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Equality Can Be Explained By Viewing The Yin-Yang.

As YOU Can Clearly Cee, It Has The Yin(The Dark Part) Which Contains A Portion of The Yang(The Light Part). In Contrast, The Yang Also Contains A Part of The Yin. The Yin Is The Masculine & The Yang Is The Feminine. Cee, Many In The World Confuse The Yin & Yang By Labeling It As Good vs Evil, Dark vs Light, etc, etc... This Is Not So. The Yin-Yang Is A Cipher of Equality Between Man & Woman. As You Can Clearly Cee, Each Contain A Portion of The Other Making Each Other Complete & Whole. The Man Is Not Complete Without The Woman & Vise-Versa. In Retrospect, It Is The Woman That Borns This Phenomonon of KNOWLEDGE WISDOM UNDERSTANDING. So, Equality(In The Essence of 120) Is The Original Woman or More Commonly Known As The BlackWoman.