The Elementalist

An Elementalist is a man or woman who draws his magic powers from a supernatural, elemental intelligence. Like the mystic, priest and witch, there is no true knowledge of spell casting or the mystic arts, instead the Elementalist, through his link with the elemental intelligence, can draw upon certain spell-like powers.

One might assume that Elementalists are closely attuned to nature, and in some ways they are, but not in the ways one might think. They are not spiritualists like the druids who try to live in harmony with their environment, instead, the Elementalist functions on a more primal level. They appreciate the forces of nature, but bend them to their will. Elementalists tend to be concerned with power, change and anarchy, for their world view is a picture of seething, unrestrained forces, freedom, and change. As such, an Elementalist will rarely bind himself to a king or god, he is a free spirit to wander the universe, and to observe and instigate change. An Elementalist can become the head of State or even Emperor of a kingdom, or spend his life adventuring or as a wandering philosopher, or all three during different times. Life, adventure, power and freedom are all important to this character. Many kingdoms, have towns and cities where Elementalists play an important role in the communities' defences, manufacturing and commerce. These mages are especially sought after by seafaring people since their powers can be used to calm the seas, dispel storms and strike at opponents with devastating power (water, air and fire Elementalists can be especially effective in ship combat). Although there are places with comparatively large communities of Elementalists, these practitioners of magic never preach the ways of magic, never try to convert anybody to their way of thinking, seldom discuss their philosophies, and most have no formal religious or political leader or allegiance. Each group of Elementalists will be independent of the other. Despite the lack of a supreme leader or formal laws and doctrines, Elementalists all share the same basic orientation and the notion that one is born an Elementalist. A birthright that brings power, respect and responsibility.

Most Elementalists believe it is their duty to use their magic powers, whether it's to help others, destroy evil, or for personal gain. They also believe that all Elementalists are somehow bound together like a scattered family. Thus, they consider fellow Elementalists to be part of a universal fraternity or brotherhood and show each other great respect and courtesy. Even Elementalists who are deadly rivals will first have a polite meeting to discuss the situation and to proclaim each other's intentions. Such meetings will inevitably end with a statement such as, "So my brother, regrettably, I must destroy you and any who stand with you, be they brother or sister Elementalists or valiant heroes." To which the other Elementalist responds, "Just as the wind and waves erode the mighty mountain, so must we clash, my brother." The two are likely to enjoy a meal together, shake hands or hug, and depart, but from that moment on, the line has been drawn and there shall be no mercy nor quarter given by either when that line is crossed. The blood and destruction caused by warring Elementalists can be horrendous.

Elementalists & Armour

Most Elementalists tend to prefer leather armour because it offers excellent manoeuvrability, stealth (no jingling or clunking of metal parts), and because it is more comfortable than the heavy, cumbersome and confining types. Of course, An Elementalist may elect to use/wear any type of armour he or she desires, but with the considerations above and the usual encumbrance penalties: -15% to prowl and -20% to climb/scale walls or swim in full splint or plate armour. -10% to prowl, swim or climb in chain or scale mail, and -5% in studded leather. Most practitioners of magic prefer to wear leather or better yet, magic body armour, charms and talismans.

