Rituals and Serves

Contained in this section you will find a few of the rituals that you may be involved in or set to witness. In addition to descriptions of the rituals, you will also find examples. Do not consider the examples as the only correct way to perform them, but know that they contain the precision required for the successful completion of the rituals. Use them and the other examples for improving your overall service.

Sudea Tea Ritual or Leutha`Tala (Life bond)

Sudea is a ceremonial tea used between lovers and those about to bond in the Leutha`Tala.

(it is a bond between two, much in the way of a soul mate... they live for each other and more importantly, would die for each other... it is very rare to find... when elves bond, they merge souls, they become almost as one person, they feel each other on a spiritual level. Elves marry but not always do they bond so when they do it is a most sacred event)

The Sudea Tea ceremony is very similar to the Japanese Tea Ceremony and also similar to the Gorean Bazi tea ceremony for those who have witnessed it. There are subtle differences. By making subtle changes to the ceremony, it can be used to show great affection, even love, but not be truly binding. The examples included have been thusly changed.

On the low sideboy near the servery, you will find a finely detailed, lacquered box in the palace colors. The items necessary for this ritual are kept in that box.

When you set the items on the tray, do not forget to fill the teapot with water.

In this ritual, as with every elven ritual, precision is paramount!

Everything has a place.

The cups: in a perfectly centered and equidistant triangle on the tray

The teapot: in the exact center of the tray and triangle of cups

The wooden bowls and spoon: in a second triangle, rotated 90 degrees from the first.

Having set the items on the tray with perfectly controlled precision and ease of movement, lift the tray and carry it to whomever you are serving it to. When you reach them, settle into talae, though modified to keep your hands on the tray.

Bow your head for a silent count of three before placing the tray between you.

Raise your head and bring your gaze to your partner.

“I bring this tea this night Shalafi/significant other in hopes of sharing the bond of Leutha`Tala”

(variant for non-bonding: “I bring this tea this night, mia Shalafi, in hopes of sharing this bond of love with You.”)

At this point the Shalafi or significant other either accepts the offering of the life bond or denies it.

Bow your head briefly then prepare the tea.

Open the teapot, lift the bowl of tea and place 3 pinches of tea leaves in a small cloth and knot it, placing it into the teapot then close the teapot, returning the bowl to its place as the last step.

Lift the pot and cast a heat cantrip to warm the water to the correct temperature. (If you do not have magic, make sure you heat the water before pouring it into the teapot and beginning the ritual)

Swirl the pot ritualistically, counter-clockwise 3 times, pause and then swirl it 3 times again, kiss the teapot and pour tea into each of the 3 cups, then set the pot back into its place.

Take the wooden spoon and the bowl of sugar.

Tap the first cup once, putting no sugar into it. Tap the second cup twice, putting a single spoon of sugar into it and stir twice counter clockwise. Tap the third cup three times, putting two spoons of sugar into it and stir three times counter clockwise.

Place the bowl of sugar and wooden spoon back in their respective places.

Lift the first cup to your heart and hold it for a slow count of three, raise it to your lips and kiss the rim then sip half the tea offering the cup and remaining tea to your partner.

“Accept this cup in honor of bitter youth and our unbonded souls”

(variant for non-bonding: “Accept this cup in honor of bitter youth and our unbound hearts”)

(the receiver would take the cup, hold it to their heart for the same count of three, raise it to their lips and kiss the rim then drink the remaining tea, dropping the cup into your waiting hands)

Place the empty cup in its previous place, upside down

Repeat the actions for the second cup, the same as the first.

“Please accept this offering to praise the sweetness and passion of a time of growth and learning of our souls”

(variant for non-bonding: “Please accept this offering to praise the sweetness and passion of a time of growth and learning of our hearts.”)

(the receiver would take the cup, hold it to their heart for the same count of three, raise it to their lips and kiss the rim then drink the remaining tea, dropping the cup into your waiting hands)

Place the empty cup in its previous place, upside down

For the third cup, lift it, hold it to your heart for the same count of three, raise it to your lips and kiss it, but extend it still full to your partner saying:

“Accept this third offering untouched as of yet to guide my path to your soul so that we may join as one”

(variant for non-bonding: “Please except this third offering untouched as of yet to guide my path to Your heart so that we may join as one.”)

