Note:Prerequisite Skills are shown in [italics] and Bonuses shown in ()


Special Note: One of the unique aspects of this RPG system is that the player can build and increase his or her character's physical attributes (P.S., P.P., P.E., Spd., S.D.C.) by selecting physical skills that will build and develop the body's muscles and endurance. ALL attribute and skill bonuses are accumulative. However, a specific physical skill may only be chosen once, including hand to hand combat skills. There are several major kinds of fighting techniques available to the characters. Boxing and wrestling adds to the techniques and power of a specific hand to hand training. Note: Characters without combat training start with only one hand to hand attack per melee round, but get a second attack at level one, six and twelve.
    Acrobatics: Aerial feats of agility and strength, such as walking a tightrope, high wire, trapeze, and stunts performed above ground. Other physical abilities include rolls, somersaults, leaps, and falls. Provides all of the following:
    • Automatically gets climb/rappel skill; +5% to rappel.
    • 40%+5% per level Sense of balance
    • 30%+3% per level Walk tightrope or high wire
    • 30%+5% per level Back flip
    • +1 to roll with punch, fall or impact.
    • +1 to P.S.
    • +1 to P.P.
    • +1 to P.E.
    • +1D6 to S.D.C.

    Arm Wrestling: In order to beat the other guy in an Arm Wrestling competition you have to beat the other guy's roll three times in a row. The first successful roll steadies the grip, second tilts the arm down, and the third slams the enemy's hand to the table Roll d20. High roll wins, ties mean no advantage for either side. Every three points of P.S. above 16 counts as a +1 bonus to win at arm wrestling. Furthermore, a character with the arm wrestling skill gets an additional +1 bonus at 1st, 5th, 10th and 15th levels. Note: Counts as two skill selections for most OCCs (GM s call for who can take it as a single skill slot.)

    Blind Fighting: The skill of fighting in conditions of poor or no light. The character only suffers half the normal penalties for fighting in complete darkness or when blinded, and only suffers the normal penalties of blindness when fighting under starlight. Also when dealing with invisible opponents, the character only suffers the normal penalties. To receive these benefits the player must roll under the blind fighting skill percentage. Also the character has a chance of detecting the presence of an invisible creature, equal to half the skill proficiency.
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.

    BodyBuilding/Weight Lifting: The building of muscle tone and body strength through weight lifting and exercise. Provides the following:
    • +2 to P.S. + 1 at levels 5,10, and 15
    • +10 S.D.C. + 1 per level starting at lvl 2

    Boxing: The classic art of fighting with fists. Training helps build the body and reflexes. Skilled boxers will automatically knockout opponents on a roll of a natural twenty. The victim of a knockout will remain unconscious for 1D4 melees rounds. Unlike normal knockout/stun, the player with the boxing skill does not have to announce that he is trying to knockout his opponent before making a roll to strike. The following bonuses are provided:
    • +One additional attack + 1 att at levels 5,10, and 15
    • +2 to parry and dodge + 1 at levels 5,10, and 15
    • +1 to roll with punch or fall.+ 1 at levels 5,10, and 15
    • +2 to P.S.
    • +3D6 on S.D.C.

    Climbing/Scale Walls: Knowledge of the tools and techniques for climbing up sheer surfaces, be they natural mountains or man-made.Players should roll once for every 20 feet (6.1 m) of a vertical climb. If the roll fails, it means he is losing his grip; however, every "skilled"climber gets a chance to regain his grip, roll again. Two consecutive failed rolls means the character falls
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.

    Fencing: The ancient art of Hand to Hand Weapons are learned from fencing teachers. This includes not only Olympic-style fencing with foil, epee or saber, but also Kendo and other weapons. Adds a bonus of +1 to strike and parry when combined with W.P. Sword.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

    Forced March: Practiced training in uniform marching with a fullfield pack and weapons. The marching is done at an even pace and rhythm that enables the marchers to cover great distances on foot at afaster than normal pace. Increase the normal physical endurance rate as to how long an activity like marching can be maintained by five times;applicable only to forced marches/travelling. Maximum speed on a forced march is roughly 60% of one's speed attribute and enables a large group of dozens to hundreds of soldiers to travel at the same consistent pace; suitable for everybody in the group (never less than a speed of 8). Likewise, this skill trains soldiers to make coordinated charges and maneuvers, including spear runs, spear and shield placement,and so on.(Adds +1d4 P.E.)
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

    General Athletics: Training in, and enjoyment of, vigorous exertion for competitive sports, exercises, and contests of strength, endurance,and agility. Provides the following bonuses:
    • +1 to roll with punch or fall.
    • +1 to P.S.
    • +1D6 to Spd.
    • +2D4 to S.D.C.

