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Command Wolf AC

Alignment: Republican
Registration Number: RZ-042
Height: 10 Meters
Length: 14.7 Meters
Weight: 66 Tons
Top Speed: 200 Kilometers Per Hour
Weapons: Twin 80mm Cannons (CP-04 Attack Unit)
Special Abilities: Quad rear-facing smokescreen dispensors


This is the command wolf most commonly used in the Republic the diffrence is the wolf would be painted a silver instead of a dark Blue. Command Wolves are good ZOids to have. They are perfect to pulling of Strategies in the middle of a battle. But because of its Small Size in close combat against say a liger the Wolf stands no chance.

Executing Special Abilities:
Quad Smoke Dischargers
Mounted above the rear legs of the Command Wolf AC are two sets of twin barreled smokestacks. When activated, these stacks release large amounts of very thick smoke which can quickly permiate the error, hindering a Zoid's vision and serves to camaflouge the Command Wolf.

Price: 15,000 Zenni