The Witch

There are two key elements that makes witchcraft different from other forms of magic.

  1. A direct link and willing allegiance to an unknown supernatural being.
  2. Empowerment by that supernatural being's Magic, like technology and knowledge, is a tool that can be used for good or evil; to build and protect or to destroy and subjugate.

To become a witch, the character must make a pact with a supernatural force. These supernatural beings are usually powerful gods, angelic or demon lords or alien intelligences (some say lesser cousins of the slumbering Old Ones). Many clergy and scholars believe that the majority of witches (65%) unwittingly bond themselves to the slumbering Old Ones! Although these legendary alien intelligences are locked in a magic sleep and hidden away, their subconscious mind or dream essence can still reach out and touch the humans and Humanoids of the Palladium World. It is these terrible creatures of chaos and darkness from which many witches draw their powers! Consequently, witchcraft has been outlawed in some parts of the world. However, witchcraft is relatively common among primitive tribes, wilderness people, and many of the monster races, particularly Orcs, Ogres, Trolls, Coyles, and Gigantes.

Many alien intelligences and supernatural beings feed on human emotions like psychic vampires. Thus, they have little real concern about events set into motion by their witch, but only in the emotions that such an event creates. Otara, with its strong magic energy, has always been a place of magic, where one can easily open portals to other worlds. The alien intelligence or god sends an essence fragment into the world in search of likely servants who will become their minions. Those who turn to witchcraft often do so because it is the quick, seemingly easy way to power. The witch's supernatural "master" provides supernatural abilities, magic, a familiar (both protector and counsellor) and insight. To some degree, all of this does compensate for the lack of formal education and real mystic knowledge, but makes the witch all the more dependent on his or her master, and therefore, a puppet of the supernatural being!

The creature will usually offer the witch one of the following: The gift of power, gift of magic, or gift of union. The gifts of power and magic knowledge requires that the alien intelligence or essence-self anchor itself to our world. To do this it requires a host body, typically an innocuous animal, such as a cat, dog or bird, will act as host and become a familiar link, but sometimes the witch will serve as both minion and host. Familiars counsel, assist and protect the witch as well as offer a source of additional power.

Practitioners of witchcraft actually know very little about the workings of magic. In fact, the typical witch (about 65%) is illiterate and uneducated — this does not mean stupid, only the lack of formal education.

The Gift of Power

The gift of power is an illusion in which the recipient believes he has been magically granted superhuman abilities. In a way, he has, except the power is not drawn from some inner strength, but directly from the alien being. The creature projects a fraction of its power into its human host through the familiar link, giving him a taste of true power. In addition to the Familiar the character selects four abilities from the following:

The Gift of Magic

The witch is instantly bestowed with magic powers through his familiar link. All the following are made available:

The Gift of Union

Supposedly the ultimate reward in the way of power is the gift of union, because the witch character willingly allows the creature to share his body. The union fuses man with entity, but is not the classic possession, because the creature allows the witch's essence to share control of the host body. Union instils a great number of changes. First, the character's alignment immediately changes to the same alignment as its supernatural master, and the witch develops a whole new perspective on the world. A new confidence will wash over him and he will know that anything is within his grasp, provided he is willing to do the things necessary to attain them. Powers and Abilities Include:

Note: The character's skills increase in proficiency as the witch increases in experience, but the powers do not.

The Pact

The "gifts" are powers that are provided as a result of an amicable arrangement. In most cases, the supernatural being cannot really take ownership of a person's soul, but will in effect encourage such evil and decadence that the character will be forever lost to the forces of light, and may well become the enemy of all that is good. In this sense, the witch does lose his or her soul. Ultimately, any pact with supernatural evil only serves to make that character a minion of evil. The actual signing of a pact is a formality that serves as a questionably legal contract and, more importantly, as a focus of concentration and surrendering of willpower. Dealing with a supernatural being is not to be taken lightly, and the creature will hold the pact maker to the letter of their agreement. The formal pact serves as a reminder to the pact maker of exactly what that deal was. Another reason for the pact, which usually demands some cruel sacrifice or condition of servitude, is pure meanness on the part of the supernatural being; just one more little pleasure.

Pacts can only be made by demons lords, the occasional dark god, and alien intelligences. Most of these supernatural fiends will be surprisingly up front about the conditions, powers, and price of the pact, and will not try to trick or cheat the potential pact signer (although they may not explain certain details until the agreement is signed). Mortals who try to trick, cheat, or deceive such powerful beings are likely to be caught in the act and possessed or tortured and killed. These creatures don't take any nonsense, especially from some insignificant mortal.
Note: To make the pact complete and to receive its dark bounty, the character signing it must do so of his own free will.

Minor Pacts

Minor pacts may not seem all that minor, but are considered such by the supernatural monsters who create them. In exchange for the signing of the pact, the supernatural power will grant the character either the gift of power or gift of magic. At second level, when the witch has proven himself, he is given a lesser familiar. This familiar is identical to the wizard's familiar link spell. A greater familiar may be granted after years of loyal servitude or as the result of a major pact. The following are the most common minor pacts.