Elementalist Powers & Information

  1. Choosing an Elemental Force. All six of the elemental forces are acknowledged and revered, but the Elementalist must choose one specific elemental force to tap into. Once the elemental force is selected it cannot be changed and becomes the character's life sign and source of power. Elementalists may worship and/or honour and respect other forces, deities, religions, and laws, but most tend to be carefree and independent.
  2. Magic and Spell Casting. An Elementalist derives his magic powers and spells directly from his elemental lord/force in much the same way as the spell casting priest gets his/her powers from a supernatural allegiance to a particular god or pantheon of gods. The elemental being that represents the Elementalist's chosen life sign gives him the ability to commune with elemental beings and cast elemental magic. The spell casting ability is not learned (like wizardry), but endowed by the elemental deity. The spell is cast by invoking the elemental power word(s) in a simple chant. Otherwise, Elementalist magic works like the spell casting of the wizard.
  3. Initial Spell Knowledge and Learning New Spells: An Elementalist has no power until an elemental force is chosen, and once chosen it cannot be changed. Select air, earth, fire, water, spirit or void. Once the character has bonded with one elemental force of choice, he will be able to select three (3) new spells for every level of experience, starting with level one.
    Note: The Elementalist also knows the power words for the six elemental forces: Cherubot-kyn (air), Ariel-Rapere-kyn (earth), Seraph-mytyn (fire), Tharsis-mycn (water), Choda-esto (spirit), Felteth-eshandi(void), and yin (a linking word like "and"); as well as the mystic symbols of the six elements and the six stone symbols for elemental forces (see the Diabolist O.C.C. for details).
  4. Choosing and Gaining spells. At first level, the Elementalist can select a total of three (3) spells from the first level spells offered by his elemental master. Every time the Elementalist reaches a new level of experience, he selects three new spells. The level of the spells available for selection is limited to the experience level of the Elementalist. This means An Elementalist cannot select an elemental magic spell above his own experience level. For Example: A first level water Elementalist can select any three first level water elemental spells. At second level, the Elementalist can choose another three water spells, but can make selections listed under first and second level Elementalist magic. Upon reaching third level, the character can again choose three water spells, but this time he is able to make selections from Elementalist water magic listed under levels 1, 2, and 3. When An Elementalist reaches eighth level or higher, he can choose spells from any level, one through eight.
    Note: Under no condition can An Elementalist learn any spells other than those provided by his elemental deity. Elementalists have no knowledge of spell magic or any other magic, because their powers are given to them by a supernatural force, not learned.
  5. Magic Bonuses: +2 to save vs horror factor (+6 against elemental beings), +1 to save vs magic, and +1 to save vs possession. +1 to spell strength at levels 3, 6, 10, and 14.
  6. Speak Elemental. All elementals communicate in a strange language that is a combination telepathy and the spoken word. All Elementalists can speak and understand this language at 92% efficiency, but to all others this language is incomprehensible. Elementals do not have a written language.
  7. Sense Elementals. Elementalists are so attuned to true elemental force that they can sense the presence of an elemental within a 120 foot radius (36.6 m) automatically. Base Skill: 25% +5% per each level of the Elementalist's experience. If elemental forces appear to be at work, the Elementalist can deliberately try to sense an elemental's presence and enjoys a +20% sensory bonus and doubled sensing range (240 ft/73.2 m). Furthermore, An Elementalist will intuitively recognize/sense a fellow Elementalist and instantly know which elemental force(s) he or she is allied to; experience level, alignment, etc. are not revealed. There is also a 75% chance that an Elementalist can see an invisible elemental despite its nature of invisibility, including air elementals, Spirits of Light, and the demonic jinn. Elementalists know and understand as much about elementals as humanly possible. See the section on Elemental Beings for a detailed description of elementals.
  8. Sense the Nature of the Life Sign.
    • Water Elementalists can sense the location and direction of a body of water, river, lake, etc, within 100 miles (160 km); 62% +2% per level of experience. They can also accurately calculate the amount of moisture in the air and predict the likelihood of rain, fog, snow, etc., and when a storm will hit (accurate within 6D6 minutes). When crossing a body of water they can sense the shallowest, deepest, and/or safest path to cross, as well as tell whether the water is contaminated by taking a tiny sip. 30%+5% per level of experience.
    • Earth Elementalists can recognize virtually all natural minerals from gold to iron with amazing accuracy; 62% +2% per level of experience. They can also sense tremors in the earth from quakes, explosions, heavy equipment and similar seismic disturbances within a 40 mile area (64 km). More importantly, they can sense danger located in the earth like loose rocks, quicksand, mud, mud slides, and even pit traps. 32% +4% per level of experience. Underground, the earth Elementalist has a keen sense of direction; 80% +2% per level of experience.
    • Air Elementalists can tell the direction of the wind and accurately tell/sense time by observing the heavens; 62% +4% per level of experience. They can also sense the coming of rain, snow, hail, lightning and wind storms, ley line storms and other atmospheric disturbances at 30% +5% per level of experience. They can also sense impurities in the air (soot and ash from fire, pollution, gas, etc.) and know if the contaminants are hazardous. 30%+5% per level of experience.
    • Fire Elementalists can sense the presence, general direction and distance of fires as small as a campfire within a 40 mile diameter (64 km); a raging forest fire can be sensed as far away as 100 miles (160 km). Success ratio is 62% +2% per level of experience. The Elementalist can accurately sense air and surface temperatures and changes in air temperature. This power can extend to touching the charred remains of a burnt building or campfire and telling how recently it was active/hot (accurate within 6D6 minutes). This heat sensitive touch can also accurately measure a person's body temperature to tell whether he has a fever. Success ratio is 30% +5% per level of experience.
    • Spirit Elementalists can sense the presence, general direction and distance of can sense the location and direction of supernatural and spiritual activity, within 100 miles (160 km); Success ratio is 62% +2% per level of experience. The Elementalist can accurately sense Dimensional Portals and Magics and can sense Invisible creatures similarly to the presence sense psionic discipline. Success ratio is 30% +5% per level of experience.
    • Void Elementalists can sense the presence, general direction and distance of Undead and Necromantic activity, within 100 miles (160 km); Success ratio is 62% +2% per level of experience. The Elementalist can accurately sense when a death is about to occur and can predict the occurrence accurately within 1-6 minutes Success ratio is 30% +5% per level of experience.
  9. Special abilities:
    • Water: The character can instinctively swim at a proficiency of 65% or gets a bonus of +20% if the swimming skill is selected. He can also hold his breath for up to five minutes.
    • Earth: The character can instinctively perform holistic medicine at 50% proficiency and identify plants & fruit at 65%. Or gets a bonus of +12% if either is selected as a learned skill.
    • Air: The character instinctively knows astronomy at 65%, or gets a +20% bonus if selected as a learned skill. Can also hold breath for up to 10 minutes.
    • Fire: The character radiates a protective aura the makes him, his clothes, and body armour (does not protect vehicles or other people) impervious to normal fires (do no damage), but magic (and mega-damage) fires do half damage.
    • Spirit: The character has the ability to commune with spirits at will.
    • Void: The character radiates a protective aura the makes him appear as an "undead" to Actual undead entities, granting the character a 85% chance of being able to move around undead without being attacked or hindered in any way.
  10. The Brotherhood — Etiquette Between Elemental Forces. No elemental will hurt their little mortal brothers (Elementalists) unless absolutely necessary, provoked, or attacked first. This is the result of the Elementalist's mysterious bond to elemental beings. Even if the elemental has been commanded/forced to kill An Elementalist as part of its quest, it will first warn the Elementalist of its mission, apologize, and state that it understands that the Elementalist may feel compelled to fight back. After these formalities, the elemental will attack without hesitation or mercy. If an Elementalist encounters an elemental that is guarding a passageway or object that he must use/get, the elemental will warn the Elementalist that it must kill him if he persists, and will do so without hesitation if he does. Likewise, if a group of adventurers engage an elemental in combat, it will destroy all of them except the Elementalist in the group. Only when the Elementalist confronts the elemental will the elemental strike back, but only after inquiring "Why do you oppose me, little brother?" An appropriate response would be something like "Because I must," or "Because I must pass," and so on. Elementals do not understand the concept of friendship, so an Elementalist saying that he protects a group because they are friends would be an explanation falling upon deaf ears. The elemental will accept, "I must." If the little brother "must," he must, just as an elemental does as it must. However, the Elementalist can stop the battle, discuss the situation, find out who is responsible for the elemental's mission, and slay that person, which usually (but not always) frees the elemental from its commitment. Or the elemental may tell the Elementalist of a different entrance or way to get the item without a direct confrontation (provided it knows of such things).
  11. Summon Elementals. An Elementalist can summon only the type of elemental that is his chosen life sign. This means a fire Elementalist can only summon a fire elemental and only lesser elementals will respond. When the Elementalist is high level, 9th or better, he may be able to summon a greater elemental at half the normal success ratio.

