Nation of Gods and Earths B.C

These first statements are just facts that will have nothing to do with the majority of this Truth

During when lynching brothas was on the rise they would have a game or gathering-picnic and they would call it "Pic a Nigga" which later became shortened to Picnig and then you know how words are misheard, so it's very well easy that picnic was misheard for picnig. Another word that I found out awhile ago was the origin of the word Negro. It goes back to the ancient Greek in which the word Necro which means dead, comes from. Back then the Greeks looked at Blacks as Being "living dead," so they would called them "necro," which became negro. To add on I have been doing the knowledge to the word nick name after thought of all of the people who saw nick names as Now Cipher, so I thought that nick names may hold a similar history correlating to the new chosen names for the slaves. The were given new names and as we all know, they used the word "nigger" and just as the hick dialect has shown us, words sound differently from a less educated person, so "nigger name" could have evolved into nick name.

Nation of Gods and Earths

There are several brothers and sisters that have the assumption that the idea that the Original Man is God Understood by the Nation of Gods and Earths is a new Idea. These people are the same ones that go through life listening to the so-called "Gospel" and taking it at face value. This sections purpose is to show that the Nation of Gods and Earths has always and will always be here! Several Biblical names have the "El" at the end of them like MichaEL, angEL, EzikiEL, UriEL, ZadkiEL, JophiEL, RaphaEL, ChamuEL, HaniEL, KamaEL, AzreaiEL, RaziEL, AzraEL, ShaddiEL, AnaEL, ImmanuEL, AzakEL (look in the Bible: Leviticus 16 and see the story of the word scapegoat) ZachariEL, OriphEL, LamaEL, EmmanuEL, IsraEL, ELam (Iranian Powerful and first strong city) GariEL (this one really got me interested when I heard he is responsible for sending the oral Qu'ran to Mohommed) I did the Knowledge to this. El means God in ancient Hebrew and El (Anu) was the high God of On-a city-state of Ur. Ur and El are the origins of the archangEL UriEL. The Canaanites once worshipped a God by the name of Il. Il is the forerunner of the God El. The Canaanites were the founders the Judiac religion. They are the descendants of Ethiopians. The Ethiopians are also the fathers and mothers of Khem. Elohim is plural for El and tribes in Ur called themselves Elohim (the Gods) Take Gabriel this means Gabri=Power and El=God, so Power God. Take IsraEL which means he who struggles with God, he is Ra, ancient Khemtic God of Sun because Israel is also Is Ra El? So it's as if someone is asking Is Ra El, so you see it is a known fact that Israel and Khem (Tawy) have fought amongst each other; Immanuel means God is with us or with us is God, this was predicted as Being Isa (Jesus's) name; AzreaiEL means fallen angel or god; and in Persian theology there was Messaeil/Messaeh-EL which means Messiah God. Before going on I will also observe the archangels: SandalphON and MetatrON, going back to the the city-state On you will see that these are still manifestations of these God's home, (similiar to an Earth coming in the name of Asia) I'm sure Angel can be found having something to do with True because like the Alphabet said True or Square because a Squares angles are Right and Exact or True; also angel has been attributed to many of these righteous names, making them all True Gods, so all of these names are manifestations or attributes (Divine names) of men (Gods) just like we do today in the Nation of Gods and Earths. These little Devils Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones were added by Mythology with their Cupids, Pans, and so on. According to Christian theology, these are The Seven Spiirits Of God:(1) The Spirit Of Wisdom, (2) The Spirit Of Understanding, (3) The Spirit Of Counsel, (4) The Spirit Of Power, (5) The Spirit Of Knowledge (Knowing Self), (6) The Spirit Of Righteousness, And (7) The Spirit Of Divine. Here Spirit can be replaced by Plane. Any member of the Nation of Gods and Earths knows that this sounds like a grafted version of the Supreme Mathematics. I have found that Asia comes from the word Asu which means Sun and any land that ends with 'ia' means that is the "Land of" because this is what 'ia' translates to, so in retrospect it is "Land of the Rising Sun." Two more example are Ethiopia which means Land of the Burnt Faces, Ethic (Burn) and Oi (Faces) and India which is Land of the Shindu which was and is a river there that is very important to their system. The name because of enunciation and pronunciation differences between tribes became Hindu, the "S" was hard to say with time the "H" was left off and the area became the Indus Valley which was indirectly named after the the Shindu River. Indus Valley encompased more than India, but this is what this area came to be know as "The Land of The Indus (Shindu). Other examples are, Asia, Russia, Persia (Iran), Arabia, Mesopotamia (Iraq), Manchuria, Georgia (not the one in so-called America), Indonesia, Ethiopia, Cambodia (Kampuchea), Austria, Australia, Phoenicia (north of Palestine), Yugoslavia, Syria, Assyria, Babylonia, Albania, Abyssinia, Nubia, and so on. The Jewish Kabbalah (Quaballah) also has many similarities to the Science. It is impossible to escape the Science of Reality and Life.