(the receiver would accept the cup, hold it to their heart for the count of three, raise it to their lips and kiss the rim, then sip only half and offer the remainder back to you)

Accept the cup back, kiss the rim once more and drink the tea, remembering to hold the gaze of your partner

“The joining of our souls has begun”

(variant for non-bonding: “My heart is open and awaits the company of yours.”)

Place the cup on the tray in its place upside down and spin the tray three times, clockwise.

(the receiver would rise and offer you their hand saying:)

Come with me so that I may guide it to its finish”

(variant for non-bonding: “Come and join with me so that our journey may complete… two souls as one, two hearts joined in one beat.”)

The two of you would go to a place of privacy and finish the union of souls.

Sadis`Tala (Collaring Ceremonies)


(The one to be collared is brought in restrained and clothed in whatever garb they were wearing when caught. They are brought before the Valishar and pushed to their knees.)

Valishar: (Stands before His throne. Any guests are arranged about the gallery. If there is a sajorte present, she/he talaes to the right of Shalafi to form an equilateral triangle with Him and the one to be collared. Addresses the ones gathered.)

“Judgment has already been decided, bear witness to these proceedings that no one can say they were not duly carried out.”

(Addresses the one to be collared)

“You are here to have judgment passed. By your actions, you no longer have a choice in what will befall you. You will submit and accept this judgment and the items presented for I could just as easily deny even them to you.”

(Motions to those that brought them in.)

“Prepare this one for their changed status.”

(Holding the one that was brought in, they remove the shackles, and clothing, leaving the one to be collared naked and awaiting whatever will be granted to them. While the one to be collared kneels, naked, the Valishar turns to the sajorte and nods (if present – otherwise turns and lifts the plain steel collar))

Sajorte: (Rises fluidly and quickly crosses the gallery, selecting the simple, dark, cotton shift and the steel collar. Resting the collar on the dark fabric she/he returns gracefully to her place. She settles with practiced ease to talae once again and lifts the items.)

Valishar: (Lifts the steel collar from the black cloth and holds it for all to see. Holds it lower for the one to be collared to see then holds it to their lips for their first act of acceptance.)

“This collar marks you as snagga. From this point forward, you have nothing but what I provide you with. Your name, your clothes, your food, your shelter, all these are mine to dispense as I see fit. You are my property and as such will be used and kept as I see fit.”

(Snaps the collar in place about their neck, the click of the steel loud in the quiet room. Takes the common-weave garment and holds it to the new snagga, allowing them to don the tunic.)

“For the time being, you will wear this garment. Do not grow overly fond of it for there is no guarantee that you will be allowed to keep it. Care for it well, My property, for it, too, is Mine and I will not see it ruined through carelessness.”

Snagga: “Aye Shalafi.”  

(lowers themselves to dak`talae, either voluntarily or by force of the ones that escorted them in, until they are dismissed to their duties)

Sajorte to Palace

Valishar: (Stands before His throne. Any guests are arranged about the gallery. If there is a lead sajorte present, she talaes to the right of Shalafi, forming an equilateral triangle with Him and the snagga. Calls the snagga to be made sajorte to Him. Directs snagga to kneel before Him) “Talae”

Snagga: (Clad in the snagga livery of dark cotton fabric simply adorned with the palace crest, moves forward, and kneels before the Valishar)

Valishar: “you have learned much and pleased Me well, snagga. It is My wish that you no longer serve as snagga, though that does not mean your service is not wanted. I would have you join the sajorte of the palace if it is your desire to do so.”

Snagga: (continues to talae before the Valishar)

“Aye Shalafi, i would remain in Your service if You will continue to have me.”

Valishar: “Do you choose to serve Me and My home?”

Snagga: “Aye Shalafi”

Valishar: “Do you make this choice of your own free will?”

Snagga: “Aye Shalafi”

Valishar: “I ask you a third and final time, do you willingly choose to serve Me and My home?”

Snagga: “Shalafi, it is my heartfelt desire to serve You and Your home.”

(If there is a lead sajorte, the Valishar calls her to present verification of the snaggas’ training, progress and accomplishments. If there is not one, or one is not present, the silks and silver will be already prepared and available.)

Valishar: “Has this snagga presented themselves to you for training?”

Lead sajorte: “Aye mia Shalafi”

Valishar: “Have they carried out that training to the high standards that I require?”

