Islidruk Rakharn (Iceborn Captain) O.C.C.

Perils of the Northern Sea:

Navigating the treacherous waters of the Northern Sea is a perilous endeavor, with icy winds, sudden storms, unpredictable currents, and unexplained phenomena posing constant threats. Yet, amidst these challenges, there exists one menace that strikes terror into the hearts of every fisherman, sailor, and ship's captain daring to brave these waters, The Islidruk or "Iceborn" as they are often called

Origin and Dreaded Raiders

Emerging from the Great Ice Shelf and the iceberg-filled seas surrounding it, the Islidruk, an ancient and Forgotten spiecies of Orc, are shrouded in legend and mystery to scholars and inhabitants beyond the Northern and Southern Islands and the coast of the Great Ice Shealves to the North and the South. To the sailors and whalers of Dhelcrist, however, the Islidruk are a grim reality, inhuman marauders who descend upon ships in the dead of night, leaving blood-splattered decks and ghost ships in their wake.

Ghost ships, found stripped of value, blood staining the decks, and devoid of living souls, are attributed to the nefarious deeds of the Islidruk. Such vessels are deemed cursed, with even the most daring salvagers choosing to burn the hulks rather than risk recovery. More terrifying than their nocturnal raids are the Necroilus, ghastly ships fashioned from the corpses of sea serpents, controlled by dark magic and manipulated as warships and floating habitats.

Seafaring Nomads and Pillagers

The Islidruk are an enigmatic race that thrives at sea, residing onboard their macabre sea serpent ships. Rarely making landfall, they emerge only to raid, pillage, and slaughter coastal communities. Uninterested in trade or negotiation, the Islidruk are driven solely by their impulse to capture, consume, and repurpose every part of any living being they encounter. Necromancy serves as the linchpin of their society, providing magic and spiritual beliefs centered around the reuse of all things, leaving nothing to waste. As pirates, Islidruk prize possessions, especially those not derived from the dead, such as metal weapons, gold, and jewels. Metal objects serve as status symbols, with magic weapons and items holding even greater value. The Dhelcrist Navy actively seeks and destroys Islidruk and their Necroilus vessels on sight, acknowledging the menace they pose. Despite rumors dismissed by some, the Dhelcristians, North Folk, Wolfen, and scholars believe in the Islidruk's existence and their potential for imminent attacks.

Prowling the northernmost waters around the Great Ice Shelves, the Islidruk occasionally venture to strike at ships and coastal towns of Dhelcrist, the Northern Islands, The Northern Coast of the Elven lands as well as in the Southern oceans and Southern Islands.

Despite their seemingly chaotic existence, the Islidruk possess a militaristic and hierarchical culture. Organized into first Tribes, then Clans, then tiers amoung the Males and finally tiers among the females. They exhibit savage, brutal, and primal behavior, yet maintain bizarre forms of social behavior and cooperation. A rigid chain of command, often indistinguishable through acts of barbarism, places absolute loyalty toward each other, especially to the Viprul Rakharn (Serpent Captain) then the Skar`mok Rakharn (Clan Captain). Disobedience results in death, emphasizing their reverence for power and ferocity.

Seafaring Lifestyle and Ruthless Tactics

Islidruk lead lives entirely at sea, with minimal contact with dry land. Their forays ashore involve sacking coastal villages, capturing humanoids, livestock, or monsters for slavery or consumption. After their raids, the Islidruk leave vessels or villages eerily untouched, creating an atmosphere of terror and mystery. In their shipboard quarters within Necroilus serpent ships, skeletal remains are transformed into tools and weapons, and organs are preserved for later use, showcasing their ruthlessness and disdain for traditional repairs. Islidruk technology revolves around non-consumable parts scavenged from the dead—bones, teeth, blood, guts, sinew, and hides of humanoids, sea serpents, monsters, and animals. Clothing and footwear are crafted from animal and humanoid skins, using bone needles and viscera threads. In battle, Islidruk favor close combat, exhibiting fearlessness and fighting to the death, viewing death as a contribution to the tribe.

Dhelcrist's Silent War

Unofficially, Dhelcrist has been at war with the Islidruk for at least the last 500 years, with sagas recounting battles against a mysterious "Horde" that arrives by sea to conquer and slaughter the people of the North. While the name Islidruk is never explicitly used, the descriptions align with the terrifying reputation of these marauders. The Dhelcrist Navy actively combats Islidruk vessels, responding to reported sightings with vigilance, and often arriving too late to prevent the devastation left in the wake of their raids. Despite being considered mythical by some, Dhelcrist acknowledges the Islidruk's existence. Blood-splattered ghost ships are undeniable proof of their deadly presence, leaving an indelible mark on the collective consciousness of sailors, soldiers, scholars, and holy men. While oral traditions and sagas may lack archeological evidence, the fear of an Islidruk attack looms large, with Dhelcrist maintaining a perpetual state of alert against these formidable adversaries.

Physical Appearance and Adornments

Islidruk males boast muscular frames and snouts, replacing human-like noses, creating an intimidating presence. Their bodies, clad in rubbery, leathery seal- or whale-like skin, exhibit shades of white or whitish-grey with hints of green and a touch of pink. Adorned with pierced noses, ears, and faces embellished with bone jewelry, teeth, tusks, and skulls, their attire is minimal, featuring furs, animal hides, and bones for protection and adornment. Living over 80 years, with most males succumbing before 35, Islidruk Karok have superior strength, endurance, and speed. Their natural swimming abilities, breath-holding capabilities, depth tolerance, night vision, and keen sense of smell contribute to their prowess. They are impervious to normal cold, immune to disease, and capable of consuming raw flesh without ill effects.

