
Quick Reference

Racial Statistics

Number of 6 sided Dice:

Alignment: Any, but mostly aberrant or anarchist.
Hit Points:Standard
S.D.C. Base: 6d4x 10 plus those gained from O.C.C.s and physical skills.
Natural A.R.: 15
Horror Factor: 14
O.C.C.'s Available: Any men of arms, but most tend to be rangers or mercenaries; occasionally Witch or Shamman.
Special/Natural Abilities: Nightvision 10 ft (3 m). poor day vision (about 120 ft/36.6 m). superior sense of smell and hearing, swim 70% and recognize poison 90%.
# Of Attacks: 3 or by Hand to Hand
Damage/Attack: Claws do 4d6 plus P.S. bonus. power punch 6d6 plus P.S. bonus (but counts as two attacks). Trunk whip does 4d4 damage. head butt 4d6 damage, or by weapon type (usually large).
Bonuses: +4 to Damage and +1 to save vs horror factor at levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14.
Magic: See Witch or Shamman
Psionics: Standard
Average Lifespan: 400-800 years
Value: None
Languages: Asterion, Common, and in some cases Dragon.
Habitat: Wilderness Areas
Frequency: Rare
Organization: Clans, Tribes.
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Omnivores
Enemies: Everybody.
Allies: None
Height: 14-18 feet tall
Weight: 2200-3400 pounds
Treasure: M, Q (D, I, T)
# Appearing: 1-8
Favourite Weapons: Sword, Axe, Mace, Spear, Bow, and blunt weapons
Racial Skills:
  1. Blacksmiting
  2. Crafting Skill of choice(+10%)

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Description: The Asterion are a race of sentient humanoid Elephant-like creatures with immense strength and endurance. This, together with an innate sense of metallurgy, makes them exceptional metalsmiths, and they are capable of creating and repairing metal items far beyond the capabilities of human smiths. They are generally solitary creatures, but have a loose tribal society governed by a king. Some Asterion occasionally hire themselves out as mercenaries but those who do this are considered shamed in some way. They are also skilled in construction and build quite impressive stone cities.

Combat: Asterion tend to be a very aggressive and savage but honourable race, and warriors are quite common. They are skilled armourers and weaponsmiths, and have a natural feel for tactics and warfare. Armour types used by Asterion run from leather hides to fully articulated suits of plate and their weapon used and preferred are just as varied. They quickly adapt to others methods of warfare, and are not afraid to experiment.

Habitat/Society: Just as readily as they will mix with each other, Asterion try to avoid contact with members of other Dragonborn Race as much as possible. Generally considered vile tempered and solitary creatures, Asterion can be found wandering in the most remote areas of the Savanna type wilderness and Jungles. Everybody knows to give a cranky Asterion a very wide birth. Asterion are very aggressive and quick to anger. Most are loners and just want to be left alone to do as they please. They have been known to attack anyone without reason. Asterion are very blunt creatures and say what's on their minds with little regard for the other person's feelings, politics or allegiances. Consequently. they are usually rude, abrupt and insulting. Most have no interest in power, fame or treasure.

Ecology: Asterion, inhabitants of the Kingdom of Drak`Thul, are a hardy and adaptable race known for their preference for hot, dry climates. Despite their affinity for such environments, they possess a remarkable ability to thrive in diverse conditions, surpassing the endurance of many other races. These resilient beings typically lead a nomadic lifestyle, wandering the wilderness and relying on their skills as hunters, trappers, and rangers to survive.

While most Asterion choose to remain on the Island Continent, some are drawn to opportunities beyond its borders, often finding employment as mercenaries within Dragonborn expedition groups or seeking adventure in distant lands. Their versatility and adaptability make them valuable assets in various warrior-type occupations, where their keen senses and innate survival instincts prove invaluable.

One of the most intriguing aspects of Asterion culture is their unique approach to death. Asterion possess the uncanny ability to sense when their time is near, signaling the onset of natural causes six months before their demise. In response, they embark on a solemn pilgrimage to ancient sacred funerary cities scattered across Drak`Thul. If an Asterion Dies of Unnatural causes his or her body is transported to one of the funerary cities and given over to the Caretakers that dwell within.

These sacred sites serve as final resting places for generations of Asterion ancestors, where their bones lay interred amidst the hallowed grounds. It is here, among the whispers of the past and the echoes of ancient rites, that Asterion choose to spend their final days, surrounded by the spirits of those who came before them.

For any non-Asterion to enter these sacred funerary cities is considered sacrilege of the highest order, a violation of the sanctity of the Asterion's most sacred traditions. Such trespass is met with swift and severe punishment, often resulting in a sentence of death.

Thus, the Asterion hold these ancient sites in the utmost reverence, honoring the memory of their ancestors and embracing the cycle of life and death with solemn dignity. As the sun sets on their final days, they find solace in the embrace of their forebears, finding comfort in the knowledge that they will join them in the eternal embrace of the afterlife.

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