Lead sajorte: “Aye mia Shalafi”

Valishar: “In your role as lead sajorte, have you had occasion to witness their abilities and find they will be an asset to the palace?”

Lead sajorte: “Aye mia Shalafi”

Valishar: “Prepare the silks and silver”

Lead sajorte: “As You wish, mia Shalafi”

(gracefully crosses the gallery to the cabinet and retrieves the black and silver trimmed sajorte silks with a detailed rendering of the palace crest, along with the silver collar etched and carved in the same palace rose pattern, then returns, murmuring softly as she does insuring the silver glitters, her steps light and her movement fluid. Reaching her place, she returns to talae and lifts the silks, with the collar resting on top of them, sparkling like stars in the night sky.) “Shalafi, the silver and silks You requested.”

Valishar: (Lifts the collar from the dark fabric and holds it for all to see.) “This collar represents the ultimate gift, the willing offering of service. There is no greater gift one can give or receive. It is an honor for Me to recognize this gift. The circle of the collar, when closed, is unbroken and represents the unbroken will of the one who wears it.” (Holds the collar lower for the snagga to see.)

“you have already voiced that it is of your own free will and with an open heart that you wish to serve Me and My home. Is this still your will and do you accept this collar as the symbol of that service?”

Snagga: “Aye mia Shalafi, it is with an open heart and my will to continue in the service of You and Your home. It is my honor to accept this collar as a symbol of that service.”       

Valishar: (Holds the collar to the snaggas lips)

Snagga: (Kisses the collar)

Valishar: (Places the collar around the snaggas neck and invokes the collars magic. Takes the silks and holds them before the newly collared sajorte.) “As sajorte, you have earned the right to wear the silks of one. Rise and remove that snagga garb, that phase is behind you now.”

Sajorte: (Rises and removes the simple cotton livery, their movements fluid and graceful, then drops them over her shoulder and to the floor, emphasizing Shalafis words of putting that phase behind them.)

Valishar: (Hands the silks to the sajorte.)

“Accept these as befits your new station and wear them with pride and honor.”

Sajorte: (Accepts the black and silver silks and dons them quickly, the light-weight material sliding fluidly over their form. Drops gracefully to their knees, returning to talae.)

Valishar: “you have offered your service to Me and Mine, which I have accepted. I have offered the collar and silks of a sajorte, which you have accepted. Let all here bear witness to these happenings and welcome you to service. Join your fellow sajorte and serve with pride and honor.”

Sajorte to Individual

(This is written with an Officiator, but one is not required. If the Shalafi/Shalafia is conducting the ceremony, then the positioning will be slightly altered and They would speak all of the lines, adjusting the wording accordingly. Any that have been invited to witness this occasion are assembled as the Shalafi/Shalafia desires. The Shalafi/Shalafia will be at the front of the gathered witnesses awaiting the arrival of the one to be collared. Whether They are performing the ceremony Themselves, or having someone else officiate it, any items to be presented, such as collar, clothing, jewelry, etc. will be assembled close by. )

“I am pleased to welcome you here to witness this auspicious event. Whenever one offers themselves as sajorte to another, it is a proud and joyous occasion. Let us begin, that we may celebrate that much sooner.”

Shalafi/Shalafia: (Positioned near the officiator, unless conducting the ceremony themselves then positioned at the front of the gathering, wearing Their finest raiment and facing the gathering expectantly.)

Sajorte-to-be: (Walks in proudly, dressed in their best attire, carrying any token they will present (the token is a personal choice and by no means required). They approach the Shalafi/Shalafia and upon reaching Them, takes Their hands and places a kiss on each cheek in greeting. If they brought a token it is offered at this time, otherwise, they stand facing the Shalafi/Shalafia.)

Officiator: “It is time. You have both agreed to this commitment. Let it be witnessed and finalized. Remember always, that this joining is voluntary and may be ended at any time, by either party and for no other reason than it is wished. May your journey together down this path be beneficial and pleasurable for you both however long it shall be.”

“(Name of Sajorte-to-be), do you offer yourself and your service of your own free-will with no coercion on the part of anyone else?”

Sajorte-to-be: “Aye my Lord/Lady. I offer myself and my service with a glad and open heart.”

