OgreNumber of 6 sided Dice:
Alignment: Typically anarchist or evil, but most player characters are likely to be unprincipled, anarchist, aberrant or even good. Hit Points:Standard S.D.C. Base: 20 Natural A.R.: 5 Horror Factor: 10 O.C.C.'s Available: Any Special/Natural Abilities:
# Of Attacks: As per Hand to Hand Damage/Attack: Clawed hands inflict 2D4 damage +P.S. bonus, kick 3D6 +P.S. bonus, and bite 2D4 damage but no P.S. bonus is applicable. or by Weapon type. Bonuses: +2 to save vs horror factor. Magic: As per O.C.C. Psionics: None Average Lifespan: 90+ years; some have lived up to 130. Value: N/A Languages: Common and Ogre. Habitat: Can be found in any Habitat. Frequency: Uncommon to Rare Organization: Clan Activity Cycle: Any Diet: Carnnivores Enemies: Elves, Dwarves, halfling, and other good creatures. Allies: Trolls, Orcs, Goblins, Kobolds. Height: 9' to 10' tall (9' - 12' for Ogrim) Weight: 250 to 500 pounds (300 - 600 LBS for Ogrim) Treasure: C, Q, D # Appearing: 1-6 Favourite Weapons: Any. Although terrible craftsmen, ogres recognize and appreciate well-crafted weapons and armor. Among their favorite are large swords, axes, and blunt weapons (mace, morning star, cudgel). Many also seem adept with the sling and ball and chain. Items created from precious metals, gem encrusted, or endowed with magic properties are also coveted by ogres. Racial Skills:
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back to top Description: Ogres are big, ugly, greedy humanoids that live by ambushes, raids, and theft. Ill-tempered and nasty, these monsters are often found serving as mercenaries in the ranks of orc tribes, evil clerics, or gnolls. They mingle freely with giants and trolls. Adult ogres stand 9 to 10 feet tall and weigh 300 to 350 pounds. Their skin colors range from a dead yellow to a dull black-brown, and (rarely) a sickly violet. Their warty bumps are often of a different color -- or at least darker than their hides. Their eyes are purple with white pupils. Teeth and talons are orange or black. Ogres have long, greasy hair of blackish-blue to dull dark green. Their odor is repellent, reminiscent of curdled milk. Dressing in poorly cured furs and animal hides, they care for their weapons and armor only reasonably well. It is common for ogres to speak orc, troll, stone giant, and gnoll, as well as their own guttural language. A typical ogre's life span is 90 years. Combat: In small numbers, ogres fight as unorganized individuals, but groups of 11 or more will have a leader, and groups of 16 or more usually include two leaders and a chieftain. Ogres wielding weapons get a Strength bonus of +2 to hit; leaders have +3, chieftains have +4. Females fight as males but score only 2-8 points of damage and have a maximum of only 6 hit points per die. Young ogres fight as goblins. Habitat/Society: Ogre tribes are found anywhere, from deep caverns to mountaintops. Tribes have 16-20 males, 2-12 females, and 2-8 young. Shamans, if present, will be of 3rd level, and have access to the spheres of combat, divination, healing, protection, and sun (darkness only). Ogres live by raiding and scavenging and they will eat anything. Their fondness for elf, dwarf, and halfling flesh means that there is only a 10% chance that these will be found as slaves or prisoners. There is a 30% chance that an ogre lair will include 2-8 slaves. Captured prisoners are always kept as slaves (25%) or food (75%). Extremely avaricious, ogres squabble over treasure and cannot be trusted, even by their own kind.
