Palladium Star Wars RPG Information Databank

Sith Acolyte

"The dark side will devour those who lack the power to control it. It’s a fierce storm of emotion that annihilates anything in its path. It lays waste to the weak and unworthy. But those who are strong can ride the storm winds to unfathomable heights. They can unlock their true potential; they can sever the chains that bind them; they can dominate the world around them. Only those with the power to control the dark side can ever truly be free."

A Sith Acolyte is the title of one of five distinct schools of thought which a member of the Sith can decide to study under following their ascension to the rank of Darth, the other four being Sorcerer, Inquisitor, Eradicator, or Infiltrator. While most Sith choose the path of the warrior, others elect to follow a different road to power, allowing them to further exploit and control the darkside of the Force. The path of Acolyte is one such path.

The Sith Acolytes are similar in nature to the Jedi Artisan in that they seek to understand creativity as a central aspect of the will of the Force. However the motivation they follow is to bend it to their will and twist it to create a swift assension to dominance and power. Most regard the construction of weapondry and machines of war and other such technology as their primary creative activity during their early years of training. As such, the Acolyte is presented as a master lightsaber craftsperson and tech specialist, though the specifics of the acolyte's training may dictate that another craft is more appropriate. The Acolyte can be dedicated to Bio-Engineering, Weapons Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and several other specialities just to name a few. They seek to gain knowledge, to create technical gadgets, crafts, that will ultimately be imbued with the Dark side of the Force and ultimately help pave their way to power and conquest.

The act of creation is central to the Acolyte, since it represents a union of the creator and the created. Perhaps more importantly, though, it represents a means by which the Force can be manipulated and brought to something inert, something in which the Force did not exist prior to the Acolyte's intervention.

An Acolyte might create a half-dozen truly exceptional works in a lifetime, all geared to maximize their destructive ability and control over the Force.

Acolytes focus on a variety of fields with skills similar to those taken up by professionals in the rest of civilization. Applying their abilities to the art of the engineer, technician, and other technical fields, the Acolyte also take on very specific titles in the Order

  • Biomancer: Sith Biomancer are Medical professionals who combine the force healing methods with modern medical science to maintain and prolong the lives of the Sith.
  • Technomancer: Sith Technomancer are the builders of Sith space craft, vehicles, and weapons.
  • Alchemist: Sith Alchemists are dedicated to the studies and understanding of the force and how it relates and interacts with all sciences.
  • Architectus: Sith Architectus are literally the designers and builders of any and all Sith facilities from Temples to Bases and housing.
  • Lore Master: Sith Lore Masters, specialize in the creation and maintenance of the Order's computer technology, recording devices and the like. These Sith are dedicated to safeguarding and updating the Order's computers and the creation of Holocron devices as well as the Sith Temple Archives devices.

Sith Acolytes Path

Rank: Darth
Attribute Requirements: none but above average attributes are recommended.
Force Points Alteration: (ME + 1D6) + 2d6 per level.
Additional Powers:

  • Mecha-Duru
  • Enhance Ability
  • Enhance Sences
  • Enhance Senses
  • Dissipate Energy
  • Force Lightning
  • Force Choke
  • Alchemist MOS also adds Alchemy
  • Choose 1 power at level 4 and add 1 additional power at level 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

Additional Abilities:
  • Force Mastery
  • Psychometry
  • Link
  • Biomancer MOS also adds Mind COntrol
  • Choose 3 at level 4 and add 1 additional power at level 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

Additional Techniques:
  • Force Trance

Lightsaber Training: Choose a form from II - III.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand Sith: Acolyte
  1. See hand to hand Sith Tyro
  2. See hand to hand Sith Tyro
  3. See hand to hand Sith Tyro
  4. +1 additional attack/action per melee round.
  5. +l to strike.
  6. Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19 or 20.
  7. +2 to damage.
  8. Judo-style body throw/flip; does 1D6 damage, and victim loses initiative and one attack per melee.
  9. +1 additional attack/action per melee round.
  10. +2 to pull punch and +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact.
  11. +1 to parry and dodge.
  12. +1 to strike.
  13. Critical strike or knockout from behind.
  14. +2 to damage.
  15. +1 additional attack/action per melee round.

O.C.C. Bonus: +2 initiative, +1d4 to ME and IQ, Auto-Parry, +6 save vs Force Powers, +1d6 sdc, +1d4 hp, +6 save vs gases, Auto save vs HF unless it's a Jedi/Light Side creature or spirit then +3 to save.
MOS skills: Select one of the following Sith MOS skill sets. MOS get a +20% bonus where applicable
  • Biomancer:
    • First Aid
    • Read Sensors
    • Entomological Medicine
    • Xenology
    • Medical Doctor
    • Pathology
    • Biology
    • Chemistry
    • Holistic Medicine
    • Surgury
    • Botany
    • Lore: Plants and Herbs
  • Technomancer:
    • Aeronautical & Aerospace Engineer
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Design Engineering
    • Maths: Advanced
    • Drive Repair - Fold Drive
    • Power Engineer
    • Spaceship Mechanics
    • Lore: Ship design
  • Alchemist:
    • Language: 2 languages of choice
    • Literacy: 2 languages of choice
    • Choose 2 Computer Skills (specialty)
    • Advanced Math
    • Basic Electronics
    • Choose 4 Science Skills (specialty)
    • Choose 2 Technical Skills
  • Architectus:
    • Civil Engineer
    • Construction Engineering
    • Basic Drafting
    • Architectural - Design/Engineer
    • Surveying
    • Maths: Advanced
    • Basic Construction
    • General Repair/Maintenance
  • Lore Master:
    • Computer Repair
    • Cryptography
    • Electrical Engineer
    • Computer Engineering
    • Computer Operations
    • Computer Programming
    • Sensory Equipment