Palladium Star Wars RPG Information Databank

The Jedi

Jedi can play a major role in any campaign. They are at the forefront of the critical events during this era. However, the Jedi Order of the Knights of the Old Republic era is different from that of the classic era in several crucial ways. First, many more Jedi are active throughout the galaxy. They are not as reserved and bureaucratic as in later times, and the Jedi Council does not yet dominate the Order. Even though the Council exerts control, it does not necessarily interfere with semiautonomous Jedi enclaves or non-Jedi Force traditions that might view their connections to the Force differently. Jedi training is decentralized.

Jedi academies and enclaves are scattered throughout the galaxy, using their own training methods and philosophies. However, the majority still use the master-and-Padawan pairing as the primary training tool. Jedi are not officially prohibited from marrying during this era. Some factions promote a ban, but their influence varies within this time.

Jedi philosophy and learning is still evolving in this era, but one thing remains the same: Practitioners of the dark side are not tolerated. Some might be redeemable, but those beyond hope and help are hunted down and eliminated. At times, such as during the Jedi Civil War or the Sith wars, dark side Force-users are much more common than in other eras. Dark Jedi, Sith Lords, Dark Side Adepts, and Sith apprentices are common foes. The dark side threat is real, and the Jedi must counter it directly.

In this era, Jedi training is dependent on the teachings of a specific organization or enclave within the Order. Many Padawans are trained just as their Republic era counterparts. Others are exposed to another Force tradition before joining the Order. They might struggle with reconciling their original teachings with that of the Order. Some are even exposed to Sith teachings before becoming aware of the benefit of following the light side. The many wars of this era compel large numbers of Jedi to become experts in lightsaber and Force-related combat. Some become masters on the battlefield; others become highly skilled duelists, able to battle dark Jedi and Sith in single combat.

The Jedi operate in a variety of ways specific to this era. A single Jedi might serve as a Watchman over a particular sector or planet. A group of Jedi might form their own Covenant, finding their tasks through the guidance of the Force. Of course, the traditional master-and-Padawan duo is used extensively.

Jedi younglings, also known as Jedi initiates, are Force-sensitive children recruited by the Jedi Order from various species across the galaxy. The Jedi Order, recruits its members shortly after birth. Utilizing blood tests to estimate the midi-chlorian count of prospective students, the Order is able to identify Force-sensitive younglings of various species throughout the galaxy. After their sensitivity to the Force is confirmed, the infants are brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant where they quickly learn that their true family is the Jedi Order. Training also extends to the planet Ilum where younglings are required to undergo a sacred rite of passage known as the Gathering. Before the time comes for a youngling to advance to a higher degree of education, a Grand Master serves as an instructor in the ways of the Force to all younglings. In order to qualify for the rank of Padawan, younglings have to complete a series of tests—the Initiate Trials—in order to become apprenticed to more experienced Jedi such as Knights and Masters.

The Jedi maintain a list pertaining to confirmed Force-sensitive infants, particularly their identities and locations. Due to the children's importance to the future of the Jedi, the High Council goes to great lengths to keep the list's contents internal to the Order. The list itself is contained within the Kyber memory crystal which can only be accessed through a holocron stored within the vaults of the Temple. Only a Force-sensitive, trained in the use of telekinesis, has the ability to combine the crystal with a holocron. The crystal itself is entrusted to a member of the Order who served as its keeper.

Jedi younglings are divided into ten clans consisting of approximately twenty students. The youngling clans remain as one unit, living and training together, until the time came to go their separate ways as Padawan learners. Younglings received basic training in the art of lightsaber combat under a Grand Master. Upon joining a clan, younglings begin their basic training in the Jedi arts. Their lessons included various tests and rituals that have to be completed in order to advance to the higher levels of the Jedi arts. Between the ages of four and eight, younglings acquired the basic skills of lightsaber combat using low-powered training sabers to practice the deflection of blaster shots fired by training droids.

The next step in their progress as aspiring Jedi is the construction of a genuine lightsaber—the signature weapon of the Jedi which first requires a kyber crystal. This lesson ultimately leads to the Gathering; an ancient and significant tradition which tests the younglings' ability to locate their particular crystal through the Force. It requires younglings to travel offworld from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to the Crystal Cave of Ilum, a frigid world located in the Unknown Regions and most sacred to the Jedi Order. After acquiring their crystal, the younglings have to use the Force to telekinetically combine all of the necessary components into a lightsaber.