Ecology: Ogres consistently plague mankind, lusting for gold, gems, and jewelry as well as human flesh. They are evil-natured creatures that join with other monsters to prey on the weak and favor overwhelming odds to a fair fight. Ogres make no crafts nor labor. Merrow
Description: Also known as Aquatic Ogres, Merrow are Faster and fiercer than their land kin. They are greenish and scaled with webbed hands and feet. Their necks are long and thick, their shoulders are sloping, and they have huge mouths and undershot jaws. Merrow have black teeth and nails and deep green eyes with white centers, and their hair resembles slimy seaweed. About 10% grow ivory horns, especially the more powerful males. Aquatic ogres are very fond of tattoos, and females may have their entire bodies inked with scenes of death and destruction as a sign of status. Merrow speak their own dialect and the language of other ogres. Combat: Using their green coloration, aquatic ogres can hide, becoming effectively invisible 10-80% of the time, depending on terrain. They attack from cover, so others are -5 on their surprise roll. Merrow typically attack with a large piercing spear (inflicting 2-12 points of damage) in a swimming charge at +1 to hit, followed by melee with talons and teeth. Habitat/Society: A typical merrow tribe consists of:
Merrow dwell in caves in shallow, fresh water (50-250 feet deep), often with scrags (see Troll). They can live out of water for about two hours, so they often forage on land. Merrow usually control an area with a radius of 10-15 miles, hunting and foraging throughout this territory. In times of scarcity, or when the lure of treasure becomes too great, a war party will attack the coastal villages of man. Merrow prefer gold and jewels and often overlook dull magical items in search of glittering prizes. The goals of a merrow chieftain rule the tribe, and these power-hungry monsters seek to completely control their ``kingdoms,'' often leading to attacks on intruding ships. Ecology: Merrow are ignorant and superstitious and have no skills but plundering and murder. Areas of the freshwater lakes and seas where they have influence are avoided by sailors and fishermen. These monsters are carnivores, preying on all who enter their regions, often emptying the seas of life with their voracious appetites. Ogrim
Description: The Ogrim, also know as the Ogre Magi were originally a small band of extremely loyal Ogre enforcers, serving the Elves during the Elf-Dwarf War. They were rewarded for this loyalty by being transformed into scheming and malicious sorcerers by warping and twisting the Elven magics that were used in the creation opf the High Orcs with certain Fae magics. The Magics once again proved to not be as stable as they had hoped and the once loyal hulking, brutes, became unpredictable. The elves decided to rid themselves of this new potential threat and set them loose to reap havoc amoung the Dwarves, in the hope that they would eventually be exterminatied. The Ogrim proved more capable then expected and over the millenia have become extremely numerous, cunning and insidious, and like thier Ogre cousins are considered a force of evil. They have light blue, light green, or pale brown skin. The hair is usually a different color (blue with green, green with blue) and is darker in shade; though rare individuals are found with pale brown skin and yellow hair. They have black nails and dark eyes with white pupils. The teeth and tusks are very white. Ogrim are taller and more intelligent than their cousins and they dress in more refined clothing and armor. Combat: Ogrim attack with magic first and resort to physical attacks only if necessary. They are +5 vs horror factor while in combat. In battle, ogre magi prefer large swords (75%) or scimitar and whip (25%). As ogre magi are intelligent, they will not fight if faced with overwhelming odds, but will flee to gather their forces or hide. Habitat/Society: These monsters live in fortified dwellings or caves and foray to capture slaves, treasure, and food. Ogre magi priests of up to 7th level have been reported. A typical merrow tribe consists of:
Treasure is divided by this chief and his trove is always the richest. The tribe will have their own clan symbol typical to the oriental lands, and this symbol will be stitched on its war banners and flags as well as on armor and headdresses. The chief will often have the tribe's symbol tattooed on his forehead or back. Ogre magi speak the common tongue, their own special language, and the speech of normal ogres. Ecology: Like their Ogre cousins, Ogrim consistently plague mankind, lusting for gold, gems, and jewelry as well as human flesh. They are evil-natured creatures that join with other monsters to prey on the weak and favor overwhelming odds to a fair fight. Because of their magical nature they are often found as leaders of the other Ogre tribes as well as tribes of Ork and other monster races.