Social Structure and Warrior Way of Life

Islidruk society, though appearing chaotic, adheres to a militaristic and hierarchical structure. The tribes, despite their brutal behavior, display a unique form of social cooperation. Master sailors navigating perilous oceans, they exhibit unwavering loyalty to their crew. The Islidruk warrior's way of life involves a strict code of conduct that, although brutal, establishes order within their chaotic existence. Tribes excel in raiding and conquest, showcasing their prowess as seafaring nomads.

Hatred and Alliances

Harboring intense hatred for most races, Islidruk hold particular disdain for humans, elves, titans, dwarves, and canine races. Even creatures like dolphins, whales, Ice Bearmen, Merrows, and Faerie Folk are met with aversion. Rarely forming alliances outside their kind, they occasionally collaborate with intelligent undead, vampires, powerful necromancers, dark gods, and select demons if it aligns with their agenda or furthers the suffering of their despised enemies.

Favorite Weapons and Enchantments

Islidruk favor bone knives, clubs, harpoons, tridents, and spears, often enchanted to match or surpass the effectiveness of stone or steel weapons. These weapons are an extension of their brutal nature, tailored for the exigencies of their seafaring, warrior lifestyle.

Amongst the Islidruk, there are Viprul Rakharn (Serpent Captains) and Skar`mok Rakharn (Clan Captains). The Viprul Rakharn is the top man who commands and directs each Necroilus warship. He is also the leader/chieftain of the specific tribe of Islidruk that inhabits each Necroilus, for these dead Viprul warships are also floating villages. Each Viprul Rakharn lives aboard the Necroilus he commands, surrounded by the members of the tribe he leads.

The lesser Skar`mok Rakharn are the heads of the largest family clans within a tribe. They function as the ship's main officers and warlords who lead groups of Raiders. There are many different Islidruk tribes with subsets of family Skar`mok within the larger overall tribe. No one knows the exact number of tribes; not even the Islidruk; but there are at least three dozen, and some believe there are two or three times as many. Each tribe has one (sometimes two) Viprul Rakharn and somewhere between a few and several Skar`mok Rakharn, depending on the size of the tribe. As a rule, the entire tribe lives on one Necroilus warship, making some of these vessels truly immense, with 2,000-8,000 Islidruk (2D4x1000) living on a single ship. On the rare occasion that one Necroilus is not enough to contain the entire tribe, a second Necroilus is created, with a second Viprul Rakharn and the Skar`mok Rakharn and tribe members who serve under him on that vessel. However, the original Viprul Rakharn remains the tribal chieftain.

Two or more Necroilus warhships in the same tribe is a rarity. Most Necroilus ships contain a village of 400-2,400 Islidruk (4D6x100), including males, females, the young and elderly. It is important to understand that these marine nomads do not have a land base of operation or permanent villages anywhere in the world. Though they may hide, hole up and hunt on the Great Ice Shelf for 1D4 months at a time, these camps on the Ice Shelf are not permanent settlements or villages. They are simply where one or more Islidruk tribes have decided to set anchor for a while. When the tribe picks up to go, whether it has one thousand or several thousand members, they all load onto their Necroilus ships and head out to sea together on this Necroilus. Many Islidruk who live on the Necroilus never leave the deck of the ship, except to go on raids, hunting expeditions, supply gathering missions, fishing or to play and explore wherever it is they have set anchor. No one is left behind unless they are being exiled. When Islidruk die, their flesh is eaten and their bodies de-constructed so that their skin, bones and parts can be used to benefit the tribe as food and components to make weapons or repairs to the ship/village. Sink a Necroilus and you may wipe out an entire Islidruk tribe.

As noted, the Viprul Rakharn and Skar`mok Rakharn are the tribes leaders. As such, the Rakharn and Sea Witches (the leaders of the female Islidruk) are the only ones taught to read and write in an ancient, archaic Orcish language. It is also the Rakharn responsibilities to run a tight ship. They are the ones who organize and assign duties to the crew/tribesmen, shape behavior, maintain order and guide crews/people as a whole. Without an Islidruk Viprul Rakharn and the lesser Skar`mok Rakharn/warlords, the tribe/crew would devolve into complete anarchy, fighting amongst each other, unable to make collective decisions. When a Viprul Rakharn dies, the next highest ranking Skar`mok Rakharn (the equivalent of a first mate) steps up to take the position. If a Skar`mok Rakharn is not available (all slain in combat), the next highest ranking Islidruk Sea Witch steps in to assume command until she can choose and help put into power a new, male, Viprul Rakharn. However, a new Viprul Rakharn, or a Viprul Rakharn who appears weak or is doing a poor job as tribal chief, may be challenged by any Skar`mok Rakharn within that tribe. This results in a duel or series of duels, usually to the death, until one Viprul Rakharn asserts his dominance. Once a new Viprul Rakharn has risen to power, the rest of the tribe/crew settle back into submissive positions within the new hierarchy. Though females are equal to males within Islidruk society, the female Sea Witches seldom take permanent control over a tribe. Instead, an elder or influential Sea Witch may cultivate a Skar`mok Rakharn of her choosing and support his challenge to the chieftain position of Viprul Rakharn. Otherwise it is the Sea Witches' responsibility to lead and keep order among the Islidruk females and young.