    The summoning process can be attempted only once a day (24 hour period) as it is very emotionally and physically taxing. A physical symbol of the elemental force must be present as the focal point of concentration. The symbol of the elemental must be scrawled on the floor in charcoal or in dirt/dust and two hours of concentration and chanting is required. Only an Elementalist may summon an elemental in this way. Success ratio: 5% per each level of the Elementalist's experience, +10% on a ley line, and +20% at a nexus. Once summoned, the Elementalist is able to request the elemental to aid him in battle or any activity for an unlimited length of time. The elemental will generally obey only the Elementalist and will follow any command without question, including fighting to the death. Such commands should be kept simple and as clear as possible, because elementals are alien beings who do not understand human and animal life, their frailties, language or laws. Although there is no formal time limit to how long an elemental will obey his Elementalist brother, the creature will want to go back to its own world after a day or two. Only the summoning Elementalist can release it so it can return to its own dimension. The elemental will become increasingly insistent about being released with the passing of each day. This will change to anger and hostility at an accumulative rate of 12% per week. The usual etiquette between elemental and Elementalist is lost when pressed into slavery and the percentage number indicates the degree of its hostility and the likelihood of it killing the Elementalist (roll once for every week that passes). If the roll falls under the hostility percentage, the elemental will be angry enough to attack and kill the Elementalist. HOWEVER, it will first warn the Elementalist that it will kill him if he does not release it, "now!" Elementals never bluff, so the Elementalist will realize he's pushed his luck to the limit.

