Note: Pre-Requisite Skills are shown in [italics] and Bonuses shown in (). Characters can attain professional quality by selecting the same domestic skill twice. Add a one time bonus of +10% and note that the end result is of superior quality.

    Appraisal: Using a small magnifying glass a skilled appraiser can identify types of gems and give a rough value. If a success is under 15% then the value is exact. In addition, any check under 10% results in the noticing of magical properties. (see Decipher Magical Properties for how to find out what they are). Gems can only be appraised once per person.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

    Barbering: Skill in cutting and styling hair, shaving and trimming beards. A failed roll means the end result is not as desired. (Too short, not even, ugly, etc.)
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

    Bartering/Haggling: A character with this Skillcan Barter or haggle over cash, service, and to capture a better deal. In a cash transaction, a successfulresult allows the character to purchase an itemfor 10% less or sell one for 10% more than the goingrate. In a simple barter transaction, a successful rollimproves the perceived value of the character's goodsby 10%. In a service transaction, a successful check provides thecharacter 10% more than the going rate for his services.The GM should require players to roleplay thebargaining session to gain the benefits of this skill
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

    Blacksmithing: Blacksmithing is the ability to work metal in a forge, to build horseshoes, tools, metal pieces, etc. Character will know the basics of different (low grade) metals and will be able to work them into a variety of forms. If the character chooses this skill TWICE, then it becomes metallurgy. The character then has all the abilities of the blacksmith, but has a more comprehensive knowledge of high-tech alloys, metal composites, etc. If the character also has Armorer, add a one time bonus of +15% to Blacksmithing
    Base Skill: 10+5% per level of experience.

    Branding: The techniques and methods for tethering, controlling and marking, or "branding," animals. A brand is a mark burned on the skin to identify and show ownership of an animal - typically used on horses and cattle, sometimes on humanoids and slaves. This skill also includes a basic knowledge of common and notable insignias and emblems.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    Breed Dogs: The first percentile number indicates the art of raising, breeding, taming and training domestic and wild canines, as well as knowledge about canines in general. The second percentile number is used to attempt to tame a wild canine, teach a dog tricks, or to train the animal for a specific task like tracking, retrieving, pointing, herding animals, attack on command, and so on. A failed roll means that the animal refuses to learn that particular trick or specialty.
    Base Skill: 40/20+5% per level of experience.

    Brewing/Vinting: Is the making of fermented alcoholic beverages from grains or fruits. This specifically includes brandy, rum, and whiskey, champagnes or fine wines, wine, mead, ale, beer and moonshine. The first percentile number indicates the chance of success (a failed roll means a ruined batch of booze). The second indicates the quality of the brew — the higher the number rolled the tastier the drink. (+5% to Holistic Medicine)
    Base Skill: 20/30+5% per level of experience.

    Cook: Skill in selecting, planning and preparing meals. A cooking roll failure means that the cooked food is either inedible (burnt!) or distasteful.
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.

    Dance: A practiced skill in the art of dance. The percentile number indicates the relative skill and quality of the dancer. NOTE: Characters with an extremely high Physical Prowess (P.P.) will get a bonus in their dance proficiency: P.P. 15 - 20: +5%, 20 - 25: +10%, 26 or higher: + 15% (+1 to P.P.)
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

    Deep Sea Fishing: Although similar to Freshwater fishing, the methods involved are very different. Smaller fish are generally caught using a variety of different nets in quantity (4d6 fish at a time.) For bigger fish (50 pounds and up,) special tackle is required, which is actually attached to the ship. Those with this skill have a basic knowledge of the most common fish, and know the proper techniques for preparation and cooking (some fish have poison glands or quills that must be removed prior to cooking.) For line fishing, roll once every hour, but once every ten minutes for net fishing. May be taken twice to denote professional quality. Note: While someone with Freshwater Fishing skill can catch and cook fish while on ship, using the usual techniques, they’ll catch only the smaller fish, and they’ll only roll for success once per hour. Also, they won’t have the knowledge involved in identifying which are edible, or the details of how a specific fish should be prepared. +5% if the identify sea life skill is known.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