    Gymnastics: Learning to do falls, rolls, tumbles, cartwheels, somersaults and to work the parallel bars and rings. This sport builds great upper body strength, grace, and balance. Provides all of the following:
    • Automatically gets climb/rappel skill.
    • Kick attack at first level; does 2D6 damage.
    • 30%+5% per level Sense of balance
    • 30%+3% per level Work parallel bars & rings
    • 40%+5% per level Back flip and somersault
    • +2 bonus to roll with punch, fall or impact.
    • +1 P.S.
    • +1 to P.P.
    • +2 to P.E.
    • +2D6 to S.D.C.

    Hand-to-Hand Combat: Assassin: This is an advanced form of combat withan emphasis on immobilizing or killing one's opponent quickly. Typically,the character must be evil or anarchist to select this skill.

    Hand-to-Hand Combat: Basic: Provides elementary fighting techniques and methods of attack and self-defense as taught in military basic training orin self-defense classes.
    1Starts with one attack per melee round and +2 to strike.
    2Two additional attacks per melee round.
    3+3 to roll with punch/fall/impact and +3 to pull punch.
    4+4 to damage and disarm.
    5One additional attack per melee round.
    6+3 to parry and dodge, and body flip/throw.
    7Knockout/stun on an unmodified roll of 17-20.
    8One additional attack per melee round.
    9Kick attacks: Karate style kick (does 2D4 damage) and any two of choice, except jump kicks.
    10Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19 or 20.
    11+2 to strike.
    12Death Blow on a roll of a natural 20 (if desired).
    13One additional attack per melee round.
    14+2 to damage.
    15+2 to strike.
    1Starts with two attacks per melee round. +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 to pull punch.
    2+2 to parry and dodge.
    3Kick attacks: Karate style kick does 2D4 damage or Snap Kick 1D6 damage.
    4One additional attack per melee.
    5+1 to strike.
    6Critical Strike on natural 19 or 20 (double damage).
    7+2 to damage.
    8Body Throw/Flip.
    9One additional attack per melee.
    10An additional +2 to pull punch and roll with impact.
    11An additional +1 to parry and dodge.
    12An additional +1 to strike.
    13Critical strike or knockout from behind.
    14An additional +2 to damage.
    15One additional attack per melee.

    Hand-to-Hand Combat: Expert: An advanced form of self-defense and unarmed combat usually taught to commandos.
    1Starts with two attacks per melee round. +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 to pull punch.
    2+3 to parry and dodge.
    3+2 to strike.
    4One additional attack per melee round.
    5Kick attacks: Karate style kick does 2D4 damage and any two of choice.
    6Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.
    7Paired weapons.
    8Body throw/flip and disarm.
    9One additional attack per melee.
    10+3 to damage and an additional +2 to pull punch.
    11Knockout/stun on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.
    12An additional +2 to parry and dodge.
    13Critical strike (triple damage) or knockout from behind.
    14One additional attack per melee round.
    15Death Blow on a roll of a natural 20 (if desired).

    Hand-to-Hand Combat: Martial Arts: This is a form of extensive combattraining that teaches advanced hand to hand combat, often learned froman early age (similar to oriental fighting regimens like karate, kung-fu,etc.). Martial arts training is typically limited to monks, palladins and ahandful of other men at arms O.C.C.s.
    1Starts with two attacks per melee round. +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact, and +3 to pull punch.
    2+3 to parry and dodge, +2 to strike, and disarm.
    3Kick attacks: Karate style kick (does 2D4 damage) and any four of choice, except jump kicks.
    4One additional attack per melee round.
    5Jump kicks (all).
    6Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.
    7Paired weapons.
    8Leap attack (critical strike).
    9One additional attack per melee.
    10Body throw/flip and +1 on initiative.
    11An additional +4 to damage.
    12An additional +2 to parry and dodge.
    13Knockout/stun on an unmodified roll of 18, 19, or 20.
    14One additional attack per melee round.
    15Death Blow on a roll of a natural 20 (if desired).

    Juggling: The ability to toss "up" a number of objects, such as balls,clubs, knives, lit torches, and almost any small objects, and keep themcontinuously in the air with fast hand movements. It is used for the entertainmentof others and to develop greater hand-eye coordination; +1on initiative roll.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    Kick Boxing:Art of fighting with hands and feet with an emphasis on kicking. Skilled kickboxers automatically knockout opponents with kicks or punches with natural 20. Victim is knocked out for 1d10 melees. Character doesn t need to call for knockout. May add the following strikes to the usual list of available hand to hand attacks: Roundhouse, Axe Kick, Elbow, Forearm, and Knee. The following bonuses are added:
    • +2d6 dam
    • +1 to strike/parry
    • +1 attack/melee, + 1 att at levels 5,10, and 15
    • +1 to P.P.
    • +1 to P.E.
    • +1d8 to S.D.C.

