The Druid

Druids and their abilities are very different than those of the priest and priestess. While druids are priests, or clergy, they are priests of nature and the elements. They believe that all things, mankind, dirt, trees, flowers, clouds, wind, water, (even the gods) and so on are all facets of the world... of nature. As such, druids accept all people, races, religions and gods that do not directly oppose (or more importantly, endanger) the ways of nature. Yet, even the few people and organizations that seek to destroy or harness nature have their rightful place as predators and scavengers in the druid philosophy.

The only way to learn about the druidic faith is to become a druid, which is said to take l5-20 years of initiation and learning. The long apprenticeship is spent learning and understanding the ancient history of the world, ancient verses and songs, the rites of the druids, druidic lore, healing skills, prophecy and finally, magic. Much of this time will be spent in wandering the country, attuning one's mind to the landscape, and especially learning to appreciate and understand nature. At least a quarter of an initiate's time must be spent with their mentor, but otherwise they are free to do as they wish. The process is made longer by the fact that all the teaching is by word of mouth, since druids rarely write anything down, and when they do, it will be in a secret script, known as Oghrune, an obscure form of runes.

Not everyone who starts tutelage under a druid becomes one, there are tests every year and many fall by the wayside. There is also a Supreme Druid, chosen every year at a special ceremony.

While entire communities of druids, numbering into the hundreds, can be found, they have no real religious doctrine or status structure/rank. Large communities are the exception, not the rule. Generally, druids live away from civilizations, often wandering throughout the land, exploring forests, deserts, mountains, jungles, etc., eventually settling down in some pleasant woodland or near a small farming community.

Note: Druids may enjoy the splendor and solitude of nature, but they are not loners, and almost always live near or with other people or druids. They just hate the larger kingdoms and cities fouled by civilization. However, even druids have been known to be corrupted by the power and wealth available through the ways of civilized man.

Among communities large and small, it is usually the elder or council of elders that make decisions and pass judgment. Thus, the rules and edicts of each druid community will be different. Although druids are legendary for their arcane magic and wisdom, the latter is not necessarily a requirement.

Although they are considered to be one with the Earth and nature, they are not linked to elementals or warlocks. The druid's communion with nature is not so much with the "forces" of nature, but with the creatures and myriad intelligent races who share the world. Their dream is to see humanoids learn more about the natural world around them and learn to live in harmony with it. Consequently, they try to teach others forest conservation, superior methods of farming like crop rotation, irrigation and ways to prevent erosion of soil from wind and rain.

Druids can be found throughout the known World, but are found primarily in wilderness areas. They are fairly uncommon in most "civilized" human communities. In these cities and older kingdoms, druidic faith has been replaced by the worship of other gods. In fact, some priests in some communities have an ongoing rivalry with these sages of nature and a few have even banned the druidic faith altogether.Druids are highly respected among the Wolfen and their smaller cousins, the Kankoran -less so among Coyles and Bearmen. For some reason, Druids aren't particularly common among most of the other so called monster races, although an occasional druid may appear among their ranks. Druids aren't common among the subterranean races like Dwarves, Kobolds and Ratlings either. Next to the canine humanoids, Druids are most common among the human and elven populations, especially in small towns, villages, clans and outposts in the wilderness.


Certain animal species are associated with the druidic faith, including the eagle (representing the celestial forces), goose (symbolizing alertness and watchfulness -and often used to guard a sanctuary from intruders), raven (symbolizing darkness, death, destruction, and prophecy), bull (symbolizing strength, ferocity and virility), boar (symbolizing hunting and war as well as feasting and hospitality), bear (seen as a force of nature), dog (symbolizing hunting, healing and death by combat), hare/rabbit (symbolizing the gods and spirits of the underworld, death, and the undead, as well as speed and luck -they are never eaten, but often sacrificed), and the stag (symbolizing virility, speed, aggression and the forces of nature). These animals may fall under suspicion if some sort of incident occurs involving druids. Furthermore, druids often have an animal familiar.

