The Psi-WarriorBecoming a Psi-Warrior is a long and arduous process.Young hopefuls are required to undergo an intense selection period lasting a year. It is designed to weed out lesser candidates.Training is no less difficult for those who pass. They can look forward to decades of demanding training that requires the applicants to be be highly motivated, dedicated, and spiritually centered. They are trained in the martial arts, swordsmanship and horsemanship, as well as nonviolent pursuits that include meditation, philosophy, theology and spiritual instruction. The most secretive and formidable area of Psi-Warrior training is the mastery of physical psionics. Every warrior learns to focus his mental energy and reach out with his mind. They learn a variety of psychic abilities that include healing, physical and the superpowers of psi-sword, psi-shield and various forms of telekinesis. These powers are revealed to the young student gradually, thus it takes years of intense study and training before novices complete their apprenticeship and are allowed to make their place in the world. Psi-Warriors are not actually part of any formal organization or fraternity. Once their training is completed, they are sent into the world to "make their place in it." They can use their powers and training for personal gain, good or evil, although the vast majority (approx. 70%) use it for good. Most Psi-Warriors avoid politics and find it distasteful and manipulative. This sometimes gets even good Psi-Warriors in trouble as they sometimes ignore or break regional laws for their own (arguably higher) morality. Along those lines, most Psi-Warriors avoid entanglements in political wars, although they may haunt the sidelines of a war, fighting small battles to protect the innocent caught in the middle or used as pawns. Evil Psi-Warriors (typically aberrant or miscreant) do exist. They are usually ruthless and brutal combatants who fight for wealth, fame and/or power. Some become despot lords or leaders of evil bands. Others are wandering adventurers in search of excitement and profit. Yet even among evil Psi-Warriors, most have a disdain for the supernatural and will rarely ally themselves with them. In fact, these misbegotten warriors sometimes join forces with good to battle supernatural evil, or ally themselves with the supernatural only long enough to betray and destroy them taking what magic or booty they can as their reward, without concern for others. Some evil Psi-Warriors actively engage in the destruction of the supernatural wherever they encounter it, and aberrant characters often fight to liberate and protect the innocent, especially women and children. Unfortunately, after their heroics, the warriors may expect some favor or payment, including carnal ones, or ignore the plight of people when the supernatural or magic are not involved. Such misanthropes are likely to have their own strange code of justice, honor and fair play, but are far from heroic or trustworthy. Most are duplicitous, cruel, and treacherous. They lie, cheat and backstab those they do not respect or when it behooves them to do so. Most engage in strong arm tactics, intimidation, torture, and murder. Levels of Experience & Power The Psi-Warrior earns his special abilities in slow increments as he increases in experience, maturity and understanding of psychic powers and the world at large. The character begins with just ahandful of abilities at first level but acquires many more as he rises in level. The Psi-Warrior training system doesn't work on a strict time-scale; after all, people grow, mature and learn at different paces. According to the spiritual teachers, there is only "one pace for each person, the right one for you." As the character gains experience levels, his mastery of psionic powers and martial fighting techniques also increases. Note: All bonuses are cumulative and in addition to possible attribute bonuses and hand to hand combat bonuses.
Special Psi-Warrior Powers
![]() Psi-Warrior O.C.C.Attribute Requirements: A high I.Q., M.E., P.S. and P.P. attributes are helpful but not required. The only thing required is a desire to help others and destroy supernatural evil. Alignment: Any, although they tend to lean toward scrupulous, unprincipled and aberrant. Gender: Male or Female Race: Most common among humans (68%), Elves(10%), Ogres (5%) and 17% others. O.C.C. Skills:
Basic Math (+10%) Land Navigation (+15%) Wilderness Survival (+10%) Intelligence (+6%) Tracking (+10%) Horsemanship: General (+16%) Horsemanship: Exotic (+15%) First Aid (+10%) Lore: Demons & Devils (+10%) Lore: Creatures & Monsters (+10%) Swimming (+10%) Physical: Two of choice W.P. Sword W.P. Two of choice Hand to Hand: Martial Arts O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose 7 other skills at level 1 , plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.
Domestic: Any Espionage: Any Horsemanship: General or Exotic Only. Labour: Any Medical: Any (+15%) Military: Any Naval: Any Performing Arts: Any (+10%) Physical: Any Rogue: Any Science: Any (+5%) Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+15%) Weapon Proficiencies: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus. Starting Equipment: A set of travelling clothes, A suit of light armour, a first-aid kit, sleeping bag, saddlebags, backpack, 100 feet (30.5m) of rope, grappling hook, 1D4+1 weeks of emergency food rations, two canteens, hatchet for cutting wood, survival knife, mallet, 3 weapons of choice, and a good quality horse. Money: The character starts with 2D4xlOO gold. Experiance and Combat Table: