The Illusionist

The Illusionist a specialist caster using Psionics to create figments and phantasms to deceive and trick their foes in creative and interesting ways.

They are masters of deception, light, and shadow. The Illusionist is another psychic character class like the Mind Mage. But uses his psionic ability is a very different way. They are used to manipulate the senses of his victims to create realistic illusions. The power of psionic illusion in its most basic form, can be thought of as a form of hypnosis (and at higher levels, mass hypnosis). Through a type of telepathic influence and mental stimulation, the illusionist can implant convincing sounds, images, and sensations in a person's mind. These Illusions become very real to the victim, while those around him see and experience nothing out of the ordinary. Illusionists are exceptionally flexible, able to craft a falsehood and create almost any image their mind desires, but they must be creative to get the most out of their spells, as they lack the firepower and blatant arcane power of their brethren in robes. Something of a note of interest, an Illusionist cannot develop psionics akin to those of a Mind mage. Their psionics are highly specialized and vastly different. Because of this, Illusionists can recognize when an Illusion has been cast by an illusionist, even if a similar spell effect from a wizard or Cleric is cast. In addition, Illusionists can also recognize illusions cast by other creatures (such as rakshasa, succubi, or leprechauns) and polymorphing, though this is difficult (7% chance per level).

Psionic Requirements, I.S.P. & Limitations

To be an illusionist, the character must possess either major or master psionic powers. The only difference is the level of raw power available to the character in the form of I.S.P. In this case, skip the random determination of psionics as described in Step 3 of character creation in the Palladium Fantasy RPG and select this optional O.C.C. (with the G.M.'s approval). Roll percentile dice to determine the level of psionics and I.S.P. available to the psi-illusionist.
01-60 Major psionic:The character is limited to illusionist abilities from levels 1-6, but I.S.P., duration, range, and other considerations continue to increase as the illusionist progresses in experience beyond sixth level. I.S.P. is determined by taking the character's M.E. number as the base, plus rolling 2D4xlO and adding it to the base number. The character gets an additional 10 I.S.P. points for each level of experience, starting at level one.
61-00 Master psionic: All levels of psionic illusionary powers are available to the master psionic as he increases in experience. I.S.P. is determined by taking the character's M.E. number as the base, plus a roll of 3D6xlO added to the base number. The character gets an additional 12 I.S.P. points for each level of experience.

Seeing Through an Illusion

Individuals who save against the psionic attack of an illusionist are totally unaffected and do not see, hear, or experience the illusion in any way. The illusionist can, of course, try again by expending more I.S.P. on a new attack; the intended victim must again roll to save vs a psionic/illusionary attack. Seeing through a psionic illusion after falling victim to it is another story entirely. If a save vs psionic attack is unsuccessful, the person is inexorably caught in the web of the illusion. The brain and senses are being directly affected so the person has no reason to disbelieve it — a simple matter of seeing is believing, only sights, sounds and sensations are implanted in his mind. Despite what any of his friends and allies may insist to the contrary, he will believe what he sees and hears. He may even believe that the others must be bewitched or mistaken. A mental illusion can seem so real to a person that nothing can break its hold. Furthermore, the illusionist can manipulate things in such a way as to transform a friend(s) into a monster before the poor fellow's very eyes and manipulate the senses in such a way that the illusion responds just as the character imagines it would. Matters are compounded in that those not under the illusion's influence have little or no idea of what the afflicted adventurer is experiencing. To breakout of a mental illusion is extremely difficult, for the person must be completely sure that it is not real. The shadow of a doubt at the last minute could have terrible consequences. Depending on the circumstances, (G.M.'s be careful), the victim of an illusion may attempt to fight it by convincing himself that it is not real.