A druid must choose an animal totem, his symbol and link to the forces of nature. This is done immediately at first level because it will directly affect his other druidic abilities. By second level the druid will identify so strongly with his totem animal type that he will gain some of the animals abilities (but not until second level). The five totem types are:

  1. Rodent: (Rat, mice, squirrel, weasel, bat, etc.) scale walls/climb 70%, Prowl 57%, Nightvision 60 ft., +4 to dodge (only.
  2. Fowl: (Birds: hawk, owl, pigeon, sparrow, etc.) Peripheral vision l80° arc, Nightvision l20 ft., Sense of direction 78%, + 2 to parry and dodge.
  3. Hooved: (Horse, goat, deer, bison, bull, pig, boar, etc.) Natural speed doubled, Recognize quality/type of hooved animals 86%, + 6 to damage, + 2 to dodge (only).
  4. Feline: (Cat: tiger, lion, etc.) Cat stalk/prowl 80%, Scale walls/climb 76%, + 2 to strike, + 2 to parry/dodge.
  5. Canine: (Dog, bear, wolf, etc.) Identify tracks 83%, Track 79%, + 4 to damage, + 2 to parry/dodge

Note: A druid can choose only one totem type. This is a lifetime decision and can never be changed. The abilities do not increase as the druid grows in experience. Bonuses to strike, dodge and parry are in addition to any O.C.C. or skills or attribute bonuses.

The Druidic Way

Rituals are very important to the druids, with numerous animal sacrifices used to create their magic. They are traditionally associated with the color white and wear white garments under their robes and on the most special occasions, they wear white robes or gowns. Gold is also important, and appears as gold rings and occasionally a gold sickle. Mistletoe is used in a great many of their rituals, due to its associations with fertility. Many druids’ carry or use a staff usually made of yew wood or oak as a symbol of their authority.

All druidic magic works on the principles laid down in what are known as the Five Laws, which are taught to every initiate at the very beginning of their tutelage.

  1. THE LAW OF REBOUND: A lesser magical force will always be repelled by a stronger one, and will rebound onto its caster.
  2. THE LAW OF EQUALS: When two equal magical forces meet, one will eventually give way to the other, which will then be recognized as the stronger in future meetings.
  3. THE LAW OF APPEARANCES: Nothing in the magical realms should be taken at face value, but should always be questioned. This especially applies to obvious solutions and the "easy way out."
  4. THE LAW OF SUMMONING: If a druid calls upon magical powers and finds that the result is not what was expected, it means that he does not have enough experience and ability to do what was attempted.
  5. THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT: Like the concept of "karma," a druid should never expect something for nothing. The power of a magical spell will only be equal to the power put into creating and casting it. To try to summon more power than one can handle is to summon "negative magic" on oneself (bad luck).

Once an individual has drawn power from the earth and used it for magic, they must replace that energy. This is usually done with a ritual ceremony lasting from several minutes to a couple of hours, ending in a blood sacrifice. To insure the nurturing of the earth energy, remove dead or diseased limbs from trees, plant the seeds of herbal plants as well as fruit and nut-bearing trees and herb plants, and kill destructive insects. If the nurturing of nature is not continually performed, there is a good chance that future magic spells and rituals will not take effect and negative energy will follow.

Negative magic energy will cause the druid to look twice as old as he really is, cause bad luck (reduce M.A. by half, -10% on all skills, -10 S.D.C., and -3 on initiative) and will eventually destroy him. Using druidic magic and knowledge for purely selfish, evil, or harmful purposes can also accumulate negative magic energy. Note: Only the G.M. can decide when a druid character is using his/her abilities for evil and selfishness and should suffer the effects of negative magic. The alignment may also change. Repentant characters that resume their nurturing of nature and observance of the Five Laws will, after a reasonable amount of time, be completely restored.

As protectors of nature, druids are aloof from the complications of the temporal world. Their greatest concern is for the continuation of the orderly and proper cycles of nature--birth, growth, death, and rebirth. Druids tend to view all things as cyclic and thus, the battles of good and evil are only the rising and falling tides of time. Only when the cycle and balance are disrupted does the druid become concerned.

Druids are charged with protecting wilderness--in particular trees, wild plants, wild animals, and crops. By association, they are also responsible for their followers and their animals. Druids recognize that all creatures (including humans) need food, shelter, and protection from harm. Hunting, farming, and cutting lumber for homes are logical and necessary parts of the natural cycle. However, druids do not tolerate unnecessary destruction or exploitation of nature for profit. Druids often prefer subtle and devious methods of revenge against those who defile nature. It is well known that druids are both very unforgiving and very patient.

Druids & Armour

Most druids will only wear and use armor made form natural materials, including padded leather and even armor made from wood or bark. They will not wear armor or use weapons made of processed metal. Furthermore, covering oneself in metal is confining and removes one from nature. Metal armor may only be worn as a disguise, with the usual encumbrance penalties: -15% to prowl and 20% to climb/scale walls or swim in full splint or plate armor. -10% to prowl swim or climb in chain or scale mail, and -5% in studded leather. Most druids prefer to wear soft or studded leather armor or magic armor made of cloth or leather.

Abilities & Magical Powers

More than any other O.C.C., the druid's abilities increase dramatically with experience and maturity. Going up in druidic experience doesn't work on a strict time-scale; after all, a clever apprentice will learn faster than a dull one. As a character gains experience levels, his knowledge of druidic matters increases. After each level there is a test of some kind to check that the druid is qualified to advance to the next level. These tests differ from area to area and from druid to druid, so Game Masters should feel free to create their own.

Any player, who has a druid for a character is assumed to have already spent years of study as an apprentice to an older, fully qualified druid (only full druids may take apprentices).

  1. Communicate with Creatures: The druid can acquire the languages of woodland creatures at the rate of one language per level.
  2. Secret Writing: Oghrune: All druids are taught a variation of the rune alphabet known as Oghrune. The primary difference between this written language and traditional runes is the addition of a few (non-magical) symbols representing various forces of nature and additional dashes and appendages added to the basic runic letters. Diabolists can read Oghrunes at -20%. Druid Base Skill: 50% +5% per level of experience. Likewise, a druid can read conventional runes at -15%.
  3. Secret Language: Oghdran: All druids can speak a secret language in addition to any other tongues they know. The vocabulary of this druidic language is limited to dealing with nature and natural events. Druids jealously guard this language; it is the one infallible method they have of recognizing each other. Druid Base Skill: 70% +5% per level of experience.
  4. Exceptional Regional Knowledge of Geography & History. This is the complete history of the local region where the druid either grew up or practices his faith. Information goes back thousands of years and includes a rich knowledge of geographical changes (the rise of mountains, rivers changing course, flood plains, seasonal weather patterns and changes over the years, animal migrations and extinctions, etc.) as well as myths and legends focusing around animals and nature. Base Skill: 40% +5% per level of experience.
  5. Knowledge of Sacred Sites. Sacred sites are important to the druids. Some are obvious and well-known , while others are more temporary, much better hidden and may not be obvious when found. An initiate druid learns to recognize the sites and the signs that point to them. This includes knowledge of ley lines. The druid recognizes ley lines and nexuses as places of power where he or she can draw on and where spells and powers are increased Base Skill: 35% +5% per level of experience.
  6. Ley line Drifting: The druid can open himself to the ley line energies and walk or float through the air along the length of a ley line. The maximum speed is a mere Spd 10, but it is relaxing and does not cause exertion or fatigue. Applicable only to the character; he cannot magically enable others to float along with him.
  7. Ley Line Rejuvenation (self): When standing on a ley line or nexus, the druid can absorb ley line energy to double his rate of natural healing. To do this, the character must concentrate on healing while relaxing on a ley line. The druid can also use a ley line or nexus to perform an instant rejuvenation as often as once every 24 hours. After about 10 minutes of concentration, 2D6 hit points and 2D6 S.D.C. are magically restored.

