Oath of Death

The Oath of Death is a vow to preserve the natural flow of life. There comes a time when one simply must pass on and leave this world for the next. Paladins who take this Oath attempt to ensure those who extend their life long beyond a proper time can actually die and join others in the afterlife while protecting those that have yet to reach that point. They specialize in killing Undead like Vampires, Liches, and Ghosts, as well as those who make promises with fiends for eternal life. And sometimes even more peaceful beings or object that extend life or create undead or even restore life to the dead. Depending on the person, a paladin who takes this Oath may be known as a savior, reaper, Death,or even an assasin of the elderly.SOme of these padadins have different ideas on what constitutes the denying of death and what types of life should be protected, but regardless of this the main ideas of the Oath remain the same and are upheld.

Tenets of Death

Pass the Torch: Ease a soul's passing onto the afterlife and honoour the memory of their creation.

Help Creation: Protect those who cannot yet fight or think for themselves and those who are helping nurse a new being into the world.

Kill the Breathless: Let those who have denied death and prevented it to be able to move onto the next stages of their existance by sending them to the afterlife.

Bear Fruit: Celebrate life with others and aid in the creation of new life and the next generation. Be fruitful and multiply.

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Paladin Level Spells
5th cure wounds, inflict wounds
8th gentle repose, warding bond
11th lesser restoration, mass healing word
14th aura of life, ice storm
17th cone of cold, greater restoration

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 5th level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Icy Death: You can use your Channel Divinity to make the target feel the chilling presence of Death. As an action, cast chill touch using your paladin spell casting. This damage is always maximum and cannot be reduced in any fashion.

Life's Flame: As an Action, you can use your Channel Divinity to imbue creatures within 30 feet with divine energy. Any attacks made by these creatures inflict maximum damage.

Spell Like Abilities

Aura of Preservation: At 7th level, the air around you seems to be robbed of it's warmth while your bidy feels pleasently warm to the touch. You and friendly creatures within 10 feet have immunity to cold, fire and necrotic damage for the duration of this ability. The ability last 1 melee / level of the paladin and at 18th level the duration doubles and the range increases to 30 feet.

Death's Cloak: At 15th level, your body has given in to the path of the reaper, and your soul essence has created a black hood and cloak that you may summon at will. While summoned, your face is completely blacked out by black smoke and the only visible thing is the now bright blue glow of your eyes. The cloak itself emits black trails of smoke and the edges of it flow into a smokey darkness. You gain Darkvision out to 120 feet.

Grim Reaper: At 20th level, you can assume a shadowy figure of death for 1 melee/ level and gain the following benifits: