
Self-Alteration Powers

Age-Shift: The nanites regenerate or degenerate certain key DNA sequences in the host's body to achieve aging results. Max. equal to the host's Endurance rank.

Alter Ego: The nanites "partition" the host's DNA, RNA, and neural pathways in order to create an Alter Ego. Max. equal to the host's Psyche rank.

Animal Transformation: The nanites restructure the host's DNA, RNA, skeletal, and muscular structures to that of the chosen animal. Max. equal to the host's Endurance rank.

Animal Mimicry: The nanites alter the host's DNA, RNA, skeletal, and muscular strucures to mimic certain abilities of chosen animals. Max. equal to host's Endurance Rank.

Blending: The nanites alter the host's hair and skin cells to act as chromataphores. Max. of Un(100).

Body Adaptation: The nanites scan the host's environment in order to find the best genetic algorithm for the host's survival. Once the scanning process is complete, the nanites restructure the host's DNA, RNA, and physical structure(and if necessary, the host's nervous system) to adapt to the surrounding environment. Max. of Un(100).

Body Coating: The nanites construct synthetic matrixes of matter to coat the host's body. This coating can be as flexible as mucus or as solid as titanium steel. Max. of Am(50).

Chemical Mimicry: Combines the rules of both the Nanite Chemical Touch and Nano Animal Mimicry. Max. equal to host's Endurance.

Evolution: The nanites restructure the host's DNA/RNA and physical structure to simulate de-evolution or evolution of the host. Max. equal to the host's Endurance rank.

Growth: The nanites can either alter the host's growth hormones and physical structure to handle this power or increase the size of the host's atoms. Max. equal to 1/2 the host's Endurance rank.

Imitation - Face Changer: The nanites alter the bone and facial tissue structure of the host. Max. equal to host's Endurance rank.

Imitation - Human Changeling: The nanites alter the host's physical structure to match that of the subject being imitated. Max. equal to the host's Endurance rank.

Invisibility - Physics: The nanites alter the energy frequency of the host's body to one that cannot be picked up by (orgainc/inorganic)sensors. Max. equal to that of the host's Intuition rank.

Mass Decrease: The nanites alter the host's atomic structure of the host to the decrease his/her mass. Max. equal to 1/2 the host's Endurance rank.

Mass Increase: The nanites alter the host's atomic structure of the host to the increase his/her mass. Max. equal to 1/2 the host's Endurance rank.

Phasing: The nanites fluctuate the frequency of the host's body to the point that the host is out of phase with matter. Max. equal to the host's Endurance rank.

Physical Gestalt: The nanites align the frequencies of the host and any subjects he is "merging" with. Max. equal to the total of host's Endurance and Psyche Ranks with an initial range of Contact only.

Plant Mimicry: Same as the Nanite Animal Mimicry. Max. equal to the host's Endurance rank.

Plasticity: The nanites alter the collagen, cartilage, skeletal, and neuro-muscular system of the host to be "super-flexible" and more durable. Max. equal to 1/2 the host's Endurance rank.

Self-Duplication: Same rules as the Nanite Lifeform Creation. Max. equal to 1/2 the host's Endurance rank.

Self-Vegetation: Same rules as the Nanite Animal Transformation. Max. equal to 1/2 the host's Endurance rank.

Shrinking: The nanites reduce the size of the host's atoms in order to shrink him/her. Max. equal to 1/2 the host's Endurance rank.