Bend Light
Range: Self
Duration: Instant
I.S.P.: 1 per parry attempt
Description: The Photokinetic warps incoming laser attacks, forcing them to pass by. This skill acts like an Automatic Parry, but only effects lasers or their equivalents. Laser attacks parried in this manner are in no way neutralized and continue on their course as if the psychic had dodged. At 1st level of experience the Photokinetic's only bonuses to psionically parry lasers are gained from their M.E. (an M.E. of 24 would give a +5 bonus to parry, P.P. and Hand to Hand bonuses do not apply), but every 3rd level of experience he gains a +1 to parry them. (Same as the ability included in the Super Psionic Photokinesis.)
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Charge Battery
Range: Touch
Duration: Gives the battery 10 minutes of life/power per level of experience; double if charged on a ley line, triple on a ley line nexus
I.S.P.: 6
Description: The Psi-Mechanic can give a dead battery renewed life, charging it with the touch of his hand and focused mental energy (the expenditure of six I.S.P.)
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Data Processor
Range: Self
Duration: 2D4 minutes
I.S.P.: 3
Description: The psychic may touch an item that contains information and may read it in a matter of minutes. It takes 2D4 minutes to extract information from the common item. This is not perfect knowledge, more like what you would get from a casual viewing of it. Pertinent skills and powers make this more useful, (Research, for example, or Total Recall.) When used with books, speed reading will halve the time needed to read it, as well as increasing the overall retention. Encrypted information, or information in a language the psychic cannot read, remains indecipherable
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Electro-Magnetic Pulse
Range: 150 feet
Duration: Instant
I.S.P.: 40
Pre-requisite: Electrokinesis, and must also be third level
Description: The psychic can generate an electro magnetic pulse that can be used to stun unarmored opponents or "fry" unshielded computers and electronics (01-55% chance of shorting them out.) The EMP also does 1D6x10 S.D.C. to the affected items/persons. If the damage exceeds the victim's damage capacity, they are electrocuted rather then stunned.
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Energy Conduit
Range: Self, via touch
Duration: As long as he serves as the conduit and functions as a living conduit/connector
I.S.P.: 10
Description: By touching an active energy source (battery, generator, live wire, electrical outlet, fuse box, live circuit, transformer, underground cables, etc.) and a mechanical or electronic device that needs power to work, a Psi-Mechanic may become the living circuit or conduit by which power is channeled to the device. This requires the character to enter a semi-trance state in which he must focus on keeping the connection open and channeling the necessary power - and it is always the right amount of energy, no fear of overload or insufficient energy. While channeling energy, the psychic is reasonably aware of what's going on around him and may talk, instruct, encourage or warn others, but he cannot use any other psionic power, is -5 on Perception Rolls, and cannot use his hands (one must remain touching the energy source and the other hand touching the device receiving the power) which means combat or skills requiring the hands cannot be performed without breaking the connection and shutting down the device. The psychic is not harmed by the electricity streaming through his body.
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Gene Reader
Range: Touch or 15 Feet
Duration: 2 minutes, plus see below
I.S.P.: 3
Pre-pequisite: Psychic Diagnosis.
Description: The psychic can peer into a person's genetic code to see and make comparisons with another's, to determine a number of factors. Their race, heritage and lineage stand out as does any genetic tampering that has been done. By glancing at a blood spray, the psychic can match the blood to a particular individual by comparing their DNA. They can also make predictions as to the mating of two individuals, and can spot a pregnant woman a mile away. The power functions on only a single subject within 15 feet. A psychic can store genetic profiles in their memory for future recall, holding I.Q. x2 in genetic profiles, Total Recall assists normally in recalling details.
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Intuitive Pilot
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes + 2 minutes per level
I.S.P.: 12
Description: The psychic gains an instinctive knowledge of most types of vehicles in a campaign. The psychic's piloting skill with the nearest vehicle of choice is 88%, or +25% if they already have the skill with that type of vehicle. Everything is known, from operation to special functions (though pass codes are not given.)
Bonuses: +3 to initiative and +2 to dodge while the power is active.
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Laser Beam
Range: 50 feet (15m) per level of experience
Duration: Instant
I.S.P.: 1 per 1D6+1 S.D.C. beams, 3 per 3D4+3 S.D.C.
