Palladium Star Wars RPG Information Databank

Sith Trial of Skill

The Trial of Skill is one of the oldest in the series of trials and is dirived from the Jedi trial of the same name, though far deadlier to the student. Where the Jedi trial is usually done under very controled circumstances against drones, the Sith trial is a real mission against a real opponent or opponents, and is often fatal to the Student, if not successful. To pass the Trial of Skill a Sith student, while on an assigned mission with a low chance of survival which must be completed alone, must courageously fight and defeat a superior enemy or enemies and return with proof of the outcome. This proof is often in the form of a trophy of some sort, be it the weapon of the foe or in some cases the dead body. It is not uncommon for the Student to be sent out to defeat a Jedi in this trial and has lead to many Students starting a light saber collection of fallen opponents.