Officiator: “(Name of Shalafi/Shalafia), do You accept this offer, freely given, in the true spirit of the offering?”

Shalafi/Shalafia: “I accept this offer in the spirit in which it is given, with a glad and open heart.”

Officiator: “(Name of Sajorte-to-be), I ask you, is it your desire to serve (Name of Shalafi/Shalafia), in whatever capacity you are called upon to serve?”

Sajorte-to-be: “Aye my Lord/Lady. It is my heartfelt desire to serve in whatever capacity I am able.”

Officiator: “(Name of Shalafi/Shalafia), do You accept this service and whatever limitations it might have without reservation or disappointment?”

Shalafi/Shalafia: “I have no doubt of the abilities offered, reservation and disappointment are set aside for those less fortunate than I.”

Officiator: “I bare witness that this service is freely offered and accepted without reservation or disappointment.” (lifts the collar and offers it to the Shalafi/Shalafia) “This is the symbol You have chosen to represent this commitment. It is Yours to offer and have accepted as the final step.”

Shalafi/Shalafia: (Accepts the collar and holds it before the sajorte-to-be) “This is the last step before we finalize this commitment. Is it truly your will and your desire to serve Me to the completeness of your ability?”

Sajorte-to-be: “It is with heartfelt gladness that i offer myself into Your service. i have no reservations or doubts. No one has convinced me this is what i should do. Please accept with pride, my willing and complete submission to You.” (Strips off her finery while speaking. At the conclusion, settles fluidly to talae.)

Shalafi/Shalafi: (Shows the collar to the gathered people then lowers it to the sajorte-to-be’s lips before placing it around their neck and fastening it.) “you have offered your service to Me and I have accepted it. Accept now, this symbol of that service and the others I will provide. Wear them with pride as I am proud to have you wear them.” (Turns to the officiator and they hand over the garments, then offers the garments to the sajorte then turns to face those gathered.)

Sajorte: (Accepts the garments, rising to don them gracefully and turns to face those gathered.)

Officiator: “The offer has been freely made and freely accepted. Let none gainsay the events that have taken place this day. Join in the celebration of the wonderful gift.”

Requested Release

(The term of service for a sajorte is not an indefinite thing. It is entered into freely and may be left freely at any time. In some cases, it may also have been entered into with a finite period of service defined. Being a freely entered commitment served with pride, the culmination of that service should come just a proudly.)

(Shalafi stands before any gathered to bear witness. If there is a sajorte present to assist, they talae to the right of Shalafi, forming an equilateral triangle with Him and the sajorte.)

Shalafi: “We are gathered here today to bear witness to the fulfillment of a joyous commitment.”

(Sajorte enters by themselves, their movements fluid and graceful, their posture proud, and approaches Shalafi, settling before Him with practiced ease to talae)

Sajorte: “The time has come Shalafi that our journey together must end for a time. i came to You with an open heart and offered You my service freely. i come to You again with that same open heart and request an ending to that service. my journey takes me on a different path than that which we are travelling together.”

Shalafi: “Though it saddens Me to sever this union, it is only for the parting of friends, not any sense of loss. I am glad that our paths have journeyed together for the time that they have and look forward with happy anticipation to our next meeting. You have served well and with an open heart, for that gift I am most thankful.” (Turns to the sajorte assisting if there is one, otherwise retrieves the items Himself) “I ask of you one last act as sajorte, for I would not insult you once you are free. Remove the livery of sajorte which you have worn with pride and don these, that when you are released, you will be comfortable and well attired.”

Sajorte: “Your generosity and consideration have always been paramount, Shalafi, as evidenced by Your thoughtfulness now. Gladly will i complete this one last task as Your sajorte, as I have been glad to complete Your other tasks over the years.” (Rises gracefully, stands proudly before Shalafi and removes the silks that have been their constant companion during their time of service. Accepts the offered clothing and dons it quickly, their movements fluid and proud. Once dressed, the sajorte remains standing facing Shalafi.)

Shalafi: “I am grateful for the gift of your service, and the time with which you have allowed Me to hold that gift. Accept now the returning of it, with the release of this symbol. Know that as you offered your service with an open heart and free will, so too, do I release this symbol and return your gift. ” (Reaches down and releases the magic of the collar, removing it and setting it aside. Taking the former sajorte’s hand and presenting them to any gathered.)