As the tribal chieftain, Viprul Rakharn are the absolute commander of the ship and leader of the tribe that crews it. Rakharn (and Sea Witches) are also the keepers of tribal knowledge and the history of their people, secrets that are passed on only between male and female leaders (Rakharn and Sea Witches), who tell stories to the tribe during rituals and festivals. No Islidruk Rakharn would ever consider sharing Islidruk history, much less their secrets or beliefs about their ultimate destiny, with any outsiders. All Islidruk live by the Viprul Rakharn s decisions, regardless of their rationale, and seldom question or defy his orders.

As the leaders, the Viprul Rakharn and Skar`mok Rakharn encourage the Islidruk traditions of hunting and killing people for food, and support all manner of brutality, torture and murder against other intelligent life forms, with humans at the top of that list. Such is the Islidruk tradition and way of life. Their entire society revolves around raiding, hunting and devouring other people. Too valuable to risk, Viprul Rakharn/Chiefs seldom leave a Necroilus for anything other than the largest raids and coastal attacks. However, when a Necroilus warship is under attack, it is the Viprul Rakharn who leads the battle and commands his people every step of the way.

The Viprul Rakharn and Skar`mok Rakharn (typically 3D4 even amongst the biggest tribes/crews) are all educated in the ways of war, Islidruk strategies and tactics, the responsibilities of leadership, the command of the Necroilus and death magic. Every Islidruk Rakharn is a true Orcish Necromancer. As such, the Rakharn animate and command the dead, and may have a few zombies at their disposal. On occasion, some Rakharn may enslave 1D4 Lesser Demons or Deevils (usually Aquatics, Ghouls and similar lesser supernatural beings), but these are slaves, not friends or partners.

Once in a great while, an Islidruk Viprul Rakharn may appear to partner up with or serve a powerful supernatural being, sorcerer, or ruthless individual in their wars and schemes, especially if it involves mass murder and destruction. But while it may appear that the Islidruk are capable of serving a non-Islidruk master or partner, they can never be trusted. Sooner or later, the arrangement will be dissolved or the Islidruk will turn on their partner(s). This may involve one side or the other simply walking away after they accomplished their goal (and for Islidruk, that goal may be as simple as enslaving and killing people), or by betraying or killing their partner. More often than not, it is the latter. But such alliances and partnerships can only be made by a Viprul Rakharn when it involves the entire tribe, or a Skar`mok Rakharn when it involves a faction within the tribe.

The tribe is all, and the Rakharn is its center. It is important to remember that the Viprul Rakharn's "crew" is also his tribe. Males, females and children all live inside the Necroilus and have duties as crew members. The Necroilus is more than a horrifying warship, it is the tribe's home. Each Necroilus (sometimes two) represents a different tribe within the larger Islidruk community. Anyone aboard who is not an Islidruk is a prisoner, a slave, livestock to be eaten, or a rare, temporary ally of convenience. Islidruk are fiercely loyal only to their own kind, making ALL other humanoids and intelligent beings their hated rivals and enemies; even other types of Orcs.

Non-Islidruk are NEVER accepted into the tribe, never trusted, nor ever regarded as an equal. A worthy adversary, perhaps, but an equal? Never. Even other monster races such as Wolfen, Trolls, Ogres and other Orc sub-spiecies are seen as enemies and food. As noted before, Islidruk have little desire for, or need for, wealth or power. They are predators who prey upon other humanoids and worship chaos and death, of which they are harbingers. The killing and eating of people and their use of Necromancy is what makes the Islidruk such a feared and horrifying opponent and if people knew the Islidruk secretly worship and derived their powers of Necromancy from the ancient, slumbering Old One, Netosa, they would fear the monsters all the more.

Islidruk Rakharn (Iceborn Captain) O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10, M.A. 10. and a desire to lead.
Alignment: Any, as per male Islidruk R.C.C.
Gender: Male
O.C.C. Bonus: +1D4 to I.Q., +1D4 to M.E., +2D6 to Hit Points, 5D6 to S.D.C., +2 on Perception Rolls for all things regarding the welfare and security of his ship and tribe, +1 to strike, +2 to pull punch, and +4 to save vs Horror Factor. In addition to these bonuses, the Viprul Rakharn gets +1 attack per melee round
O.C.C. Skills:

  • Anthropology: Islidruk (exclusive to a ship's Rakharn, +15%)
  • Astronomy & Navigation (+20%)
  • History (from the Islidruk's twisted perspective; +10%)
  • Identify Sea Life (+20%)
  • Language: Native Tongue 98%, plus one of choice (+20%).
  • Language: Other: Two of choice (+12%).
  • Literacy: Ancient Orcish (+15%)
  • Lore: Demon & Monsters (+25%)
  • Lore: Sea (+20%)
  • Lore: Magic
  • Mathematics: Basic (+25%)
  • Salvage (+15%)
  • Seamanship (+20%)
  • Swimming (88% to start; a natural ability; see R.C.C.)
  • Skin and Prepare Animal Hides (+5%)
  • Wilderness Survival: Ocean
  • W.P. Knife
  • W.P.: Two of choice.
  • Hand to Hand: Expert, but it may be changed to Martial Arts or Assassin for the cost of One O.C.C. Related Skill

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select three additional skills from the category of Naval, and seven other skills of choice at level one, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Level. One proficiency

    Communications: Any (uncommon)
    Domestic: None
    Espionage: Any (+10%)
    Horsemanship: General or Exotic only (uncommon)
    Labour: Any
    Medical: Any (+5%).
    Military: Any (+10%)
    Naval: Any (+15%)
    Performing Arts: Any
    Physical: Any, except Acrobatics and Gymnastics.
    Rogue: None
    Science: Mathematics only.
    Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+10% to Lore skills, Literacy, Writing, Language, or History)
    Weapon Proficiencies: Any
    Wilderness: Any (+5%)

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Level. One proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Special Islidruk Rakharn Knowledge and Necromancy: All Islidruk Rakharn are Nekrulgash (Orcish Necromancers) and possess the magic spells and abilities of the Nekrulgash O.C.C. Rakharn are taught the following spells and embrace the slumbering Old One, Netosa, as their master and the hand that guides them and their people. Rakharn are usually Non-Player Characters.