One way is if the other characters in the group present a convincing argument or evidence to show the illusion for what it really is (or isn't, as the case may be). This "reality check" gives the character a chance to make a new roll to save vs psionic attack with a bonus of +2 to save. A successful save means the illusion instantly vanishes. Furthermore, the character is +2 to save vs all subsequent illusionary attacks and hypnosis for the next 6 hours. Another is for other psychic characters to use empathy or telepathy to help communicate with the victim and to show that the sights and sounds are an illusion. In this case, the character gets to make a new roll to save vs psionics with a bonus of +3 to save. A successful save means the illusion instantly vanishes. Furthermore, the character is +3 to save vs all subsequent illusionary attacks and hypnosis for the next 12 hours. A sharp blow to the head that stuns or knocks the character out for at least one minute, will temporarily break mental contact with the illusionist and give the character another chance to save vs psionic attack when he regains consciousness (no bonuses applicable). If knocked out for more than 20 minutes, the illusion is broken without needing to roll a saving throw.

Another way to fight the effects of an illusion is by noticing inconsistencies or flaws in reality such as no heat from a flame, or a massive creature walking out of a small room, and so on. If these things are noticed, the player can roll to see if his character is convinced that it's an illusion. This "reality check" gives the character a chance to make a new roll to save vs psionic attack as often as once every melee round with a bonus of +2 to save. A successful save means the illusion instantly vanishes. Furthermore, the character is +1 to save vs all subsequent illusionary attacks and hypnosis for the next hour. In a similar vein, the use of magic or psionic detection spells can be of great advantage in combating illusions. A sense magic, sense evil, see the invisible, and x-ray vision, can all be useful in the realizing that the sights and sounds are illusions. Also, psionic probes such as see aura, detect psionics, sense magic, sense good or evil, telepathy and presence sense are extremely helpful, providing the psionic individual with a bonus of +3 to save vs illusions (can be tried once per melee round). Here's why. Illusions have NO physical substance, and the illusionist has no way of knowing what mystic or psionic probe will be used so he can't compensate to fake out the probes. Consequently, nothing will register, because it is not real. An illusion is not evil, magic, or psionic in itself (the illusionist is psionic or evil, but not the illusion), nor does it have an aura, or thoughts to be picked up from a telepathic scan. Most convincing of all, it has no presence. Remember, the illusion is the direct result of psionic manipulation and stimulation of the parts of the brain that control sensory perception. Note: All the character's bonuses to save vs psionics apply to save vs illusions because it too is a psionic attack.

Death By Illusion

An illusion can appear to be so realistic that the person under its influence can be made to believe that he is being beaten, slashed, mashed, burned, etc. Depending on the level of the illusionist and the number of senses affected by his illusion, the victim of this psionic attack can be made to feel the slice of a blade or the heat of fire. Because he is directly linked to the illusion, he is a part of its actions and imagines suffering damage from its attack, bleeding, burning, etc. Even though all of this is imaginary, the player must roll damage for his character as if it were real.

Combat can be short or drawn out depending on the victim's perception of his enemy (overwhelming, an equal, a wimp, etc.) and the intentions of the illusionist. When the living character believes his hit points have been reduced to zero or below, he will believe he has died and will collapse. In reality, his body is whole and healthy, but the illusion has created such a flood of sensations that it shocks his system, temporarily knocking him out for 2D4 melee rounds. If the death is particularly gruesome, the character may remain unconscious for twice as long and/or suffer permanent mental side effects (G.M.'s, use your discretion but a roll on the phobia table or even the random insanity table may not be out of line). If the illusion of death is extremely sudden, horrendous or devastatingly real, like being atomized by a lightning bolt or being torn to pieces by a pack of wolves, there is a 01-50% chance of the character lapsing into a coma and actually dying unless he receives medical treatment (+20% to survive). See recovery from a coma in the Palladium RPG. However, death and serious trauma are rarities. Note that it is possible for the living victim of an illusion to defeat his illusionary opponent. An extremely confident, positive or driven character may actually defeat his illusionary foe (play out like normal combat). When this happens, the illusionary enemy is killed and the illusion instantly ends. A character with an extremely high M.E. (20+) may also be able to defeat his imaginary adversary in the course of (perceived) normal combat.

Illusionist Powers & Abilities

  1. Psionic Powers: In addition to the powers of illusion, the character possesses a handful of psychic sensitive abilities. These include telepathy, empathy, mind block, and two of choice.
  2. Meditation (self): This is a simple, self hypnotic trance that allows the psionic to completely relax. The relaxed state enables the character to regain six I.S.P. per hour of meditation. No I.S.P. are expended to use this ability.
  3. P.P.E.: Most of the character's P.P.E. has been expended in the development of psychic abilities. Permanent P.P.E. Base: 2D6.
  4. Bonuses: +2 to save vs illusions of any kind at levels 1, 4, 8 and 12. +1 to save vs mind control/hypnosis, possession, and mind-altering drugs at levels 1,4,8 and 12. +2 to save vs horror factor.
  5. Illusion Apprentice (Levels 1-3):
    • A target hit by the Illusionist’s illusionary power have a -2 penalty to their next attack it made against you before the end of the turn.
    • The illusionist gains a +1 bonus to saves vs. illusions, and targets of their illusions take a -1 penalty on their saves.
    • Blinding Ray: 0nce per day the Illusionist can fire a shimmering ray at any foe within 30 ft. as a ranged touch attack, executed as a standard action. Creatures who are hit and who have level equal to or less than the Illusionist’s level are blinded for one round. Creatures who higher level than the Illusionist levels are dazzled for one round instead.
    • Extended Illusions: An illusion that requires concentration lasts a number of rounds after the Illusionist stops concentration equal to 1/2 his Illusionist level (minimum 1).
  6. Illusion Expert (levels 4-7):
    • Dispel Illusion: At 4th level, the Illusionist can dispel an illusion within 30 yards, three times per day and has a base chance to work of 50% + 2% per level
    • Gain a +2 bonus to Bluff and Stealth checks.
    • Malleable Illusions: At 6th level, when you cast an illusion with a duration of 1 minute or longer, you can use your action to change the nature of the illusion (as if you had cast it again), provided you can see the illusion.
    • When the Illusionist hits or misses a target with an illusion power, it grants combat advantage of +1 to the next attack made against the target before the end of the turn.
  7. Illusion Master (Level 8-15):
    • At 8th level, he can make one illusion permanent by expending 30 ISP. The Illusionist can change which Illusion is permanent at some later date, but he can only have one permanent Illusion per level after 8th at any one time using this ability -- if he changes an Illusion, a previous permanent illusion ends.
    • Invisibility Field: At 8th level, the Illusionist can make himself invisible as an action, as the spell Invisibility. He can spend a number of rounds per day in this state equal to his Illusionist level (these round need not be consecutive).
    • Illusory Self: At 10 th level, you can create an instantaneous illusion of yourself in response to danger, allowing you to use your reaction to have the attacker hit your illusory duplicate rather than you with an attack. The use of this feature recharges with any rest.
    • Illusory Reality: At 14 th level, you can add substance into your illusions. When you cast an illusion, you can choose one nonmagical object that is part of that illusion, and declare it to be real, as a bonus action on your turn. The object can deal real damage or harm, and it remains real for duration of the illusion.

The Illusionist, Weapons & Armor Any weapon can be used, but not being very familiar with the ways of combat, they are most likely to use a small range of common weapons such as swords, knives, blunt, or staves. Most illusionists tend to wear light armor, with a preference for hard leather, studded leather, or chain mail. They never wear heavy armors such as plate or splint unless it is magically made to be lightweight. Magic weapons, armor and items are usually seen as desirable.

The Powers of Illusion

The power of illusion is a gradual and practiced art requiring concentration, focus, and meditation. It begins with the creation of illusionary sounds, progressing to visual images and eventually influencing all the senses. Unless otherwise stated, the illusionist can create an illusion of only one thing at a time (complete with sound, image, odor, etc.) per each psionic attack. That one thing can be an inanimate object or a moving figure as large as a dragon to as small as a spider. To manipulate the illusion and to maintain control over his victim(s), the illusionist must be able to see his victim(s) and be within range.

