Palladium Star Wars RPG Information Databank

Sith Trial of Spirit

Similar to the jedi Trial of the Spirit, the sith version forces the student to look deep within their souls, however, not on a quest of self-discovery but one of self awareness. This test is designed to pit thye student against their most dangerous enemy: the light within themselves. Often, Students do not like what they see, and it can be a highly traumatic experience. Because of this grueling self-examination, this Trial was often known as Facing the Mirror. While bearing similarities to the jedi trial, it is not one of deep meditation but more like the Trial of Skill in that the opponent they face is very real. The Student is sent on a mission to a place deep in dark force energy and through Sith sorcery meets a Lightside version of himself. The Student must confront, overcome and ultimately destroy this Lightside parody in order to pass the trial. This trial is by far the most difficult of Sith trails and almost always ends in either the success of the student or his death.