Let's look at other similarities in ancient times and the Nation of Gods and Earths by breaking down the Yogism and Jainism.

The Training Course of the Yogi (one that practices Yoga):

1. Self-Control (yama)-The practice of of non-violence, Truthfulness, chastity, and the avoidance of greed.

This is aligned with Being a Poor Righteous Teacher.

2. Observance (niyama)-To create awareness of the above principle.

The Nation of Gods and Earths adheres to finding the Truth by Looking, Listening, and Observing. Not by accepting on good credit, chance, or blind faith. Life is a serious matter not to be toyed with. Beware of Tricknowledge.

3. Postures (asana)-Sitting in certain postures of which there are 840,000; 84 are major. They condition the body and prepare it for meditation.

4. Breath Control (pranayama)-It is said that a Yogi guages his life not by the number of breaths he takes. In pranayama the breath is controlled and the respiration is forced into bio-dynamic rhythims which are believed to be of great spiritual [mental] value.

These are both parts of meditation and meditation is in no way chisled into the Science of Islam, but the Asiatic Blackman is God not a god and he should never pray to anyone or anything or be prayed to. Therefore, some of us will meditate which is not submission, only oneness with Self and that which may have seperated. In other Words, it is refining the Mind by fusing Higher Self with Lower Self. This is not saying the Original Man's body is below his Mind in righteousness, only place and priority. Mind over Matter.

5. Restraint (pratyahara)-Sense withdrawl; this involves disciplining the sense organs (hearing, sight, smell, and etc..)so to take no note of their perceptions and thereby curtail temptations of these organs ,.i.e., food, sex, intoxicants, etc....

When first reading this, one may think it goes in opposition of what The Nation of Gods and Earths teach. Looking closer one will see that, that is not True. This principle is not saying to ignore these senses for these are the seven gates (mouth, two nostrils, two ears, and two eyes) to the Supreme Mind. This principle or Yoga Degree is stating that the Original Man consist of Five (Power) senses and he must make sure these senses are Refined, so not to give into lust, greed, anger, and envy. This is the Power of the Five Percent.

6. Steading the Mind (dharana) Cultivating the ability to focus on one object for a length of Time, so as to develop profound skills of concentration.

First remember that the Original Man is the Asiatic Blackman, Maker, Creator, Cultivater...., so you see he is the greatest and only cultivater. This is also compared to the Gods and Earths focusing on there lessons within a Building Cipher.

7. Meditation (dhyana)-When the object of the concentration is engulfed by the entire Mind.

The Supreme Mind, The Elemental, Allah's Mind, The Universe.

8. Deep Meditation (sanadhi)-The whole personality is dissolved temporarily, Superconsciousness.

Knowledge of Self, Knowing who you really are consciously and unconsiously.

Principles of the Jain

1. The Qualities of Matter-The Universe is a living organism, but imperishable in it's essence.

The Universe is U AND I.

2. The Mask of Personality-Personality is derived from the Latin word persona which literally means the mask worn over the face. One must seperate the True Self from the personality (the mask).

Knowlegde of Self without trying to be something one is not.

3. The Cosmic Man-Materialized spirit is the First Man, Spirit is eternal and the Universe, Being permeated within and without , never had a beginning and will never end.

First let's look at the Word Spirit. There are those who are confused with it's meaning. Spirit is another word for Breathe that gives Life. When we Speak we Breath and Spirit came to mean Words or Wisdom. Wisdom brings Understanding or the Blackchild which is Life. Wisdom is the acting Force of Knowledge, so the Original Man is this Cosmic Man mentioned here because he is symbolic to Knowledge and is animated Knowledge. This goes to the Student Enrollment (Knowledge Degree and also the Born Degree) Also Holy means Pure or untampered with, so Holy Spirit is Pure Wisdom.