Duration: Continued input and manipulation by the illusionist means the illusion will last its full duration unless outside forces convince the victim that what he's experiencing is only in his mind. Otherwise, the illusion is implanted, but without his continued input, the victim should be able to realize the images and sensations are not real within 1D4 melee rounds, at which time the illusion vanishes. This also happens when the psionic attacker loses sight of his victim or the character steps beyond his range of influence. The illusionist may use his other psionic powers or take some other action while he has victims enthralled by his illusions, but if he becomes too distracted (G.M.'s judgement call based on what's happening), his illusion will slip (it vanishes).

Line of Sight: The victim of an illusion must be within the illusionist's line of vision for proper manipulation and long-lasting effect. If he should run out of the line of sight or range of the illusion maker, the psychic influence over him and the illusion will vanish within the next 1D4 melee rounds. Turning invisible or hiding is a potentially good ploy, but the illusionist can maintain a convincing illusion as long as he has an idea of where the person is hiding, visible or not. Of course, invisibility is a futile defense if the illusionist uses some means to see the invisible. Note: At sixth level, the range of the effect changes from a strictly 120-foot (36.5 m) line of sight ability to a 120-foot (36.5 m) radius, meaning characters within a 240 foot (73 m) diameter, can be affected, without direct line of sight contact, provided the illusionist is aware of their presence (a quick glance will suffice).

The number of victims: The illusionist can instill a mental illusion as often as once per melee round and affect one victim for every level of his experience. At higher levels, the psychic can create illusions that can affect everyone in his radius of influence. Multiple victims can experience the same illusion or their own individual one, tailor-made for them. The psionic illusionist typically draws on strong emotions and thoughts of hated and feared enemies, or phobias, goals, and so on, from which to spin his hypnotic attack.

Note (penalties for victims of illusions): While entranced by the illusion, victims are not likely to notice what the illusionist is doing or what is transpiring around them unless they are directly involved/attacked; -3 to parry or dodge the first attack directed at them; -1 on all subsequent parry and dodge moves and all other combat actions, plus -6 on initiative and -1 melee attack/action for the duration of the illusion because victims are distracted by the illusion.

Greater Power by advancement of experience: The illusionist develops greater control and range of power as he or she advances in experience. Consequently, powers are listed by level.

Mind Block: Whenever the illusionist has a mind block in place to protect himself, he cannot use his powers of illusion.

