Islidruk Gorthur (Iceborn Warrior)

Perils of the Northern Sea:

Navigating the treacherous waters of the Northern Sea is a perilous endeavor, with icy winds, sudden storms, unpredictable currents, and unexplained phenomena posing constant threats. Yet, amidst these challenges, there exists one menace that strikes terror into the hearts of every fisherman, sailor, and ship's captain daring to brave these waters, The Islidruk or "Iceborn"as they are often called

Origin and Dreaded Raiders

Emerging from the Great Ice Shelf and the iceberg-filled seas surrounding it, the Islidruk, an ancient and Forgotten spiecies of Orc, are shrouded in legend and mystery to scholars and inhabitants beyond the Northern and Southern Islands and the coast of the Great Ice Shealves to the North and the South. To the sailors and whalers of Dhelcrist, however, the Islidruk are a grim reality, inhuman marauders who descend upon ships in the dead of night, leaving blood-splattered decks and ghost ships in their wake.

Ghost ships, found stripped of value, blood staining the decks, and devoid of living souls, are attributed to the nefarious deeds of the Islidruk. Such vessels are deemed cursed, with even the most daring salvagers choosing to burn the hulks rather than risk recovery. More terrifying than their nocturnal raids are the Necroilus, ghastly ships fashioned from the corpses of sea serpents, controlled by dark magic and manipulated as warships and floating habitats.

Seafaring Nomads and Pillagers

The Islidruk are an enigmatic race that thrives at sea, residing onboard their macabre sea serpent ships. Rarely making landfall, they emerge only to raid, pillage, and slaughter coastal communities. Uninterested in trade or negotiation, the Islidruk are driven solely by their impulse to capture, consume, and repurpose every part of any living being they encounter. Necromancy serves as the linchpin of their society, providing magic and spiritual beliefs centered around the reuse of all things, leaving nothing to waste. As pirates, Islidruk prize possessions, especially those not derived from the dead, such as metal weapons, gold, and jewels. Metal objects serve as status symbols, with magic weapons and items holding even greater value. The Dhelcrist Navy actively seeks and destroys Islidruk and their Necroilus vessels on sight, acknowledging the menace they pose. Despite rumors dismissed by some, the Dhelcristians, North Folk, Wolfen, and scholars believe in the Islidruk's existence and their potential for imminent attacks.

Prowling the northernmost waters around the Great Ice Shelves, the Islidruk occasionally venture to strike at ships and coastal towns of Dhelcrist, the Northern Islands, The Northern Coast of the Elven lands as well as in the Southern oceans and Southern Islands.

Despite their seemingly chaotic existence, the Islidruk possess a militaristic and hierarchical culture. Organized into first Tribes, then Clans, then tiers amoung the Males and finally tiers among the females. They exhibit savage, brutal, and primal behavior, yet maintain bizarre forms of social behavior and cooperation. A rigid chain of command, often indistinguishable through acts of barbarism, places absolute loyalty toward each other, especially to the Viprul Rakharn (Serpent Captain) then the Skar`mok Rakharn (Clan Captain). Disobedience results in death, emphasizing their reverence for power and ferocity. The Iceborn, place the Islidruk Gorthur (Warriors) at the lowest tier of their male order.

Seafaring Lifestyle and Ruthless Tactics

Islidruk lead lives entirely at sea, with minimal contact with dry land. Their forays ashore involve sacking coastal villages, capturing humanoids, livestock, or monsters for slavery or consumption. After their raids, the Islidruk leave vessels or villages eerily untouched, creating an atmosphere of terror and mystery. In their shipboard quarters within Necroilus serpent ships, skeletal remains are transformed into tools and weapons, and organs are preserved for later use, showcasing their ruthlessness and disdain for traditional repairs. Islidruk technology revolves around non-consumable parts scavenged from the dead—bones, teeth, blood, guts, sinew, and hides of humanoids, sea serpents, monsters, and animals. Clothing and footwear are crafted from animal and humanoid skins, using bone needles and viscera threads. In battle, Islidruk favor close combat, exhibiting fearlessness and fighting to the death, viewing death as a contribution to the tribe.