Description: By focusing ambient or artificially created light, the Photokinetic generates beams of damaging intensity. Beginning at 1st level of experience, psionic laser beams inflict 1D6+1 S.D.C. or 1D4+1 M.D. Each subsequent level the beam's potential damage can be increased by 1D6+1 S.D.C. or 3D4+3 S.D.C. Beams are +3 to strike. (Same as the ability included in the Super Psionic Photokinesis.)
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Living Battery
Range: Touch
Duration: 20 minutes per level of experience
Pre-pequisite: The psychic must be holding or using the device for it to work. The instant he lets go or breaks contact it stops working
I.S.P.: Varies
- 4 to power a small or low power item like a flashlight, tape recorder, Walkman radio, cell phone, digital camera and similar devices
- 12 I.S.P. to run mechanisms that require more energy like a television, desktop computer, printer, space heater, refrigerator, power tools, or even an automobile with a dead or missing battery
- 24 I.S.P. to power heavy power tools (jackhammer, high-powered lights like those used for highway work at night, a small, light generator, and similar.)
Description: The Psi-Mechanic is able focus his Inner Strength to become a living battery and power as many as three different electronic items at a time. Any electronic device that needs to be plugged into an electrical outlet or requires a battery can be powered simply by the psychic holding or touching it. The device will continue to function as if plugged in or completely charged as long as the psychic is touching or using it, and channeling psychic energy into electrical energy. The character can even make a light bulb shine by holding it in his bare hands or putting it in his mouth, as well as start and drive a car with a dead or entirely missing battery or spark plugs, and similar feats. As many as three different devices can be used in this fashion as long as each can be held or touched by the psychic, but that's all. A good rule of thumb is that the psychic can serve as a Living Battery for common electronic devices, the kinds of items one can find at Wal*Mart or an electronics store, including any handheld battery-operated devices, but not large generators, heavy machinery, etc. Penalties: The character's split focus means he is -1 attack/ action per melee round, -1 on all bonuses and saving throws, as well as -3 on Perception Rolls, and -10% on skill performance. All resume to normal as soon as he stops being a living battery.
Back to TopMachine Activation
Range: 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience; line of sight
Duration: One melee round (15 seconds.)
I.S.P.: 5
Description: This very simple power can have impressive results. The Psi-Mechanic can use his mind and focus to tum electronic machines and devices on and off. This means he can flip a light switch, tum on a printer, or a microwave, or television, or radio, or a battery-operated toy, or start (or turn off) a car or machine without a key, and so on. The character must be able to see the device he is turning on or off, must be within range, and the device must have power (unless one or the previous psionic abilities is also being used to give it power.)
Machine Activation is limited to common household and business machines and not complex alarm systems, power grids, transformers, heavy equipment, and similar heavy-duty, large or powerful devices. And while the psychic can tum a computer on and off, he cannot operate it or affect the data unless he has the appropriate computer skills, nor access programs that require special knowledge or codes to use.
Note: Each action of turning a machine on or off counts as one of the Psi-Mechanic's melee attacks/actions.
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Machine Ghost
Range: Self; computer by touch
Duration: Three minutes per level of experience
I.S.P.: 12
Description: The psychic goes into a trance as he focuses his concentration on entering a computer or most any type of Artificial intelligence (not applicable to sentient, self-aware machines like Archie-3.) This power is limited to the acquisition or reading of information only. The psychic cannot input, program, or delete data on the machine. He can also access information stored by most electronic means, including computer disks, video and audio disks, film or audio tape, and hard drives. Reading electronically encoded disks and tapes is similar to Object Read, except in this case, he hears and sees the data as if he were playing it on a computer or disk player, only he perceives the information I 0 times faster.
Thus, the character can read (never input) information from disks or broken computers without a physical "jack" connection or an actual display device, i.e. computer and monitor, CD player, etc. as an actual Machine Ghost, the psychic mentally enters and travels the neural network of an active computer. He is actually inside the device. In many ways, this experience is similar to Astral Projection except the psychic is "projecting" into the machine rather than into the Astral Plane. It also has the same pitfalls as Astral Projection, as in the character enters a strange, very seemingly real world that he must learn to navigate. Like Astral Projection, the electronic world of computers takes on a virtual world landscape. This means in the computer virtual world, its programs, viruses and defense mechanisms will take on manifestations that can interact, confront, impede, or attack the Machine Ghost.
A password or special access code may appear as a metal door or Iron Gate, or locked filing cabinet that needs to be (seemingly) broken open to gain access to what is held inside. The more difficult the code, the bigger, stronger and more difficult the door and lock(s.) Data is likely to appear as books, paper files, diagrams, film, holograms, and other common means of communication and documentation. The more sophisticated defense measures are likely to appear as guards who must be defeated before the information is accessible. They can appear as sorcerers, troops, known enemies or exotic aliens. Viruses and defenses designed to attack an intruder typically appear as demons or monsters.
