The Orcish Battle Shamman

The Battle Shaman is an orc spellcaster who glories in the dangers of battle. They use their magical powers to transform themselves into some of the most lethal warriors ever seen. Many of them become highranking officers in orc armies, if they manage to survive that long. They prefer to lead from the front, where the battle is thickest, trusting in their might of arms and magic to win the day. Like Clerics, the Battle Shamman gains his magical ability from the Orc Gods.

Battle Shamman are rarely, if ever, found without a warband or, better yet, an army surrounding them. While they are happiest in the thick of battle, they did not get where they are by being suicidal. They are cunning warriors, always angling for every edge they can find to earn victory for their side. While rare even among such a fecund race, their presence is often enough to inspire or outright force a victory in many engagements.

Special Abilities of The Orcish Battle Shamman

The Orc Battle Shamman is a powerful spellcaster on par with the wizard. They are powerful also because of their Bloodlust ability. Shamans can create a power Bloodlust in any aligned orc, as well as their mounts and themselves. Further, A Battle Shamman is trained in magic lore. They gain their magical ability from the Orc Gods and can empower their magic by leeching the death energy of the slain around them. Their spells are almost always combat oriented and even those that are for healing and such tend to be necromantic in nature. They are able to use this same energy to enhance their fighting prowess and endurance. The Battle Shamman must be blessed in some way by an orcish deity so as to be able to take on these abilities:

  1. Spell Casting: casts spells as a Priest of the same level. See exp and combat below.
  2. Inspire Blood Lust: The Battle Shamman can enhance the combat performance of orc warrior by marking them with a rune of blood before battle is joined. The rune acts as a form of blessing and gives the recipient a temporary +5 bonus to PS and PP (and the subsequentstat bonuses those provide)and +2 AR bonus for the duration of the battle, however it also forces the warrior into a frenzy that lasts until the duration of the rune is exhausted. Once exhausted, the warrior will begin to consume the blood of his victim, only stopping to defend against attack or bring the bloody corpse to his lair if possible. Further the Warrior must rest and recooperate for 48 hours. While in the frenzy the warrior will feel no pain or collapse from wounds until dead.
  3. Leech Energy: During combat the Battle Shamman can leech the death energy from fallen warriors (allies or enemies) and use the energy to fuel spell useage or to increase the effects of spells cast. the energy of 10 fallen warriors will allow the Battle Shamman to cast one addition spell or to double the effects of 2 spells. The Battle shamman can only leech so much energy without hurting himself or causing permenant damage, as such the Battle Shamman can leech the energy of 10 corpses per level.
  4. Mantel of Death: As an alternative to his leech energy ability, the Battle Shamman can take that energy and use it to enhance his battle prowess. If used the Mantel of Energy gives the Shamman an incredible +10 to PS PP and PE (and the subsequentstat bonuses those provide) as well as 6D6 SDC.hese effects last for 1 hour per level of the Battle Shamman.
  5. Harming/Healing Touch: The healing touch restores 2D6 hit points or S.D.C. Shamman can perform the healing touch once every other melee round.
  6. Curse: Battle Shamman are infamous for placing curses upon their enemies as a means dishearten the enemy or weaken them. All curses are debilitating and potentially deadly. Curses can be cast upon a person, place or object by speaking a short prayer and invoking his deity's name. When placed upon the latter two, anyone using that place or object will feel the full effect of that curse. If the cursed place or object is abandoned, the person will return to normal within 24 hours. Curses cast directly on another character will last 1D6 months. Success ratio: 10% +6% per each level of the Shammans's experience. High level Shamman can add their spell strength bonuses to the potency of the curse, meaning the victim needs to roll 15 or 16 or higher, depending on the level of the Shamman. A failed roll means the character's god did not hear him and there is no curse. Even if the curse is successful, the intended victim gets a saving throw vs magic.Saving Throw: All living things, including trees, get a saving throw, but must roll a 14 or higher to save vs magic (bonuses are applicable). Ordinary objects do not get to save, but rune weapons get the same save as living creatures. Places also get an automatic save, but have no bonuses and the curse will last only lD4 weeks. The target of the curse must be clearly visible (line of sight) and within 30 feet (9 m) of the Battle Shamman. Limitations: They can only attempt to inflict a curse a maximum of two times a day (24 hours). Only one person or object can be affected per level of the Shamman, so a fifth level Shamman could curse as many as five people or items. Only one place up to 200 feet (61.5 m) in diameter can be cursed.The Shamman can inflict one of the following 2 curses:
    • Pox curse: Within 2 hours after the curse is cast, the victim will break out in open, running sores which will cover both face and body, The sores are ugly, puss-filled, and itchy. Physical beauty (P.B.) and S.D.C. are reduced by half and P.E. is -3 points. The curse will disappear within 1D6 months or immediately when a successful remove curse is performed. Healing touch and magic potions or salves cannot cure sores or ease the pain and itching.
    • Fever curse: A debilitating curse which causes its victim to suffer from a constant, low-grade fever that impairs sleep, eating, thought, and activities. As a result, the victim is -1 on all combat bonuses, speed is reduced by 25% and skills suffer a -10% penalty (has difficulty concentrating and tires easily). The curse will disappear within lD6 months or immediately when a successful remove curse is performed. No other remedies can cure or relieve the symptoms or penalties.
  7. Penance and Sacrifice: The techniques used for self-denial and the exploration of one's self and environment include meditation, fasting, vows of abstinence, and vows of silence. As a result, Shammans can resist thirst for two days per level of experience, and resist hunger for three days per level of experience. Although the Shamman is able to ignore the pain and discomfort, and function at close to normal, the physical body does suffer damage from dehydration, starvation, etc.
  8. Greater Familiar: At sixth level, a Battle Shamman who has served his God faithfully, is given a greater familiar (same as the Witch O.C.C.). If the character has not been 100% loyal, this gift will be held back till next level or until he has proven himself worthy.
  9. Spell Casting: Battle Shamman gain their spell abilities directly from their deity(s) and their faith. They are endowed with the ability to cast spells by their God. It is not a learned nor practiced skill as most know nothing about the ways of magic. Their spells are invoked by the chanting of their god's name and the type of spell needed. A Battle Shamman begins to acquire spells starting with first level along with prayers and most other abilities.