Dhelcrist's Silent War

Unofficially, Dhelcrist has been at war with the Islidruk for at least the last 500 years, with sagas recounting battles against a mysterious "Horde" that arrives by sea to conquer and slaughter the people of the North. While the name Islidruk is never explicitly used, the descriptions align with the terrifying reputation of these marauders. The Dhelcrist Navy actively combats Islidruk vessels, responding to reported sightings with vigilance, and often arriving too late to prevent the devastation left in the wake of their raids. Despite being considered mythical by some, Dhelcrist acknowledges the Islidruk's existence. Blood-splattered ghost ships are undeniable proof of their deadly presence, leaving an indelible mark on the collective consciousness of sailors, soldiers, scholars, and holy men. While oral traditions and sagas may lack archeological evidence, the fear of an Islidruk attack looms large, with Dhelcrist maintaining a perpetual state of alert against these formidable adversaries.

Physical Appearance and Adornments

Islidruk males boast muscular frames and snouts, replacing human-like noses, creating an intimidating presence. Their bodies, clad in rubbery, leathery seal- or whale-like skin, exhibit shades of white or whitish-grey with hints of green and a touch of pink. Adorned with pierced noses, ears, and faces embellished with bone jewelry, teeth, tusks, and skulls, their attire is minimal, featuring furs, animal hides, and bones for protection and adornment. Living over 80 years, with most males succumbing before 35, Islidruk Gorthur have superior strength, endurance, and speed. Their natural swimming abilities, breath-holding capabilities, depth tolerance, night vision, and keen sense of smell contribute to their prowess. They are impervious to normal cold, immune to disease, and capable of consuming raw flesh without ill effects.

Social Structure and Warrior Way of Life

Islidruk society, though appearing chaotic, adheres to a militaristic and hierarchical structure. The tribes, despite their brutal behavior, display a unique form of social cooperation. Master sailors navigating perilous oceans, they exhibit unwavering loyalty to their crew. The Islidruk warrior's way of life involves a strict code of conduct that, although brutal, establishes order within their chaotic existence. Tribes excel in raiding and conquest, showcasing their prowess as seafaring nomads.

Hatred and Alliances

Harboring intense hatred for most races, Islidruk hold particular disdain for humans, elves, titans, dwarves, and canine races. Even creatures like dolphins, whales, Ice Bearmen, Merrows, and Faerie Folk are met with aversion. Rarely forming alliances outside their kind, they occasionally collaborate with intelligent undead, vampires, powerful necromancers, dark gods, and select demons if it aligns with their agenda or furthers the suffering of their despised enemies.

Favorite Weapons and Enchantments

Islidruk favor bone knives, clubs, harpoons, tridents, and spears, often enchanted to match or surpass the effectiveness of stone or steel weapons. These weapons are an extension of their brutal nature, tailored for the exigencies of their seafaring, warrior lifestyle.

