The Pursuit of Magic

Learning Spells

Practitioners of magic, except for the Mystic, can learn and cast spells far above their actual experience level. This means a second level Wizard could cast a tenth level spell, providing he had sufficient magic energy. Wizards are proficient enough that they can even figure out a new spell incantation every time they reach a new level of experience. However, there are still a multitude of incantations one can learn. The trick is learning them.

It is far easier to learn an already existing incantation than it is to create one from scratch. This is due, in part, to the knowledge that the existing spell is proven to work. It simply adds to the level of conviction and therefore insures the success of the spell. Remember that spells are designed to focus one's concentration and will so strongly that the mage can create a magic effect. This is more difficult than one might imagine.

Purchasing Magic

Practitioners of magic can sometimes purchase spell magic from magic shops, adult or ancient dragons, and elder masters of magic (9th level or higher). Places that have higher learning may also have a college or guild that sells magic knowledge. In all cases, the seller is a practitioner of magic who guards his secrets well and only sells to those whom he knows are brother spell casters.

The prices are usually quite steep, 5000 silver per each spell invocation for Level One spells, 10,000 Silver per each Level Two spell, 20,000 Silver per each Level Three spell, 30,000 Silver for each Level Four. 40,000 Silver for each Level Five spell, 70,000 Silver for each Level Six spell, 90,000 Silver for each Level Seven spell, 1 20,000 for each Level Eight spell, 1 80,000 for each Level Nine spell, and 500,000 to one million Silver for Tenth Level spells and higher (they are rarely available for sale; 01-10% chance). Spells of Legend are never available for cash purchase. Note: Add a 10% premium charge for offensive spells and add 20% for metamorphosis and summoning spells. Most magic shops and even colleges do NOT offer the full range of spells (Levels 1 -4 are most common) and many shops will not be able to teach spells at all! Just because a shop sells magic items does not mean its proprietors can teach magic. And prices will change from establishment to establishment, some charging 10% less, others 50% to 200% higher. Remember, the practice of magic frightens many normal people, so it is the rare community outside of a large city that even has a magic shop of any kind; most wilderness towns do not.

Trade for Magic

Much more common than purchasing invocations for Silver is trading one's service (or the service of the group) in exchange for a couple of mid- or high-level spells (Levels 5-9). The more powerful the spell, the more dangerous the work. The employer? Probably a magic guild, cult, demon or a dragon. The job/quest probably involves retrieval of a person, magic object, or, really, almost anything. It may also involve murder, sabotage, framing someone, blackmail, bodyguard work, information, and a host of other things.

Demons and other supernatural fiends will sometimes teach magic for money or more often, for trade. They may want a magic relic, weapon or information, or other service (spying, murder, etc.). However, it is always dangerous dealing with demons for obvious reasons. Boons and Grants. Spell invocations are sometimes granted as a reward by some communities, kingdoms, magic guilds, priests and gods in trade for the character (or group of characters) performing some quest or service as noted previously.

Magic Guilds & Brotherhoods

A mage can learn new spells through several different means. One way is to join a magic guild or brotherhood. The brotherhood is usually willing to teach new invocations to its members, but there are a number of catches. For one, the guild usually demands total allegiance, meaning that the member will donate at least 10% to 20% of his annual income to the brotherhood/guild and do other things to support (clean, build, maintenance, teach) and protect it from enemies. This codicil may lead to being sent on quests, research or archaeological expeditions, reconnaissance, and even spying and combat assignments. This could also lead to one's services being rented out to outside forces, such as a local kingdom who needs the talents of a mage for whatever reason and is willing to pay the guild or brotherhood handsomely for the service. Rivalry between magic guilds and individuals or other guilds/brotherhoods can also lead to gang wars and acts of vengeance.

Initiates to a guild are usually given a speech about the benefits of membership (there are some real benefits too, such as low room and board, sanctuary from outside forces, access to mystic knowledge and books, and communication with fellow mages, etc.). After the new member has offered a reasonable donation, 5,000-10,000 Silver is common, he will be officially accepted and have full benefits of membership. However, spell knowledge is likely to be withheld for a few months until the newbie has proven to be loyal and worthy. Acts of heroics, dedication, and generosity (big donations) are likely to increase one's acceptability and status in the organization and earn the character the right to be taught a couple new spells (from invocation Levels 1-4, possibly 1-6).

Spell knowledge is power, thus it is guarded jealously by most mages. Even in friendly and open magic societies there are some spells that are guarded secrets, rarely taught. These generally include most spells above level 10. The easiest spells to find are levels 1-4, followed by levels 5-7. Beyond this, the secrets of magic are just that, secret. Generally, any action that significantly helps the guild will earn the mage the right to be taught 1D4 new spells of his choice (assuming the spells are known by its membership). Spell level is usually kept to magic levels 1 -5. An incredible act of heroics or self sacrifice will earn the character 1D4+2 spells selected from levels 1-6, or any one spell from any level beyond six. Non-members who save or protect the guild at great risk to their own lives are offered guild membership and a reward of two spells from levels 1 -5 (non-mages will be healed, fed, given free room for a week, and 2D6x100 in Silver).

Magic Scrolls

Magic scrolls are fairly uncommon on Otara. One reason is that most people, including many practitioners of magic, are illiterate (about 70%). Another is that few are either skilled enough or willing to write a spell invocation down for fear other mages will learn the spell from the scroll. Scroll magic is slightly different because it has a certain amount of magic built right into it. However, a literate mage has a chance of learning spells by translating scrolls. Base Skill: 10% +2% per level of experience. Note that the spell is instantly activated the moment it is read aloud and the words then disappear or turn into gibberish or a magic symbol.