Organoids, which stands for organic zoids, are used to enhance zoids and evolve them. The following will explain both of these things as best as possible. It will also explain how someone goes about getting an Organoid.
Organoids that regularly bond with a zoid enhance various stats of the zoid. These include speed, sensors, and how much damage firepower does. Here are how the stats are modified:
Speed: 30 kilometers per hour added
Sensors: Dependant on sensor
Damage: Twice the damage as normal
However, Organoids can only stay bonded for so long before they must leave the zoid. Further use will result in hurting, or even killing, the Organoid. For an Organoid to stay bonded longer and longer, they must get more experience. At the start, they can only stay bonded for 1 turn. For every 5 battles they go through, they get an extra turn to be bonded. When an Organoid is bonded with a zoid, however, they recieve damage that the zoid they are bonded to recieve. This means that if a zoid CSFs while an Organoid is bonded, the Organoid will be very hurt, and cannot be used for 1 week.
Organoids have the ability to evolve a zoid into an even better zoid. The following will explain how this is done, how long it takes, and the advantages/disadvantages of evolution.
HOW - An Organoid evolves a zoid by experiencing 40 battles. Once this is done, you can only evolve a zoid that is listed further below. You must rp the Organoid starting the evolution in one of the approriate forums. Once the evolution starts, it cannot stop. The organoid and zoid cannot be used during this time.
HOW LONG - All evolutions, unless otherwise specified, take 2 weeks. As stated above, once the evolution starts, it cannot stop, and the Organoid and zoid cannot be used.
ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES - The advantages of evolution are that you get a better zoid that you may normally not be able to get, or that you couldn't get due to certain restrictions. The disadvantages, however, are that an Organoid cannot be used for 1 week after the evolution. Also, all mods bought are lost upon evolution. This means you had better make sure you want to evolve your zoid before you start.
Zoid Evolutions List
Follow the evolutions from left to right. The furthest to the left is the lease evolved. OR(in red) means a zoid could evolve into one or the other.
Elephantus - Mammoth - Elephander
Hammer Rock - Iron Kong - Iron Kong PK
Helcat - Death Cat (Note: This evolution takes 3 weeks)
Merda - Rev Raptor - Diloforce OR Geno Saurer - Geno Breaker OR Berserk Fuhrer (Note: when evolving into Fuhrer, you lose your organoid)
Cannon Fort - DiBison
Blade Liger - LeoMaster - Liger Zero OR Liger Zero X (Note: in both cases, you lose your organoid)
Gun Sniper - Snipe Master
Geruder - Mad Thunder(Note: Evolving to this level takes 3 weeks) - Mad Thunder MKII
Red Horn - Dark Horn
Saber Tiger - Great Sabre
Garius - Godos OR Iguan OR Spinosapper - Dead Border
Spinosapper - Gordos (Note: This evolution takes 3 weeks) - Gordos MKII
Zeek Dober - Ice Blazer
You can only get an organoid one way, by winning one. Competitions will be held at random. Anyone may join in, but there can only be minimum of 10 pilots in the competition. Do not ask for one. If you ask too many times, you will be marked to not get an organoid.
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