Oath of Ruin

A paladin who takes the Oath of Ruin has seen that the world is broken and strives to complete that ruination. Perhaps the paladin was once a good person who has had their hopes shattered. Perhaps the paladin has always been wicked. Perhaps the paladin just wants to watch the world burn. A Paladin of Ruin is empowered by dark gods, alien outsiders, or the raw power of Cosmic Entropy. He uses his strength to dominate and destroy others while increasing his own power. Most Paladins of Ruin are evil, although many are chaotic neutral. Some very few are actually good, who believe that the destruction of this world will usher in the creation of Paradise.

Tenets of Ruin

Everything Rots: Nothing lasts. Every creature starts to die on the day it is born. The creations of man, elves, dragons, and gods, all crumble. Do not try to stop entropy. Usher it along, and be the last one standing.

Power is Truth: There is no truth but your truth. Bend the world to your will. Cultivate your own power. The weak are tools for your own disposal.

Let None Judge You: The others are deluded by their illusions of justice and mercy. They call you evil, but you are a force of nature. It is your place in the universe to be the Destroyer. You are doing what is right; you are doing what is needed.

Revel in Ruin: You are the destroyer. Never doubt yourself or your purpose. Find delight in sorrow and purpose in chaos. Embrace your hate.

Oath Spellprayers

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.(cast 2/day, these are in addition to a paladins normal spells casting ability)

Paladin Level Spellprayer
5th Hex, Hellish Rebuke
8th Crown of Madness, Blindness/Deafness
11th Animate Dead, Fear
14th Blight, Evard’s Black Tentacles
17th Contact Other Plane, Contagion

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 5th level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Tainted Blade: The paladin can imbue one weapon with negative energy. For turn (10 minutes)/level, the paladin’s weapon flickers with a black radiance. The weapon's damage type becomes necrotic for the duration. While Tainted Blade is in effect, any damage to an enemy with this weapon requires the enemy to make a P.E. save. If the saving throw fails, then the target's maximum Hit Points are reduced by an amount equal to the damage inflicted. This reduction lasts until the target heals normally or is healed by a life weaver (Magical or Psionic healing will not work). If the weapon tainted is not already magical, it is considered magical for the duration.

Kneel: Once a day, the paladin presents his holy symbol and shouts his hatred at a target. The target must make an ME save or be compelled to kneel. On its subsequent turns, the victim can use its Move action to make an ME save to stand up. This effect ends once a successful save is made, the caster falls unconscious, or a number of turns equal to the caster’s ME.

Spell Like Abilities

Entropic Aura: At 7th level, the paladin and all his allies within 10-foot radius gain Resistance against necrotic and poison damage while the paladin is conscious. In addition, they are at +3 save vs all Necromancy spells. At 18th level, this radius increases to 30 feet.

Ruinous Soul: At 15th level, twice a day, the paladin gains the ability to infuse his attacks with the essence of ruin. After a successful melee attack, he can use a Bonus Action to activate this power. At the start of the turn, the target must make a PE save or take 1d8 necrotic damage. The victim must make this save every turn or take another 1d8 necrotic damage. Once they make this save, the effect ends. This damage lasts until the target heals normally or is healed by a life weaver (Magical or Psionic healing will not work). The body of a creature slain by this damage crumbles to ash.

Aura of Corruption: At 20th level, once a day, the paladin can emanate a sickly green-purple aura of corrupting energy. For 1D6 minutes, this fell light flickers forth from the paladin’s core. The ground for 30 feet around him cracks and becomes covered in ash and rot. Whenever an enemy creature starts its turn within 30 feet of the paladin, it must make a PE save or suffer the 3D6 damage condition. It must make this save again every turn, until it leaves the radius. Areas corrupted with this Aura take 1 full year to recover.