If the Enlisted men and women are
the heart and soul of the Fleet. Command/Technical
Officers are the brains. The Command/Technical Officers of the Military Armed Forces are extensively trained in the art of leadership as well as a number of technical specialties. Usually highly motivated and highly educated, Fleet Command/Technical Officers either come to
the Fleet through Officer Candidate School, or rise through the ranks of Enlisted to get their commission. Fleet Command/Technical Officers
fill a multitude of command and control occupations on ships and at bases
as reflected in the range of M.O.S. options available to them.
While Command/Technical Officers are as varied as people, bad Officers usually don't last long, either being demoted or shuffled off somewhere they can't do much damage. Bad Command/Technical Officers tend to have a higher than normal rate of dangerous and sometimes fatal accidents.
The Command/Technical Officer is perhaps the most diverse occupation in the fleet. They can cover everyone from the Combat Engineers to the Military Police to the Command Staff on the bridge of the Fleet ship. While the front-line fighting force is made up of grunts, if they can still fire their weapons, they're going to be thanking a Command/Technical Officer. Almost every non-combat job, and more than a few combat jobs, are filled by the Command/Technical Officer.
The Officers of the Fleet must explore strange, potentially hostile planets, negotiate and deal with alien species, and defend territory from all aggressors. It’s a tall order, and only a few are cut from the right cloth to fill it. Similar to ancient naval traditions on earth, Fleet Command/Technical Officers must not only be able to operate ship systems and make crucial command decisions, but they must also be cultured and socially refined. An Officer and a Gentleman (or Lady). They are expected to have impeccable manners, especially dealing with alien species whose customs can vary so differently from our own. They are the face of humanity to most alien species, and they must remember that at all times.
Since most fleets have to operate across galactic distances, and often a long distance away from the established command structure, Command/Technical Officers are expected to deal with many situations using their own initiative. People who hesitate or are unsure of themselves are shunted to rear-echelon "console jobs," and assigned to the less elite Officers Corps. The ones that graduate do so with a wide variety of skills and the ability to face the unexpected. Theoretically, at least - no amount of training can predict how a Command/Technical Officer will deal with real life situations but most are able to command a starship, engage in ship to ship combat, survive in the wilderness, and/or conduct guerrilla warfare with improvised weapons.
Rank: Military Rank. Always an Officer.
Race: Any Race.
Alignment: Any, but most are idealists who follow in the footsteps of generations of heroes. They tend to Principled, Scrupulous, Unprincipled or Anarchist and champion the causes of freedom and justice.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 9, M.E. 9, P.E. 10. A good P.S. and P.P. are helpful, but not required.
Gender: Any
Common Skill Set:
M.O.S. Skill Set: (Military Operational Specialty): Each M.O.S. represents the character’s area of special training. Pick one of the following M.O.S. A list of sk1lls and bonuses appears under each M.O.S. description presented in the skills section. Read them all and select the one you feel best fits your characters personality and goals.
Military Occupational Speciality(M.O.S.)