Major Pacts

The bonus power of major pact makers. The makers of a major pact are preferred above all others, thus they receive even greater powers than those who make minor pacts. The pact maker can select any of the three gifts previously described and selects one of the following. This is a onetime only bonus or ability, all effects are permanent.
  1. Heal self. Bio-regenerates 4D6 hit points at will, but is limited to four times per day (24 hour period).
  2. Summon lesser demons or lesser supernatural beings. Can summon 1D4 lesser demon/supernatural beings, but is possible only through a link with a greater familiar. Can be attempted only once every 12 hours, with a 40% chance of success. Five minutes (minimum) of meditation and prayer are required. At 10th level the Witch can summon greater demons as if they were lesser.
  3. Command dead: Animate & control 2D6 dead, also able to turn dead (2D6). Functions like the magic spells of the same names.
  4. Command rats: Summon and control 2D6 rats per level of the witch. Rats will obey all simple commands. Similar to the summon animal spell.
  5. Invulnerable to fire: Impervious to all fires, even magic (and mega-damage); no damage.
  6. Invulnerable to poison: No type of poison/toxin can hurt or affect the witch, except magic, but even then the character is +2 to save.
  7. Skill bonus: +5% on all skills.
  8. Telekinesis: Same as the super psionic power.

The Mark

The "mark" is a third nipple (Note: that's nipple, not breast and nipple). This nipple can be placed anywhere on the body, but is usually placed on the upper portion of the torso. This serves three purposes: to identify the character as a witch, as a sign of ownership by supernatural forces, and to feed the familiar, which suckles from the nipple, drinking of the witch's own blood (small amounts, of course). All witches bear such a mark.

Greater Familiar

The witch who has made a major pact receives a Greater Familiar instead of the normal familiar. This Greater familiar is either a magically metamorphed supernatural entity or an essence fragment that possesses an ordinary animal into a host body for its Master's essence. The animal functions similar to a lesser familiar, except that it possesses a human intelligence, can talk, is supernaturally strong and possesses psionic and magic powers of its own.
Alignment: Any.
Horror Factor: 10
Armour Rating: 12
Hit Points: 6D6+20
S.D.C.: 1D4x10
I.S.P.: 3D4x10
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 19, M.A. 12, P.S. 18+1D6. P.P. 12+1D6, P.E. 18+1D6, P.B. 10, Spd 6D6+10
cunning, devious, treacherous and possesses the physical form and abilities of its animal host in addition to its demonic ones. Its host body is typically a cat, dog. wolf, rat, weasel, snake, hawk or raven/crow.
Supernatural Abilities:

  1. The greater familiar can speak in animal form, but when outsiders are present it will not do so without instruction from the witch. Communication is much the same as two humans conversing. It will otherwise act like the animal it resembles.
  2. Obeys only the witch and will follow his/her commands without question or hesitation, especially in combat situations. However, should the witch defy the will of his "true master," the familiar's vow of obedience is broken and it can act completely independently to betray, torment or slay the witch.
  3. A rapport between witch and familiar. Both usually have the same outlook on life. The two talk like old friends or business partners. The spiritual bond between the two is such that the familiar may also allow the witch to see. hear, feel, taste, and smell everything it experiences, but this is at the discretion of the familiar, not the witch.
  4. Supernatural bond: The witch and demon familiar are physically and spiritually linked. This connection allows the witch to draw energy from the creature whenever she needs them. Furthermore, the demon familiar endows the witch with an additional 20 hit points and 40 S.D.C. If the familiar is slain, the witch permanently loses the bonus hit points and S.D.C., plus an additional 10 hit points. This "link" also enables the witch and familiar to sense when one or the other is being tortured, battered near death and when the other dies, regardless of the distance between them. Note: The familiar is sometimes sent on brief missions that can take it several miles away, otherwise the two are constant companions.
  5. If the greater familiar is slain, the witch will never again be given a greater familiar. However, a lesser familiar (same as the familiar wizard spell) may be given as a replacement, but only after a period of time (one or two years) as punishment for allowing the death of her powerful companion.
  6. Psychic Abilities: Roll percentile dice to determine type and abilities:

The Witch O.C.C.

Alignment: Any
Attribute Requirements: None
Gender: Male or Female
Race: Any except creatures of magic
O.C.C. Skills:

O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose 8 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2.
Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Standard Equipment: Two sets of clothing, bedroll, backpack, 1D4 small sacks, two large sacks, water skin, flint and tinder box, 1D4 candles, 1D4 black candles, a wooden cross, 1D4 wooden stakes, small mallet, small mirror, 1D4 sticks of incense and 1D4 cloves of garlic.

Armour: Starts with soft leather (A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20); same restrictions as the wizard and warlock.

Weapons: A small silver dagger (1D4 damage), a normal knife (1D6 damage) and two additional weapons of choice. All are basic S.D.C. weapons of good quality. Magic weapons and additional items must be acquired later. Favourite weapons among witches include throwing knives, swords, axes, staves and cross bows.

Money: The character starts with 100 in gold. Additional money will come from payment for services rendered and/or the acquisition of booty. Witches who live in or near one particular community are often regarded with fear and respect — and often get paid "tribute" in the way of livestock, food, alcohol and treasure. Those among tribes or groups of Orcs, Ogres, Trolls, Goblins, and other monster races are often shamans or leaders of the group. Most humans, elves and dwarves avoid witches and the military rarely hires them for special assignments.

Magic Combat:
LevelMagic CombatSpell Use/levelExperience
1+1 vs. Spell/Essence Drain 50-1,666
2+1 vs. Circles/Wards71,667-3,666
3+1 Spell Strength 93,667-8,666
42 Spell Att/Melee 11 8,667-16,666
5Recognize Enchantment 36%1316,667-25,666
6Recognize Magic Items 20% 1525,667-36,666
7+2 vs. Spell/Essence Drain17 36,667-56,666
8+2 Spell Strength 1956,667-86,666
9Recognize Magic Items 40%21 86,667-111,666
10Recognize Enchantment 56%23 111,667-135,666
11+2 vs. Circle/Wards 25 135,667-166,666
12+3 Spell Strength 27 166,667-216,666
13+3 vs. Spell31216,667-266,666
14Recognize Magic Items 60%35266,667-316,666
15+3 vs. Circle/Wards39316,667-386,666

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