    Drawing- Pencil/Ink/Chalk: This skill includes a basic rudimentary knowledge of drawing techniques and tools (specifically pencils, chalk, pastels, and ink). A person with this skill is able to put on to paper images that reflect his/her moods, thought, what he sees and so on. A successful roll under the skill proficiency indicates a successful drawing; meaning it clearly reflects the idea, description, or feeling that it was meant to convey. Only an extremely high skill proficiency (89% or higher) reflects a better than average quality.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    Economics: This is the study of money, exchange and banking. An economist could answer questions about investment, economic policies, etcetera. He could also predict local effects of economic changes the introduction of new materials or techniques, the destruction of a merchant house, and similar situations [Mathematics: Basic]
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

    Flint Working: The ability to chip flint and obsidian into useful tools. The character can recognize useful rocks and knows how to locate flint and obsidian in the wild. Actually making useful tools, like blades, needles, and arrowheads is incredibly difficult. Even experts will waste a lot of stone before creating exactly what they want
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

    Food Preservation: Knowledge in the preparation of foods for storage and later consumption. Includes canning fresh fruit and vegetables, making jams and honey, drying fruit, vegetables and herbs, drying meat and fish, plus various smoking, salting and pickling methods.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    Fresh Water Fishing: The fundamental methods and enjoyment of fresh water fishing. Areas of knowledge include the use of lures, baits, poles, hooks, and lines, as well as the cleaning and preparation of fish for eating. Also includes a basic knowledge of freshwater fish, turtles and amphibians, their habits and taste. Roll once every 20 minutes to see if a fish is successfully captured. A failed roll means it slips off the hook and escapes or it is much too small to clean and eat.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

    Games: Characters may pick this skill repeatedly, one for each game they wish to be proficient in. Games can be anything from ping pong to chess or go. Characters will know all the basic rules, many strategies, and will be able to be competitive players.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    Gardening: This skill offers a basic understanding of plant care and garden design. It can be both the ability to grow enough food to eat well, and/or the skill at creating beautiful, decorative gardens (with plants and rocks) that create a feeling of tranquility and harmony with nature.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    Gem Cutting: The ability to evaluate and cut gemstones. The monetary value of a gemstone can be determined by a thorough examination where any flaws, chips or imperfections will be observed. In addition, the character can cut gemstones to increase their value or cut one stone into several smaller ones. When a cutting roll is failed the stone is damaged, which decreases its value. However, the stone can be cut again to repair the flaw; although the stone will be smaller and of lesser value than the original. [Gemology]
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    General Maintenance/Repair: Not everyone can be a blacksmithor a carpenter, but many are good with their hands and capable of doingsatisfactory repairs on simple mechanisms, gears, pulleys, wheels, andso on. General repair/maintenance skill includes: sharpening blades/weapons, sewing tears in sails and clothes (it may not look pretty, butdoes the job), replace a wagon wheel, repair furniture, paint, varnish,and assist in basic woodworking, and even do minor patchwork on armor(restores 2D6 S.D.C.).Roll once to see whether the character can figure out what's broken,what must be done to fix it, and whether it's beyond his meager abilities.Roll again to determine success or failure in making the actual repair.If failure, the player may try again. Reduce skill proficiency by half if the item is extremelycomplex.
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.

    Herding: The techniques and methods of leading, directing and controlling herd animals in a contained and orderly fashion. Also includes keeping animals calm, basic care and feeding, how to recognize disease and illness, assist with birthing, how to survive and regain control of a stampede, gather strays, how best to pen and corral livestock, mend fences, etc.
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.

    Hunting: The skill of killing and preparing an animal for food. Adds the following bonuses to the appropriate skills: +2% prowl, +5 tracking, +5 skin/prepare animal hides, +5 wilderness survival, and +5 to cook the catch only.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    Identify Plants/Fruits: Training in the recognition of the manydifferent types of wild plants and vegetation and where they grow. Theemphasis is placed on edible, herbal, and poisonous plants.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

    Leather Working: The character is skilled at tanning and preserving animal hides. Usually this skill is combined with tailor to enable the character to make leather goods such as clothing, capes, bags, boots, saddles, saddle bags, tack and harness for horses and even leather armour. If this is done the character can fully repair, and make modifications to leather armour. May be taken twice to denote professional quality. Bonuses: +5% for Sew/Tailor and Skin/Prepare Animal Hides
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.