Combat in the virtual world seems real and is conducted the same as it would happen in the real world. Combat and damage are measured by the character's perception of his real body armor, weapons and natural powers. When the psychic has lost more than 70% of his armor, or S.D.C., he will feel the urge to flee the virtual world. If he flees, a computer defender will not follow, however a virus will pursue and continue to fight. Although all such damage is only in the mind of the psychic (no physical damage occurs in the real world), if he dies in the virtual world, he can die in the real world as well! The shock to his psyche and body will momentarily stop his heart, and he slumps over dead! The character must roll to save vs coma and death. In this case, physical treatment is not necessary and the recovery process, if successful, takes less than a minute. The psychic must roll three times, and the best two out of three rolls determines life or death. Rolling between 01-75%, two out of three times, means the heart starts and the character is shaken but tine; feels woozy for 2D4 minutes (reduce Spd 25% and all combat bonuses by half.) Failure to recover from the heart attack means immediate CPR medical treatment is required- Paramedic skill will suffice, provided any protective body armor can be removed so that treatment can be given; rescuers have 10 minutes. Roll to save vs coma and death again; must roll twice under 80% out of three rolls.
The downside in the usage of this power is the psychic loses all sense of time and reality outside the data he is accessing. This means he is oblivious to what is happening around him, and unless protected by a companion, is vulnerable to attack without any means of defense. Pain or being struck or shaken will alert the psychic to trouble, but he has the choice of breaking contact and responding, or ignoring it and continuing to retrieve data. Only Telepathy can reach the character while in this state (can't hear spoken words or sounds outside the computer), and is a means of two-way communication.
A character accessing a tile on a disk can break contact at any time with a thought. Although he will be disoriented for one melee round; reduce his number of attacks and combat bonuses by half. Breaking free of a computer virtual world IS not so easy. Unfortunately, leaving the virtual world of a computer is fundamentally the same as the Astral Plane. The psychic can vaguely sense the way he came and must follow it hack to the virtual access point. To do so. the player must roll on the following table and must roll "definitely certain" to have his character successfully escape. The player must keep trying until he succeeds or time elapses. If the character cannot escape virtual space before the duration of this ability elapses, he is flung out with the same effect as "virtual death"; roll to save vs coma and death as described above.
Note: The psychic will instinctively know when he's down to the last three minutes of the duration and when trying to exit, can fly toward the way out (typically appears as a door or a dimensional Rift.)
- 01%-30%: Hopelessly lost (roll again.)
- 31%-45%: Uncertain (roll again.)
- 46%-65%: Fairly certain on the right track (roll again.)
- 66%-00%: Definitely certain! Whew! Made it back
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Machine Psychic Diagnosis
Range: Personal inspection
Duration: Immediate knowledge, but the psychic must study and focus on the machine for at least 1D6+2 minutes (or meditate over it for 1 D4 minutes.)
I.S.P.: 5 per individual machine inspected
Description: The Psi-Mechanic's affinity with machines is such that he or she can sense mechanical and electronic problems, sabotage, system failure, faulty components/parts, and low power supply, as well as outside psionic control (Telemechanics) or supernatural possession (certain supernatural beings can control or inhabit machines) with absolute clarity. This pinpoint accuracy enables the psychic to suggest the proper course of action and make repairs himself in half the usual time necessary for a top-flight mechanic.
Bonuses: When this ability has been used to determine the problem and necessary repairs, it adds a + 10% bonus to any Mechanical, Electrical or Technical skills required to get it working again.
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Mental Electronic Messaging
Range: Varies. Mind alone: 100 feet (30.5 m) per level of experience and knowledge that the "target" is within range or visible; line of sight. Using an electronic transmitter (i.e. a simple cell phone, radio, or laptop): 1000 miles (1600 km) per level of experience. By channeling through the device, the psychic can send his mental message to any of the electronic devices listed, even if they are normally incompatible (e.g., a cell phone to a TV or clock radio.)
Duration: One minute (four melee rounds), with each text message or image counting as one melee action/attack. The psychic may choose to devote that entire time to message sending, or loop the message to repeat over and over again (the latter uses up all of the psychic's attacks/action for those four melee rounds.) Or each short message can count as one of the character's melee attacks/actions, enabling the character to do other things than just send messages for the entire minute (four melee rounds.) Remember, each short message or phrase counts as one melee action/attack.
