Palladium Star Wars RPG Information Databank

Sith Trial of Ascension

The final test for the Student is to best their Master, and claim the title of Master for themselves (and begin the cycle anew). The Student may choose to openly challenge their Master when they feel they are ready, or stealthily assassinate their Master unawares. The Sith Master must always be aware of their Apprentice’s plots, and although betrayal is the ultimate culmination of a Sith Apprentice’s training, the Master should make every effort to make his Apprentice’s ascension as difficult as possible. The only exception is when the Master has become a liability to the Order, through capture, old age, severe injury, etc. In these cases, the Master would usually encourage their Apprentice to kill and replace them to preserve the Sith Order itself. When the Apprentice kills their Master, the Master becomes one with the Force. The Apprentice's training is complete. They are now worthy of the title of Dark Lord of the Sith. The Death of the Master is not required to pass the trial only that the Student win the confrontation, however it is seldom that the Master is spared.