The High-Orcish Knight

The High-Orcish Knights are among the fiercest warriors to stalk the world. The raw fighting ability of the High Orc is tremendous enough to begin with, but when tempered with proper training, it becomes something to truly be afraid of. During the Elf-Orc War, the High Orcs developed a rigid system of combat, which utilized a special style that exploited all of their strengths, while compensating for any weaknesses. It revolved around the mastery of a single weapon, the Skell, a sort of buckler-lance hybrid, and the mastery of mounted combat atop the beasts known as the Dorn and the Dkou`rine or in some cases Wargs.

Though they are termed "Knights," these warriors are not truly like Knights in the conventional human sense. There was not a special code of conduct to which only the Orcish Knights adhered. Instead, the Orcish Knights were the ultimate enforcers of the Orcish philosophy. In particular, their two primary doctrines were Might and Conquest, both of which they pursued hungrily. All other Orcs looked up to them as the noblest and most courageous members of their race. Only High Orcs can become Orcish Knights. The lesser Orcs simply can not handle the special training and skills involved. Likewise, other races are certainly not given the privilege of learning these special abilities. The Knights are used extensively as special forces fighters, and it was their strength and grace that won the Orcs so many battles during the later Orcish conquests toward the end of the Elf-Orc War, and as such, their strength and skill were truly legendary.

Special Abilities of the Orcish Knight

  1. Mastery of Skell: The Skell is the special weapon of the Orcish Knight. Among Orcs it is seen as the symbol of the elite. The weapon is very unique, and nothing similar has been utilized by any other race since. The basic structure is of a large, spiked buckler with two fins protruding from the side. Protruding from the front of the fist (just above the knuckles) is a long, thin, lance head. It is about three feet long. The weapon is often times used in pairs, and it is perfect for hacking, slashing, stabbing, parrying, and even hooking. Thus, it can be used as a shield, a long sword, a rapier, or even a makeshift lance if necessary. W.P. Skell: Good for both short- and long-range combat; lightweight and quick. This skill is limited strictly to this class only! Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12. +1 to damage at levels 3, 7 and 12.
  2. Mastery of Dorn: The Dorn is a strange beast of burden that had been used by the Orcs for centuries. Its performance is acceptable when it came to labor, but it excelled in battle, especially when under the command of warriors specially trained in its use. An Orcish Knight mounted atop a Dorn is a fierce opponent indeed. Horsemanship: Dorn: This is effectively the same as Horsemanship: Knights except that it strictly applies to the Dorn.
  3. Mastery of Dkou`rine: The Dkou`rine is another strange beast of burden that the Orcs used for centuries. Its performance is acceptable when it came to labor and as a mount, but it excelled in heavy cavalry charges, especially when under the command of warriors specially trained in its use. An Orcish Knight mounted atop a Dkou`rine is a panic inducing sight. Horsemanship: Dkou`rine: This is effectively the same as Horsemanship: Knights except that it strictly applies to the Dorn.
  4. Might and Conquest: These are the two cardinal principles of the Orcish Knights, and earning up to these two ideals is precisely what they lived for. All was done in the name of Gihael Orka, Orcish glory.
  5. War Cry: The Orcish Knights possessed a special war cry that had a very powerful effect on all fellow lesser Orcs fighting alongside them. The cry was given in the name of Chumras Orka, and all Orcs who heard it were charged with a supernatural zeal and lust for battle. Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +1 to strike, parry, and dodge, +3 to save vs Horror Factor, +1 additional attack per round, and +2 to damage. Affects all lesser Orcs within 15 yards/meters.
  6. Other O.C.C. Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +2 to damage, +1 additional attack per round, and +1 to save vs Horror Factor at levels 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14.

Orcish Knights and Armour

Orcish Knights may wear any type of armor, but tend to prefer those that offer the most protection while still offering a reasonable amount of movement. Full scale mail is a favorite. They suffer -10% to prowl and -15% to climb/scale walls while in full splint or plate or -5% to prowl or climb/scale walls while in scale mail or chain. No penalties are suffered while mounted.

The High Orcish Knight O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: P.S. 12, P.E. 10, and P.P. 11 or higher.
Alignment: Any, but many are Aberrant.
Gender: Male or Female
Race: High Orc Only
O.C.C. Skills:

    Leadership (+20%)
    Athletics (General)
    Climb/Scale Walls (+10%)
    Forced March
    Heraldry (Orcish) (+20%)
    Heraldry (Elven) (+10%)
    Horsemanship: Dorn
    Horsemanship: Dkou`rine
    Languages: Native tongue at 98%
    Languages: Elven at 98% plus one other at +10%.
    Military Etiquette (+15%)
    Wilderness Survival (+ 10%)
    W.P. Skell
    W.P. Two others of choice.
    Hand to Hand: Expert
    Hand to Hand: Expert may be changed to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts or Assassin (if evil) for the cost of one "other" skill.)

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select three additional skills from the category of Military or Espionage, and eight other skills of choice at level one, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Level. One proficiency

    Communications: Sign Language,Language and Literacy only. (+5%).
    Domestic: None.
    Espionage: Any (+5%)
    Horsemanship: General or Exotic only (+5%)
    Labour: Any
    Magical/Religious: Lore: Religion (Orcish) only
    Medical: First Aid only (+5%).
    Military: Any (+10%)
    Naval: Any
    Performing Arts: Any
    Physical: Any
    Rogue: Any (+ 10%).
    Science: Mathematics only.
    Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+5%)
    Weapon Proficiencies: Any
    Wilderness: Any (+5%)

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Level. One proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Starting Equipment: Varies. Clothing, boots, gloves, belt, bedroll, backpack, two small sacks. and a water skin. All basic equipment is provided freely by the clan. New equipment may be gained through trade or conquest.

Armour: Starts with a suit of full splint (A.R. 16, S.D.C. 82).

Weapons: One or two skell and a dagger, and two weapons of choice; all are basic S.D.C. weapons of good quality.

Money: Starts with none, as it is unnecessary among the clans (everything handled through bartering), but it may be (and often is) gained through conquest.