  • Necromancy Magic: All Islidruk Skar`mok Rakharn start with the following spells:
      All Necromancy Spells levels 1-5, including Animate and Control Dead (10), plus
    • Animate Dead Greater (50)
    • Cloak of Darkness (6)
    • Death Bolt (30)
    • Death Trance (2)
    • Fear (5)
    • Fire Ball (10)
    • Globe of Daylight (4)
    • Tongues (12)
    • Turn Dead (6)
    • Shape Bone (40)

    Note: Viprul Rakharn (typically a Non-Player Character/NPC) know all these spells plus an additional 1D6+1 from the available Wizard Invocations available to Nekrulgash.
  • Additional Spell Selections: Islidruk Skar`mok Rakharn usually learn one new spell per each additional level of experience and Viprul Rakharn 1D4 spells per each additional level of experience, starting at level two, from elder Nekrulgash. Spells are selected from only the Necromancy category or Wizard Invocations available to the Nekrulgash O.C.C. The spells learned can be of any level, but are seldom higher than 9th level for Skar`mok Rakharn. The Viprul Rakharn can learn any Necromancy or related spell of any level.
  • P.P.E. is 1D6x10+90 +10 additional P.P.E. per each additional level of experience.

    Armour: As a rule, none. Though may wear some leather, studded leather or bone plating as forearm vambraces (+1 to A.R.), shoulder (+1 to A.R.) and/or leg protectors. Most Skar`mok Rakharn wear hooded robes or long, hooded cloaks made of fur or humanoid skin decorated with skulls, heads, bones, and teeth. They may also wear leather or fur gloves and boots (or sandals) and jewelry made of bone and ivory.

    Weapons: A pair of knives, and one weapon for each W.P. Since Islidruk Rakharn are leaders and managers, they usually have access to humanoid skin, flesh, organs, bones, weapons, armor and gear in the possession of the Skinbinders they lead. As the ship s Rakharn and chieftain, Rakharn have access to the best weapons captured and onboard. Over time, most Viprul and Skar`mok Rakharn will acquire one or two magic weapons. Blade weapons are usually preferred

    Starting Equipment: Robe or cloak made from animal or humanoid skins, belt made from sinew, sharkskin gloves, bedroll, backpack, large satchel, one large sack, two medium sacks, three small sacks, two waterskins, 1D6 candles, a tinder box, 50 feet (15 m) of rope made from animals or humanoid, 4D6 bones (arm, leg, rib, or any combination), two weeks worth of food (probably blubber/seal meat or preserved humanoid flesh), and some personal items.

    Money: Though they have no need for money, a Skar`mok Rakharn is likely to have 1D4x1,000 in gold and/or gems and precious metals, plus 1D4x10 furs, 1D4x10 animal hides and 1D4x10 humanoid hides, plus a stash of bones. The Viprul Rakharn will have two or three times that in possessions, but even the leaders don t have much use or regard for treasure.

    Experience Level: Skar`mok Rakharn 1D4+3; Viprul Rakharn 1D6+4; or as set by the Game Master for NPCs. Not recommended as a Player Character, but if so,

    Magic Combat:
    LevelMagic CombatSpell Use/levelExperience
    1+1 vs. Spell/Essence Drain 50-1,666
    2+1 vs. Circles/Wards71,667-3,666
    3+1 Spell Strength 93,667-8,666
    42 Spell Att/Melee 11 8,667-16,666
    5Recognize Enchantment 36%1316,667-25,666
    6Recognize Magic Items 20% 1525,667-36,666
    7+2 vs. Spell/Essence Drain17 36,667-56,666
    8+2 Spell Strength 1956,667-86,666
    9Recognize Magic Items 40%21 86,667-111,666
    10Recognize Enchantment 56%23 111,667-135,666
    11+2 vs. Circle/Wards 25 135,667-166,666
    12+3 Spell Strength 27 166,667-216,666
    13+3 vs. Spell31216,667-266,666
    14Recognize Magic Items 60%35266,667-316,666
    15+3 vs. Circle/Wards39316,667-386,666

    Islidruk Ships

    Islidruk Necroilus: Also known as Dead Viprul (serpent) Ships

    While the most feared and powerful ships on the high seas are, without question, the Demon Black Ships, the Islidruk Necroilus is a close second. The sight of a Necroilus sends chills up the spines of seafarers everywhere, whether they already know of the Islidruk or are seeing one for the first time. Just the appearance of a giant, undead sea Viprul rushing toward you is enough to raise the hairs on the nape of the neck. As it gets closer, however, one can see that it is covered in skulls, spikes and buildings, crawling with half-naked, pale-skinned warriors screaming like banshees; a vision right out of a nightmare. To sailors in the North who know the Islidruk are real, or have heard the stories about them, the mere suggestion that one of these massive, freakish vessels is bearing down on them is enough to send sailing vessels fleeing in the opposite direction.

