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We don't have too many rules in this e-fed so make sure you stick by them.
If you break a rule you will get a warning. If the same Staff Member warns you again its your last chance. Do it one more time and get fired.
I like to call this the Three - Strike System. Seeing most e-feds have something similar to keep the fed in shape, I decided to do the same thing to help the XWC.

Rule 1: Firstly, we only accept fake wrestlers into this e-fed. We find this is better because you will never see people like Kurt Angle or Triple H fighting someone who's character is really an animal that looks like half human and that can wrestler. I find that hard to believe and would never want to be in a e-fed with such thing. However, your wrestlers CAN look like real wrestlers but mustn't be like them in any way shape or form.

Rule 2: All roleplays must have some kind of HTML in them. Whether it be Color Change, Pictures, Marquees, Fonts, Video's or Music, all roleplays must have HTML or they will not get counted. We are not willing to waste time on roleplays that are hard to read and that bore people out of their brains. The better you make it look, the more it attracts the reader.

Rule 3: There is no limit to how many people you can have. However, if you can not keep up with them all you will be asked to pick one and only one to keep. Then, if we feel you are going good and can balance RP's with a second superstar or diva, we will let you know. We much rather have people that can focus entirely on one person and achieve great goals.

Rule 4: When a stable is formed, it is needed for that stable to have 3 members. If you have 2 you will be listed as a Tag Team. A stable can consist of 5 Male Superstars and 2 Female Divas. The reason there is a limit is so we don't get the whole fed on one team and have them take over the Xxtreme Wrestling CORE.

Rule 5: You will not advertise on the Roleplay board because it get over crowded. If you do, you message will be deleted, you will be fired and your I.P address will be banned from both of our boards. Also, if you post and OOC on the RP board it will be deleted. Please use the OOC board because that is its only purpose.

Rule 6: You are not to beat up any of the people on the Roster of the XWC. You can use them in your roleplay but as long as they don't do something stupid like say stuff about themselves. If you do use people like that in your roleplay, have it as you wrestler trash talking to them and the other person getting pissed off or trying to attack you. We will not tolerate people destroying other people's characters.

Rule 7: You are not to use racial slurs in your roleplay. If you are racist then bad mouth them but do not call people: Nigga, Spick, Mick, Yank, Canuk, Nazi and so on. You will get only one warning before you are fired.

Rule 8:
If you lose a match it is because both Owner's of the XWC felt it is the right thing to do. If you complain in any way it will be the first warning. If you continue you will get a second warning, and if you keep going after that you will be fired with no questions asked. Do not say we didn't warn you.

Rule 9: The results of matches are set by grading the Opponents roleplays. When we grade roleplays we mark the Quality of the Roleplay out of 60%, Quantity out of 20% and the storyline out of a further 20%.

Rule 10: My favourite rule is for everyone to have fun. If you lose, take it as a example and improve from it. There is no use in joining and once you lose one match quit.