I.S.P.: 8
Description: The Psi-Mechanic's influence over machines and electronic devices enables him to send telepathic-like messages, not to another person's mind, but to his cell phone, beeper, radio, computer, laptop, handheld videogame or any wireless device (an N-Gage, for example), and even a television or GPS system. It can be a text message or a mental image, like a still photograph, or, if audio is available, spoken words. Sometimes the written word or an image is more effective, eerie and personal than the spoken word (a picture, after all, is said to be worth a thousand words.) The correspondence is limited to one-minute maximum, though the psychic can always call back at the cost of another 6 I.S.P. Text & image messages.
Number sequences up to 24 digits and short phrases are most common, with each set of numbers or words counting as one melee action/attack. This makes it easy to gauge and account for each message in a game setting. A text message can be a single word to as many as ten ("Go," "die," "get out," "be careful," "go to 12455 Universal Drive, Kevin needs you right now," "Trent senses evil inside the house," "Susannah is a shape shifter," "get out now!!!" "I know what you did," "I'm coming for you," "Now you die," etc.), as well as send static/snow or an image or image sequence (one image per message sent, each changing as a new image comes in, and each snapshot-like image counting as one melee action.) As the examples show, Mental Electronic Messaging has a number of applications.
It can be used to harass, frighten or challenge an enemy or victim, warn or inform a comrade, or be used as a means of silent communication with associates via cell phone, electronic notebook, laptop, GPS, and similar modes of electronic communication, offering both image and text capabilities. The spoken word can be mentally sent to any electronic device that has audio capabilities, including radio alarm clocks, Walkman radio or CD players, most computers, videogame devices, etc. The conversation is two-way like a telephone, only the incoming signal from the Psi-Mechanic cannot be traced and may not involve a physical device at all! The maximum conversation is one minute, but one can say quite a bit in one minute. Reading this paragraph aloud is about 25-35 seconds depending on how quickly it is read.
Like the text or image messages, a voice message can be used to harass, scare, or intimidate an enemy or victim, communicate with allies, or (more so than silent text or images) be used to trick superstitious or confused people (and true believers) that it is the voice of God, an angel, a demon, spirit, or ghost of the dearly departed, or an anonymous friend. Untraceable. Text, image or spoken messages sent via Mental Electronic Messaging are completely untraceable. There isn't even a radio, phone or television signal in the first place. Similarly, the message is NOT stored on the receiving device.
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Molecular Rearrangement
Range: 2 yards
Duration: Special
I.S.P.: 20+
Pre-pequisite: Telekinesis, Molecular Manipulation
Description: Unlike Molecular Manipulation, this ability is restricted to technical cultures as it requires an understanding of molecular theory. By toying with an object's molecular structure, the psionicist can change its fundamental nature or properties. This power cannot create matter or mass from nothing, however. Nor can it change a material's state from liquid to solid, gas to liquid, and so on. It is best suited to converting one sort of element into another, but it can also be used for more complex operations - neutralizing a poison, for example. Converting one element to another is usually a simple operation, in which one ounce of material can be changed each hour. Typical conversions of this type include steel to lead, or any metal to gold. More complex rearrangement, like changing a metal to glass or changing a wooden goblet to a ruby goblet, takes four times longer. The creation of gold coins from other metals is possible, but it's no way to get rich quick. At the rate of one ounce per hour, it would take 16 hours about two work days - to change 10 copper pieces into 10 gold pieces, for a net profit of 9 gold pieces. Molecular rearrangement is often used to create superior weapons. A psionically tempered weapon may receive a +1 on damage rolls. The process is time-consuming, however. For example, a typical short sword takes at least 40 hours to temper psionically. (The average short sword weighs 3 pounds, or 48 ounces, most of which is the blade.) A psionically tempered weapon does not automatically offer a +1 attack roll bonus. In order to receive that bonus, the psionicist must 1) have the Blacksmithing skill and 2) make a successful skill roll when he fashions the weapon. If failed the Psionicist did not waste all his effort, take the amount that you failed by is the percentage of the work that must be redone, if failed with a 100% roll the object seems perfect but there is a hidden flaw that will cause the weapon to break upon use.