    If such a reaction sounds like cowardice, think again. A Necroilus is the terrible creation of ancient Necromancy, long abandoned and forgotten by civilized people. The monstrous warship doubles as the floating home to an entire Islidruk tribe (several hundred to a few thousand individuals). A vessel made from the rotting corpses of sea Vipruls lashed together and magically brought back to life, the crew is made up of man-eating savages, Witches and Necromancers, all of whom are known to slaughter and eat those they capture. While people in the south insist no such forgotten cannibals or vessels can possibly exist, they are dead wrong. Both are very real. Their confusion comes from the fact that the Islidruk prefer to strike in darkness and work to keep their locations and true numbers secret. Always on the move, and never gathering as a fleet, they strike like hungry locusts and seemingly vanish into the spray of the sea.

    There is one other dark truth known about the Islidruk: when the Islidruk have not been seen for several decades, many rejoice and claim the threat is gone, but in reality, the murderous fiends to the north are letting their numbers grow. When the population of the many tribes reaches some sort of unknown tipping point, the monsters become emboldened and hungry for blood and war. It has been twice as long as usual between the last invasion of the Islidruk, according to scholars and elders. To the most astute defenders of the realms, it suggests that an Islidruk incursion is overdue and could come at any time. And when it does come, it may be the biggest and bloodiest in recorded history. Others pray that the Islidruk have finally perished in the frozen depths of the Icy Ocean.

    If only the latter were true. Indeed, the Islidruk population has risen to an unprecedented number and, soon, the people of the North, both human and nonhuman, will have ample proof that both the Islidruk and their terrifying Necroilus ships are real.
    Notes: Why the Islidruk fail at conquest. The Islidruk have never successfully challenged the supremacy of the humans or other races and never will because they don t fight as a unified force. While a war council must meet out at sea or on the Great Ice Shelf to decide it is time to once again assail the north and the coastal mainland, there is no fleet nor coordinated plan of attack. Each tribe sets out in their own Necroilus, with their own independent and isolated force, at their own pace, with their own agenda of vengeance and murder.

    When the Islidruk are sighted, it is usually the sign of the beginning of a decades long (1D6+6) guerrilla war at sea. They strike in what seems like waves, simply because each tribe attacks when it desires to do so. The Islidruk fail at conquest because they are not conquerors, they are predators, killers driven by revenge and hate. They are not the rulers of nations, they are machines of destruction. The Islidruk use hit and run tactics to strike without warning, usually at night, dusk or before dawn. As is their way, they prefer to leave no witnesses or bodies, and strike fast from the silent shadows of the night. They slay obvious defenders, take key positions and try to capture the entire crew of a ship or village population, vanishing before the sun rises. Because they have little need or desire for money or the trappings of civilization, they leave behind the ship(s) or village buildings largely intact and unmolested. Ships and towns will remain stocked with food and grains, fires may still smolder in the fireplace, and clothing and valuables remain where they were placed. The people, however, and perhaps livestock, along with a few gems and odds and ends, are gone. Vanished into thin air. Without bodies or hard evidence, it is difficult to pin the fate of a ghost ship or the disappearance of an entire town on the Islidruk. Until reports of Necroilus sightings start to come in from reliable eyewitnesses, or survivors of Islidruk raids manage to escape and name the ones responsible, there is no telling what may be the work of other monsters, strange sea Vipruls, dark magic or normal human raiders/slavers. The Islidruk never knowingly leave any bodies behind, dead or alive, to bear witness against them. That is their way. If a raid goes badly and there will be survivors to identify them, the savage monsters may try to sink a ship or burn a village to the ground. In the latter case, to prevent identification, the Raiders are likely to surround the perimeter of a village, set it on fire, and pick off survivors as they try to flee.

    It is only after many successful raids at sea and against farms, settlements and small villages, that the Islidruk begin to consider larger targets in the north. Even then, the attacks are likely to be small incursions resulting in people vanishing at night along the docks and back alleys, or a particular, often isolated area falling under attack. Few Islidruk tribes have the resources and numbers necessary to lay siege to an entire city.

    As effective as these guerrilla tactics and night raids are, they can only inflict so much damage and terror. At some point, the Islidruk stop concealing their presence and engage in all-out warfare. Even then, however, it is only one tribe fighting. When they retreat for the day, they ll take the dead from both sides with them so that they can either send an army of animated dead against the defenders in the next attack, or to eat them and make weapons and repairs from the bodies. If there is more than one Necroilus and tribe of Islidruk attacking two or more locations, it is pure coincidence, as none of the tribes communicate or work together. Not ever. Because of this, there is no one commander with whom to make peace with (not that the Islidruk would be willing to negotiate) nor any one leader to capture and slay to stop the war.

    Each individual Necroilus represents a single, independent tribe that must be dealt with on its own terms. Sink a Necroilus out to sea, and you may wipe out the majority of an entire tribe, especially if you stick around to pick off those who try to escape upon floating wreckage or swim away. Sea Witches can survive underwater for an indefinite period of time, and can literally walk away, across the bottom of the sea to the nearest shore, or all the way back to the Great Ice Shelf. Sea Witches and Skinbinders will both work to rescue as many survivors as possible, even if all they have is a slab of wreckage, an iceberg or are using dead bodies as flotation devices. Both types of witches can enter into a death trance to make themselves appear dead, and wait until the enemy gives them no further mind before sneaking away. This why it is so difficult to exterminate the Islidruk; they can appear dead and float away on the current or slip under the waves with the truly dead. Once they are out of harm s way, they seek to make their way back to the Ice Shelf, eager to raise a new generation on a lust for revenge and murder. It is an endless cycle of hatred and bloodletting. Sinking a Necroilus near shore (within 20 miles/32 km from land) is pure folly, as many members of the tribe are likely to survive and make landfall. On land, they try to gather into small groups of 6-18, but even one or two Islidruk spells serious trouble. If there is no possible way home, the surviving Islidruk prey upon their enemies like man-eating lions, killing, eating and butchering people at will until there are themselves hunted down and slain. That means citizens and livestock disappear and half-eaten bodies may be left behind to create an atmosphere of terror and to let everyone know exactly who is responsible. With Islidruk lurking in the countryside or city alleys, no one is safe until each one is hunted down like a rabid dog. The only thing stronger than the Islidruk s hatred and thirst for bloodshed is their instinct to survive. Though Islidruk marooned in enemy territory may fight to the death, as do some Islidruk raiding parties, the Viprul Rakharn of a Necroilus and his crew/tribesmen are not so inclined. When it is clear that staying in enemy waters is too dangerous, the ship s Rakharn will turn tail and go back out to the open sea, typically retreating back into the Icy Ocean where few dare to follow.

