Protocols of Behaviour

Being a Sajorte is a choice; your choice. If you have truly made it willingly, most of this will be common sense.

  • 1.      You are sajorte. Be proud of who you are and what you do, but do not let that pride make you arrogant.

  • 2.      Always address others with respect and as their station dictates: a good rule of thumb, treat those beneath or at your level as equals, and those above you as betters. Some of the more common whys to address ar as follows:

    a.     Master/Mistress - Shalafi/Shalafia

    b.     Royalty:

                                                                   i.      King/Queen – Valishar/Valishara

                                                                 ii.      Prince/Princess – Shorntane/Sharna

                                                                iii.      Duke/Duchess – Kiran/Kirana

    c.     Nobility:

                                                                   i.      Count/Countess – Kath/Katha

                                                                 ii.      Vicount/Vicountess – T`Kath/T`Katha

                                                                iii.      Baron/Baroness – Ekar/Ekara

                                                              iv.      Elflord/Elflady – Aredhel/Etriel

                                                               v.      Lord/Lady – Alor/Alora

                                                              vi.      Patron/Matron – Sheler/Shelera

                                                            vii.      Patriarch/Matriarch – Sheleran/Shelerana

  • 3.      Know that your opinion counts, but do not speak over or through the conversations of Others. Offer your observations or even opinions, where appropriate, with respect not expectation.

  • 4.      Make use of the tools provided to you, such as this handbook. There has been a considerable amount of effort made to gather the information that will make your life easier.

  • 5.      Practice – Practice – Practice. The best way to learn is by doing. Whether it is walking, kneeling, or serving something, the more comfortable you are with the motions, the easier it will be.

  • 6.      It will not always be possible to create your action from scratch. As you learn each position create 2 or 3 of them to save and use as the need arises. By having more than one you are not always doing the same thing. Variety will add to your experiences and keep you, and others from getting bored.

  • 7.      You do not have to wait to be asked. If there is a calm point in activity, you are expected to ask if there is anything that is required or desired. If you are not needed to serve, or given specific direction, there is always something to be done.

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