Palladium Star Wars RPG Information Databank

Sith Sorcerer

"The dark side holds dangerous secrets and immense power. The Sith Sorcerer draws energy from the Force’s forbidden depths, mastering techniques that sap and drain enemies as they invigorate allies–or simply wreak utter devastation. The air around a Sorcerer crackles with lightning, and all foolish enough oppose a Sorcerer know suffering on a vast scale. All Sith Sorcerers embrace the power of the Force and can opt to learn the arts of Lightning, unleashing powerful storms and crushing opponents; Corruption, binding a Sorcerer’s life force and strengthening allies through rituals that mitigate blows and knit flesh; and Madness, afflicting targets with nightmares that cripple their combat prowess and drain them of strength"

The history of the Sith Empire is fraught with scheming politics and dark secrets—the lifeblood of the Sith Sorcerer. Treachery hides around every corner in the Empire’s dark corridors, and survival depends on an individual’s natural cunning and the will to manipulate and defeat their enemies and allies alike. The Sorcerer experiments with forbidden powers to not only survive in this cutthroat environment, but to excel and seize authority.

Regardless of potential, few Tyro succeed in facing the rigorous trials to become Sith Sorcerer. Only the most determined Tyro attain such an achievement, but these Sith are often the ones to watch. Due to their manipulative genius, Sorcerers are skilled at exploiting both their enemies and their allies to further their own personal agendas. Channeling this Force energy, Sorcerers are capable of draining the life from their enemies and using it to feed themselves and their allies.

Though their skills are varied and many, Sith Sorcerers are most feared for their ability to channel the energy of the Force, making them a spectacle to behold on the battlefield. Seething sparks of lightning explode from the their fingertips and wrap their enemies in tendrils of pure Force energy. Because they can twist the Force into lightning to stun, subdue, or destroy their foes, it has become their signature. Those who have experienced the sensation of the Sorcerer’s Force Lightning and survived forever recoil from the crackling sound of electricity.

To reach the highest echelons of power, the Sorcerer needs more than Force Lightning and a razor-sharp mind. The most formidable Sorcerers dare to explore unorthodox practices by investigating the enigmas of the past and by unlocking new powers for themselves. The Force is a source of unlimited potential, a wellspring Sorcerers tap and bend to their will. Such intensity allows them to become architects of the Empire’s future… or simply the architects of their own destruction.

The destruction Sith Sorcerers leave in their wake rarely allows for the survival of any recorded images. In the cases where the Sorcerers fury has been caught on holo, however, the daunting presence and the awe-inspiring power at the their disposal present a striking picture. Whether the Sorcerer wields a Lightsaber with lightning-sharp attacks, or just Force Lightning itself, it’s always a dazzling display of deadly energy.

Asserting power and authority is one of the highest priorities for the Sith Sorcerer. Their choice of attire reflects this strategy, as they often prefer dark, high-contrast robes to express their sophisticated tastes and ambitions for political control. Nonetheless, despite regal appearances, great attention is given to ensure all their attire allows the flexibility for stunning acrobatics in Lightsaber combat. Of course, some Sorcerer outfits take expression to the highest extreme—designed to inspire sheer terror in those the Sorcerer comes into contact with.

Whether facing a traitorous fellow Sith or a crowd of Republic soldiers, the Sorcerer fights with unlimited fury to create a storm of destruction. Expertise in conducting Force energies further allows Sorcerers to draw upon the life essence of themselves and others. This energy can be channeled to bolster their powers, harm their foes, and even to reinvigorate their allies. A Sorcerer’s skills with a Lightsaber are equally impressive. Often wielding a double-bladed Lightsaber, they use quick, guileful, and lethal maneuvers to strike their enemies down with astonishing speed.

Jolts of electrical energy vault from the Sith Sorcerer’s fingertips to weaken and often paralyze opponents. Many of the their attacks make use of this skill. Charging their own bodies up with massive current, they are capable of releasing a wave of Force energy to blast everyone and everything in their vicinity. This explosive voltage not only drains the life of their enemies, but often knocks them to the ground as well. Focusing Force energies to control the flow of air, Sith Sorcerers can incapacitate their foes by lifting them off the ground and encircling them in a small storm of energy. By the time the targets return to the fight, the Sorcerers are more than prepared to finish them off.

Sorcerers focus on a variety of fields, some with honorifics in the Order, others with skills taken up by professionals in the rest of civilization and take on very specific titles in the Order

  • Mage: The Sith Mage harnesses the extreme powers of the dark side of the Force. These powers consist of some of the deadliest things in the universe, but are also difficult to control. But, being as the mages have the dark side imbued within them, they have advanced control with these powers.
  • Magus: There are those who spend their lives poring over ancient tomes and texts, unlocking the power of the force, and there are those who spend their time perfecting the use of individual weapons, becoming masters without equal. The Sith magus is at once a student of both philosophies, blending force ability and martial prowess into something entirely unique, a discipline in which both The darkside and lightsaber are used to devastating effect.

Sith Sorcerer Path

Rank: Darth
Attribute Requirements: none but high IQ and MA are recommended.
Force Points Alteration: (ME + 1D8) + 2d6 per level.
Additional Powers:

  • Malachia
  • Force Lightning
  • Force Defense
  • Hatred
  • Magus MOS also adds Affect Mind
  • Mage MOS also adds Far Seeing
  • Choose 1 power at level 4 and add 1 additional power at level 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

Additional Abilities:
  • Lightsaber Defense
  • Rage
  • Mage MOS also adds Psychometry
  • Choose 3 at level 4 and add 1 additional power at level 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

Additional Techniques:
  • Healing Trance

Lightsaber Training: Choose a form from II - VI. (VII is up to the GM) at levels 7,11 Treat like a skill using the level of the -Form- not the character to determine benefits.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand Sith: Sorcerer
  1. See hand to hand Sith Tyro
  2. See hand to hand Sith Tyro
  3. See hand to hand Sith Tyro
  4. +1 additional attack/action per melee round and Karate-style kick (2D6 damage).
  5. Critical body flip/throw on natural 19 or 20 (double damage).
  6. +1 to strike, parry and dodge; +1 to body flip/throw.
  7. W.P. Paired Weapons and +2 to damage.
  8. Jump kick and +1 to roll with punch/fall/impact.
  9. +1 additional attack/action per melee round.
  10. +2 on initiative and +1 to parry and dodge.
  11. +1 to break fall and +1 to disarm.
  12. Critical strike on a natural 18,19,20.
  13. +2 to damage and knock out/stun on a natural 19 or 20.
  14. +1 additional attack per melee round.
  15. Automatic body flip/throw. Death Blow on a natural 19 or 20.

O.C.C. Bonus: +4 initiative, +1d4 to PE, IQ and MA, Auto-Parry, +5 save vs Force Powers, +3d6 sdc, +2d4 hp, +6 save vs gases, Auto save vs HF unless it's a Jedi/Light Side creature or spirit then +4 to save.
MOS skills: Select one of the following Sith MOS skill sets. MOS get a +20% bonus where applicable
  • Mage:
    • Surveillance Systems
    • Intelligence
    • Astrology
    • History
    • Research
    • Psychology
    • Lore - Alchemy
    • Cryptography
  • Magus:
    • Literature
    • Jedi Lore
    • Sith Lore
    • Galactic Lore
    • History
    • Lore - Alchemy
    • Mythology
    • Anthropology