    When a specific Islidruk tribe is done with its fighting, they go back to living on the sea and eventually return for a summer to the Great Ice Shelf, the default rendezvous point for survivors. If they can make it (half will perish in the attempt), odds are that, over time, they can reunite with their tribe, or start a new one of their own. Islidruk survivors, whether out at sea for years on a Necroilus, or on the Ice Shelf, begin anew to raise the next generation of flesh-eating warriors and Necromancers to seek revenge at another time.

    Necroilus Warship, the Islidruk s Home

    Unlike most vessels around the world, a Necroilus is not built from wood and metal, nor even enchanted rock like Stone Ships. Instead, each Necroilus is "constructed" using the corpses of one, two or many sea Vipruls. The final size of the vessel depends on the number of individuals and demands of the tribe. Necromancy is used to meld and shape bones to build the vessel just as humans would use wood. Hides and treated leather cover the bone constructs and are used to make canvas and hardened walls, enclosures and doors. Every Necroilus has many levels and rooms within the giant gullet of the horrifying warship as well as housing and towers rising above the top deck. At the bow, in place of a figurehead, is the head and neck of a massive, dead sea Viprul, reanimated and controlled puppet-like to bite and chomp at the air. The animated Viprul head gives the vessel the appearance of being some kind of undead sea Viprul or "zombie-ship" upon which the savage Islidruk live. The creation of the Necroilus is a craft that the Islidruk Skinbinders and Sea Witches have perfected into a macabre art each vessel, regardless of size, is surprisingly strong and seaworthy.

    Banners, flags, tarps, tents and sails, of course, are made from the skin of humanoids and hides of animals. Part of the ship s defenders and labor force are skeletons and corpses of their victims, slain and animated by the Necromancer Rakharn and Sea Witches. In fact, there are obvious bone hands and arms built into the deck platforms and railings of every Necroilus so that they can be animated to help the crew or to grab and hold intruders.The dark magic used to preserve a Necroilus is ancient and long forgotten (if ever known) to civilized people. The magic prevents the corpse-ship from decomposing for decades, though the smell of death and decay permeates the vessel and can be carried on the wind for miles around. Sailors often smell a Necroilus coming before they see it on the horizon. Sharks and scavengers follow the vessel, snapping up bits and pieces that rot off, and sometimes take bites out of the ship itself. Anyone who falls in the water near a Necroilus risks an immediate attack by 1D6 sharks.

    Necroilus ships are not reliant on sails or oars. They travel using the magically animated tail and flippers of dead sea Vipruls built into the horrific vessel. Skin-sails are placed for stability and balance, with no real need to catch the wind. What ships do have banks of oars use them to quickly reverse course and back away from targets, or simply as a diversion to keep slaves busy and physically exhausted. Islidruk Raiders and Skinbinders double as sailors and fight from behind spikes, scales, and protruding bones. Most Necroilus warships are equipped with ramprows should they get close enough to ram another vessel. From far enough away it is possible to confuse a Necroilus for a living Viprul, but the presence of Islidruk crawling around on top of it and the vessel s odd movements soon reveal the frightening truth.

    Upon closer inspection, you can see numerous tent-like shelters, small house-sized structures and large, almost castle-like battlements on the top deck, built from bones and canvas made from humanoid skin and animal hides. These structures are the domiciles of the Islidruk that live onboard, with many more inside, below deck. Oily, black smoke rises from fireplaces and numerous cooking fires. Sometimes, when raiding is good, pieces of human ships or entire boats and vessels are grafted onto the Necroilus, even though the wood in their construction will eventually rot away if not properly preserved.

    The ritual to create such a monstrosity has never been witnessed, but it enables a Necroilus to be constructed from several sea Vipruls and incorporate the bones, flesh and hides of hundreds or thousands of people who fall prey to the Islidruk. Without the dark magic necessary to support it, the entire vessel would putrefy and rot in a matter of weeks, dissolving into ragged flesh, bone, skin, and viscera. The smallest Necroilus will be made from one, massive sea Viprul, its insides hollowed out and rebuilt with decks, stairs, doors and living areas for the tribe.Unbeknownst to outsiders, the sea Vipruls used to make most Necroilus are not fished from the sea or killed in battle. Certainly the Islidruk can and do make use of any Vipruls taken in this way, but most are scavenged, rather than hunted. 99% of sailors don t know that many sea Vipruls in the last stages of their lives are driven by instinct to travel north, and crawl ashore on icebergs and the shores of the Great Ice Shelf to die. There, Islidruk tribesmen seek out the Vipruls frozen bodies, chopping them out of the ice and enchanting them with a series of Necromantic rituals by Islidruk witches to make them into a Necroilus dead Viprul ship. Once the vessel has been built to accommodate the tribe and is ready to launch, it is imbued with a vile magic that preserves the pieces and holds it all together. The same magic enables the Islidruk Viprul Rakharn to trigger muscles in the tail and flippers to move and swim using the dead Vipruls own fins and tail for propulsion and making sails and oars unnecessary. This dark magic is not known by any other people and is either ancient and forgotten or was given to the Islidruk in a dream by the Old One they worship, Netosa. Once a Necroilus is ready, the abomination is pushed out to sea, where it serves as a warship and home for the piratical Islidruk who live aboard.