  • Level One: Simple Sound
    Range: 120-foot (36.5 m) and within line of vision.
    Duration: One minute per level of experience.
    I.S.P.: 2
    Limitations: At first level only one character can be affected. One sound can be created for each melee action/attack of the illusionist. Each such illusionary sound counts as one melee action.
    Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics/illusion.
    The illusion of sound enables the illusionist to make a person hear just about any type of single sound/noise he desires: the wheeze of a horse, footsteps, a thud, heavy breathing, the rustle of leaves, a door opening or closing, laughter, a spoken word, and so on. The type of sound and language are limited by the knowledge and experience of the illusionist creating it. For example, the psychic could not create the voice of an Elf whispering in Elven if he himself cannot speak the language. Similarly, he cannot imitate a voice or unusual sound without several hours of study and practice. When the specific voice of a real person is imitated, the illusionist must roll under his imitate voices impersonation skill. However, he can easily make an unspecific voice or sound without any special skill considerations. Furthermore, the voice can appear to be coming from around the corner, down the street, from inside a trunk, floating above one's head, or anywhere the illusionist desires. Likewise, the volume can be manipulated from a normal spoken range to a thundering roar or a gentle whisper.
  • Level Two: Advanced Sound
    Range: 120-foot (36.5 m) radius and within line of vision.
    Duration: Four minutes.
    Limitations: The same restrictions regarding the illusionist's range of knowledge and skills still apply.
    I.S.P.: Four per every four minutes.
    Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics/illusions.
    At level two, the illusionist's control over his ability is increased dramatically to include multiple and simultaneous sounds. This means he can now create what seems to be a series of footsteps and heavy breathing from two or more beings, as many as two voices engaged in lengthy conversation with birds chirping in the background and so on.
  • Level Three: Visual Images
    Range: 120-foot (36.5 m) and line of vision.
    Duration: Five minutes.
    I.S.P.: Three per victim, per every five minutes.
    Limitations: The illusion has no sound; the illusionist can't yet combine audio with visual and must use one or the other. Up to three characters can be made to see the illusion.
    Saying Throw: Standard save vs psionic attack.
    At this level, the psychic can create a single illusionary image in the minds of his victims. The image can be of fruit or a sword to a snarling dog or an angry giant. Like all illusions, these images are controlled and manipulated by the illusion maker. He implants the creature's behavior and reactions. As with the sound illusions, the image is limited to the illusionist's personal knowledge and experience. Creating the image of a specific or exotic creature based upon descriptions or entirely by memory is likely to result in a flawed illusion. Likewise, the illusionist will have trouble creating a convincing illusion of a specific person unless he is extremely familiar with that person or has total recall. Use the following table when the illusionist attempts to create the illusion of a particular person. The image illusion can also be used to disguise one's own features. If the features are those of a specific person use the tables below to determine the level of perfection or flaws. Remember, only a character who doesn't save vs psionic attack will see the illusion.
    Success ratio based on the degree of knowledge & familiarity:
    Roll percentile dice to determine the quality and perfection of the illusion whenever a visual image is used. A failed roll means a flawed illusion; roll on the following table to determine just how flawed.
    • Subject is extremely well known: 01-96% that the illusion is perfect.
    • Subject studied extensively: 01-86% that the illusion is perfect.
    • Subject studied only a few times: 01-76% that the illusion is perfect.
    • Subject seen only a few times: 01-40% for a perfect illusion.
    • Subject seen once or twice: 01-26% for a perfect illusion.
    • Subject seen very briefly/a passing glance: 01-14% chance of a pass able illusion. Very flawed unless the roll was within the narrow margin of 1-14%.
    • Subject unknown, based on an elaborate description: 01-10% chance of a passable illusion. Unmistakably flawed unless the roll was within the narrow margin of 1-10%.
    • Subject unknown, based on vague description: 01-03% chance of a passable illusion. Unmistakably flawed unless the roll was within the narrow margin of 1-3%. Determining the degree of a flawed illusion/image: An unsuccessful illusion means that it is flawed in some noticeable way: the wrong hair color, no mustache, too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short, wrong race, etc. Roll on the following table at the very first moment the illusion is created to see just how flawed it is.
      01-20Unmistakably flawed: 01-90% likelihood that the victim of the illusion will notice the flaws and instantly break free of the illusion.
      21-40Very flawed: 01-65% likelihood that the victim of the illusion will notice the flaws and break free of the illusion within 1D4 melee rounds.
      41-70Somewhat flawed: 01-40% chance that the victim of the illusion will notice the flaws and break free of the illusion within 1D4 melee rounds.
      71-00Slightly flawed: 01-20% chance that the victim of the illusion will notice the flaws and break free of the illusion within 2D4 melee rounds.
  • Level Four: Sound & Image
    Range: 120-foot (36.5 m) and line of sight.
    Duration: 5 minutes.
    I.S.P.: Five points per every five minutes, per person affected.
    Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics/illusion.
    At this point the illusion maker has sufficiently mastered both sound and visual imagery to successfully combine the two. This is the beginning of the true mastery of illusion. Now the illusion of the snarling dog is combined with a menacing growl, the angry giant grumbles and snorts, his lips spread wide, with a smack revealing his ocher teeth; a low, growling laugh rumbles up from his belly as he lunges at the person caught in the illusion.
