Palladium Star Wars RPG Information Databank

Sith Infiltrator

“It has been said that anyone who knows the ways of the Force can set her- or himself up as a King on any world where only she or he knows the ways of the Force. Any Jedi could do this. But the Jedi, fools that they are, adhere to a religion in which the Force is used only in the service of others. How shortsighted of them. Is that not why they lost the galaxy to the dark side?”

A Sith Infiltrator is the title of one of five distinct schools of thought which a member of the Jedi Order ccan decide to study under following their ascension to the rank of Darth, the other four being Acolyte, Sorcerer, Inquisitor, or Eradicator.

The Infiltrator is a tech-savvy warrior, able to win battles by quickly disabling and killing enemies. These Sith focus on unlocking alternate routes, gaining access to superior equipment, and obtaining an advantageous position over enemies in combat.

Infiltrators possess a mixture of combat and tech talents. They are specialist in wilderness survival, and possess a variety of tech abilities that focus on disabling and crippling the enemy. These Sith are the go-anywhere, fight-anything special forces of the Sith Order and are trained to survive at any cost. Shadow infiltrators use implants to dramatically improve agility, making them slippery combatants on the battlefield. Their monomolecular blades are a menace from cover and close range.

Infiltrators focus on a variety of fields, some with honorifics in the Order, others with skills taken up by professionals in the rest of civilization. Each of the Infiltrator's specializations focuses on the ability to survive within savage and hostile environments. In many ways, these specializations center around the necessity for this character to be the apex predator at all times. However, they also reflect the character's intrinsic competence when operating in isolation.

  • Slayer: When working alone in a hostile environment, every physical conflict must be resolved quickly and decisively. Frequently, an uncivilized planet completely lacks any sort of medical facilities. In fact, at times, an isolated explorer could be the only sentient being on the world. In such a situation, a minor injury can be deadly. If a conflict is necessary, it is better to resolve it quickly, taking whatever risks are involved, than to fight more conservatively and prolong the risk of injury. The Slayer embraces this approach, throw­ing himself into combat with every fiber of his being.
  • Stalker: Far from the civilized parts of the galaxy, there are many predators that can endanger sentient life. Some of these are animals that prey upon anything digestible. Others are malicious and twisted individuals who enjoy a savage and bloodthirsty existence. Stalkers are Sith who fall into this category as they are uniquely capable of tracking, confronting, and slaying those who hunt these creaturesand bring them down in savage combat.
  • Harbinger: Few are as capable of exploring a planet and discovering its secrets as a Harbinger. The combination of the Harbringer' Force talents and their training enables them to quickly and precisely complete a search, even under the most adverse conditions. A harbringer can survive in a hostile wilderness for weeks or months, living off the land with minimal supplies.

Sith Infiltrator Path

Rank: Darth
Attribute Requirements: none but above average attributes are recommended.
Force Points Alteration: (ME + 2D6) + 2d6 per level.
Additional Powers:

  • Battle Influence
  • Battle Meditation
  • Beast Language
  • Enhance Senses
  • Force Defense
  • Heal Self
  • Force Light
  • Harbringer MOS also adds Far Seeing
  • Stalker MOS also adds Force Strike
  • Choose 1 power at level 4 and add 1 additional power at level 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

Additional Abilities:
  • Force Pilot
  • Psychometry
  • Harbringer MOS also adds Guiding Spirit
  • Slayer MOS also adds Force Mastery
  • Choose 3 at level 4 and add 1 additional power at level 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

Additional Techniques:
  • Force Trance

Lightsaber Training: Choose a form from II - VII. at levels 7,11 Treat like a skill using the level of the -Form- not the character to determine benefits.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand Sith: Infiltrator
  1. See hand to hand Sith Tyro
  2. See hand to hand Sith Tyro
  3. See hand to hand Sith Tyro
  4. Leap attack, axe kick, and +2 to strike when performing any back flip or cartwheel.
  5. Tripping/leg hook and backward sweep kicks and +2 to damage.
  6. +1 additional attack/action per melee and roundhouse kick (3D6).
  7. Critical Strike on the roll of a natural 18-20, or from an attack from behind; death blow on a natural 20.
  8. +1 on initiative, +1 to strike and parry, +1 to roll with punch/fall/impact and +2 to maintain balance.
  9. Death blow!
  10. +1 additional attack/action per melee round and +2 to pull punch.
  11. +3 to disarm.
  12. +1 on initiative and +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact.
  13. +2 to damage and +1 to disarm.
  14. Jump kick, +2 to back flip/cartwheel, and +2 to damage.
  15. +1 additional attack/action per melee round.

O.C.C. Bonus: +4 initiative, +1d4 to PE, +1d4 to 2 of the following( IQ, MA, PS, PP), Auto-Parry, +5 save vs Force Powers, +3d6 sdc, +2d4 hp, +5 save vs gases, Auto save vs HF unless it's a Jedi/Light Side creature or spirit then +5 to save.
MOS skills: Select one of the following Sith MOS skill sets. MOS get a +20% bonus where applicable
  • Slayer:
    • Spacecraft
    • Read Sensory Instruments
    • Navigation: Air, Land, Sea
    • Navigation: Space
    • Wilderness Survival
    • Body building
    • Running
  • Stalker:
    • Surveillance Systems
    • Intelligence
    • Tracking
    • Land Navigation
    • Wilderness Survival
    • Detect Ambush
    • Climbing
    • Running
  • Harbringer:
    • Archeology
    • Research
    • Antiquarian
    • Spacecraft
    • Wilderness Survival
    • Read Sensory Instruments
    • Navigation: Air, Land, Sea
    • Navigation: Space