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Range: Self
Duration: 6 minutes + 1 minute per level
I.S.P.: 4 or 8
Description: The psychic can bend radio waves to their ear on a set frequency. They can hear this frequency for the entire time the power is active. If the psychic also wants their voice to transmit, they can expend a further 4 I.S.P. Alternately, the psychic may instead 'tap' a phone or radio they can see by expending 8 I.S.P.
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Psychic Repair
Range: Touch
Duration: Two minutes when used by someone other than the psychic who made the repairs, or as long as the psychic is touching or using the device. If it is put down for more than one melee round (15 seconds), or packed away, the psionic repairs vanish and the Psychic Repair ability will have to be performed before it can be used by the character again. Requirement: Must first perform a Machine Psychic Diagnosis (5 I.S.P.)
I.S.P.: 20
Description: Once the character knows exactly what's wrong with the broken weapon or device, he can make a mental picture of the necessary repairs, and invest the 20 I.S.P. into the device to get it to work without any physical parts or repairs! Note: This power does NOT supply bullets/ammunition or a missing power supply (but another psi-ability might.)
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Telekinetic Bullets
Range: Touch
Duration: One minute per level of experience or until fired, whichever comes first
I.S.P.: 20
Description: The psychic can mentally create one bullet per level of experience out of sheer mental force of will. This Telekinetic or TK bullet will inflict the same damage as the normal round for that weapon, because the physical gun is the psychic's frame of reference and the bullet must fit within that weapon's capabilities. Fires from any ordinary gun; bullets appear right in the chamber or magazine. (Special bullets like dumdums and Teflon coated shells can NOT be created.) TK bullets will work on mortals, magical and supernatural creatures, including Entities, spirits, Astral Beings, and the undead/vampires.
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Telemechanic Mental Operation
Pre-pequisite: Psychic must also have the Telemechanics power
Range: Touch or 20 feet (6.1 m) +5 feet (1.5 m) per level of experience; line of sight
Duration: 2 melee rounds (30 seconds) per level of the psychic
I.S.P.: 12
Description: This power is a step beyond the mere understanding of machines granted by Telemechanics, it allows the psychic to telepathically operate machines with his mind! As long as the machine is turned on, is operational, and he knows how to use it, the psychic can manipulate it with his mind as if his fingers were on the controls. This means he can operate computer key pads, set/program an alarm clock, change the radio station, operate a VCR or television, operate a press, fire a gun, drive a car (even if there is already a driver, but at -30% when usurping the pilot), tum off (or on) a surveillance video camera or make it tum away and hold that position (assuming it's on a swivel and not fixed in one position), and so on. The Telemechanic Mental Operation power will only work on machines that have an electronic or power source of some kind or another. This ability does not work on artificially intelligent machines (i.e. intelligent computers, robots, etc.), nor on cybernetics, bionics, machines possessed or controlled by the supernatural or already controlled by a Psi-Mechanic, nor magic devices and, items. Note: Also see Telemechanic Paralysis and Possession. The psychic can use other psionic powers and engage in other activities while controlling the machine, but must maintain some level of mental concentration and contact to maintain control. During this period he is -1 melee attack/action and -5% on skill performance. He must also stay within range. If he steps out of range or loses concentration, the machine returns to normal in 1 D4 seconds.
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Telemechanic Paralysis
Pre-pequisite: Psychic must also have the Telemechanics power
Range: Touch or 40 feet (12.2 m.)
Duration: One minute per level of experience
I.S.P.: 20
Description: This is a form of techno-manipulation whereby the psychic can mentally bond with the machine and momentarily prevent it from functioning. The psychic blocks the transmission of signals along the device's mechanical "nervous system," effectively incapacitating it. This means the power is only effective against machines that require an energy source. Simple devices like wind-up toys, scissors, revolvers and pistols, swords, knives, crossbows, and similar items cannot be affected. The paralyzed machine freezes in place, vehicles will stop, and the mechanism does not respond to any controls or prompts until the psionic influence comes to an end. The psychic can use other psionic powers and engage in other activities, but must maintain some level of mental concentration and contact to keep the machine inactive. During this period, he is -1 melee attack/action and -5% on skill performance. He must also stay within range (40 feet/12.2 m.) If he steps out of range or loses concentration, the machine returns to normal in 1 D4 seconds.
