- The story goes as far as 1800 years ago -
The Orochi power was devastating the world. With all the chaos and panic running amok, two clans came together to fight the menace: the Kusanagi, representing the Sword That Seals, and the Yagami, the Shield That Holds. Uniting the power of the both clans, and using the mythical crimson flames, the two bloodlines managed to seal away the Orochi power, then assigning the task to the Yata clan to look over the seal. After that, both clans retired to their respective villages.

- 1140 years later [660 years ago] -
However, the bond between both clans would break dramatically. The Yagami, thirsty of the magnificent Orochi power, broke the pact between them and the Kusanagi clan, and decided to strike a deal with the Orochi: an unholy pact that would grant the Yagami tremendous power, and their crimson flames would turn into purple flames of death!
The Kusanagi declared that the Yagami disobeyed the pact, and they were considered as traitors. Since then, the two clans have been in a mortal war, resulting in the death of many clan members on both sides, much to the glee of the Orochi clan.

- Present Day -
Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami are out to settle the score. Although their destiny was resolved before they were ever born, Kyo and Iori seem more than willing to finish the 660 year grudge! And mostly, Iori is decided to kill Kyo at all costs, although he is destined to a horrible fate: to die before his time, victim of the ambition of his ancestors, and his cursed blood. However, Iori does not to seem to care too much about it. His heart keeps no happy feelings, and is only interested in ridding the path of enemies.
However, wielding the purple flames is painful even for Iori, since the power is so great that it even hurts him! Iori and Kyo have similar techniques because both clans had developed together a very special martial art before they engaged in the war. That's why Iori has developed some mortal techniques, and even uses his hands as cutting weapons, his fingers tearing through the opponent's flesh. He has known to be very violent in battle, even though he hates using violence. His clan symbol is the crescent moon. His physique also allows him to be very famous among the women, but he doesn't seem to care about that, either!

Once Iori was training, he was informed about the entrance of Kyo in the King of Fighters tournament. Iori was interested and supposed he would have a perfect shot against Kyo. He then knew that a man named Billy Kane was looking for some team-mates for the next tournament. Iori volunteered, and so, the trio entered the tournament. However, Iori was not interested in any of the only fighters. He only focused on Kyo. But, it seemed that he couldn't have a cleanshot against him, since prior to their battle, Kyo was missing. However, Iori still felt Kyo's combat aura burning in a faraway place.

When Iori arrived to the secret underground base were Kyo was fighting, he found him fighting Rugal, who was about to be destroyed by his own power. Iori felt something strange boiling in his blood while Rugal was being destroyed by the immense power. Recognizing the power, Iori mocked Rugal, "Only those of the bloodline can control such power! You didn't have a chance!". Saying that, Iori walks away while Rugal is vanished by the huge power. Taking advantage of the power he felt in his veins, he used it to beat his team-mates badly. Considering them only a bother, Iori decides he will take on Kyo next time.

By next year, Iori trained very hard, and practiced until near the border of unconsciousness. He considered himself ready to kill Kyo this time! While he was walking through a forest, Iori was confronted by two women. Iori recognized one of them as one of the secretaries of Rugal. Actually, both were the secretaries of Rugal. Iori wanted them to get out of his way, but one of them began attacking him. While he fought the women, the other told Iori that they had been watching over them, and that he would be perfect as their team-mate in the next King of Fighters tournament. Iori stopped, and turned towards the other woman. Iori just smiled and released a maniacal laugh. He said he would help them if they wanted to. "But nobody touches Kyo, he's mine! Mine only!"

The tournament begins, and once again, considers the other fighters as trash, only thinking in his battle against Kyo. His wish comes true as his team will face the Hero Team. Kyo and Iori waited patiently until their turn to fight. Then, Kyo and Iori got their shot. It was a very dramatic battle, with flames bursting everywhere, and so much power released that it was overwhelming! However, the time ran up, and the match ended in a draw. Both fighters were exhausted, but Iori was determined to kill Kyo. Then, the host, Chizuru Kagura, interfered. She said it was useless that the two must kill each other, and instead, must be helping each other in order to eradicate the terrible power that draws nearer. Iori is enraged, and demands that she gets away. But Chizuru takes Kyo away, and disappears. Iori then shouts of madness, and begins to destroy everything around him. He would not be left without killing Kyo, and not by any smartass woman!