    • Summoning Note Number One: Only An Elementalist who is the foulest of the foul will intentionally allow an elemental brother he has summoned to die. Even the most minor of elementals, like the phantom, should not be allowed to die if it can be helped. One means of preservation is to release the elemental from its bondage of summoning. With the words, "I release you," the elemental instantly disappears, dimensionally teleporting back to its home dimension, for it is only the Elementalist and his will that binds it to this realm of existence.
    • Summoning Note Number Two: The Elementalist may also be able to summon minor elementals and fragmented essences from an elemental intelligence by means of elemental magic. These are even less powerful beings than a lesser elemental, but can be released in the same way.
  12. Elementalists and Weapons. Elementalists are not limited in any way to the selection and use of weapons. However, most have minimal combat training. They seem partial to weapons made of wood or metal and weapons that shoot projectiles.
  13. Colors and Clothing. All Elementalists wear colors and clothing that is indicative of his or her particular elemental life sign.
    • Air: Light pastel colors.
    • Earth: Brown, grey or green.
    • Fire: Red, orange, gold or yellow.
    • Water: Any shade of blue.
    • Spirit: White
    • Void: Black
    Brown is the universal color symbol of elemental forces and can be worn by An Elementalist allied to any elemental force. The traditional dress for An Elementalist is a hooded robe the color of his chosen element; any armour is worn underneath the robe. Jewellery will also correspond directly to their elemental life sign. Air is represented by the sapphire; earth is Tiger's Eye; fire is a ruby; and water is the pearl, Spirit is the diamond and void is onyx.

Notes about Elementals

It is very important to stress that elemental beings generally have absolutely no regard for the lives or activities of mortal creatures. They will step on a baby or destroy a town if so commanded, in anger, out of ignorance or negligence. To an elemental, creatures of this dimension (including all intelligent races) are just bugs without value. It is not because elementals are evil, there is no ill will or evil intent, elementals are so completely different that they have no comprehension of life as we know it. Likewise, the creatures have no concept of law, right and wrong, or good and evil. In this regard, the elemental pays no heed to the harm or damage it may cause in its attempt to obey an Elementalist's command. For example; Telling a fire elemental to go into town and to get something or somebody will send it stomping through the streets, perhaps stepping on innocent people, smashing through buildings and setting the place on fire. Only an Elementalist can freely converse with an elemental without being ignored, torn limb from limb, or needing some kind of protection (circle, charm, ward, etc.). An elemental will not accept someone because he is the friend, kin, or lover of an Elementalist. They will accept and cooperate ONLY with Elementalists, no others. In fact, elementals are so friendly toward Elementalists that they have been known to stop in the middle of a massacre to converse. Note: This applies only to true elementals and not Spirits of Light, demons or other supernatural beings who wield elemental powers. Most elementals (98%) never leave the elemental dimension which is their home, unless impressed against their will into some activity by a magic-user, usually a Summoner, Diabolist, or Elementalist, occasionally others. As a slave, especially to non-Elementalists, they show their enslaver little loyalty. This means an enslaved elemental will tell a brother Elementalist everything they know about their mission or any other subject that he may inquire of them. Elementals and Elementalists share a great kinship between each other in a strange metaphysical way, and both will always try to help each other. Both man and monster are uncommonly courteous and friendly toward each other, unless that Elementalist is known as a cruel or destroying enslaver of elementals. If the latter is the case, the Elementalist will be treated as if he were an enemy and attacked if he continues to pester or threaten an irate elemental. Of course, any Elementalist worth the title will sincerely offer his aid to help an elemental with any quest, duty, or dilemma to ease its burden. Often, being courteous and generous to their little mortal brothers, the creatures will decline the offer, but many Elementalists will aid their elemental brethren anyway. Along this line of thought, Elementalists are aware that elementals don't like to stay away from their home dimension. Elementals pressed into service (and often carelessly destroyed) by uncaring Summoners, Shifters and other practitioners of magic, will beg an Elementalist to free them. Unless the Elementalist is true scum or the forces he must face to win the elemental's freedom are far too powerful for him, the Elementalist will try to help, especially if the creature is the same as his chosen life sign. This is true of both good and evil aligned Elementalists. Furthermore, most Elementalists are extremely diligent in their efforts not to kill any elemental that they have summoned. If an elemental is left to guard something, the Elementalist will usually put in the condition that at the point that the elemental senses its imminent destruction, it is free to return home.

