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Zoids Endless Onslaught

Character And Roleplaying Rules

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This rule section will cover what your character can and can not be like. As is stated in the profile rules, your character's name may not resemble any pop culture or anime character. The name must be your own creation.

However, your character can look however he wants, as long as it fits the world of Zi. Keep in mind not to try to make this planet of Zoids into Earth. Of course, your character is always human, so they can't have powers a super hero would have, and they can't shout "Kamehamea!!!" and expect to shoot out a giant beam of energy. Basically, no powers. Of course, abnormalities in physique can occur. This means stuff which an occur naturally, like great strength or mind power.

When your character is Role Playing (Which is done on our wonderful message board). try to give them a good personality. This helps people get along with the character, and be able to interact with them much better. Oh, and no god-modding. That means that you shouldn't interfere with other characters to much, or drastically change a plot involving another player's character with out their permission (Like mortally wounding them, killing them off, etc). Do, however, feel free to try to make a more epic storyline. Also, don't flame. Us peace-keepers at the boards can tell the difference between flaming and RPing. So, basically, when you're RPing, you can have your character act rudely towards another character, but it better not be aimed at the character's controller.

Remember, if any of these rules are broken, you will be penalized. How badly your discipline will be depends on how severe the crime is.

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