    Islidruk Necroilus Warship Stats
    Also known as Dead Viprul Ship and Islidruk Viprul Ship.
    Type: Warship and mobile village.
    Crew: Each Necroilus is commanded by an Islidruk Viprul Rakharn who is also the Chief/Tribal Leader (experience level 1D6+5). The exact number of Islidruk Raiders (adult males), Skinbinders (adult females), Skar`mok Rakharn, Sea Witches, young and elderly, depends on the size of the tribe. A small tribe with 2D4x100 Islidruk is likely to have 2D6+2 Skar`mok Rakharn and 2D6+2 Sea Witches. Larger tribes will have proportionately more.
    Note: To determine size, cargo capacity, attack damage and S.D.C., either use the listings below for small, medium or large vessels, or use common sense and wing it, with those listed as your template. All Necroilus vessels have only one Viprul head and one tail. The number of fins and flippers vary considerably. A few different types of sea Vipruls and a random sea Viprul generator are or will described elsewhere on this website, or canbe found along with some additional Vipruls and other creatures, in the Palladium sourcebook, Monsters and Animals.
    Length of a Necroilus: Size can vary by an immense amount. Remember, many Necroilus are made from several sea Vipruls, but will still only have one head and one tail.

    • Small Necroilus 200-400 feet (61 to 122 m).
    • Medium Necroilus 500-900 feet (152 to 274 m).
    • Large Necroilus 1,000-2,000 feet (305 to 610 m).
    • Largest Necroilus 2,600-4,000 feet (792 to 1,219 m).

    Excess Cargo Capacity:
    • Small: 80,000 tons.
    • Medium: 200,000 tons.
    • Large: 350,000 tons.
    • Largest: 500,000 tons.
    This is cargo space, not including the village made of improvised shelters and hollows inside the Viprul s body. In their living areas, Islidruk also have small caches of weapons (either stolen or made), seized trade goods, odds and ends that struck their fancy and the occasional magic item. There is also one or more slave pens and food pens to hold captives (humans, Wolfen, Bearmen, Dwarves, etc.).
    Note: A Necroilus is likely to have 6-30 smaller Bone Longboats tied to it or traveling along after it. See Bone Longboats, below.
    Speed: 24 mph (38 km or 20.8 knots) for Necroilus of any size, even the biggest, making them some of the fastest ships on the high seas. Propulsion is via the Viprul s tail and 6-12 swim fins/flippers.
    • Bone 12.
    • Bone made stone 15.
    • Bone made steel 17.

    S.D.C. by Location: All are presumed to have bone transformed to the equivalent of stone or steel
    • Viprul Head
      • Small: 220
      • Medium: 380
      • Large: 440
      • Very Large: 550
    • Ram Prow (1; front) 400
    • Front Section
      • Small: 500
      • Medium: 800
      • Large: 1,500
      • Very Large: 2,400
    • Midship
      • Small: 450
      • Medium: 600
      • Large: 800
      • Very Large: 1,100.
    • Rear Section
      • Small: 650
      • Medium: 900
      • Large: 1,300
      • Very Large: 2,200
    • Bonemasts (2-12) 150 each
    • Deck Floor per 10 feet (3 m) 50
    • Hull per 10 feet (3 m) 200
    • Keel per 10 feet (3 m) 300
    • Tail/Rudder & Locomotion
      • Small: 300
      • Medium: 450
      • Large: 600
      • Very Large: 800.
    • Flippers for Locomotion (6-10 of them; large) 100 each
    • Fins (6-12, various) 100 each
    • Doors of Bone (many inside) 60 each
    • Hide Tents & Walls 15
    • Houses Made of Bone and Hides 90
    • Houses and Towers Made of Bone 200
    • Note: Destroy the tail and you reduce speed by 50%. Likewise, destroy all the flippers and you reduce speed by 40%.
      Cost: Not available on the open market. A creation exclusive to the Islidruk.
      Note: Without at least one Islidruk Rakharn, Skinbinder or Sea Witch and 12 Islidruk crew members onboard, a Necroilus begins to rot and fall apart; 5% of it and its S.D.C. rots away every 48 hours without the minimum Islidruk. A decaying lump of mushy flesh and decaying bone that is falling apart and too weak to move on within a month. Gone in 45 days.
      Remember, a Necroilus may be a warship, but it is a village first. Each vessel is the home to a specific tribe and inhabited by all or most (90%) of its people, with the rest on Bone Longboats nearby or off on a mission.