Druidic Magic Powers

With each advancement in level, the Druid instinctively knows how to perform one or more feats of magic. The Character may select 2 druidic spells from the druidic spell list/per level of experience. The Druid may only select spells of the level he is at. In addition the Druid gains certain abilities with each level increase.

    Level One:
    1. Recognize enchantment on animals: The druid can recognize the influence of magic that charms, enslaves, hypnotizes, harms or transforms ordinary animals, or which poisons or fouls food or drink. This ability includes identifying magic sicknesses, curses, the effects of faerie food and faerie magic, and supernatural or magical possession. Illusions, metamorphosis, and psionic powers do not count as enchantment. Base Skill: 35% +5% per level of experience (-20% when examining humanoids).
    2. Magic Bonuses: The druid receives a +2 to all saving throws vs. fire and electrical attacks.+ 1 to save vs magic at levels two, six, ten, and fourteen; +4 to save vs horror factor, +2 to save vs disease, At 7th level a druid becomes immune at to charm spells cast by woodland beings.
    3. Healing Touch: The druid, like priests has the power to heal with a touch. Due to their more intimate connection to nature their touch can heal 4D6 hit points and/or S.D.C. Healing requires the laying of hands, one full melee round of concentration.

    Level Two:
    1. Familiar Link: This druidic ability operates exactly like the fourth level wizard spell of the same title. See Spell magic descriptions.
    2. Druid Versification Skill: Along with their knowledge of history, druids are also taught folklore and wisdom in the form of songs, rhymes, and verse. These are used to teach the people about the old ways and the great folk heroes. This skill also allows druids to disguise themselves as bards. The ability includes being able to compose new verses and tunes, and the ability to play at least one musical instrument. Base Skill: 30% +5% per level of experience.

    Third Level: Philosophy and teaching become two of the keystones of being a druid. They are learned through the first three levels, but only at this stage can the young druid claim to have a real grasp of the subjects. It involves many of the druidic rituals and their proper use. At this stage the druid will be allowed to take an active part in druidic rituals.
    1. Identify: At 3rd level, the druid can accurately identify plants, animals, and clean water.
    2. Pass without Trace: At 3rd level, the druid may Pass Without a Trace.
    3. Druid Astronomy Skill: This is the science of the sun, moon, planets and stars. Druids observe these closely with the naked eye, and treat their movements with great importance. Characters with this skill can figure out the approximate time of day, their exact position and direction (especially by the stars), as well as spotting astronomical happenings that might be omens, such as comets or eclipses. Astronomy is the foundation for part of the druid's ability to prophecy the future at higher levels. Base Skill: 20% +5% per level of experience and adds a bonus of +5% to the Land Navigation skill.
    4. Weather Identification Skill: By spending time studying the sky, plants, and insect behavior, the druid can predict the general weather trend for the next 4D6+6 hours. The character will be able to recognize the coming of storms, their likely severity, flood and fog conditions, etc. He is also able to tell if a storm or weather condition is the product of magic or natural forces (+10% to base skill). Base Skill: 20% +5% per level of experience.

