Ryn Farstrider
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Ryn Farstrider
Name: Ryn Farstrider
Age: 21
Zoids: Merda, Lidier, Blade Liger
AIM: neondragoneyes
Bio:I was living out in the desert, semi-nomadic. I made my living scavenging, repairing, selling and upgrading. I even took on jobs as a mercenary, after finding an abandoned zoid, that I fixed up. Now, Mercing is my main business. Hey, it pays more. I still scavenge and salvage, though. I get good parts from that, which I can use to upgrade my own zoids or sell off to the hightest bidder. It's all business. No personal feelings here, fellah.
Weight:165 lbs
Eyes:Steel Grey
Hair:Sandy Brown/Blonde
Description:Lean and muscular from a nomadic desert life, my skin is bronze tanned, and my facial features firm and angular. My hair is cropped at the top of the ears, and parted down the middle. Light stubble covers my face in patches. I wear a circular piece of bone carved with a totem animal, a falcon, tied around my head with a leather thong and dangling in the center of my forehead, leather leggings and moccasins. A long, curved dagger made entirely of bone is sheathed on the outside of each thigh, below where the leg and hip meet. All of these are mimentos of my former desert life.