Most of the following positions are primarily used for sajorte but on occasion when a particularly pleasing snagga is designated to be trained as a pleasure slave they are used as well. Some are only for snagga, or mainly for snagga

Dak`sadisla (Collaring): This is the standard position of female submission. The sajorte kneels on slightly parted thighs, at the feet of the Shalafi/Shalafia, ass settled on heels, leaning back slightly with arms extended forward and upward, eyes raised to her Shalafi’s for a moment before lowering her head between her upraised arms with wrists crossed.

Talae (Public Kneel): The sajorte kneels with her knees slightly apart, resting her ass upon her heels, her back straight and chest pushed out, with head held high, her eyes looking into her Shalafi’s, and her hands resting upon her thighs, palms down or wrists crossed behind the back.

Ja`talae (Private Kneel): The sajorte kneels with her knees spread wide apart, resting her ass upon her heels, her back straight and chest pushed out, with head held high, her eyes looking into her Shalafi’s, and her hands resting upon her thighs, palms up or wrists crossed behind the back.

Saj`talae (Submission): The sajorte kneels, bending at the waist and placing her cheek to the ground, she takes her Shalafi's right foot and places it upon her neck, then places her arms behind her back with her wrists crossed. The sajorte might assume this position if she has displeased her Shalafi, as it shows total and complete submission, His foot on her neck showing that she offers Him even her life freely.

Vo`talae (Leash kneel): The snagga kneels with her back to her Shalafi, her thighs spread wide, arching her back and crossing her wrists in the small of her back, she turns her head to the left, her eyes looking down, and her lips slightly parted, awaiting the leash.

Sha`talae (Bracelets): The sajorte kneels with thighs spread wide and back arched, her head held high, she looks into her Shalafi’s eyes, her arms extended before her with her wrists together in preparation for being bound.

Dak`talae (Obeisance): The sajorte kneels with her ass settled on her heels and thighs spread wide, palms resting upon them, her back straight and eyes looking into her Shalafi’s, she then continues forward to the ground until her body lays between her thighs, her arms extended and palms flat, her head between them, resting at Shalafi's feet.

Shaud (Leading position): The sajorte approaches her Shalafi's side and bends at the waist, gathering up her hair to present to her Shalafi, so He may lead her by it.

Vo`shaud (Leash, High): The snagga stands, her back to her Shalafi, and places her feet shoulder-width apart, her wrists are crossed at the small of her back, she holds her head high and turns it to her left, lips slightly parted and eyes looking downward, awaiting His leash.

Dak`shaud (Display): The sajorte undresses and steps back from the clothing, standing with her feet about shoulder width apart, back straight and breasts pushed forward with her fingers laced behind her neck and elbows pulled back, holding her head up and her eyes looking into her Shalafi’s, she sajorte remains still and silent awaiting the Shalafis next command.

Ja`shaud (Heel): The sajorte kneels just behind her Shalafi's left foot; as He moves, the sajorte moves with Him remaining just behind His foot, but never coming in contact with it at any time.

Laefra (Walk): When this command is given the sajorte turns gracefully, and walks quietly across the room or camp, so eloquently that her feet hardly seem to leave the ground, her hips sway sensually, and her body is erect and proud. When she reaches her goal she halts and stands, her body erect and her shoulders back, her chest thrust forward and her belly sucked inward. The sajorte then turns her hips out a bit, with her hands at her sides, and lifts and points one foot downward; her chin is held high and eyes looking into her Shalafi’s.

Ja`laefra (Run): The sajorte runs toward her goal, taking small rapid steps, her legs almost straight, her feet barely leaving the ground. As she runs, her back is straight. Upon reaching her goal, the sajorte will finish what she was sent to do.

Teisha (Blanket): The Shalafi/Shalafia covers the sajorte's head, whatever position they might be in, they must remain motionless and quiet until the blanket is removed. The sajorte is effectively bound, though not by physical restraints, merely by the Shalafi's will alone.

Ja`teisha (Whipping Position): The snagga quickly drops to her knees and raises her hips, she then places her head to the ground and crosses her arms across her belly., waiting motionless, ready to accept her Shalafi's punishment. Snagga with long hair will pull their hair from their backs so as to ensure their backs are fully exposed for the whip.

Saquae (Crawl): The sajorte drops to all fours, her forearms flat on the ground, and lowers her head so that it is slightly above, but not touching, she raises her ass high; then crawls to the Shalafi placing her lips to His boots.

Ja`saquae (She-beast): The sajorte gets down on her knees and elbows, clasping her hands over her head, and raising her hips; she then parts her thighs and arches her back, forcing her hips even higher, exposing herself completely to Shalafi's view; she readies herself to be beaten or taken sexually like an animal, depending on her Shalafi's whim

Dak` saquae (Table): The snagga serves many uses to her Shalafi, one of which is to present herself as a table, to support his feet or meal. The sajorte moves to all fours, making sure that her back is level, her head held straight, and her eyes looking into her Shalafi’s. To ensure and increase stability, the sajorte should part her thighs widely and lock her elbows. The snagga should ensure she is stable, so as not to risk spilling the meal, or disturbing her Shalafi, and should remain totally motionless.

Sha`saquae (Animal): A position used in discipline to remind a snagga they are mere animals. The snagga remains on all fours, unable to use her hands to reach or touch, unable to speak; remaining as an animal in all behaviors.

Sudrae (Capture): In this position the snagga lays with her back flat on the ground, knees bent so that her feet are flat against the ground as well and her arms at her sides.

Vo`sudrae (Coffle): This command is used mainly in the transport of snagga. Snagga would kneel to be coffled (chained together) and then depending on the type of coffle, commanded to raise either left or right wrist so that they may be chained to slave rings along a length of chain. When done, and standing, the snagga would be chained together in a line.

Sha`kelsah (Back): The sajorte lays flat on the ground on her back, her feet spread shoulder width apart. She places her wrists above her head and crosses them. Her eyes looking into her Shalafi’s as she silently awaits her Shalafi's pleasure.

Ja`kelsah (Raised Back): The sajorte lays flat on the ground on her back, her feet spread shoulder width apart. She places her wrists above her head and crosses them. She then bends her knees to lift her pelvis up high, Her eyes looking into her Shalafi’s as she silently awaits her Shalafi's pleasure.

Dak`kelsah (Belly): The sajorte lays on her belly and presses her head to the ground, she crosses her ankles, then crosses and places her wrists in the small of her back, waiting motionless to be bound.

Dehsra (Hair): The sajorte remains in whatever position she is in, gathers her hair and offers it to her Shalafi.

Uaera (Kiss): The sajorte turns her head up to her Shalafi, puckering her lips as she does so, waiting motionless, forbidden to move until her Shalafi's kiss releases her.

Asuda (Posture): This command usually accompanies walk or run.. it is meant for the sajorte to hold their torso straight and tall.

Haeshe (Nestle): The sajorte fits herself along the Shalafi's side, nestling into the crook of His arm.

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