In this example, there are subtle changes to the wording which alter the ritual enough that it does not initiate the true life-long bonding.

Rhysanus: I wish some sudea tea

tassa: aye mia Shalafi

phe`dre settles back on her heels hands quiet in her lap watching with a discerning eye

tassa rises fluidly before You and curtseys deeply then takes 3 small steps back before turning to cross the gallery gracefully...

tassa moves proudly, her pale hips peeking through the dark silk as it moves about her lithe form, her red tresses caressing her at mid back with each step...

tassa 's light steps carry her quickly to the counter where the items she needs are located... taking the engraved silver tray, she examines it closely for any imperfection, smiling softly she murmurs a few words and the tray shines brightly, reflecting all...

Rhysanus smiles as he watches

tassa sets the tray down and removes the 3 delicate porcelain cups decorated in the colors of the palace, examining the cups, she again murmurs softly until they shine beautifully and places them on the sparkling tray carefully...

tassa continues selecting items quickly, and placing them deftly upon the tray close to where they will be settled before she begins... the teapot that matches the cups, filled with cold water and gleaming like the other items goes in the center, one wooden bowl with sugar and one with loose tea and a small piece of cheese cloth, are placed between the cups....

tassa places the matching wooden spoon also forming two triangles, one of porcelain and one of wood.. lifting the tray carefully, she carries it with practiced ease, returning to Shalafi with fluid movements and light steps, her emerald eyes sparkling...

tassa reaches Shalafi and settles to her knees gracefully, keeping her thighs close and resting back onto her heels as she sets the tray down and examines the items upon it... making some slight adjustments to the placement of the cups, insuring they are in a perfect triangle, then moving the teapot slightly, whispering softly to heat the water as she centers it on the tray and amidst the cups...

tassa checks the wooden items to insure they too, are in a perfectly placed triangle amidst the cups and surrounding the teapot... lifts the tray and bowing her head for a slow, silent count of 3, then places it between them...

Rhysanus nods in encouragement

phe`dre watches and silently nods her own approval, tassa would do the night courts proud

tassa: I bring this tea this night, mia Shalafi, in hopes of sharing this bond of love with You

Rhysanus smiles

Rhysanus: I would be honored to share that which I am with you

tassa bows her head, a soft smile lighting her features... opens the teapot and lifts the bowl of tea, carefully selects 3 pinches of tea and places each of them upon the cheese cloth, deftly securing it before setting it into the pot and closing the lid, then returns the bowl to its place upon the tray and whispers softly insuring the water remains at the correct temperature...

tassa lifts the pot and cradles it between her hands, holding it heart-high and swirling it counter clockwise 3 times, pauses and swirls the pot thrice again in the same fashion, then lifts the pot to place a kiss upon it and carefully pours the tea into the waiting cups...

tassa sets the teapot back in the center and lifts the wooden spoon and the bowl with the sugar... taking the spoon, she taps the first cup once and places no sugar into it, she then taps the second cup twice and places a single spoon of sugar into it stirring the tea twice, counter clockwise...

tassa taps the third cup thrice before placing 2 spoons of sugar into the tea and stirring it counter clockwise 3 times... she places the bowl and spoon back into their respective places completing the triangles once again...

tassa raises the first cup to her heart and holds it for a slow, silent count of 3 before lifting it to her lips and placing a kiss upon its rim, the sips half of the tea and offers the cup to Shalafi...

tassa: Accept this cup in honor of bitter youth and our unbound hearts

Rhysanus accepts the cup then holds it to his heart and blesses it

Rhysanus then raises it to his lips turning the cup so that he may drink from the spot her lips graced the rim

Rhysanus finishes the half cup of tea then drops the cup to her waiting hands

tassa catches the cup as it drops from His hand and returns it upside down to its place upon the tray

tassa takes the second cup and raises it to her heart, holding it for 3 slow beats of her heart before lifting it to her lips and placing a kiss upon the rim, she then sips half of the tea and lifts the cup in offering to Shalafi

tassa: Please accept this offering to praise the sweetness and passion of a time of growth and learning of our hearts

Rhysanus accepts the second cup then holds it to his heart and again blesses the offering.