4. The Doctrine of Bondage-Karma or the law of causation-every cause has its effect, every effect has it's cause and everything happens according to law. Chance (luck) is but a name for a law not yet recognized. In Biblical terms this may be seens as an eye for an eye and as ye sow so shall ye reap.

This is what the Science of Life is based on. Everything is Science and no time should be wasted searching for that which is not Scientiftic because it does not exist. This is called Bondage and tell me what happens if your Word is not Bond? The effects will depend on certain factors because your Word is Bond to your Life, so if one fails one can be taken.

5. The Doctrine of Release-The progress to purity, Self detachment, and finally Enlightenment.

This is a New Born sheding his unrighteous lower Self and Being Enlightened within the ways of Islam.


Egyptian (Khemtian)

1. Rupa, body, or element of form

1. Kha, body.

2. Prana, or Jiva, the breath of life

2. Ba, the soul of breath.

3. Astral body

3. Khabs, the shade.

4. Manus, or Intelligence

4. Akhu, Intelligence or Perception

5. Khama-Rupa, or animal soul

5. Seb, ancestral soul.

6. Buddhi, or spiritual soul

6. Putah, the first intellectual father.

7. Atma, pure spirit

7. Atmu, a divine, or eternal soul.
These are all Manifestations that have been tampered with and mixed. Other examples come from the Kybalion which tells us that Eastern thought split the body into seven regions or chakras, and that each region was responsible for an aspect of life. The first quote is, "All is Mind, the Universe is Mental," and that the region responsible for this is the Crown division or the head and it is controlled by the pituitary gland. The second quote is, "So; above, so below; as below, so above." This idea has been stolen by western thought in the practices of witchcraft. It's region is called the Brow region, which is the center of enlightenment. It goes on to say that the Brow houses the Pineal gland which produces the fuel for this activity, which is melatonin (I feel that the resemblence to melanin is astounding) The third concept is that; "Nothing rest; everything moves; everything vibrates," and this is the Throat chakra, in which its center is the thyroid gland the producer of thyroxin. The third principle says, "Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites like and unlike are the same; opposies are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." This is said to be at the heart, which manifests the Thymus in producing T-cells. My understanding of this is this. the T-cells are the immune force of the human body, which is used to protect of from physical illness; however, as we know it impossible to completely separate the mind from the body, so this is really dealing with the blind, death, and dumb who are not cultivating themselves like they should. This is basically also dealing with causation. The next quote says that; "Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to thr right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates." This is called the Naval chakra, which regulates food and stress, in the Solar Plexus making Hydrocortisone. Before I sat this, that these ideas came long before Western science, so it says,"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; Chance is but a nakme of a law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law." The spleen, the producer of macrophages is at the center of this divisioon. The final quote says that, "Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; Gender manifests on all planes." And obviously the center of these principles is the uterus and male phalus. This is where the division between God and Earth comes into play. Other sciences are the orignal Understanding of the term Buddha and of Tao (pronounced dow) To my understanding their were seven Buddhas and anyone could become a Buddha through cultivation of the soul, which was brought by having a very strong moral character, and knowledge of Self. Buddha simply means enlightened. After the concept of Buddha there was developed the concept of Tao, which means, the Way. Both of these ideas were originally based on Science. Buddha was Knowledge and Tao was Wisdom, which is the Way. But as we know, sciences become religions in the midst of confusion, and in this confusion opposition is next. This was the case with so-called Buddhism (or the religion of Buddha) and Tao. Was also the case between other Eastern though such as Shinto, but Confucianism is like Christianity because it is based on worship of a man. The Orientals and South Asians )Africans) not only shared the AMP (Asiatic Mode of Production, but they also shared many other concepts. In the Ibos of Nigeria the concept called Chi was a word the meant a personal god. When this term traveled to China and met our Original neighbors, the word was changed to mean, the power or strength within. As we know we have recieved many concepts from the East. For example the entire site of Washington Dc is patterned after anceint Khem. The Lincoln Monument is taken from Ramses temple. The Wasington Monument is take from the obelsik or mastaba used to represent Auser (Osiris) The word alchemy and chemistry come from the word Khem or Chem the anceint name of Egypt.
Hotep, Shalom, Salaam, and all that God stuff.

Bible Build (soon to come, will add on as I read)


Secular Web

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