying to stir up war. They wear suits of bonecrafted armor that they create themselves and learn to harness the power of necromancy, turning hordes of undead into disciplined, even cunning, troops.

Tenets of Bone

Waste not the Fallen: Countless lives have perished over a centuries of war. Yet here you stand to lead them once more into battle. They died, you live to reap the benifits of their sacrifice. Your purpose is to ensure that in their fall they once again serve a purpose, your conquest. Peace is only but a small silent pause before the armies of the dead rise again to battle.

For Power and Victory: There is no truth but your truth. Bend the world to your will. Cultivate your own power. The dead are tools for your own disposal. Enforce your command upon the Land. Claim all territory in the name of your god.

No Escape in death: Your service will never end, your oaths will last forever until the end of ages. In battle there is no retreat, there is no mercy for your enemies. Once you become a Bone Knight there will be no turning back. No death awaits you from now on. As the Bone March echoes in the battlefield your enemies will learn true fear and shall never escape the their fate.

Revel in Death: You are the destroyer. Never doubt yourself or your purpose. Find delight in killing and purpose in war. Embrace your hate.

The Art of Bonecrafting

Paladins of this Oath gather the bones of their fallen comrades and attach them to their armor and weapons for two reasons: to honor the fallen and to bring fear to their enemies. The prosses requires specific skill, both mandane and necromatic, taught only by the knights themselves. The Knight must gather a specific amount of bones, which he can then forge onto his armor and weapons. This process can be used on any physical weapon or armor and takes 8 hours of effort, or can be incorporated into the forging of new weapons or armor without any significant delay in the construction process. The resulting equipment has a particularly menacing visage, and those that use them in combat sow fear in their enemies. A Bone Knight leading a battalion of undead is a sight that haunts the dreams of any warrior. You gain proficiency to Intimidation while wearing armor or wielding weapons treated with Bonecrafting. If you are already proficient, your proficiency bonus for it is doubled instead. When using Divine Smite with a weapon treated with Bonecrafting, the extra damage of the Divine Smite is necrotic, any damage to an enemy with this weapon requires the enemy to make a P.E. save. If the saving throw fails, then the target's maximum Hit Points are reduced by an amount equal to the damage inflicted. This reduction lasts until the target heals normally or is healed by a life weaver (Magical or Psionic healing will not work).

Oath Spellprayers

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.(cast 2/day, these are in addition to a paladins normal spells casting ability)

Paladin Level Spellprayers
5th False Life, Inflict wounds
8th Ray of Enfeeblement, Summon Skeletal Steed*
11th Animate Dead, Vampiric Touch
14th Animate Greater Dead*, Death Ward
17th Contangion, Antilife Shell
* see Special Spellprayers below

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 5th level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Bone March:once a day, You can use your Channel Divinity to rally undead to your command. As an action, choose zombies or skeletons within 30 feet of you that you can see (up to 2 /level can be effected). The creatures must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be Charmed by you for 24 hours. While Charmed, the creatures must obey your commands to the best of their abilities. Using Bone March on creatures already affected by it refreshes its duration to the full 24 hours without requiring a new saving throw. Additionaly you can use this Channel Divinity on undead created with Animate Dead to expand the duration of your control without casting the Spell again.

Arms of the Grave: Once a day, You can use your Channel Divinity to imbue your bonecrafted armor or weapon with necrotic energy. As a bonus action, you choose one bonecrafted weapon you are wielding or one suit of bonecrafted armor you are wearing. If you select a weapon, it deals an extra 1d4 necrotic damage to any target it hits, for one minute. If you select a suit of armor, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage you receive from non-magical weapons while wearing that suit of armor is reduced by half for the duration. Duration is 1 turn (ten minutes)/level of the paladin.

Spell Like Abilities

Master of the Blood Banner: At 7th level, all undead under your control have advantage on saving throws against being turned, and those within 10 feet of you gain a bonus to melee weapon damage rolls equal to your PP modifier (minimum 1).

Exoskeleton of Undeath: At 15th level, you learn how to expand the necromantic energies that dwell within bonecrafted armor to affect yourself. You can take one hour to perform a ritual that allows you to fuse a suit of bonecrafted armor on your body. This fused suit cannot be removed except by your death or the same ritual, but otherwise retains its traits. While fused with bonecrafted armor, you gain immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition, and you do not need to eat or drink.

Aspect of Death: At 20th level, once a day, you can assume the mantle of death and become a veritable Reaper on the Material Plane. Using your action, you slip away from the grasp of life to enter death's embrace. For 1 turn, you gain the following benefits:

Special Spellprayers