Rhysanus then raises it to his lips turning the cup so that he may drink from the spot her lips graced the rim

Rhysanus finishes the tea and drops the cup to her waiting hands

tassa catches the cup in her outstretched hands and sets it, upside down in its place upon the tray

tassa selects the third cup and holding it to her heart for the same slow 3 beats before lifting it to her lips and placing a loving kiss upon the rim and extending the full cup to Shalafi

tassa: Please except this third offering untouched as of yet to guide my path to Your heart so that we may join as one

Rhysanus accepts the cup and holds it to his heart and blesses this final cup.

Rhysanus raises it to his lips and turns to again drink from the place she kissed and sips half of the tea

Rhysanus offers the cup back to her

Rhysanus: My heart is open and awaits the company of yours

tassa accepts the tea, turning it to drink from where His lips were pressed to it, finishes the tea and sets the empty cup, upside down in its place upon the tray and spins the tray 3 times clockwise

Rhysanus stands and extends his hand

tassa rises and accepts Your hand, her gaze never wavering from Yours

Rhysanus: Come and join with me so that our journey may complete… two souls as one, two hearts joined in one beat

Rhysanus helps her to rise

Rhysanus smiles and kisses her


tassa rises fluidly from where she sits, the black and silver silks causing her pale flesh to seem to glow as they move about her...

Rhysanus smiles

tassa curtseys deeply before Him after making the few steps, then drops with practiced ease to her knees, the silks resting lightly on her closed thighs... she settles her bottom back onto her heels, keeping her back straight and her head held high... bringing her wrists together behind her squares her shoulders and presses her breasts forward pleasingly as she holds her loving emerald gaze to His

tassa: Shalafi, might Your sajorte be of service to You this morning?

 Rhysanus smiles

Rhysanus: indeed mia`khess

Rhysanus: I would like some fruit to go with my wine

tassa: certainly Shalafi

tassa smiles warmly as she rises before You, curtseying deeply before taking 3 small steps back and then turning and crossing the gallery, her steps are smooth and fluid, the dark silks and ruby tresses dancing about her gently as her hips sway delightfully with the movement...

tassa reaches the servery quickly and moves about it knowingly.. she selects a small silver, etched tray and sets it on the counter before selecting 3 small matching bowls...

Rhysanus watches and follows her with his eyes

tassa inspects the tray and bowls, and once she is sure of their perfection, murmurs softly, cleaning the bowls and tray until they reflect everything clearly, the etching standing out beautifully...

tassa sets the bowls on the tray carefully not to mar the polish and shine and insuring it would be well balanced, then quickly moves to the chilled area, selecting some of the davalsa and some of the ram berries to put in two of the bowls, for the third, she selects a sortani and quickly slices it, placing it into the third bowl..

tassa returns to the chilled area and selects a small piece of cheese that she quickly slices and places over the sliced sortani murmuring softly the heat cantrip to melt the cheese before sprinkling it with nutmeg...

tassa lifts the tray and looks about, murmuring softly once more and cleaning the counter and knife before returning to Shalafi with His food...

Rhysanus smiles

tassa makes her way on light steps despite the laden tray, the motion causing light to reflect off the sparkling tray and bowls, the sway of her hips graceful and slight, her emerald eyes focused forward on her Shalafi...

tassa reaches Him and lifting the tray slightly, she curtseys deeply, and settles to her knees before You, resting her bottom onto her heels and letting the dark silks slide over her closed thighs...

Rhysanus gazes into your eyes

tassa sets the tray on the floor before You, holding Your gaze with hers, she takes first bowl with the davalsa, then the one with ram berries and whispers softly, chilling them just slightly, the cooled silver, dulling barely, the etching standing out a bit more... setting them back to the tray, she checks the sortani and insures there is still warmth to the cheese...........

tassa lifts each bowl in turn, holding it to her heart, then placing it back in it's place, and lifting the entire tray in offering, her eyes never leaving Yours, her voice soft with feeling... “Shalafi, may this fruit bring pleasure to Your palate, and may this ones service bring some small measure of pleasure to Your heart”

Rhysanus smiles and samples the offering

Rhysanus: if I could hold time still and live one moment for eternity it would be here and now

Rhysanus: your service makes me long for more

Rhysanus: nothing you offer me comes in small measure

Rhysanus: and I am proud to call you mine

tassa feels her smile grow, a soft blush coloring her pale flesh at Your words

tassa: as i am proud to be so called, Shalafi

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