Team Battles-Based on two person team. Turn may be altered to include more than two people, or less than two.
Judge Comes down.
Team names, pilot names, zoid names, and modifications stated.
Dice rolled to choose team.
Dice rolled to choose team A first player.
Dice rolled to choose team B first player.
Team A-1 turn.
Team A-2 turn.
Team B-1 turn.
Team B-2 turn.
Team B-1 turn.
Team B-2 turn.
Team A-1 turn.
Team A-2 turn.
All team members must be defeated for opposing team to win.
If a player was defeated, it would look like this.
Team A-1 turn.
Team B-1 turn.
Team B-2 turn.
Team B-1 turn.
Team B-2 turn.
Team A-1 turn.
So, basically, there turn is skipped. During these blank spaces, a Zoid may return to the carrier to switch parts or Organoids. They can even switch Zoids, but the harmed one WILL STILL MAINTAIN IT'S DAMAGE.
$2500 per team member present fighting in a battle will be transfered to the team's account. If a/a f ew member(s) is disqualified during the match, his money is NOT EARNED, and will therefore NOT BE PRESENTED. These disqualifications will also not take away any damage done to a Zoid.
If a team Zoid is used, then it may be used by all required pilots of a team in play. However, each time a pilot uses a Zoid, it does not count as a turn. One Turn Set (Both teams going, and judging) counts as one turn for the Zoid.
Absolutely NO WEAPONS OR OTHER ACESSORIES may be shared between team members, or any other pilots, for that matter. Zoids, however, may be used shared within a team if an owner gives their blessing on it.
Team members may battle each other, and will still hold a personel fund. The team fund may be used for team matters only, and only with the consent of all team members. Money may be transfered between the two accounts, but money may only be taken out of the team account with permission from the team members.
Team Damage will be given at the end of battle by the judge, and the repairs will take a half day per member. Round up any decimals (1.5 days=2 days). This money will be taken out of the team account, and no other fund.
Every team must make a topic in the Team Forum to keep accurate track of members and all their info., team funds, battle (Number, and win-lose ratio), parts, Transportation method, and organoids.
Teams will be presented with a transport once formed, cortousy of the ZBC.
No more than half of a team may use a specialty Zoid in battle.
No more than half of a team may use an Organoid on the same turn.
Be warned that friendly fire DOES EXIST. This means that even pilots on the same team can cause damage to each other, whether the hit is intentional or unintentional.
Dont forget these important rules
1. A team may have no more then 8 pilots, and no less then 2. Remember this, as any team with less then the minimum is at risk of being deleted.
2. As long as permission is granted by other pilots, all Zoids may be shared throughout a team. You may not, however, let people of another team borrow Zoids.
3. Keeping up with the first team rule, if you do not have 2 member upon requesting a team, you will not get your request.
4. When requesting a team, keep the name of it clean. Don't request something that includes vulgar or offensive language.
This concludes the rules of Teams in battle. Please keep all of this in mind when battling in a team. |