    Fourth Level:
    1. Prophecy: This is the ability to see bad omens and warnings of impending danger, disaster, witchcraft and the forces of supernatural evil at work from the study of the stars, skies (color and cloud formations), the behavior of plants, wild animals and insects, and other natural omens. Druids at this stage cannot make prophecies about specific people or specific happenings, and do not have the ability to be precise. This is where the philosophy and history skills are utilize by the druid to "interpret" the signs and hide the vagueness of the prophecy in riddles and clever words. He may sense that "evil is afoot" and taking what information he may know, surmise, "something unnatural has tread this path." Likewise, "foul winds blow," means that something appears to be wrong or out of place. He may even get a general idea as to who the omen is directed at such as the King, a specific kingdom, or a player character/group (G.M.'s discretion). The prophecy always focuses on the big picture and rarely on one insignificant person or minor event. Base Skill: 20% +5% per level of experience. A failed roll means no impression, good or bad. A prophecy can be tried as often as once per 24 hours or if something really terrible or obvious is afoot.
    2. Forecast Weather Change: The spell weaver can accurately forecast the weather right down to specific times, such as "The morning will open with a light drizzle, but by noon the rain will stop and the sun will shine. A few hours after the sun sets, the rain will come again and continue till dawn." Any change from this forecast will mean mystic intervention. The forecast is accurate for a 100-mile (160 km) diameter. This spell can be done in a matter of 10 minutes using any of the four elemental locations. Must be performed on a high hill, treetop, or high in the mountains and requires the sacrifice of a bird.

    Fifth Level:
    1. Extinguish Fire: The druid can put out a fire that covers as much as a one-mile area (1.6 km) per level of experience. Requires the druid to completely immerse himself in water, drawing on air from a hollow tube, and lD4xlO minutes of concentration underwater. Comparatively small fires, such as a house, requires lD6 minutes.
    2. Kindle Flame: The druid can cause wood to smolder and burst into flame. The speed in which the fire spreads can be completely controlled by the spell caster from mere inches a minute to l0 feet a minute (unless he loses control, then it spreads with frightening speed; about 20 feet/6.1 meters per minute). This magic can also be used to create a tiny flame and great billows of smoke. The fire can be created up to 1000 feet (305 m) away. Must be performed in the presence of a large fire and that fire must be maintained for the duration of the spell casting.
    3. Communication: One mile (1.6 km) per level of the druid. This is a one-way telepathic communication, but can become two-way if the fellow druid is 7th level or higher. This spell is rather quick, requiring only a minute or two of concentration and can be maintained as long as necessary, provided the druid does not move from that spot. Must be performed on a high hill, treetop, or high in the mountains.

    Sixth Level:
    1. Shapechange: A druid gains the ability to shapechange into a reptile, bird, or mammal up to three times per day. Each animal form (reptile, bird, or mammal) can be used only once per day. The size can vary from that of a bullfrog or small bird, to as large as a black bear.Upon assuming a new form, the druid heals 10-60% (1d6 x 10%) of all damage he has suffered (round fractions down).The druid can only assume the form of a normal (real world) animal in its normal proportions, but by doing so he takes on all of that creature's characteristics - its movement rate and abilities, its Armour Rating, number of attacks, and damage per attack. Thus, a druid could change into a wren to fly across a river, transform into a black bear on the opposite side and attack the orcs gathered there, and finally change into a snake to escape into the bushes before more orcs arrive.

    Seventh Level:
    1. Phoenix Healing: From Death Comes Life, The druid can perform a ritual in which a medium to large animal is sacrificed. With this sacrifice the hit points of the sacrificed animal are instilled into a wounded or comatose person by touching both the animal and the patient at the moment of death/sacrifice. If the person to be healed is in a coma (at zero or below hit points), the character gets to roll to save vs coma at +30% and gets 2D6 hit points if he snaps out of the coma (all instant effects). If above zero, but dangerously low/seriously injured. Hit points will not exceed the character's maximum number of hit points (no S.D.C. are restored). This magic can also be used to completely negate poison, remove fever, and cure sickness. Permanent damage, such as blindness, severed limbs, or insanity cannot be cured.Requires half an hour to perform and must be done in a wilderness or forest to heal injury, but on the bank of a lake, river, or stream to cure sickness, fever or poison.
    2. Divination: Druids can divine the future and gain insight to a problem by performing a blood sacrifice of a small animal (typically a bird), pulling out its entrails, observing them and meditating. This may take between half an hour to an hour, depending on the complexity of the problem and the solution needed. The druid can sense the following:
      1. Whether a specific person is in immediate danger or not (immediate is ID4 hours).
      2. Whether that person has the intention to commit violence or evil within the near future (lD4 days).
      3. Whether somebody he, the druid, cares about (but no specific identity unless that person was the initial focus of the divination) is in danger and whether the danger is soon (within 24 hours) or distant (weeks or months away).
      4. Will magic be involved?
      5. Will mortal or supernatural forces be involved?
      6. Will there be much sorrow/death if this possible future is not changed?
      Divination can be done as often as once every 24 hours. Limited to events that may happen within 1000 miles (1600 km) on the soil of the land/continent the druid is standing on. Must be performed in a wilderness or forest and the blood of the sacrificial animal must seep into the ground.