Iori immediately searched out Kyo, but when he found him, he suddenly felt that feeling in his blood again. What was that feeling that made him feel so powerful, but at the same time, so painful? When those thoughts cruised Iori's mind, a very strong gush of wind blew him away. When Iori woke up, it was Kyo fighting against a very powerful man. Iori recognized the power as the same that had destroyed Rugal. So, it had to be of Orochi blood! Iori then begins to attack the man called Goenitz. He tells him that only him can take care of Kyo, and he can not interfere! Both fighters battle with all their strength, and Iori even manages to suppress his cursed blood and begin wielding crimson flames. With a final, double crimson blow, Kyo and Iori take out Goenitz, but before he dies, Goenitz tells Iori that he is doomed to serve Orochi as a servant! Iori then bids Goenitz farewell, as he disappears. Iori begins to walk away, and encounters his companions, Mature and Vice, who had let him live in order to kill Goenitz.

However, Iori begins to feel extremely bad, and his blood begins to boil. His eyes get hazy, and he begins coughing blood. The Riot of Blood was in full effect! Going berserk because he can not control the Orochi power. Going crazy, Iori rips through his companions, and continues to walk away, roaring and slashing madly. Nothing was known from Iori up to next year. He had seem to feel the Riot of Blood several times, causing several deaths. Cursing his own weakness, Iori realizes he has been entered in the next King of Fighters tournament of 1997 as a single entry. It must have been Chizuru, thinking he may help her again. Iori just laughs and, since he has no more bothers in his way, he can concentrate on killing Kyo this time! He views the spectacular display of shows and communications, and decides it was the perfect backdrop for Kyo's death.

However, not much later, Iori once again entered the Riot of Blood yet again, and went into a killing rampage. His craziness had reached unsuspected limits, and since Orochi was involved as ever in the tournament, his power grew stronger and stronger. However, he also wasn't too much conscious of what he was doing, allowing the other fighters to submit him, and cooling him down. Iori then loses consciousness. When Iori was sleeping, he receives a message from his ancestors, bidding him to aid Kyo in this final fight against the Orochi. This would rid the dishonor of the Yagami name, and would cleanse their own cursed bloodline. Iori woke up, and almost like if controlled by someone, he walked towards the Orochi awakening spot. He finds Kyo and Chizuru there. They are surprised to see Iori, and he just smiles, and tells them that it is ironic that after so much time of war, they should fight together. Kyo smiles as well, and both go against Orochi. They display their huge strength, as 1800 years ago, and begin to turn the tide in their favor. However, Iori gets controlled by Orochi via the Riot of Blood, but now, Iori will not be easily subdued! He takes a grasp of Orochi, and allows Kyo to punch right through them...

Nobody knows what happened after that faithful battle. However, it seems that Iori and Kyo began their last battle, to see which one prevails...

Iori awakes, surrounded by a strange place. His whole body aches, but that's the less of his worries. Kyo was nowhere to be found. He later knows that nobody knew where he had gone, but Iori knows that Kyo will not be so easily eliminated. So, Iori trains for the main battle against Kyo, now with no one to interfere! One day, two years after the Orochi battle, Iori spots a man identical to Kyo. This has been the moment he has been waiting for all this time!
However, before he can demand a battle request from that man, he suddenly spots other Kyos. Iori is dumbfounded at this finding, and swears he will find the man who dared mess with his eternal rival! Not long after, Iori finds out about the King of Fighters tournament being held again. He senses that the person responsible for the Kyo clonage might behere. Iori takes a hidden role in the tournament, following the battles closely. His trace leads to an underground base, where he finds the REAL Kyo, amidst ascenery of chaos.
A man, the one named Krizalid, lied on the floor smashed by arock. However, Iori takes things easy. He has learned to control his anger. He approaches Kyo, and like always, demands a true fight. This time, it wasn't family rivalry going on. This time, only the feeling of fighting a worthy opponent was the only thing Iori felt...and he was sure Kyo felt the same way. After being shrouded in secrecy for awhile, Iori hears about the rumors of the Nests cartel in action again. However, Iori does not seem too interested, but since Kyo Kusanagi was determined to stop the Nests at any cost, Iori decides that he shouldn't let Kyo die at the hands of Nests, but his own. So, it is determined that once again the two mortal enemies must fight again, side by side, although a bit reluctantly. But what is this ominous feeling that Iori feels in his blood?

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