      Features of Note:

      1. Preservation: The natural process of decay has been stopped and magic prevents any further deterioration.
      2. Sustaining Magic: Constant Necromancy magic flows through the vessel to power it and give it locomotion. It cannot be dispelled, negated, or removed. Placing a Circle of Power Leech on the deck, however, will deprive the Necroilus of regeneration.
      3. Regeneration: The dark magic within the sea Viprul s body is the tiniest fragment of Netosa and continually restores the flesh, skin, muscle and bones knitted together to make the ship. Once the Necroilus has been activated and empowered, it remains in its preserved dead stasis, and regenerates damage at a rate of 1D4x10 S.D.C. every eight hours to the following locations of the Necroilus: Viprul head, fins, flippers, tail, front section, midship and rear section. Masts, rails, walls, keel, steering wheel, decks, houses, towers, tents and other features do not regrow and must be rebuilt as you would a ship of wood.
      4. Animate Tail and Flippers for Locomotion: The Necroilus is steered and directed by the Islidruk Viprul Rakharn (in an emergency the First Mate, one of the Skar`mok Rakharn or a Sea Witch can take over). While piloting the warship, the Viprul Rakharn keeps his hands on the wheel and cannot engage in any other action. If attacked and he lets go of the ship s wheel, the fins stop paddling and the tail stops moving to let the vessel coast or ride the current. To go faster or slower, the Rakharn shouts out directions as if the head could hear him, and the Necroilus responds. To change direction he must turn the wheel. Speed is outstanding, especially for the large and very large Necroilus vessels. The tail can only be used to swim and propel the ship. Likewise, flippers and claws are used only for swimming, not combat.
      5. Animate the Head to Attack: An assigned Skar`mok Rakharn or Sea Witch mans and controls the Viprul s head and a command by the Viprul Rakharn or head s controller to cry out in vengeance (or victory, etc.) will cause the Viprul head to roar or bellow. Actual attacks are handled by the Islidruk assigned to that duty. The head has the same number of attacks as the controller (usually 5 or 6).
        • Small Necroilus: Bites do 3D6+2 damage.
        • Medium: 5D6+3.
        • Large: 1D4x10+4.
        • Very large: 1D6x10 damage per bite.
        • Half damage for a head butt.
      6. Aura of Death: While the Necroilus does not decay, the entire ship smells of blood, rotted meat, decay, sweat and death. This is due, in part, to the humanoid slaves kept for labor and food and the frequent killing and butchering of captives for meat and building materials. The Islidruk enjoy the smell of blood and death, and are completely used to it, so the smell has no ill effect upon them. Captives, rare visitors, and boarding parties, however, will be immediately hit by the potent array of smells and must roll 16 or higher (non-lethal toxin) to avoid vomiting. This applies both when boarding the ship and again when going below deck. So powerful is this noxious odor that it can be smelled by a human nose up to two miles (3.2 km) downwind (double that for Wolfen). Any humanoid that dares to climb onboard without wearing nose plugs or a scented-cloth wrapped around their face must make a saving throw of 16 or better (P.E. attribute bonuses can be applied). Those who fail are overcome by the putrid stench, instantly feel nauseous, gag and retch. Vomiting causes victims to lose initiative and -2 melee attacks for that one melee round. The stench also makes eyes water and stomachs queasy. The nausea and penalties (listed here) persist until the character acclimates to it in 1D4x10 minutes; twice as long for characters with a heightened sense of smell, like Wolfen. During that period the victim is -1 to strike, parry and dodge and -5% on all skills.
      7. A Necroilus is not an Animated Dead nor Undead: The Necroilus is not an animated dead nor is it undead, it is something different, created via ancient Necro-magic and the tiniest essence fragment of the Old One, Netosa. As a result, the ship is unaffected by spells like Turn Dead, protection circles, wards and any magic that affect animated dead or the undead. Silver and holy weapons do not cause it any additional damage.

      Bone Longboats: The giant Necroilus warships are not the only vessels at the Islidruk s disposal. They also construct what are known as Bone Longboats. These comparatively small vessels look very much like a Viking longboat, complete with a figurehead that is usually a sea Viprul, monster, skull or skull and bones. These smaller boats, driven by oars, are used by scouting parties and by Raiders to quietly travel rivers and lakes, approach the shore and docks of villages and towns, and to close with and board other ships. A favorite tactic is to move in as silently as possible and climb aboard vessels at night, slay the night watchmen, and rush the sleeping crew members before they realize they are in danger. Other times, Islidruk Raiders swarm over gunwales, screaming like banshees and attacking everyone they encounter until the crew or townspeople surrender.

      Bone Longboats are made of bones lashed together and sealed with caulk derived from Viprul blubber and flesh. The hulls and major parts are usually sea Viprul rib bones, magically shaped to fit the female builder s need, and skulls are often mounted where a human or Wolfen longboat might have a carved horse or dragon s head. Bones and the hides of animals and humanoids then cover the bone construction. The oars needed to propel the boat are typically made of fused bone as well. From a distance some vessels may be mistaken for a Wolfen longboat, but as it comes near, the Islidruk crew will become obvious.

      Longboat Stats
      Type: Islidruk Longboat and Boarding Craft.
      Crew: One Sea Witch as Rakharn/leader, a lower level Sea Witch as First Mate and 12 Islidruk Raiders as oarsmen. 12-18 additional Islidruk Raiders and 1D4 Skinbinders make up a typical raiding party.
      Size: 30-45 feet (9.1 to 14 m) long; 8-12 feet (2.4 to 3.6 m) wide.
      Excess Cargo Capacity: 5 tons of cargo, captured humans, etc.
      Speed: 12 mph (19.2 km or 10.4 knots).
      S.D.C. by Location:

      • Viprul Skull/Figurehead 75
      • Mast (1) 80
      • Sail (1) 30
      • Rudder 75
      • Oars (14) 40 each
      • Main Body 800 (Double S.D.C. if bone is equal to stone or steel; half are not).

      Cost: Only available to Islidruk. Must be captured from the Islidruk. Any that are brought into ports will be broken up and scattered in the sea at the insistence of Waterchanters or Priests.

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