    Prowl: This skill helps the character to move with stealth; quietly,slowly, and carefully. Techniques include balance and footing, shortsteps, pacing, body positioning, prone positions for low visibility, andcrawling. A failed prowl roll means that the character has been seen orheard. If the prowl roll is successful, then the character is not seen orheard and may make a sneak attack or spy.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    Repelling: Ths is a specialized, rope climbing skill used in scaling walls,towers, and cliff facings. For game purposes, rappelling will include ascendingand descending climbs.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    Running: A routine of running and exercise to build running speedand endurance. Provides the following:
    • +1 to P.E.
    • 4D4 to Spd
    • 1D6 to S.D.C.

    Skiing: Includes cross country and downhill skiing.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

    Spelunking: The art and practice of exploring caves. Unskilled characters wandering about in a large series of natural caverns have about the same chance of survival as unskilled climbers attempting to scale a major mountain without guidance.
    Base Skill: 55+5% per level of experience.

    Swimming: The rudimentary skill of keeping afloat, diving, swimmingand lifesaving techniques. The percentile number indicates theoverall quality of form as well as skill of execution. A character canswim a distance equal to 3x his P.S. in yards/meters per melee round 1(15 seconds). This pace can be maintained for a total of minutes equal]to his P.E./endurance.
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.

    Tumbling: This skill builds and strengthens the body for feats of strength, endurance and agility. Abilities include a variety of gymnastic type rolls, leaps, tumbles, falls, cartwheels, somersaults, and hand stand type exercises. These differ from the acrobat in that they are performed on the ground and involve rigorous exhibitions of speed and strength involving elaborate tumbles, back-flips, body throws, and so on.Sense of Balance is the ability to maintain grip, hold or footing, 20+5 per level of experience.Body Throw: while usually used on a cooperative partner, this judo-type flip can be used on an opponent, doing 1d6 damage, plus the victim loses initiative and one attack that melee Note: the tumbler must be weaponless, using both hands to grab his opponent and throw/flip him to the ground..Back Flip and Somersault: +4 to dodge quickly by flipping out of harm s way or over one s opponent. Always ends in a tumble and crouched stance. Like all dodges, it takes the place of one attack that melee. However, because the tumbler has flipped a fairly great distance, the attacker also loses one attack, as he must turn around or lunge forward to renew his attack 40+5% per level of experience.Stilt Walk: To construct and walk on stilts. A failed roll means a fall off the stilts (roll every 15 feet walked.) 50+5% per level of experience.Pole Vault: 8 feet for every other level of experience. Failure means only half the intended height is achieved, or the tumbler has vaulted into a wall or other solid object (2d4 dam). Will always land in a tumbling roll unhurt, when successful. 50+5% per level of experience.Leaps: 5ft long plus one foot every other level, 4ft high plus one foot every three levels+2 roll with punch/fall, +2 P.S., +1P.E. and +2d4 S.D.C.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

    Wrestling:Wrestling is more of a sport than a combat skill, but it jdoes provide some useful combat moves and bonuses.Wrestling Special Moves:
    1. Body block/tackle does 1D4 damage (double if the wrestler is 8 to12 feet/2.4 to 3.6 m tall, and 3D6 damage if larger). The opponent mustdodge or parry (push away/deflect attacker) to avoid being knockeddown. If knocked down, the opponent loses one melee attack/action andinitiative for the rest of that round.
    2. Pin/incapacitate on a natural roll of 18, 19, or 20. This means thatthe wrestler can hold his opponent in such a way that his opponent cannotphysically attack or move. However, the character who is using the"pin" hold cannot attack or move without releasing his opponent.
    3. Crush/squeeze does 1D4 damage per squeeze attack (double damageif 8 to 12 feet/2.4 to 3.6 m tall, and 3D6 damage if larger). Each"squeeze" counts as one melee action/attack.
    Wrestling Bonuses:
    • +1 to roll with punch, fall or impact.
    • +1 to P.S.
    • +4D6 to S.D.C.

    Yoga: A relaxed, slow, constant routine of stretching exercises. Beneficial no matter what martial art you do, or even if you just want to relax. By stretching and opening channels in the body, Yoga has been described as a massage for the inside of the body. A character with this skill will double his flexibility and receives the following benefits:
    • +1PP
    • +1 MA
    • +1 Balance
    • 2d6 ISP

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