The Vid`arii

Quick Reference

Racial Statistics

Number of 6 sided Dice:

Alignment:Tend toward Neutral or evil alignments with chaotic inclinations
Hit Points:Standard
S.D.C. Base: 10
Natural A.R.: 5
Horror Factor: 10
O.C.C.'s Available: Mostly tend toward warrior types with occasional men of magic. Clerics tend to follow a Shamanic based religion and are similar to druids in some ways
Special/Natural Abilities: 90' night vision, naturally ambidextrious, Heal twice as fast as normal nad can detect magic at will.
# Of Attacks: As per Hand to Hand, plus one additional attack
Damage/Attack: By Weapon
Bonuses: None
Magic: As per O.C.C. Typically chaos mages and Blood Druids.
Psionics: Standard
Average Lifespan: approx. 2500 years
Value: None
Languages: Common, Vid'arii, Silent Vid'arii
Habitat: Towns, woods, wasteland, where there is work, people, or nothing at all. you can see them
Frequency: Rare
Organization: Houses and Clans and families similar to Humans and Elves
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Carnivore
Enemies: Creatures of Good
Allies: As servants of the Chaos Lords, they often work side by side with Hounds, Hunters, and Hollow Men. The occasional renegade will form a temporary partnership with a vampire, murderous humanoid, other supernatural menaces and similar evil characters.
Height: 7' to 8' tall, (1% chance of 4' to 5' tall)
Weight: 125 to 175 lbs, and females weigh between 95 and 130 pounds.
Treasure: Individual: N; GST in lair
# Appearing: 20-200
Favourite Weapons: Staves, spears and pole weapons
Racial Skills:
  1. Diplomacy (+30%)
  2. Paired Weapons


Ten thousand years ago, there was an elite magic-using sect of Shadow Elves known as the Vid'arii, who dabbled in magics that many other elves considered heretical. They tapped into these magics by drawing upon the power of Chaos. The Vid'arii opened a number of portals that brought forth rips in the weave, and forged conduits for the flow of Chaos energy into the Prime Material. These portals triggered a series of events that lead to the banishment of the Vid'arii. The Vid'arii fled through their portals and were never seen on the prime Material again. As with everything that is touched with Chaos, the Vid'arii over time were mutated.

Cut off from the Prime Material Plane, they allied with the Chaos Lords. Flushed with their newfound ability to siphon mana from creatures of the Twisting Nether, the Vid'arii Have become a force of power for the Chaos Lords and a dangerous adversary.

Their outlandish ancestry is easy to pick out from their fur grown naturally long in places to their tails, and even the structure of their legs. however beyond what you see is often a mystery. .

They often dress in garish colours to offset their naturally solid colour bodies and since there is only one colour they come in (black). Their clothing is where their individuality really comes in play.

They are however industrious and will often and quickly adapt styles, and manners of wherever they find themselves.

Combat: While its well known that they are good at whatever fighting style they do they often fill roles as mercenaries or levies to other Chaos armies.

No two Vid'arii have been known to fight the same. they employ styles of races they have met, they are fighting with, and can pick out the weaknesses and exploit them in their enemies.

Just as often as they are seen fighting for others, they are also seen not fighting. They fight with a ruthlessness that is unheard of. However they will only fight when they want to and how they want to. Their loyalty in a battle never sways and their skill is often exceptional.

Habitat/Society: They are seen rarely and little is known about how they live.

Ecology: They seem to thrive on opportunity. Though they will do whatever strikes their fancy most often. They can live anywhere. They are often mercenaries, though they don't always work for money.

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