    Lore: Farm: Knowledge of the planting, producing and harvesting of various crops of the world of Otara. It includes intimate knowledge of the life cycle of the specific crops and the ability to research into developing non-magical means of increasing yield, survivability or palatability of the crops.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    Lore: Flora: This skill is not to be confused with the science of botany in which the character can farm, and identify and grow plants. Flora lore is knowledge of myths and legends about real and mythological plants, roots, and herbs. It also includes a very basic knowledge of how to grow and care for plants, where notable plants (usually poisonous or medicinal/herbal) and mythical plants are said to be found. Adds a bonus of +2% to the skills of botany, holistic medicine and faerie lore.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

    Massage: Is a treatment and practice of manipulation of the soft body tissues with physical, functional, i.e. medical/therapeutical, and in some cases emotional purposes and goals. There are many beneficial effects of massage, including pain relief, and stress reduction.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

    Meditation: Involves engaging the mind and body so that the body remains motionless, but without fatigue or pain and the mind stays in a clear, calm and rested state. While meditating a character recovers ISP and other internal resources at an accelerated rate. Although it is not a substitute for sleeping, characters will usually feel alert and refreshed after any period of meditation. When in a meditative state the character is, at a subconscious level, well aware of what is happening in the environment and can instantly leave the meditation position with no combat penalties.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

    Paint: The character is familiar with the tools and techniques of painting. Types of paints included are oil, acrylic, and watercolour. A successful roll under the skill proficiency indicates a successful drawing; meaning it clearly reflects the idea, description, or feeling that it was meant to convey. Only an extremely high skill proficiency (89% or higher) reflects a better than average quality.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

    Play Musical Instrument: The character has learned to play a particular musical instrument with a fair amount of skill. The sound is generally pleasant (except when a bad roll is made). Note that each specific instrument requires the selection of this skill. For example: a character who can play the guitar, violin, and flute must select the play musical instrument skill three different times.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

    Pottery: The craft of making pots, vases, mugs, china, and other items made of clay on a potter’s wheel and baked in a kiln. The character can also paint and glaze their constructions at ˝ their skill level. If the person has the art skill at a higher percentage then it is used instead. Failure indicates a ruined pot or a terrible paint job. May be taken twice to denote professional quality.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    Rope Works: This is a skill that takes into account the various needs and uses of rope. The character knows a variety of ways to tie knots, the advantages to various types of ropes and cords, their tensile strength and how to weave/make rope. A failed roll to tie a knot means that it is loose and sloppy and easy to untie, slip out of, or likely to unravel or snap when strained. Characters bound/tied by this character are –10% to escape/slip knots.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    Sculpt/Whittle: The art of molding or carving a three dimensional figure, object or design out of clay, stone or wood. The percentile number indicates the quality of technique and appearance. Taking the skill twice indicates professional quality.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

    Sew: Practiced skill with needles and thread to mend clothing, addpatches, replace buttons, and do minor alterations, as well as cut andsew simple patterns. This is not a tailoring ability, but can become tailoringif the player selects this skill twice.(Gives +5% to Weaving)
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

    Sing: The simple ability to read music and carry a pleasant tune. Ofprofessional quality if selected twice.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

    Smithing: Jewelry: Jewelry smithing is the ability to work precious metals such as gold and silver, to create rings, pendants and other fine pieces of jewelry. Character will know how to set gems into metal settings as well as how to create fine chain and other fancy metal work for jewelry.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    Tailor: An advanced sewing skill. The character knows methods and construction for high quality, professional level clothing (Gives +5% to Weaving).
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.

    Weaving: Practiced skill of creating garments, tapestries, and draperies from wool or cotton. The weaver requires a spinning apparatus and a loom. This skill only represents the character’s ability to weave, not raise/grow the sources of their raw material. Bonus: +5% if the sew skill is known.
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.

Occupations and Skills