Islidruk Gorthur as an "Optional" Player Character Note

The Islidruk Gorthur may serve as a Player Character if approved by the Game Master. If denied, kindly respect the decision. Islidruk Gorthur Player Characters emerge from the fringes of Iceborn society, marked by abandonment or expulsion from their kin. While the alignment among PC Islidruk Gorthur varies, a prevailing inclination towards evil ties them to their Iceborn roots. Those who deviate from the traditional Iceborn way might find themselves cast adrift due to questioning authority or exhibiting principles that run counter to the tribe's brutal ethos. Good-aligned Islidruk Gorthur, refraining from consuming intelligent beings, face inevitable exile, deemed mentally unstable or feeble. Despite their alignment, Islidruk Gorthur characters carry an inherent aggression and proclivity for violence, rendering integration into civilized society a formidable challenge. These warriors, inherently chaotic, reject established rules, laws, order, and authority figures. Their default conflict resolution strategy is violence, even for minor transgressions. Engaging in rough play, often oblivious to their own strength, they react viciously when provoked, interpreting "mercy" as a swift death. Islidruk Gorthur Player Characters with selfish or aberrant tendencies may cooperate with friends and tolerate the principles of civilization, yet retain a willingness to consume opponents, discarded corpses, roadkill, rotten meat, and raw game animal flesh. This behavior contributes to their isolation, as any Islidruk Gorthur living among other societies, unless in chains as a slave, is scorned by their kind as tainted and unfit for consumption, an ultimate insult among the Iceborn.

Islidruk Gorthur (Iceborn Warrior) O.C.C.

Alignment (Males): Diabolic (76%), Miscreant (11%), Anarchist (10%), Aberrant (2%), other (1%). Islidruk do not see anything wrong with killing, eating people, and torturing other humanoids and intelligent creatures. All Iceborn feast on the flesh of those they slay and give their bodies to the Iceborn Skinbinders to use them to feed the children, their skin and bones used as tools and building materials.

Racial Requirements: Iceborn only

Gender: Male

O.C.C. Bonuses: +1 to Initiative, +3 to save vs Horror Factor

O.C.C. Skills:

  • Seamanship (+20%)
  • Hunting
  • Identify Sea Life (+20%)
  • Prowl (+10%)
  • Track Humanoids (+20%)
  • Sailing (+15%)
  • Ropeworks (+10%)
  • Swimming(98%)
  • Climb/Scale Walls (+10%)
  • Castaway/Shipwreak Survival (+10%)
  • Lore: Sea (+5%)
  • Native Language (85%) plus 1 language of choice
  • W.P. Blunt
  • W.P. Grappling Hook
  • W.P. 2 of choice
  • Hand to Hand Combat: Expert (can be changed to Martial Arts at a cost of 1 other skill or Assasin at a cost of 2 other skills)

O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose 6 other skills at level 1 , plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

  • Communications: Any, but uncommon
  • Domestic: Any
  • Espionage: Detect Ambush and Detect Concealment and Traps only (+5%).
  • Horsemanship: General or Exotic only, but uncommon.
  • Labour: Any
  • Military: Military Etiquette, Interrogation Techniques only (+10%)
  • Medical: First Aid only
  • Naval: Any (+5%)
  • Performing Arts: Any
  • Physical: Any, except Acrobatics.
  • Rogue: None
  • Science: None
  • Scholar/Noble/Technical: Deep Sea Fishing, Fashion Tools, General Repair, Rope Works, Shipwright, and Whittling & Sculpting only (+10%).
  • Weapon Proficiencies: Any, except Lance, Pole Arms and Siege Weapons
  • Wilderness: Any (+5%)

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Level. One proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Starting Equipment: Short fur cloak, fur leggings, sharkskin boots, sharkskin gloves, bedroll, three large sacks, three small sacks, two waterskins, 50 feet (15 m) of rope made from animal/humanoid parts, jewelry made of teeth, tusks or human heads or skulls, and one week’s worth of food (probably blubber/seal meat or preserved humanoid flesh).

Armour: None to start (see Natural A.R. 14), but may wear pair of bone gauntlets or forearm vambraces (+1 to A.R.), shoulder plating made of leather and bone, tusks, teeth, skulls and skin (+1 to A.R.). A.R. bonuses noted here are added to the Iceborn’s Natural A.R. of 14.

Weapons: Characters start with one bone weapon to match each W.P., plus a sea serpent bone knife and a serpent or whale bone club (does 2D4 damage + P.S. bonuses).

Money: Have no need for money. Player Characters may have scrounged up 2D4x10 gold, plus 1D6 seal skin pelts and human hide

Experiance Table:

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