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Telemechanic Possession
Pre-pequisite: Psychic must also have Machine Psychic Diagnosis (or Object Read) and Telemechanics
Range: Touch or 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience
Duration: Two minutes (8 melee rounds) per level of experience
I.S.P.: 50
Description: The psychic mentally possesses a machine, overriding any pre-set controls, programming and human operator/driver, and controls it like a puppet or as if the machine were now his body. The possessing psychic is, in effect, an immaterial pilot who controls the machine as he desires. Computers, factory equipment, non-intelligent robots, vehicles, sensory devices, guns, a toaster, etc., all do as the possessing psychic desires, which may include presenting false readings and data.
While the psychic possesses the machine, it responds to the character's thoughts and does whatever he desires. Of course, the machine can only respond within its physical and mechanical parameters. Thus, if the machine needs a power source and that source is canceled (unplugging the machine) it stops working, though the possessing psychic may remain inside if he so desires. For example, the psychic may be able to take possession of an automatic rifle and make it shoot (or not) seemingly of its own volition, but he cannot make the rifle aim, move or hop around, nor can he reload the weapon or make ammunition appear inside. Likewise, if the device is unplugged or runs out of fuel, the machine is deactivated with no ill effect to the psychic, except he cannot make the machine do anything. Similarly, if a vehicle needs wheels to move, destroying the wheels will cripple it, and so on. Mental possession of a simple machine gives the psychic complete awareness, knowledge and control over the machine itself, but he has only a vague awareness of the surroundings of the machine and sees, hears and feels things around the machine as if in a cloud or haze (-5 on Perception Rolls.) However, if the machine has optics and/or sensors, he is able to use them like his own natural eyes and senses for total awareness.
The machine, regardless of its capabilities and programming, has attacks and actions equal to those of the character possessing it. If the possessed machine is destroyed while the psychic's mind is still inside of it, the character loses one third of his Hit Points (skips S.D.C. and goes direct to H.P.) from the shock and pain of the surrogate machine body's destruction. Furthermore, the psychic is stunned for ID4 minutes: reduce attacks per melee, speed, combat bonuses, and skill performance by half while stunned.
Note: During the period that the machine is possessed, the psychic's natural body falls into a coma-like state and is vulnerable to attack unless protected by others. While inside the machine, the psychic has no idea what might be happening to his natural body. If the body is destroyed, the character's mind is tom from the machine and he dies. Also note that the psychic cannot use any other psychic abilities while possessing a machine.
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Range: By touch or up to 5 feet away (1.5 m); line of sight
Duration: 10 minutes, plus 2 minutes per level of experience starting at level two
I.S.P.: 10
Description: This ability allows the psychic to mentally communicate with, and understand, machines. This psi-power is a bizarre combination of Object Read and Telepathy, except that it applies to mechanical devices only. By touching any non-intelligent machine, whether it be a bicycle, gun, car or airplane, the psychic instantly has a complete (although temporary) knowledge of exactly how the machine operates. The psychic knows everything about the machine: the complete schematic diagram and operation knowledge are clearly seen in his mind's eye. The level of skill/expertise using an unfamiliar machine is equal to 80%, and if the character has personal knowledge and experience with the machine his skill at using it goes up to 95%. When touching an artificially intelligent machine, i.e., computers and robots, the psychic not only understands everything about its operation, maintenance, repair, access codes, etc., but can communicate with it telepathically. This means he can tap into a computer's data files without using a terminal because the information is sent directly into the psychic's mind. Remember, the telepathic link and memory are temporary abilities and the psychic will remember the general context and certain bits of info that made an impression on him. Of course, the character can take written or verbal notes (on a tape recorder), and using Total Recall should enable the character to call up additional small bits of key info and details for up to about 48 hours after accessing the computer files, but after that it's all a blur. The psychic's telepathic computer skill is equal to Computer Operation, Programming and Repair, each with an 88% skill proficiency. Computer Hacking is not available unless the psychic also has that skill; the telepathic application of "hacking" is at a skill proficiency of 78% even if his formal skill is higher or lower.
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Range: Touch or 10 feet (3m) away
Duration: Permanent results
I.S.P.: 6
Description: The power to imprint film, as in camera film and videotape, with one to ten symbols or words, an insignia or design, and even an image such as a face, drawing or picture though it will be a high contrast image and lacking detail. Some psychic researchers have speculated that the Shroud of Turin (reputed to be the burial cloth Jesus was wrapped in and which bears his image) might be a form of Thoughtography. For double the I.S.P. cost, the psychic can do the same psychic imaging on a blank computer disk/CD or digital camera, as well as rice paper, brass (appears as tarnish), eggshell and soft clay or putty. In the latter case, the image or words appear to have been pushed and shaped into the clay or putty by invisible fingers.
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