The Elementalist O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 6 or higher, M.E. 10
Alignment: Any. Although the elemental forces to which the Elementalist is linked may be very chaotic and freewheeling, the character can be any alignment. Remember, the concept of alignments and laws are unfathomable to true elementals who are generally of an anarchist alignment.
Gender: Male or Female
Race: Any
O.C.C. Skills:

    Speaks two additional languages (+10%)
    Literate in one language of choice (+10%)
    Math: Basic (+10%)
    Lore: Demon & Monster (+10%)
    Lore: Faerie Folk (+5%)
    Land Navigation (+10%)
    Wilderness Survival (+10%)
    W.P.: Select two of choice.
    Hand to Hand: Basic (Hand to hand: basic can be changed to hand to hand: expert at the cost of two "other" skills, or martial arts for the cost of three "other" skills.)
O.C.C. Related Skills:Choose 8 other skills at level 1 , plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.
    Communications: Any
    Domestic: Any (+10%)
    Espionage: Disguise, Escape Artist and Intelligence only (all +5%).
    Horsemanship: General or Exotic only.
    Labour: Any (+5%)
    Medical: Any
    Military: Any
    Naval: Any
    Performance Arts: Any
    Physical: Any; except Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Boxing & Wrestling.
    Rogue: Any
    Science: Any (+10%)
    Scholar/Technical: Any (+10%)
    Weapon Proficiencies: Any, except the Lance and Long Bow.
    Wilderness: Any (+5%)

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Standard Equipment: Two sets of clothing, an appropriately collared hooded robe, bed roll, backpack, 1D4 small sacks, one large sack, water skin, flint and tinder box, 1D4 candles, a wooden cross, small mirror, 1D4 sticks of charcoal, and 1D4 items that represent the Elementalist's elemental symbol.

Armour: Starts with soft leather (A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20).

Weapons: A knife and one additional weapon of choice. All are basic S.D.C. weapons of good quality. Magic weapons and additional items must be acquired later. Favourite weapons among Elementalists include iron or wood staves, morning stars, maces, swords and cross bows.

Money: The character starts with 150 in gold. Additional money will come from payment for services rendered and/or the acquisition of booty. Elementalists are often sought after by sailors and pirates for sea battles and long voyages, as well as by royalty, merchants, wealthy travelers, and the military as mercenaries for special assignments (same as the wizard)

Experiance and Combat Table:
LevelMagic CombatSpell Use/levelExperience
1+1 vs. Spell Magic 40-1,930
2+1 vs. Circles/Wards61,931-3,860
3+1 Spell Strength83,861-7,720
4Sence Good/Evil 40% 107,721-15,200
52 Spell Att/Melee1215,201-23,300
6Recognize Enchantment 30%1423,301-36,666
7+2 vs. Spell Magic1636,667-56,666
8+2 Spell Strength 1856,667-86,666
9+2 vs. Circles/Wards2086,667-111,666
10Sence Good/Evil 65%22111,667-135,666
11+2 vs. Circle/Wards 24135,667-166,666
12Recognise Enchantment 50%26166,667-216,666
13+3 vs. Spell Magic28216,667-266,666
14Recognize Enchantment 71%30266,667-316,666
15+3 vs. Circle/Wards32316,667-386,666

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