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Death Stinger

Name: Death Stinger
Level: Specialty
Height:(tail out) 4.6 meters,(tail up) 10.7 meters
Length:(tail out) 28.8 meters,(tail up) 19.4 meters
Weight: 320 tons
Full Speed: 185 kilometers per hour, 72 Knots(in water)
Weapons: Super Charged Particle Cannon, twin AZ930mm mortar cannons, quad AZ120mm beam cannons, quad forward-facing AZ35mm cannons, twin concealed AZ105mm cannons, hardened-alloy armor plating and claws, retractable cutter blades


Literally unstoppable, the Death Stinger is the ultimate zoid. Very good speed on land for it's size, and even better speed in water. An incredibly powerful shield just above the surface of the thickest armor on Zi. It carries a ridiculous amount of firepower, including the largest and most powerful SCPC there is.
As with any zoid with an CPC like weapon, it takes two turns to fire. However, the Death Stinger doesn't require footlocks due to its massive weight. All it has to do is stand still, charge the tail mounted SCPC, and fire.

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