Once the Youngling has completed all the tests they are ready to advance to the rank of padewan, where they are apprenticed to a Knight or Master who guides them and teaches them the deeper mysteries of the Force and the ways of the Jedi.

The Jedi OCC

The Padewan is the starting point for all Jedi and is reflected as such with the first 3 levels being a common factor for all the Jedi OCCs. When a Jedi Has attained 4th level they will then decide on a path to follow from either Artisan, Guardian, Consular, or Sentinel. It is not uncommon for a Padewan to follow a path different from his Master however in most cases the Padewan does follow the same path. It is also possible for a Jedi to change paths though this too is somewhat rare.

Rank: Padewan.
Race: Any Race.
Alignment: Principled, Scrupulous, Unprincipled or Beneficent only.
Attribute Requirements: A high IQ 14 and ME 14 are required, while a good physical endurance is suggested but not required and must be Force Sensitive.
Gender: Any
Force Points: (ME + 1d6) + 2d6 per level
Force Powers:

  • Telekinesis (Lift, Push, Leap, Injure, Strike, Whirlwind)
  • Force Mind
  • See Force
  • May select 1 additional Power/level starting at 2th level.

Force Abilities:
  • Aware
  • Focus
  • Lightweapon/Force(Sith) Weapon Defense
  • May select 1 additional Ability/level starting at 2th level.

Force Techniques:
  • Sense Surroundings

Lightsaber Training: Form I (WP Lightsaber which includes long handle, dual phase, and shoto.)
Combat Training: Hand to Hand Jedi:Padewan
  1. Starts with four attacks/actions per melee to start; +3 to pull punch and +3 to roll with punch, fall or impact.
  2. +3 to parry and dodge; +2 to strike.
  3. +1 on initiative. Karate-style kick does 1D6 (or 2D4) damage.

O.C.C. Bonus: + 2 on initiative.
Common Skill Set:
  • Language: Native +40%
  • Literacy: Native +30%
  • Mathematics: Basic
  • Computer Operation (+10%)
  • Racial History: Native
O.C.C. Skill Set: Basic training skills and skill bonuses common to all characters who take the Jedi O.C.C.
  • Speak Galactic Common +40%
  • Literacy Galactic COmmon +30%
  • Radio Basic +25%
  • Math Basic +30%
  • General Repair and Maintenance +25%
  • Pilot Land Speeder or Speeder Bike +20%
  • Gymnastics/Acrobatics/ Athletics
  • Swimming +15%
  • WP Lightsaber
  • Lore: Jedi +20%

O.C.C. Related Skill Set: These are additional skill choices related to the character's occupation and background. Select one additional skill/level starting at 2nd level.
  • Communications: Any (+5%)
  • Computers: Any (+10%)
  • Cultural: Any
  • Domestic: Any
  • Electrical: Any
  • Engineering: Any
  • Espionage: Any (+5%)
  • Horsemanship: Any
  • Industrial: Any
  • Religious: Any
  • Mechanical: Any
  • Medical: Any
  • Medieval Civilization: Any
  • Military: Any (+5%)
  • Naval: Any (+5%)
  • Physical: Any
  • Pilot: Any (+5%)
  • Pilot Related: Any
  • Rogue: Any (+10%)
  • Rural: Any
  • Science: Any (+10%)
  • Spacial: Any
  • Stage Magic/Performing Arts: Any
  • Technical: Any
  • Weapon Proficiencies: Any
  • Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 Select one additional skill/level starting at 2nd level
Money: Funds needed are usually supplied by the Order or the Republic as necessary. Typically 1d6x1000 credits are given with remaining funds expected to be returned at the end of a mission. More can be requested depending on the mission. Note: Some Jedi have their own financial resources instead of the republic/alliance supplying funds by and large.
Weapons: The only weapon typically carried by a Jedi is their Lightsaber/Light weapon. The most notable exception to this is the Weapon Master. They typically have a weapon for each WP they possess, and typically only carry 1D4 weapons on their person including their Lightsaber. A Jedi may possess additional weapons at the discretion of the GM
Equipment: Clothing, Jedi generally only have their Jedi robes and rarely if ever wear anything else. They may have a set of dress clothes for special functions, or flight suits.
Accommodation: Jedi staying at Jedi facilities (Temple, Academy, etc) are given free room and board. Accommodations are typical a small room with a bed, meditation chair, comm/data terminal, and bathroom facilities. While in the field, the Order will typically arrange for accommodations, or the Padewan's Master will arrange for it. Note: Padewan, are not allowed to marry and as such are given accommodations either at the jedi facility or Their Master provides for them. Some Jedi have private residences away from Jedi facilities. There are also a number of safe houses around the galaxy.
Travel: Travel is generally arranged by the order. In some cases the Jedi may be supplied with a craft to take themselves wherever they need to go. These craft are returned to the order upon completion of the mission typically. Note: Full Jedi, typically have a craft they use regularly and is considered "theirs". Usually a fighter. Some Jedi may even have their or personal vehicles and/or starships however Padewan use what is provided.
Cybernetics: Does not start with any. Can and will get prosthetics (bio systems typically) to recover from wounds and injuries.

