Note:Pre-Requisite Skills are shown in [italics] and Bonuses shown in ()

Ancient Languages Calligraphy Cryptography Diplomacy Flag Signaling Language Law
Linguistics Lip Reading Literacy Public Speaking Sign Language Sign Language: Drow Writing

    Ancient Languages: A character can read, write, and speak an ancient form of a language he already knows. The language must be still spoken in a modern form. To learn an ancient language, the character must be literate. An unknown/lost Ancient Language can be learned but at a lower skill percentage. [Literacy]
    Base Skill: 25/15+5% per level of experience.

    Calligraphy: The ability to produce beautiful letters using a Brush or Quill, ink and paper with great skill and legibility. Traditionally, any person of culture and education, especially a noble, is expected to be able to produce gorgeous ideograms. Calligraphy is a skill almost as necessary as literacy for traditionalists.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.

    Cryptography: Skill in recognizing, designing, and cracking secret codes and messages. The character must study the code for two hours to attempt to break it successfully. A failed roll means the individual must study the code for an additional two hours before he can try to break it again. The character may attempt to break the code sooner, after only 10 minutes of study, but suffers a penalty of -30% [Literacy]
    Base Skill: 15+5% per level of experience.

    Diplomacy: Knowledge and skill in the finer points of protocol, oratory, and negotiation. Individuals with this skill are often found as ambassadors, Mercantile Representatives, public officials and so forth.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.

    Flag Signalling: Ships at sea on Otara, have developed a "language" based on the display of colored flags. Those with this skill can read and compose messages, as well as be able to recognize banners, ensigns, pennants and standards used to communicate ship's origins and status. Communicating basic naval messages ("Turn to starboard." "Do you have any fresh water to spare?" or "Beware! Pirates sighted to the northeast!") are easy for anyone with 2nd level, or better, expertise. However, non-naval messages, including names (Sir Bertrand, Teradryn) or messages related to other subjects (magic, money or religion), are more time consuming, and more difficult to compose or decipher. Since each ship usually displays banners showing their nationality and other information, those with this skill have the chance of identifying a fake (pirates often fly false flags). In addition to the common signal code (used by every seafaring nation), certain navies and merchant companies have developed their own secret systems of communicating.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

    Language: Characters with a language skill can understand and speak in a language other than their own native tongue. Language is one of the few skills that can be selected repeatedly in order to select several different languages. Each selection gives the character knowledge of a different language and costs one skill selection each time.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    Law: This skill covers the laws and system of Justice for select kingdoms of the World. Law is another of the few skills that can be selected repeatedly in order to select several different Kingdoms. Each selection gives the character knowledge of a different Kingdom's Legal structure and costs one skill selection each time.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.

    Linguistics: This is the study of the principles on which languages are based. A linguist can identify an obscure language from a snatch ofspeech or writing, given enough time. [Literacy]
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    Lip Reading: The character knows how to interpret the spoken word through the movement of the mouth. Characters can observe targets from a distance and understand what they are saying. The target's mouth must be in line of sight and cannot be obstructed by anything. If the moving lips are partially obscured the GM should apply a penalty he/she thinks is appropriate to the situation. This type of art requires the character to speak the language he is attempting to lip read and to have a 80% proficiency or above in that language. Characters must also select this skill in relation to their common tongue first. Other languages selected after this will count as a new skill and must meet the 80% proficiency requirement.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    Literacy: The written word is valuable on the world of Otara, yet, sadly, the majority of the world's population can not read or write. Those who are literate will typically be members of the elite aristocracy, Clergy or military. Like the language skill, the character may be able to read and write several different languages, but each language counts as a separate skill selection. Gives a +5% to most Lore Skills.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

    Public Speaking: Training in the quality of sound, tone, pitch enunciation, clarity, and pace in speaking to the public, loudly and distinctly. Also includes the practice of good enticing storytelling and composition of the spoken word. Optional: Seeing how the M.A. stat would have a bearing on this skill a GM may allow a bonus to this skill based on a high M.A., using the trust/intimidate bonus divided by 5.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

    Sign Language: Regardless of whether it was developed as a standard language for trade or as a means of communication, due to a lack of hearing or vocal ability, sign languages have a common basis in their standard signs, but a difference in source languages and alphabets. If a character chooses to learn a sign language, the specific language or source of the language must also be given. For every 10 words (or letters, for spelled out words)(doubled for every 5% over 50%)"signed," the sender of the sign language must roll to successfully transmit the message. Likewise, the interpreter must also roll versus their skill in sign for every batch of 10 words (doubled for every 5% over 50%). A failed roll on either end means a misunderstanding. (+10% to Drow Sign Language)
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

    Drow Sign Language: Although similar to the Sign Language Skill, Drow Sign is very different in that it uses not just jestures but also posture, eye movements and body movements. For every 5 words (or letters, for spelled out words)(doubled for every 5% over 50%) "signed," the sender of the sign language must roll to successfully transmit the message. Likewise, the interpreter must also roll versus their skill in sign for every batch of 5 words (doubled for every 5% over 50%). A failed roll on either end means a misunderstanding. (+10% to Sign Language) [Language Drow]
    Base Skill: 15+5% per level of experience.

    Writing: The ability to write prose (stories, poems, or journalistically (reports, studies, news). Taking the skill twice indicates a professional quality and gets a bonus of +10%. Selecting it once, indicates a talented amateur. A failed roll means an awkward and poorly written work that is boring and/or difficult to understand. Try again. [Literacy]
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

Occupations and Skills