
Power Control Powers

Power Control(All): The nanites alter the emission points/DNA/RNA/or neural pathways of the target to affect the target's powers. Max. of Am(50) with an initial range of Contact only and a subsequent max. range of Am(50). This has no effect on Darkforce or Magic-based Powers.

Power Creation: The nanites alter the DNA/RNA/or neural pathways of the target to give the target powers and/or superhuman abilities. Max. of Am(50) with a max. range of Contact only. This power can also make any nano-powers the host may have permanent. The nanites cannot create Darkforce or Magical powers.

Power Duplication: The nanites establish a network gateway between the host and target's bodies. The nanites then alter the DNA/RNA/or neural pathways of the host to duplicate any powers(non-magical) the target may have. Max. of Am(50) with an initial range of Contact range only and a subsequent Max. range of Am(50). The nanites cannot duplicate Darkforce or Magic-based powers.

Power Focus: The nanites reroute the energies of the host's body into 1 power or ability. This has a max. equal to the host's Endurance rank.

Nemesis: The nanites establish a network gateway between the host and target's bodies. The nanites then alter the DNA/RNA/or neural pathways of the host to duplicate any powers(non-magical) that are the opposite of any the target may have. Max. of Am(50) with an initial range of Contact only.

Power Transferral: The nanites establish a network gateway between the host and target's bodies. The nanites then alter the DNA/RNA/or neural pathways of both the host and the target so that a portion or all of the host's powers are transferred to the target or vice versa. Max. of Am(50). Contact only.

Power Vampirism: The nanites establish a network gateway between the host and target's bodies. The nanites then alter the DNA/RNA/or neural pathways of both the host and the target so that a portion or all of the host's powers are siphoned off to "feed" the host. Max. of Am(50) with an initial range of Contact only and a subsequent range of Am(50). This cannot siphon off Darkforce powers. It is only communicable when used in conjuction with Power Transferral/Creation/Residual Absorption.

Residual Absorption: The nanites take samples of their environment to search for DNA/RNA/matter-affected by powers to then alter the host's body to incorporate such powers into the host's power matrix. Max. of Un(100) with an initial range of Contact only. The nanites search within a range radius equal to this Power Rank's Rank Number in feet/2. Max. of 50'. This does not work on residual Darkforce powers.

Power Selection: The nanites cannot maintain more than 1 power at the same time. They can however let the host activate the 1 power at 1/2 the time it would normally take.

Weakness Creation: The nanites establish a network gateway between the host and target's bodies. The nanites then alter the DNA/RNA/or neural pathways of both the host and the target so that an appropriate weakness is generated in the target's body. Max. equal to the total of both the host's Reason and Psyche Ranks with an initial range of Contact only and a subsequent range equal to the host's Psyche.