    Note: The illusionist may still limit himself to using only sound or only image depending on which one best fits the circumstances.
  • Level Five: Smells & Odors
    Range: 120-foot (36.5 m) and line of vision.
    Duration: Five minutes.
    I.S.P.: Five points per every five minutes, per person affected.
    Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics/illusion.
    The ability to create the illusion of odor/smell now comes into play. It cannot yet be integrated into the visual or sound illusions but is still very effective by itself. Through psionic manipulation of the senses, the illusion maker can make someone believe that he smells smoke, decay, mustiness, food, flowers, etc.
  • Level Six: Image, Sound & Odor Combo
    Range: 120-foot (36.5 m) radius.
    Duration: 5 minutes.
    I.S.P.: 10 per every five minutes, per character affected.
    Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics/illusion; every individual gets a saving throw.
    The illusionist is now able to combine all three elements into one frighteningly realistic illusion. The grumbling giant cocks his head and spits forth a blast of fire, the smell of smoke and flame fills the air.
  • Level Seven: Taste, Image, Sound, & Odor
    Range: 120-foot (36. m) radius.
    Duration: 5 minutes.
    I.S.P.: 10 per every five minutes, per character affected.
    Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics/illusion; every individual gets a saving throw.
    The illusionist can now use his powers to make a person experience a false taste. Water tastes like wine, milk or mud, an apple like a lemon, dry bread like a carrot, and so on. The sense of taste can be combined with the other illusionary features without any additional I.S.P. cost.
  • Level Eight: Mass Hypnotic Illusion
    Range: 120-foot (36.5 m) radius.
    Duration: 5 minutes.
    I.S.P.: An additional 10 I.S.P. (plus the normal I.S.P. cost of the illusion) will make the illusion appear to everybody within the 120 foot (36.5 m) radius of influence.
    Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics/illusion; everyone in the radius of effect gets to make a save. This means some will be affected by the illusion while others may not.
    The illusion can affect one, two, three or all four senses of everybody within the 120-foot (36.5 m) radius of influence. Only those who save are not affected. Note: The illusion of touch cannot be included in the mass illusion regardless of the psychic's level.
  • Level Nine: Touch
    Range: 120-foot (36.5 m) radius.
    Duration: 3 minutes.
    I.S.P.: Six per every five minutes, per character affected.
    Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics.
    The sensation of touch and physical solidity are possible with this ability. The sensation of soft fur, hard rock, heat, cold, wet, and so on, are now possible. However, it cannot yet be combined with the other elements.
  • Level Ten: Multiple Images with Sound
    Range: 120-foot (36.5 m) radius.
    Duration: 5 minutes.
    I.S.P.: 15 per five minutes, per character affected.
    Limitations: The images have sound but no sensation of smell, taste or touch. The maximum number of individual figures are 12
    Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics.
    For the first time the illusionist can coordinate the actions of several large illusionary images simultaneously. Prior to level ten, the illusionist could create only one major image and manipulate it convincingly: one giant, one dragon, one doorway, one object, etc. As he grows with each level, he is able to add new elements to the illusion, making it more and more life-like and real. Now he can create several images: a sack filled with gold coins, three giants, two dragons, a herd of animals moving in concert with each other to create a much larger illusion with several independent figures or objects.
  • Level Eleven: All Five Elements
    Range: 140-foot (42.6 m) radius.
    Duration: 5 minutes.
    I.S.P.: 16 per five minutes, per character affected.
    Saving Throw: Standard vs psionics/illusion.
    The illusion maker can combine sound, image, odor/smell, taste and touch into his illusion. This applies to one illusion not the multiple illusion.
  • Level Twelve: Multiple Images with Sound, and Odor
    Range: 140-foot (42.6 m) radius.
    Duration: 5 minutes.
    I.S.P.: 20 per five minutes, per character affected.
    Saving Throw: Standard vs psionics/illusion.
    All three elements can be maintained for each of the individual images of the illusion.
  • Level Thirteen: Multiple Illusions with All Five Elements
    Range: 140-foot (42.6 m) radius.
    Duration: 10 minutes
    I.S.P.: 30 per ten minutes, per character affected.
    Saving Throw: Standard vs psionics/illusions.
    At last, the illusion maker can combine all five sensations in a multiple image illusion without restriction.
  • Level Fourteen: The Panorama
    Range: 280-foot (85.3 m) radius
    Duration: One hour!
    I.S.P.: 60
    Saving Throw: Standard vs. psionics/illusions
    Note: A magnification boost is applicable, doubling everything.
    The final step in the mastery of illusion is the creation of an entire panoramic environment. This could be a building, a forest, etc. All five senses are affected, but while birds, insects, and nonthreatening wildlife/animals may be heard or seen in the distance, there are no menacing monsters or attackers. This illusion is limited to the panoramic setting of an environment. However, the illusionist working in concert with another illusionist, can introduce/add an attacker(s) as per any of the other types of illusions described previously.
  • Level Fifteen: Magnified Illusion
    This is the ability to punch up the illusion, single or multiple, increasing the range of effect and duration. This psionic boost doubles the range (280 foot/85.3 m radius), doubles the duration (20 minutes), makes all those caught in the range of the illusion -1 to save, and doubles the number of images.
    I.S.P.: An additional 20 points, plus the usual amount of I.S.P. needed to create the illusion in the first place. The magnification boost can be used on any type of illusion, whether it is a simple sound or sound and image, to a multiple image with all five sensations.