    Eighth Level:
    1. Protection Charm: The charmed person must be present during the ritual and will enjoy the following bonuses: +3 to save vs magic, + I to save vs psionics, impervious to poison, the charmed person's aura cannot be read/seen, automatic mind block, and natural 20's and critical strikes do normal damage (not double).The spell is defensive in nature, thus it only applies when the character is avoiding combat or fighting defensively. The bonuses disappear the moment the person makes a deliberate attack or act of aggression. The strength and duration of this protection depends on the length and complexity of the magic ritual. Generally, 24 hours per every two hours spent on the mystic ceremony. Can be performed on oneself or on someone else (one) per ritual. A large animal like a cow, ox, deer, horse, etc. must be sacrificed at the end of the two-hour plus ritual or no bonuses are provided. Must be performed in the presence of a large fire and that fire must be maintained for the duration of the ritual. Assistants, friends or followers often feed the flame so the druid can concentrate on the ritual.

    Ninth Level: Upon reaching ninth level, the character has learned and mastered all the skills of his profession and has passed all the tests along the way, thus they have earned the title of Master Druid. This is a highly emotional and important point in any druid's life. It does not mean that they have learned or mastered everything that they need to know in life druids keep learning and improving their skills and wisdom until they die -but the character has attained a level of mastery that only a few achieve. It also means a level of social distinction within the Druid community. All lower level druids will treat a true Master Druid as a knowledgeable teacher and advisor and show him or her the utmost respect and courtesy. As a Master Druid, the character may wear the distinctive white druidic robes as his regular garment, can lead druidic rites (rather than just participating in them), and may sit in judgment and make public prophecies. The Master may also elect to teach an acolyte (no more than two), although most druids will wait until they have more experience before they do this.

    The Supreme Druid is selected in a particular community or region once a year at a special ceremony under the oldest oak tree. The location, date and festivities of this ceremony may change from community to community, but word is spread through the network of druids and their sympathizers across the land. As with all druidic ceremonies, only druids and their initiates are allowed to attend, and at least 35% of all the druids in the country will turn up. Candidates for Supreme Druid must be Master Druids who are tested on their knowledge, their ability to compose verses, their interpretation of events by philosophy and prophecy, and most importantly their wisdom and compassion. The Supreme Druid is selected by vote and remains the spiritual leader of the faith for the next year. Particularly wise and respected druids can be reelected and serve for many years, but few serve for more than 10 years in a row. The Supreme Druid is also the only druid who can call a special meeting of all druids in a time of crisis.

    1. Druidic Magic Power: Weather Control: (Once per day). The druid can change the existing weather from something as minor as a change in the wind's direction to summoning a storm. The smaller the change in the weather, the quicker it can be created; a light rain or fog can be called in 10 minutes, while drastic changes, from bright sunlight to downpour, heavy fog, hail, high winds, etc., will take over an hour to create (60 minutes plus 1D6x10 additional minutes). Incredibly destructive weather patterns (hurricanes, tornadoes, lightning bolts, as well as snow) cannot be summoned. Generally affects an area 10 miles (16 km) in diameter, but the area can be made smaller if the druid so desires. The duration of the weather effect is limited to 1D4 hours from the moment the druid stops the ritual. Note: Downpours can be extremely dangerous, causing flash floods, especially in hilly regions, and making travel difficult, if not impossible. Must be performed on a high hill, treetop, or high in the mountains and requires the sacrifice of a large bird or bird of prey.