The Jedi Trials

The Jedi Trials, also known as the Trials of Knighthood, Jedi rituals, or Jedi ceremonies, are the challenges Jedi Padawans are given as pre-requisites for achieving Knighthood, and are sometimes retaken by Knights to earn the rank of Jedi Master. The trials are administered by the Jedi High Council to any Padawan they deem worthy of becoming a Jedi ( In game terms the trials are given when the character becomes 4th level). The primary trials are a set of five:

  1. Trial of Skill
  2. Trial of Courage
  3. Trial of the Flesh
  4. Trial of Spirit
  5. Trial of Insight
In addition, the Council can assign substitute tests or use an exceptionally trying mission in place of the traditional tests. Like the Initiate Trials, these tests are required to be taken in order to proceed to the next rank in the Jedi Order.

The Jedi trials have been an integral tradition within the Jedi Order since its conception on Tython. Before the formation of the High Council and the mainstreaming of the Jedi academy's teachings, the Trials were highly informal, administered by a Padawan's master and known to be quite harsh and sometimes impossible. As time passed, the trials became slightly more lax and saw a dramatic drop in standards during the Sith Wars. To rectify this, the High Council formalized five tests, following the Ruusan Reformation, that would be given within the Jedi Trials Chamber in the Coruscant Jedi Temple. Deep in the Temple, the specialized chamber was equipped with a state-of-the-art hologram projector capable of producing tangible simulacrums of ancient Jedi and Sith. In addition to the combat aspect of the Trials, the room was designed to test other skills, many of which were created to replicate the uncertainty a Jedi would face in the field.

Overseen by the High Council and the current battlemaster, the Trials are over once all tests are completed. If the Padawan is successful in completing the series of challenges, the Master will then prepare their apprentice for the Knighting ceremony. As the scheduled ceremony approaches, the Padawan will spend an entire day in deep meditation within the preparation room high in the Tranquility Spire. As the time comes to ascend to the Hall of Knighthood, the Padawan will enter the darkened chamber and kneel before the Grand Master of the Order and have their Padawan braid severed. Should the apprentice be unsuccessful in completing the trials, they are permitted to take them again until they passed.

Within the text of The Jedi Path, a long dead Chief Librarian recorded a story she had heard of where several Trials were accomplished at the same time. Apparently, while in the eighth hour of the Trial of Skill, three Padawans partaking in the Trials simultaneously were faced with another trial each. Fighting an endless horde of holographic warriors, one student completed his Trial of Insight and Skill once he realized the warriors were illusions. The second defeated foe after foe while she believed her life to be threatened; thus passing the Trials of Courage and Skill. The third student failed to complete the Trials after being overwhelmed by fatigue.

Exceptions are sometimes made in the passing of the trials, but it was rare. In times of turmoil, the trials can be bypassed at the discretion of the High Council if the Padawan has shown great skill, courage, or dedication to the Order. In such cases the apprentice is considered to have passed the trials through their various accomplishments, negating the need for formal testing.

When a Jedi has attained 4th level and the Trials are completed and passed the Padewan becomes a full Jedi Knight and is required to select one of the Paths. It is not uncommon for a Padewan to follow a path different from his Master however in most cases the Padewan does follow the same path. It is also possible for a Jedi to change paths though this too is somewhat rare.
The Paths of the Jedi:
  1. Artisan
  2. Consular
  3. Guardian
  4. Seeker
  5. Sentinel