The Illusionist 0.C.C.

Alignment: Any

Attribute requirements: Psionic powers and a minimum I.Q., PP of 15. A high M.E. (12+) is also strongly recommended.

Note: Multiple O.C.C.S are not possible unless they are of a non- psionic variety.

O.C.C. Skills:

  • Languages: Native Tongue at 98% plus two of choice (+15% each)
  • Lore: One of choice (+10%)
  • Camouflage (+10%)
  • Disguise (+10%)
  • Imitate Voices & Impersonation (+12%)
  • Palming (+10%)
  • Surveillance (+10%)
  • Ventriloquism (+10%)
  • W.P.: Two of choice
  • Hand to hand: basic can be selected as one "other" skill, hand to hand: expert at the cost of two "other" skills, or martial arts (or assassin if an evil alignment) for the cost of three "other" skills.

O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose 8 other skills at level 1 , plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

  • Communications: Any (+10%)
  • Domestic: Any
  • Espionage: Any, except Sniper and Track Humanoids.
  • Horsemanship: General or Exotic Only.
  • Labour: Any
  • Magical/Religious: Any (+10%)
  • Medical: Biology, Brewing, and First Aid only.
  • Military: None
  • Naval: None
  • Performing Arts: Any (+10%)
  • Physical: Any, except Acrobatics, Gymnastics & Wrestling.
  • Rogue: Any (+5%)
  • Science: Any (+10% on Mathematics skills only).
  • Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+10% on Lore, Language and Literacy only)
  • Weapon Proficiencies: Any
  • Wilderness: Dowsing, Land Navigation and Wilderness Survival only.

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Starting Equipment:

Two sets of clothing, a pair of boots, hat, belt, blanket, bedroll, backpack, one large sack, four small sacks, a water skin, dried meats and fruit equal to food rations for 1D4+1 weeks, a small silver cross, a pocket mirror, and a tinderbox.


Starts with a suit of studded leather (A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38).


Starts with a silver-coated dagger, and two other weapons of choice. All are basic S.D.C. weapons of fair to good quality. Magic weapons and other equipment must be acquired later.


The character starts with 130 in gold, which can be used immediately to purchase more equipment or saved. Additional money will come from payment for work and/or booty.

Illusionist Experiance Table

48,921 -17,900
970,941 - 95,920
1095,921 -135,940
14275,921 - 335,940
15335,941 - 375,920
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