Palladium Star Wars RPG Information Databank

Sith Eradicator

"Looks like it's time for a blood bath. Now you'll see what a Sith is capable of.."

A Sith Eradicator is the title of one of five distinct schools of thought which a member of the Sith can decide to study under following their ascension to the rank of Darth, the other four being Sorcerer, Inquisitor, Infiltrator, or Acolyte. The Sith Eradicator's skills and talents lay in battle, a Dark side mirror of the Jedi Guardian.

Concentrating on martial training and combat, Eradicatorss engage in combat more than either of the other classes of Sith. Descended from the Order's founders on Tython and corrupted by the darkside, the Eradicators are often seen as representative of the Sith and the classic Sith weapon: the lightsaber.

Focusing all their time and effort on honing their martial skills, Sith who choose to pursue the role of Eradicator built their lightsabers using a synthetic red crystal; embued with the Darkside and spend hours a day on running, unarmed combat, and lightsaber practice.

While there are many sub-branches to the Eradicator class, the most skilled and Powerful Sith Masters take the honorific of Dark Lord.

Because not all Eradicators can specialize in every field of study, there are several different paths a Sith could take to hone their own skills to rise in power. Separated into four major divisions, this class not only focused on martial skills, but that of piloting and space combat:

  • Bladeborn: Deciding to adopt different weapons than that carried by other Sith, Bladeborn work with tools other than a lightsaber to defeat their foes. A rarity in the Order, Bladeborn work with double-bladed lightsabers, lightsaber pikes, flails, whips, and blasters and Sith warblades.
  • Warrior: Vital to the training of Sith Initiates at the Temple, lightsaber instructors were chosen by Sith battlemasters after having served many long years on the front lines of battle. While the title battlemaster has taken up by many Sith during the Wars, it is used to represent a single Sith at the academy.
  • Maraulder: Like the Jedi Aces, Maraulder are highly adept pilots and dogfighters. Piloting a variety of different starfighter models over the Order's history, those specializing as Aces use their battle awareness to increase their firing accuracy and precision far beyond what a non-Force-sensitive pilot could achieve.
  • Juggernaut: The Juggernaut are specialists in the art of War. Probably the most recognized branch of the Eradicator class, these individuals are brutal and merciless killers.

It should be noted that even though Eradicators concentrate most on combat and lightsaber mastery, they are also as strong in the Force as any of the Sith Classes

Sith Eradicator Path

Rank: Darth
Attribute Requirements: None but high PS, PP, and PE are recommended.
Force Points Alteration: (ME + 1D8) + 2d8 per level.
Additional Powers:

  • Battle Mind
  • Enhance Ability
  • Enhance Senses
  • Force Defense
  • Hatred
  • Telekinesis
  • Force Strike
  • Choose 1 power at level 4 and add 1 additional power at level 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

Additional Abilities:
  • Lightsaber Defense
  • Maraulder MOS also adds Force Pilot
  • Choose 3 at level 4 and add 1 additional power at level 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

Additional Techniques:
  • Healing Trance

Lightsaber Training: Choose a form from II - VII Typically form IV or V is chosen. Bladeborn MOS may choose an additional form at levels 6,9,12,14, all others may choose an additional form at levels 7,11 Treat like a skill using the level of the -Form- not the character to determine benefits.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand Sith: Eradicator
  1. See hand to hand Sith Tyro
  2. See hand to hand Sith Tyro
  3. See hand to hand Sith Tyro
  4. +1 additional attack/action per melee round and +2 to damage
  5. Critical strike on a natural 18-20 and +1 to maintain balance.
  6. +1 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +1 to dodge, +1 to maintain balance.
  7. Power punch/stab (with hand or sword), jump kick and backward sweep kick.
  8. + One additional attack per melee and +1 to dodge.
  9. Death Blow on a natural 19-20.
  10. +1 on initiative, +1 to save vs Horror Factor, and +1 to maintain balance.
  11. +1 additional attack/action per melee round.
  12. +2 to damage, +1 to save vs Horror Factor
  13. +1 additional attack/action per melee round.
  14. +3 to disarm.
  15. +1 additional attack/action per melee round.

O.C.C. Bonus: +4 initiative, +1d4 to PS PP and PE, Auto-Parry, +5 save vs Force Powers, +4d6 sdc, +2d6 hp, +4 save vs gases, Auto save vs HF unless it's a Sith/Dark Side creature or spirit then +6 to save.
MOS skills: Select one of the following Jedi MOS skill sets. MOS get a +20% bonus where applicable.
  • Bladeborn:
    • Choose 3 Physical
    • Choose 4 Ancient WP
    • Choose 4 Lightsaber skills (wp dual blade, wp shoto, wp pike, jar'kai, etc)
    • Armourer/Field Armourer
  • Warrior:
    • Astronomy
    • History
    • Biology
    • Xenology
    • Jedi Lore
    • Sith Lore
    • Choose 2 Lightsaber skills (wp dual blade, wp shoto, wp pike, jar'kai, etc)
  • Marauder:
    • Navigation
    • Astrogation
    • Read Sensors
    • Weapon Systems
    • Choose 4 piloting skills
    • Choose 1 Lightsaber skill (wp dual blade, wp shoto, wp pike, jar'kai, etc)
  • Juggernaut:
    • Gurillia Warfare
    • Pick 2 languages
    • Pick 1 Piloting
    • Detect Ambush
    • Streetwise Intelligence
    • Detect Concealment
    • Choose 1 Lightsaber skill (wp dual blade, wp shoto, wp pike, jar'kai, etc)