The Druid O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 9, P.E. 12, ME 12, and MA 15
Alignment: Druids can be of any alignment, good, selfish, or evil. There have been just as many cruel, vindictive, and greedy druids as there have been just, kind and humble one. Druids tend to be very primal in many respects, as their abilities might indicate. Sometimes their primal, backwoods attitudes seem very crude or barbaric (animalistic) to civilized folk.
Gender: Male or Female
Race: Any
O.C.C. Skills:
    Animal Husbandry (+20%)
    Anthropology (+15%)
    Astronomy & Navigation (+15%)
    Botany (+20%)
    History (+20%)
    Land Navigation (+15%)
    Languages: Native Tongue at 98% plus two of choice (+20% each)
    Literacy Note: Any language other than Oghrunes is uncommon.
    Lore: Faerie Folk (+20%)
    Lore: One of choice (+10%)
    Mathematics: Basic (+20%)
    Wilderness Survival (+20%)
    W.P. Staff
    Hand-to-Hand: Basic Only

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select six other skills of choice at level one, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

    Communications: None
    Domestic: Any (+10%)
    Espionage: Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment and Intelligence only.
    Horsemanship: General or Exotic only.
    Labour: any
    Medical: Any (+15%)
    Military: Camouflage and Falconry only (both at + 10%)
    Naval: None
    Performing Arts: Any
    Physical: Any.
    Rogue: Recognize and Use Poison only (+10%).
    Science: Any (+15%)
    Scholar/Technical: Any (+ 1 0%)
    Weapon Proficiencies: Any, except Siege, Targeting, Large Axes, Pole Arms and Lance.
    Wilderness: Any (+10%)

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Starting Equipment: A set of traveling clothes, a traveling robe with hood, a ceremonial white robe, moccasins, a pair of soft leather gloves, belt, backpack, a medium-sized to large purse/satchel, four small sacks, a water skin, a sprig of mistletoe, a clove of garlic, a wooden or silver cross, eight wooden spikes, a small mallet, 30 feet (9 m) of rope, small mirror, and a tinder box. Starts with soft leather armour(A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20).

Weapons: Druids dislike weapons made of processed iron and metal compounds and avoid using them except under the most extreme circumstances. As a rule, the woodland priests use weapons made of wood, stone, or a combination of wood and stone. Staves, spears, clubs, hammers/blunt, sling and bow weapons are among the weapons most commonly used by druids. Even knives and short swords are likely to be made of chipped or chiseled stone. Starts with a sharp stone dagger (1 D6 damage), a wooden staff and one additional weapon of choice. All are basic S.D.C. weapons of good quality.Magic weapons and additional items must be acquired later. Despite their aversion to metal, most druids will use holy or rune weapons made of iron, although a magic wood, stone or flaming weapon would be preferred.

Experiance and Combat Table:
LevelMagic CombatSpell Use/levelExperience
1+1 vs. Spell Magic 40-1,930
2+1 vs. Circles/Wards61,931-3,860
3+1 Spell Strength83,861-7,720
4Sence Good/Evil 40% 107,721-15,200
52 Spell Att/Melee1215,201-23,300
6Recognize Enchantment 30%1423,301-36,666
7+2 vs. Spell Magic1636,667-56,666
8+2 Spell Strength 1856,667-86,666
9+2 vs. Circles/Wards2086,667-111,666
10Sence Good/Evil 65%22111,667-135,666
11+2 vs. Circle/Wards 24135,667-166,666
12Recognise Enchantment 50%26166,667-216,666
13+3 vs. Spell Magic28216,667-266,666
14Recognize Enchantment 71%30266,667-316,666
15+3 vs. Circle/Wards32316,667-386,666

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