    At first level, the Battle Shamman automatically gets the spell of tongues and one additional spell selection from either the Wizard magic level 1, Priest level 1 or Necromancer level 1. For each subsequent new level of experience, one additional spell can be selected from levels equal to their character level (ie. a 2nd level Battle Shamman can select from levels 1-2, a third from levels 1-3 etc.). They cannot be taught nor purchase additional spell knowledge.

The Orcish Battle Shamman and Armour

Just as with Soldiers, the Battle Shamman is proficient with weapons, and all types of armour, and of course with shields. It is not an uncommon sight for one to cast a few spells then grab the closest weapon and start hacking at opponents. Their armour, like that of the soldier is often a mish mash, however, effort is put into it's appearance (the more intimidating and horrific the better). The armour will be augmented with the Skeletal bone and skulls of Animals and Opponents hat have been vanquished in battle and the armour is often stained with the gore of past conquests.

The Orcish Battle Shamman O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 12, M.E. 14 and P.E. 14 or higher.
Alignment: Any Evil
Gender: Male
Race: Any Orc
O.C.C. Skills:

    Leadership (+10%)
    Lore: Demons & Devils
    Lore: Monsters & Creatures
    Lore: Religion (Orcish)
    Climb/Scale Walls (+10%)
    Forced March
    Heraldry (Orcish) (+20%)
    Horsemanship: Warg
    Languages: Native tongue at 98%
    Languages: Two others at +10%.
    Military Etiquette (+5%)
    Wilderness Survival (+ 10%)
    Holistic Medicine
    W.P. Staff
    W.P. Two others of choice.
    Hand to Hand: Expert
    Hand to Hand: Expert may be changed to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts or Assassin (if evil) for the cost of one "other" skill.)

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select three additional skills from the category of Military or Espionage, and eight other skills of choice at level one, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Level. One proficiency

    Communication: Any (+10%)
    Domestic: Any
    Espionage: None
    Horsemanship: Exotic or General only
    Labour: Any
    Magical/Religious: Any (+20%)
    Medical: First Aid Only (+10%)
    Military: Any (+5%)
    Navy: Any
    Performing Arts: Any
    Physical: Any
    Rogue: Any
    Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any
    Science: Math only
    Weapon Proficiencies: Any
    Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Level. One proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Starting Equipment: Varies. Clothing, boots, gloves, belt, bedroll, backpack, two small sacks. and a water skin. All basic equipment is provided freely by the clan. New equipment may be gained through trade or conquest.

Armour: Starts with a suit of full splint (A.R. 16, S.D.C. 82).

Weapons: Staff and a dagger, and two weapons of choice; all are basic S.D.C. weapons of good quality.

Money: Starts with none, as it is unnecessary among the clans (everything handled through bartering), but it may be (and often is) gained through conquest.

Experiance and Magic Combat:
LevelMagic CombatSpell Use/levelExperience
1+1 vs. Spell Magic 40-1,930
2+1 vs. Circles/Wards61,931-3,860
3+1 Spell Strength83,861-7,720
4Sence Good/Evil 40% 107,721-15,200
52 Spell Att/Melee1215,201-23,300
6Recognize Enchantment 30%1423,301-36,666
7+2 vs. Spell Magic1636,667-56,666
8+2 Spell Strength 1856,667-86,666
9+2 vs. Circles/Wards2086,667-111,666
10Sence Good/Evil 65%22111,667-135,666
11+2 vs. Circle/Wards 24135,667-166,666
12Recognise Enchantment 50%26166,667-216,666
13+3 vs. Spell Magic28216,667-266,666
14Recognize Enchantment 71%30266,667-316,666
15+3 vs. Circle/Wards32316,667-386,666